Bishop and Chapter News – June 2021

Bishop and Chapter met 21 June 2021 by video conference with 10 of 14 members present. Meeting guests for part of the time were representatives from Heritage Standing and members of the Cathedral Restoration Committee. A proposal was presented and later discussed with Restoration Committee members present. An article “The [North] American Church is a Mess - But I’m Still Hopeful” Christianity Today, 15 June 2021 (Tish Harrison Warren) was circulated in advance with some questions provided by the Dean to guide discussion. Minutes of 17 May 2021 were adopted.

From the Dean

  • the list of usual monthly commitments was provided for review
  • There will be no formal programme of tour guides employed in 2021 in the absence of a City of Fredericton grant
  • Staff reviews (3 complete) are in process
  • currently planning vacation 02-30 August
  • congregational consultation will need to be planned once we have more definite information about development options before us

Items Arising

Parish Nurse - interviews have been completed and the committee will make a decision on a successful candidate as soon as possible

Shared space initiative with the Diocesan Synod - meetings and conversations continue with our Bishop and designated Synod staff

Housing First Project - a “Housing First Committee” has now had a first meeting. For various reasons (including skyrocketed building costs) there are no updates on the timeline on project progress


Heritage Standing proposal - Heritage Standing has presented a proposal for services at a cost of approximately $50,000 to create a detailed building assessment and future strategic plan for existing restoration requirements and the on-going maintenance of the Cathedral. The Chapter unanimously approved the expenditure from the Cathedral Restoration Fund.

Home Communion - that the Dean request permission for P. MacDonald, K. Hall and D. Edwards to administer reserved sacrament


Venting of Stained Glass - a proposal has been received for work (approximately $9000) required to vent the Lexan/Plexiglass protective covering of north, east and west Cathedral windows to prevent moisture and degradation due to excessive heat. Exact details remain to be delivered and a decision may be called for as a special item of business


Treasurer - referred to financial statements for May 2021. Jamie noted some reorientation of reporting, especially regarding the separation of restricted funds from operating that will significantly improve the ability to accurately report month to month financial status. To date, revenue is adequately meeting expenses

Property - some continuing security issues with a strategy to address them is in process.

Health and Pastoral Care - parish nurse search has been the focus

Mission and Outreach - see items arising for Housing First. Monday morning programme has continued one day per month

Christian Formation - consideration of current work plan and looking ahead to summer and fall

Communications - the committee will assist with Summer Recital Series promotion and is ready to assist should we be able to plan events



Hit the Switch – One Family’s Journey Through Cancer

Dave Morell, a name well known in the Fredericton community, has written a book with his family about finding strength in the journey with cancer.

When Dave was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer, family and friends banded together to support him and each other. The inspiring book, Hit the Switch - One Family’s Journey Through Cancer, shares a story of courage, survival and teamwork.

A former broadcaster, Dave has dealt with cancer with positivity. The book, a collaboration of chapters written by Dave and his family members, was written not only to share their story, but to inspire others and give them a reason to keep fighting. All proceeds from the book will go towards the oncology department at Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital. Copies will also be provided, free of charge, to oncology patients at the hospital.

Host of the CBC Radio show Information Morning, Terry Seguin, interviewed Dave on 09 June 2021. Listen to the interview to hear the story behind the book, and his inspiration for writing and supporting the work of the Chalmers Foundation.

Hit the Switch - One Family’s Journey Through Cancer, can be purchased on the Chalmers Foundation website.

Residential Schools Apologies

Residential Schools and Missing Indigenous Children

Since the discovery of the remains of 215 children in unmarked graves at the Kamloops Indian Residential School, there have been questions about what the Anglican Church of Canada has done in response to the Calls to Action by the National Truth & Reconciliation Commission. There have also been questions about whether our National Church and dioceses are assisting in the work of making records available to indigenous leaders and communities so that other sites which may contain the remains of children who died at residential schools may be identified. I share with you part of a message from our Primate, Archbishop Linda Nicholls to the House of Bishops this week:

“We, of course, have much more to do to fulfill the TRC Calls to Action and are committed to that work, but we also need to keep our Church informed about work underway already.

