My Dearest Friends in Canada:I write with a full, joyful and grateful heart to inform you of Anique’s successful completion of high school. I received her results on May 23 and finally got the opportunity to sit and share my happiness with you today. I am sure you have been awaiting this very good news with much anticipation. I do not have the letter of completion with me at the moment but I will scan and forward that to you in the morning.I wish to express my deepest thanks to all of you who gave us so willingly. You made the four years so much easier for me. As a single mom life can become very difficult and I know that I would have struggled very much without your assistance. My family and I are eternally indebted to all of you and we pray that God’s grace always smile on you for all that you have done for us. Anique’s graduation is on June 8. I will send pictures so that in a way you all can be a part of her day. You have been a part of her life for the last four years financially and through prayers so I will definitely send pictures. We are blessed to have you.Mucho Amor from Belize,Indira Spain

Message from Indira Spain in Belize
Posted in Belize.