Cathedral Faces: Geoffrey Hall, Dean

As part of our Cathedral Faces series, we are sharing biographies of our clergy and staff members. These dedicated individuals contribute a lot to our community, in ways seen and unseen, and we are thankful for their work.

Geoffrey Hall has been Dean of Fredericton since September 2014. As a priest of the Diocese of Fredericton, he is the appointed priest at Christ Church Cathedral and serves a canonical role in the Diocese outlined in Canon Four s.5 and in the Bishop and Chapter By-Law.

Geoffrey holds a BEd (Major-Secondary Environmental Studies, Minor-General Science) from the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton (1986) and was admitted to the degree of Master of Divinity (MDiv) at Atlantic School of Theology (1990). In the Diocese he has served in the parishes of St. Phillip's, Moncton, Central Kings, St. Paul, the Tobique, Grand Bay, Ketepec, as Archdeacon of St. Andrews (2001-2003) and was Diocesan Archdeacon and Executive Assistant to Bishop Claude Miller (2003-2014).

Originally from Woodstock NB, Geoffrey is married to Kelley and feels called particularly to ministries of Christian proclamation and faith development. He enjoys music and the casual study of things technological, especially that which enables and enhances communication. When not attending to the duties of ministry, spending time with family (two grandchildren!), experimenting with some of what is possible with computer-based technology and the internet and making a bit of wine all keep him more than occupied.

Cathedral Faces: Kirsten McKnight, Office Administrator

As part of our Cathedral Faces series, we are sharing biographies of our staff members and clergy. These dedicated individuals contribute a lot to our community, in ways seen and unseen, and we are thankful for their work.

Kirsten McKnight is passionate about creating positive change through community collaboration and inclusiveness.

She holds a B.A. from Memorial University of Newfoundland (History and Political Science) and an LL.B. from the University of New Brunswick. She spent 15 years working as a consultant for The Quaich Inc. with a variety of non-profit organizations on health promotion initiatives, communications and event planning; most notably, the Atlantic Summer Institute on Healthy and Safe Communities, Special Olympics PEI, the Canadian Breast Cancer Network, the Public Health Agency of Canada's Canadian Breast Cancer Initiative, and the New Brunswick Breast and Women's Cancer Partnership. In her personal life, Kirsten has volunteered with a number of youth-focused community groups.

Born in Ontario, Kirsten has lived in five provinces and her strongest roots are in Newfoundland, where most of her extended family lives. Her family owns a record company specializing in traditional Newfoundland music, Avondale Music. Fun fact: in university, she spent several years on-air at the MUN campus radio station. She met her husband Brad, a Pharmacist from PEI, at MUN. They have lived in Fredericton since 2002 and have two daughters: Claire and Charlotte.

Kirsten has grown in faith as part of the Cathedral’s church family: through worship, as a member of the Communications Committee, a Belize mission team member (2013), and a volunteer for programs and events. As Office Administrator, she also sits on the Finance and Administration Committee.

She joined the Cathedral staff in the fall of 2020, following the retirement of longtime Office Administrator Fran Miles. In the course of her duties, Kirsten produces digital and print communications, acts as a liaison between the Cathedral and community organizations, assists Cathedral groups with tasks as-needed, and provides records management and financial assistance. She enjoys meeting people as the front-line contact in the office.

She feels blessed to be a part of the Cathedral’s staff, helping to connect the community for God’s purposes.

Angels wanted for display at Christmas Tea

Do you have Christmas angel decorations? Share your ‘host’ of angels, a single ‘lovely’ or a bevy of the ’littlest’ for an angel display that will be enjoyed by guests attending a Christmas Tea hosted by the Anglican Church Women.

Join the festivities! Celebrate the coming of the Christmas season with Cathedral members and friends. Tea and sweets will be provided at this event hosted by the Anglican Church Women on Wednesday, 07 December, 2:00-4:00 p.m. in Cathedral Memorial Hall. All ages are welcome to attend to enjoy conversation, sweets and the angel display. At the event, masks are encouraged when not eating.

As in past years, the ACW will collect items for the Grace House women's shelter. Personal care items are requested, as well as donations which can be used to purchase items.

Please drop off your angel(s) at the Cathedral Office between 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon weekdays, or contact Jennifer Griffiths <jmmgriffiths at>. If possible, deliver angels by Tuesday, 06 December so the decorating team can display them in advance of the Tea. Please label your angels so they can be returned.

Help us support a local school lunch program

Thank you for your support! Click here to read an update on the program.

For 'Giving Tuesday' this year, we've chosen a community outreach project - can we count on your support?

We hope to raise at least $500 towards a December $2000 commitment to a local school lunch program at Montgomery Street School, which has a number of children in need. Can you help? Donate to this project online using our Giving Tuesday donation page, or use an envelope marked "school lunch program". Donations will receive a tax receipt.