The apologies of 1993 and 2019 are available on the national church website. There is ongoing work to make the Apology for Spiritual Harm available in Indigenous translations, just as the first apology has been translated (see:

Documents in the national archives relating to Anglican residential schools have all been copied and transferred to the Truth & Reconciliation Centre in Winnipeg. It is my understanding that all diocesan archives have also been transferred as required.

The national archivist, Laurel Parson, is committed to decolonizing the archives by including the original Indigenous names for places and people wherever possible. She spoke to (the Council of General Synod) in 2020 about that work and it was covered in The Journal at that time - here.

We are committed to the work of exploring the archives and burial records available in light of the list of missing children to find any references that would help with identification. All of this work must be done in collaboration with Indigenous people to set the parameters with sensitivity. I trust that diocesan archives will consider similar searches. There may be grants available through your province or territory to assist with the human resources needed to do this. In Ontario, the student summer grants program often helps the national archives complete projects.

I trust we are listening to the voices of Indigenous communities to walk with them in other actions needed. Anglican residential schools surely have similar unmarked sites and it is critical that we share in the responsibility to uncover as much information and truth as is possible in the coming months and years.

Please keep Archbishop Mark MacDonald and the Indigenous leaders – bishops, ACIP, Dawn Maracle and the suicide prevention workers, and all Indigenous clergy – all in your prayers.   They are bearing the burden of the pain felt by so many in the reopening of the wounds of residential schools. With the death of (Indigenous Ministries Coordinator) Canon Ginny Doctor, and (Reconciliation Animator) Melanie Delva on leave, the leaders are under significant stress.” – Archbishop Linda Nicholls

Bishop and Chapter News – May 2021

Bishop and Chapter met 17 May 2021 by video conference with 10 of 14 members present. The Dean lead some discussion on an article entitled “Managing Resources - Part 1 Finances” (Nancy Davidge and Susan Elliott) from “Vestry Papers” of the Episcopal Church Foundation. “hard questions and their corresponding answers are necessary and vital to your church’s health.” Subtitled sections include: Financial Management, Good Financial Management Begins with the Budget, Different Funds for Different Purposes, Taxes, and Annual Audit/Review. Minutes of 15 March 2021 were adopted. There was no meeting of the Chapter in April.

From the Dean

•  a report outlined usual weekly and monthly commitments
•  monthly communions have resumed at Farraline Place
• a proposal will be put forward for new security equipment (door locking and cameras) and upgrade work on the network at the Cathedral and Memorial Hall to support it
•  Thy Kingdom Come (13-23 May) resources have been made available with encouragement to take part
•  noting again an upcoming need for congregational consultation and visioning regarding future facilities development

Items Arising

Parish Nurse - the application deadline closed 30 April with two received. Interviews will be scheduled. Sally Dibblee search committee chair.

Shared space initiative with the Diocesan Synod - operational costing is under development for a plan proposal of a facility on the east side of Church Street

Housing First Project - terms of reference are being developed for the committee that will oversee the project. Members are needed, including an individual for the role of treasurer. Documentation describing the responsibilities is being sought. Projected costs currently exceed identified funding. Construction completion estimate Fall 2021.


Security/Network Project - a motion was carried to proceed with security and network upgrades as proposed at a cost of about $12,000, funds to be identified from existing sources. Nightly security site visits ($300-$400 per month) will not be required upon completion.


Poet’s Corner - proposal for consideration by Peter Pacey regarding an area (Sherman’s Wharf) with some seating and quiet space for reading. The Chapter suggests a written “letter of understanding” detailing responsibilities and expectations to serve as a document for approval.


Treasurer - an overview of current financial statements

Property -the work towards updating a 2015 maintenance and restoration plan has resulted in the potential for a major restoration project. Heritage Standing will work on proposing a cost for the creation of a master plan. Breakin and theft from the storage shed on 12 May.

