The ministry of deacon: servant ministry of the whole church

The ministry of deacon: servant ministry of the whole church

The Anglican Church officially recognizes three orders of ministry: bishop, priest and deacon. These “ordered” ministries each have their own function and character. Bishops are called to be the “overseer” in the diocese. Priests are called to “sacramental, preaching and teaching” ministries. Deacons are called to personify the servant church in the secular world. Perhaps […]

It starts with a warm-up

It starts with a warm-up

“Okay everybody. On your feet. Let’s do a little warm-up, shall we?” And with that, 45 self-professed I-can’t-sing singers rise to their feet to follow Christ Church Cathedral’s director of music, David Drinkell, as he has them shake out their hands, relax their necks, suck in their guts, and lower their shoulders. Then comes the […]

Bishop and Chapter News – May 2019

Bishop and Chapter News – May 2019

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 13 May 2019 with eleven of a usual twelve members present. Minutes of the 18 March meeting were adopted. The Chapter read the Gospel for the coming Sunday (Easter 5 – John 13:31–35) and briefly discussed the mystery and miracle of resurrection. Business Arising •  Committee work plans – […]

2019 Conference of North American Deans

2019 Conference of North American Deans

North American Cathedral Deans met in St. Petersburg, Florida 03-05 May 2019. Kelley and I were privileged to be present  and are thankful for the support to the Dean of Fredericton to attend. Most attendees stayed at a downtown hotel a couple of blocks from the Cathedral Church of St. Peter, the Cathedral of the […]

The Sacrament of Holy Unction

The Sacrament of Holy Unction

Holy Unction There are seven Sacraments recognized in the Anglican Church. Two are referred to as “Gospel” or “Greater” sacraments, the other five, of which Unction is one, as “Lesser” sacraments. All operate according to the Book of Common Prayer definition: “a sacrament is an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace.” […]

Music Monthly – May 2019

Music Monthly – May 2019

5 May – Third Sunday of Easter 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS) Let us worship and fall down – Willan Missa Secunda – Hassler Psalm 30 Exsultate justi – Viadana 217, 432, 337, 61, 438 Dance Suite (1st movement) – Ridout 4.00: Choral Evensong (BCP) Smith Responses Psalms 114 and 115 Sumsion in G Blessed be […]

Music Monthly – April 2019

Music Monthly – April 2019

Sunday 7 April 2019 – Fifth Sunday in Lent 10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS) O come, ye servants of the Lord – Tye Mass of St. Denis – Cabena Psalm 126 Tantum ergo sacramentum – Séverac 2, 345, 621, 569, 377 Toccata Deo gratias – R.K. Biggs 4.00: Evensong for the Guild of St. Joseph (BCP) […]