Memoirs: Archbishop Harold Nutter

'It Remains for Me to Say', a book containing the memoirs of Archbishop Harold Lee Nutter is available for purchase at the Diocesan Synod Office for $28 (plus postage if required). Drop by the Synod Office upstairs in Memorial Hall, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. or email <office at> for details. The book, edited by Archbishop Nutter’s son Andrew (Bruce) Nutter, tells a fascinating story of a long Anglican life.

A description of the book is below.

It Remains for Me to Say
The Memoirs of Archbishop Harold Lee Nutter

edited by his son Andrew with a foreword by David Adams Richards

After he retired the Archbishop recorded his memoirs for the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick in 1992. They have had to be extensively culled but tell a fascinating story of a long Anglican life.

Harold Nutter was born in Welsford and named after his uncle whose name is included on the memorial at Vimy Ridge following his death in the Great War. His mother died of tuberculosis when he was nine. Unlike other boys of his age, interested in hunting and fishing, Harold began studying Greek at the age of twelve. His father, who ran the village grocery store, found his son’s unusual interest difficult to explain to fellow villagers.

In his first year at Mount Allison a devastating fire destroyed the men’s residence just before Christmas in 1941. Harold had been assigned to a top floor room with four other boys, but several days before the fire, the Dean of Residence moved him to another room on the same floor. Sadly, all the boys from that earlier room died understandably leaving Harold to wonder why he should be spared.

Later he was the recipient of five honorary degrees, a member of the Order of Canada, and a social reformer under New Brunswick premier Louis Robichaud. He was offered the Lieutenant Governorship of the province, and a seat in the Senate.

The Archbishop was sounding alarm bells in the later part of his episcopate over the wayward and woke direction of his beloved church. His writings now seem prescient.

Posted in Cathedral Faces, History, Our Diocese.

One Comment

  1. I would like to purchase a copy of this book! Please contact me so I can arrange a payment and pick up. Thank you!

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