The elementary school is located up the hill from Christ Church Cathedral, beside the University of New Brunswick and St. Thomas University. The Cathedral Bishop and Chapter approved a donation in 2021 to assist with its lunch program, provide winter clothing to students in need, and assist in the creation of sensory rooms for children with developmental needs. We hope to continue supporting Montgomery Street School's lunch program for children in need, and hope that you will feel called to help.

Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement which takes place each year after the retail sale days of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The “opening day of the giving season,” it’s a time when charities, companies and individuals rally for favourite causes, encouraging people to give to charitable causes to transform their communities and the world.

We're pleased to help children in need in our neighbourhood. Christ Church Cathedral also provides community support with regular Monday Outreach events, providing space for community social programming, and hosting and encouraging the performing arts.

Cathedral Faces: Kurt Schmidt, Director of Christian Formation

As part of our Cathedral Faces series, we are sharing biographies of our staff members and clergy. These dedicated individuals contribute a lot to our community, in ways seen and unseen, and we are thankful for their work.

Born in Illinois but raised in Littleton, Colorado, Kurt Schmidt has lived in Fredericton since 2006.  He holds a bachelor’s degree from Colorado College (1997—major in Mathematics, minor in African Studies) and an MEd from the Institute for Humane Education in Surry, Maine (2011).

Kurt considers himself an educator at heart, and has spent the last 15 years working as a teacher in diverse contexts and at various levels.  Kurt’s own spiritual journey includes formative periods among his Jesuit teachers and mentors in high school, with monastic friends during university, and alongside members of L’Arche communities in both Canada and the United States.

A lover of music, dogs, poetry and soccer (the real football!), Kurt lives in downtown Fredericton with his wife Catherine (an occupational therapist) and daughter Rachel.

Kurt says he is honoured and blessed to be part of the Staff Team as Director of Christian Formation, serving God and the dynamic Cathedral congregation.

When Kurt was chosen for the position in 2017, we posted an article which described the role as "a turning point for the Cathedral congregation. Kurt’s title is not 'youth leader,' 'teacher,' or 'Sunday School Superintendent.' First and foremost Kurt’s role will be to facilitate, using an intergenerational approach to ministry, opportunities for us to learn from one another. Together, we will help to form, shape, mould and conform one another in Christian faith. Kurt’s job is to help make that happen in our midst."

To learn more about what brought Kurt to Fredericton and the Anglican Church, read Gisele McKnight's article, Kurt Schmidt: My Journey Here, originally published in the NB Anglican. It's an interesting story, which begins, "Had it not been for a conversation with a nun from Chicago, Kurt Schmidt might never had ended up in Fredericton"...


Choose your own ADVENT-ure 2022

Happy New Year! — The new Church year is upon us!

 Why not add something to your devotional life to mark a fresh start?

Choose from the following list of diverse opportunities on the Advent weekdays to deepen your prayer and/or study and/or worship.  You are encouraged and invited to add at least one new Advent-ure to your schedule this year!

*** Events begin after the first Sunday of Advent (27 November, 2022) ***


  • So What About the Bible (Anyway)? Reflective study on the nature and purpose(s) of the biblical scriptures. Led by Cheryl Jacobs. In-person and livestreamed (hybrid), 2:00-3:00 p.m. from the Boardroom of Cathedral Memorial Hall.
    * Please reserve your ‘seat’ with Cheryl or Kurt.



  • December—Month of Miracles: Advent 2022 Talks with retired Bishop Bill Hockin and musical guests.
    7 December - “A Friend Who Changes Everything”
    14 December - “Miracles on the Margin”
    * 12:15-1:00 p.m., Christ Church (Parish) Church


  • Virtual Taizé worship: A simple and contemplative half hour of scripture, prayer, and song. 5:30pm start.
    1 and 15 December on Zoom
    8 and 22 December in-person and livestreamed from Christ Church Cathedral
    * Link through the Cathedral Calendar or from Kurt.


  • Adoratio: A simple and contemplative, Celtic-flavoured half hour of scripture, prayer(s) and quiet in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. 5:30 p.m., Christ Church Cathedral Side (Lady) Chapel.
    * Just drop in!


  • Divine Office: Regular (and brief) daily prayer, each weekday in the Cathedral. Morning Prayer at 8:45 a.m., Evening Prayer at 4:45 p.m.
    * Just drop in!
  • Divine Comedy: Reflective study of Dante’s poetic masterpiece. Led by Alan Hall. Thursday evenings, 7:00-8:00 p.m., Cathedral Memorial Hall Lounge.
    * Just drop in!
  • Holy Eucharist: Wednesday mornings, 10:00 a.m. in the Cathedral.