Health and Pastoral Care - Some health ministry programming continues with the help of volunteers

Mission and Outreach - Belize Missions funding is depleted with no recent fund-raising activity. Housing First priority issue

Finance and Administration - a Stewardship Team meeting will be scheduled. The Treasurer will work with the Committee to provide financial background for future monitoring and planning

Christian Formation - overseeing current programming. June meeting will consider the committee work plan

Communications - an initial meeting with the new chair was 20 April


•  Day of Pentecost (23 May) 8:00, 10:00 and 11:45 a.m.
•  Next meetings (third Mondays) - 21 June 2021


What’s difference all about?

In 2 Corinthians 5 we read that God "has committed to us the message of reconciliation." God has taken the initiative to bring us back into relationship with him. And he calls us to be reconciled reconcilers. Reconciliation is in the DNA of the disciple.

Many of us feel that conviction to cross divides and to transform broken relationships. We long for our faith to have a positive impact, to be the starting place for change.

But the world we live in is complex and overwhelming. Despite all our good intentions, relationships are hard. What's more we live in a world where we see — and many experience - deeply entrenched inequality and injustice, discrimination and exploitation, violent conflict and greed.

Sometimes it can feel like the Church, rather than being part of the solution, is too often part of the problem.

We know that the world is not as it should be, and that the Kingdom of God offers an alternative possibility. We feel the prompting of our faith to speak into these issues, but the sheer scale of brokenness means we can be left feeling stuck and unsure of where to start.

Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has a passion for equipping the Church to be a reconciling presence in a complex and divided world. It is one of our greatest challenges but it has never been more vital.

... equipping the Church to be a reconciling presence in a complex and divided world ...

He's brought together leading thinkers and peacemakers to create Difference: a 5-session course that explores how we can follow Jesus in our everyday relationships.
Jesus' life points to what's possible when we follow him, making crossing divides, navigating disagreement and practicing forgiveness a part of our everyday discipleship.

This course provides a supportive and dynamic space for people to bring before God their own experiences and relationships and to learn the everyday habits and actions that help us live out our faith within them.

We can be a generation that crosses divides, bringing transformation to relationships, communities and societies through everyday acts of courage.

A people equipped by the Holy Spirit to embody hope in those difficult, broken spaces, and who have learned to persevere when it feels as if nothing will ever change.

It starts in the everyday moments of courage and risk, where we choose to join in with what God is doing. The Difference course is an opportunity to discover where God is inviting us to engage.

Register for D i f f e r e n c e  17-21 May 2021

Download / View the Participant Guide
Difference on the Anglican Communion website

Elm City String Quartet – Friday, 26 March 2021

We're so pleased to host the Elm City String Quartet!

The Elm City String Quartet performs at the beautiful Christ Church Cathedral, featuring works by Haydn, Borodin, and Shaw.

The Elm City String Quartet returns to the beautiful Christ Church Cathedral for their first concert of 2021. Enjoy the charm of Haydn’s “Lark” quartet, the romance of Borodin’s quartet number one, and the dynamism of Caroline Shaw’s “Blueprint.” The concert will be one hour in length with no intermission. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged. Please bring your community mask.

Bishop and Chapter News – March 2021

Bishop and Chapter met 15 March 2021 by video conference with 10 of 14 members present. A faith conversation and discussion of an article “We’re in the Innovation Business” (Dwight Zscheile) was lead by the Dean. Minutes of 16 and 22 February 2021 were adopted.

From the Dean

  • meeting with Pandemic Response Task Group making adjustments for yellow level restrictions Operational Plan 11 March 2021
  • no care facility Communions (Farraline/Windsor Court) in March
  • meetings with Chapter committees and other groups
  • Lenten programmes continuing with thanks to leaders/particpants
  • work progressing on proposal for security upgrades, main entrance monitoring/cameras and potential refurbishment of networking
  • upcoming need for congregational consultation regarding future facilities development

Items Arising

Cathedral Video Project - we await two more cameras. Current live streaming significantly improved thus far. Operators in training

Chapter By-law - members asked to bring current By-law items possibly in need of modification to the next meeting of the Chapter


Housing First - information is needed about the current status of the Cathedral Housing First Project. S. Mayo will coordinate a meeting soon.

