Worship During the ‘Green’ Phase

With the pandemic mandatory order restrictions lifted as of 30 July 2021, please be patient as we again adjust to new ways of being in community. Our goal will be to maintain that which helps assure community health and safety. Above all we need to accommodate one another as we transition.

See the Diocesan COVID-19 page for links and resources.

All of what follows pertains to both the Cathedral memorial Hall and the Cathedral during worship. Items 6-7 are specifically concerned the Cathedral itself during worship or concerts.

Details about what we will continue, in practice, include:

  1. Self-monitor. If you have any reason whatsoever to believe that you have an illness, please stay at home.
  2. Entering and exiting. Please be understanding of those who may wish to maintain some personal space as we adjust to new normals of interacting with one another. Keeping personal traffic flowing at entrances will be helpful.
  3. Hand sanitation. Please continue to be attentive to frequent hand washing and the use of hand sanitizer, especially before and after contact with high-touch surfaces.
  4. Face masks. Those who wish to wear a face mask are certainly welcome to do so. Please accommodate both those with and those without.
  5. Seating. Greeters may be able to help you find suitable seating in the Cathedral, especially if some personal space will help to make you more comfortable. When setting up chairs for a group event, please keep in mind that personal space may help to make participants more comfortable.
  6. Communion. We’ll continue with Communion in one kind for the foreseeable future. At Communion, please continue to approach in one line up the center. The host only will be safely delivered to your hands. Return by way of a side aisle.
  7. Offering. The offering will still be received with a plate near the back of the Cathedral and collected by greeters following worship.
  8. Operational Plan. The current operational plan will be suspended but available for modification and implementation if circumstances require it.
  9. Contact Tracing. Attendance logs are no longer required by New Brunswick Public Health. If, however, someone who tested positive for COVID-19 was in our building, please inform the Cathedral Office so we can ensure a thorough cleaning. Thank you.
Posted in Health Ministry, News, Worship.

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