Questions or expressions of interest can be communicated to Cathedral Director of Christian Formation, Kurt Schmidt by email <formation at> or by phone/text to (506) 259-3711. Thank you, and Advent Blessings!

Advent candles are available from Mothers’ Union after 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. worship on November 20 and 27. The cost is $20 for a set of five candles and the booklet 'Celebrating Advent at Home.’ Candle sets can also be ordered by contacting Susan Watson <bagel.watson at>.

Valuable contributions

The Cathedral Outreach Committee sincerely thanks the congregation for fulfilling all 50 Christmas Angel requests by the November 14th deadline. Pictured are just a few of the toys and stocking stuffers delivered to the food bank to make sure needy children will have gifts under the tree this Christmas. Well done, everyone!

The toys were delivered recently to the Greener Village Food Bank. Client Services manager Chris Fougère happily accepted the donation to help needy families in Fredericton. The estimated value of the 50 Christmas Angels is $1,700 this year.

Did you miss getting an angel from the Cathedral, or would you like to help more children? Greener Village typically sets up an Angel Tree in the Regent Mall, so watch for it.

Another option for Christmas giving is to write a cheque payable to Christ Church Cathedral and indicate Christmas Outreach on the memo line. Deliver your cheque to the Cathedral office by December 16. As in past years, these funds will be divided equally among the Fredericton Homeless Shelters, Women in Transition House Inc. and the Fredericton Community Kitchens.

Cathedral Faces: Deacon Debbie Edmondson

As part of our Cathedral Faces series, we are sharing biographies of our clergy and staff members. These dedicated individuals contribute a lot to our community, in ways seen and unseen, and we are thankful for their work.

Born in Ottawa, Ontario, Debbie grew up in Keswick Ridge, New Brunswick, where she still makes her home with Phillip, her husband of 45+ years. They have two sons and daughters-in-law and four grandchildren, who are a tremendous source of joy.

She is a life-long Anglican, with, as she describes, “a well rounded Ecumenical background.” Drawing on her rural roots, she leads workshops and retreats with humour and a down to earth sense of the sacred. Debbie was ordained as a Vocational Deacon on 01 February 2009. She completed training in Spiritual Direction with the Haden Institute in conjunction with Mount Carmel Spiritual Center in Niagara Falls in 2014.

She is employed as a Spiritual Care Practitioner at Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital. She has always been involved with her church community through groups and activities from teaching Sunday School to serving on Vestry to being a Layreader and then being called to Ordained Ministry, which she feels is an ongoing learning and awakening experience. She is the Diocesan Representative for the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer and is also a member of the Diocesan Spiritual Development Team. She has volunteered with the Fredericton Homeless Shelters, and also was a volunteer reader with AMI-Accessible Media Inc.

Everywhere Holy

Everywhere Holy
By Kara Lawlor
Thomas Nelson Publications / 2019 / 224 pages

Sitting with this book in my lap as I try to write a book review - a task I haven’t undertaken since Grade 12 - I am enjoying these unexpected balmy November days. I’m looking at the still pink hydrangea from my seat on the couch and reflecting on the still blooming sweet peas that I can see from my kitchen window.

The truth is I can also see the barren branches of a normal November and the squishy yellow Hosta leaves that need cleaning up. And therein lies the basis of Everywhere Holy by Kara Lawler.

Kara Lawler is a writer and teacher whose work has been featured on the Huffington Post and Parenting magazine. She and her husband and two children live on a farm in the Allegheny Mountains of Pennsylvania.

Everywhere Holy is a very easy read and the message contained therein is simple- we can see God everywhere. We just have to be open to looking.

-- by Gail MacGillivray

Publisher's Description:

Popular writer and blogger Kara Lawler shows how to embrace the sacred in mundane, ordinary life--and in the process, discover themselves. Life doesn't have to be lived on grand mountaintops for it to be meaningful. We can see God at work right where we are: in our ordinary and mundane routines, in the faces of our family and friends, and--especially--in nature. In beautiful prose, Lawler describes the unique sacredness found in God's creation and offers fifteen inspiring insights for cultivating it day-to-day. She encourages you to make this lifestyle change through the observance of small acts. In so doing, you will discover a holy space that honors God and the life you’ve been given--and will discover yourself and your unique place in the holy that is everywhere, whether it’s in the woods behind your house or in the face of a stranger on a bus in a busy city. No matter where you are, there is holy free for the taking. 

Diocesan Synod held at the Cathedral

On Saturday, 05 November, the 138th Diocesan Synod was held at the Cathedral.

Read about the busy and productive day in an article written for the NB Anglican, by Gisele McKnight. Almost 300 attendees prayed together and worked together, considering Bishop David Edwards' charge which focused on the need for discernment of future ministry.

The video below, showing scenes from Synod, was created by Cathedral congregation member Helen Liang and features photos from a variety of sources.