Resignation of Treasurer - the Chapter regrets having received the resignation of Treasurer Kevin Percy as of 30 April 2021.

Committee membership - J. Mahar will facilitate an accessible online document for submitting/listing up to date committee membership

Annual meeting - noted request for Cathedral consultation re facilities


Facilities development - The Chapter appointed Jim Morell to act as liaison in current discussions with the Diocesan Synod regarding facilities management and development

Thanks to the Treasurer - a vote of sincere thanks to K. Percy for his service as treasurer. The Chapter Executive will meet soon to discuss next steps


Treasurer - an overview of February financials noting that expenses significantly exceeded income ($22,500) year to date. Several other reports including the 2020 Diocesan Financial Return, Financial Survey for Diocesan use in applications on our behalf for government subsidy when possible, Diocesan Consolidated Investment Fund to year end 2020.

Property - a report is expected from Heritage Standing updating renovation and maintenance required now and in the future. The current proposal regarding security/network will be shared with the Committee when available.

Health and Pastoral Care - Parish Nurse search: advertisement posted this past week with deadline for application of 30 April.

Mission and Outreach - Clarity regarding the Housing First Project is a priority. Financial management, committee membership and documentation describing commitments, responsibilities and expectations needed

Finance and Administration - the Committee continues to seek leadership for the Stewardship Team and a Safe Church Officer. Recent updates to the Report on Deferred Funds (money in our operating account designated for specific purposes) were considered and recommended. The chair will follow up on a meeting of the Stewardship Team in the near future.


  • Holy Week begins 28 March
  • Easter Day 04 April

Next Meetings: 19 April 2021 (if necessary); 17 May 2021


Pandemic Yellow Level at the Cathedral

Zone 3 (Fredericton and area) is currently in the Yellow Level of the New Brunswick Pandemic Recovery Plan.

In-person worship at the Cathedral continues and Memorial Hall is open to the public, both with restrictions. Office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, Monday to Friday.

Pandemic precautions outlined in the latest revision of the Cathedral Pandemic Operational Plan (11 March 2021) will be followed. These include:

  • Worship gatherings are limited to 90 individuals (based on 50% of total capacity)
  • Meetings where 2 metres of distance with masks is maintained
  • 2 metres of physical distance between bubbles is required
  • Face masks are mandatory indoors at all times (with an exception for “leaders or performers whose activities require vocalization” while maintaining 4 metres of physical distance between bubbles)
  • Congregational singing with masks and 2 metres of distance between bubbles

Please note that we continue to be encouraged to limit contact outside of single household bubbles, especially in confined spaces. Please continue to pray for those who are at risk and those providing care and helping to keep us safe.

Worship reservations

With current limits of individuals, worship reservations continue to be required. Reserve online by visiting Cathedral Signups by 8:00 p.m. on the previous day. Telephone reservations are needed in real time (not by voicemail). If reserving by telephone, please contact the Cathedral Office (506) 450-8500 during office hours, 9:00 a.m. - 12 noon, Monday to Friday.

Parish Nurse Wanted

Parish Nurse for
Permanent part-time position: 20 hours/ week with benefits

Definition:  Parish nursing emphasizes the wholeness of body, mind and spirit rooted in the vision of Christ as Healer. A Parish Nurse is a registered nurse who practices holistic health for self, individuals and the community using nursing knowledge combined with spiritual care. See the Canadian Association of Parish Nursing Ministries.

Learn more about Health Ministry at Christ Church Cathedral
View the Health Ministry information brochure

Qualifications: Bachelor of Science in Nursing

  • Certification in Parish Nursing or willingness to complete the same
  • Registered Nurse in good standing with NANB (Nurses Association of New Brunswick)
  • *Minimum of 5 years nursing experience

Further inquiries: (506) 450-8500 or by email

Please inquire or apply with cover letter and resume via email or surface mail.

