Bishop and Chapter met 02 April 2020 by video conference. While communication among members has been frequent this was its first formal meeting since February. 12 of 14 members were present including newest member Victoria Hachey.
Business Arising
Approval of February minutes deferred. Recommendations pending re coffee time for 10:00 a.m. Sunday worship, Restoration Fund by-law and narrative budget for 2021.
From the Dean
During Coronavirus crisis over 20 pastoral visits by phone. Working closely with the Bishop on Sunday worship via YouTube. As is normal, composing and circulating regular Sunday bulletins, podcasting worship and sermons. Daily Offices continue, most remotely. Planning for Holy Week and Easter Day. Communication with staff members, some of whom are able to do most or more of their normal work from home. Guiding implementation of a new VOIP phone system for Hall and Cathedral which will cost less with more features. Facilitating online tools that can be used by various Cathedral groups to conduct normal business during this crisis and into the future. Many phone calls and on-line Cathedral and diocesan meetings. Challenging times learning new ways.
Housing First - Executive Committee is authorized to continue discussions with City of Fredericton leading to the signing of a legal 'purchase and sale agreement' that will transfer to us for $1.00 a lot at the corner of Regent and Albert Streets. The Chapter recognizes that the current financial situation may impact governments' ability to deliver the necessary financial and human resources as originally planned.
Property - Cathedral and Hall closed, heat turned down but being monitored regularly. New circulating pump ordered for Cathedral hot water heating system. Flood watch is on.
Communication - Various tools being used to inform and support congregation members - Caremongering Cathedral Group on Facebook, phone calls to those not online, a newsletter (Cathedral Connections) coming soon with Cathedral stories and information during the crisis. Overall, the congregation is appreciative of being kept informed.
Health and Pastoral Care - Our most vulnerable congregants are being personally monitored by phone and with selected visits by our parish nurses and others to ensure they are looked after, safe and healthy during the crisis. Normal pastoral visits not possible at hospitals, care facilities and homes.
Worship - The Committee has not met. It is positive that the Cathedral is being used for on-line services intended for a diocesan audience, and several of our people are involved.
Christian Formation - Thursday Taizé worship has been well-received with on-line participants. Some Lenten studies and Charis groups have continued to meet on-line. Possibility of on-line Godly Play activities is being considered.
Mission and Outreach - A modified Monday drop-in (4th Monday) continues. Participants grateful for grocery vouchers. Health and safety rules are being followed. Housing First committee is awaiting news. Cathedral is participating in discussions by L'Arche Fredericton that is planning for a new group home in the city. Just announced that volunteer teams at Community Kitchen will not be needed during the crisis.
Finance and Administration - Treasurer reported that there has been a significant drop in weekly offerings, but that for now our bank balance is sufficient to cover monthly expenses at least until May. Our monthly fixed costs total approximately. $35,000 even with the deferment by synod 'shared ministry' contribution. Eligibility criteria for government support programs. Stewardship Team will communicate about giving.
Next Meeting
• 20 April 2020 by video conference
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