Bishop and Chapter

Project 2045 Final Report

Project 2045 Final Report

Our task force was formed last spring to develop recommendations that would lead to important and farreaching decisions respecting the future of the Cathedral and Memorial Hall in relation to the congregation’s worship, ministry, fellowship and operational needs. As our congregation looks ahead to 2045 – the 200th anniversary of the date the Cathedral’s cornerstone […]

Giving Policy at Christ Church Cathedral

Giving Policy at Christ Church Cathedral

Perhaps the first question that will be asked: “Why does Christ Church Cathedral need a giving policy?” Every organization with the privilege of being considered a registered charity needs a giving policy. The Canadian Revenue Agency grants charitable status to organizations that meet very strict requirements. Churches, at least at the moment, are among them. […]

Bishop and Chapter News – February 2019

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 11 February 2019 with twelve members present. Minutes of the 21 January were adopted. An article, “Joyful Stewardship” by Linda Buskirk (Episcopal Church Foundation) was discussed. The Chapter agreed on the value of developing a stewardship statement to help guide a culture of joyful stewardship in the future Business […]