Application deadline: 30 April 2021

Parish Nurse: Search Committee
Christ Church Cathedral
168 Church Street
Fredericton NB    E3B 4C9
(506) 450-8500

[search at]

Marvellous Macey – Caitlin Bangsund

The Delightful Days ...

From the review on A Mama's Corner of the World - Marvellous Macey spotlight - Can you va va voom? Do you light up the room? Marvellous Macey does! She may not quite fit the mould, but she is living delightful days. Embrace Macey's world of imagination and ability to love and accept everyone. Life may not be perfect and some things might be hard, but Macey shows us how to live in the moment and find the delight! Be inspired by Macey to make everyday the BEST day.

5 4 3 2 1 GO

It’s a launch. The book is real. It’s on the internet. And in a local shop here in Okotoks AB.

Time to sit back and relax.

Or be busier than ever wildly trying to cover my bases, step up to the plate, and score - these are mixed metaphors. I think they are sports-related, but you get the point.


Macey “flips her lid” daily. That simply means that her feelings get big and she loses her ability to think and act clearly.

She lives in a world that often doesn’t make sense. Her functional age is younger than the almost eight-year-old she is. I feel like a good parallel would be me living in a country where I don’t understand the language.

On Monday, March 1 we set out to have a little celebration to mark the official launch of “Marvellous Macey, The Delightful Days.”

And we did. It was lovely.

The magic part was that after supper when Macey did “flip her lid” I was not deflated.

Everything doesn’t have to be perfect to be perfect. I know I’m not done learning this lesson, but I have gotten so much better at accepting that we wouldn’t have the magic we have without the “flip side.”

March is Developmental Disability Awareness Month. I chose to time my launch with this month because I wanted to promote inclusion and be an advocate.

Everything doesn’t have to be perfect to be perfect.

I finally have a tool to help start the conversation and to demonstrate that disability most definitely does not mean inability.

Into the unknown

A song from Frozen. And the place I’m wandering into.

One year ago (on March 6th exactly) I shared the first draft of “Marvellous Macey, The Delightful Days” with a group of authors in a publishing group I’m a part of.

I chewed my hangnails (like a do every day) and waited to see if I had written garbage or sunshine.

They suggested it was “delightful.” Having a draft is a far cry from having a real-life book in the world.

Now I do.

But having a real-life book is a far cry from it selling enough to pay your illustrator (or pay a desperately needed house cleaner).

I’ve been walking “into the unknown” for a long time so I guess it isn’t something to fear.

The unknown is uncomfortable and exciting all wrapped together.

True or false? “I made this book thing happen all by myself.”


There is not one SINGLE thing I did all by myself. Not ONE.

I didn’t pay for the investment myself.

I have never self-published a book so I needed a coach, subscriptions, and memberships to things.

Um ... a picture book needs pictures so I had to hire an illustrator.

I didn’t even write all the words alone. I have a trusty side-kick who spent hours helping me (because even fully grown children need help from their mom).

I had help from a gracious editor for the fine-tuning.

There were logos to create, a website to build, publicity and marketing, and then books to be printed,

And more.

PLUS, there are all of you - the cheerleaders, buyers, and reviewers.

I love you so much for sharing screenshots of the book(s) arriving, pictures and videos of your kids and grandkids reading, words of encouragement, private and public reviews, and telling other people about the great new book you just ordered!

You. are. the. best.

The proof is in the pudding.

Is week two of the launch “the pudding” or is “the pudding” far away in the distance?

I don’t know. But I hope there is proof of this book filling hearts and homes with hope.

Press on,


P.S. Unless you really really really want off the hook please tell people about Marvellous Macey - the real girl - and about her book!

P.P.S. I was on a podcast last week talking about trial and triumph. I hope you will find it encouraging. See the graphic and go find it.

Find Marvellous Macey on Amazon
Find Marvelous Macey on Goodreads