The following is an update of Cathedral financial information as of 31 August 2022. A brief presentation was offered on Sunday, 02 October to congregations at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m..
If you have questions, feel free to contact a member of Bishop and Chapter or get in touch through the Cathedral Office.
Bishop and Chapter met 26 September 2022 in person with 10 of 14 members present. The article Post-pandemic Church Growth Accelerators by Carey Nieuwhof was discussed. Focus on core mission, community and connection, online worship and agility were among the indicators of church health. Minutes from 20 June 2022 were adopted.
From the Dean
outside care facility Communions (3)
committee meetings (3)
3 funerals
1 committal
2 memorials (N. Cutler and Elizabeth II)
1 wedding
attended 1 funeral out of town
Safe Church Officer
Synod substitute (16-35)
vacation 25 July - 21 August
Staff reviews completed
Diocesan Finance Committee (2)
Synod Planning (1)
Property committee membership - a revised list of committee members was adopted
Mechanical retainer - establish an agreement with Carmichael for mechanical contractor services including 2 yearly maintenance visits
Financial update - That an update be delivered on Sunday, 02 October
Information and Discussion
Funds for restoration - Source Alliance has begun preparing the case for support for a campaign addressing the results of the Building Conditions and Issues Report. We should expect a completion of the feasibility study by early spring 2023.
Treasurer - offerings are down and expenses are up as we move out of pandemic restrictions. Deficit of about $42,000 Total income is $60,047 behind budget target. Finance and Administration recommending providing congregation with more detailed information
Property - lightning protection system repaired ($7000); 2 trees removed due to disease, shed break in with theft of equipment ($200)
Health and Pastoral Care - Health Ministry is attempting to stay on top of issues, Health Ministry will meet in the near future
Finance and Administration - successful tour guide season, work on Cathedral staffing policies and current employment challenges,, chair of Stewardship Team and safe church officer still vacant, considering issues of third party liability insurance for groups using facilities
Communications - $400 collected for souvenirs over the summer. Souvenirs available to view at Cathedral purchased at the office
Christian Formation - Life in the Eucharist with six participants - First Communion 20 November, Dante’s Inferno study group, Godly Play resumed 25 September.
Thank you to all who assisted with the Provincial commemorative service for the Queen. Photos from the memorial will be shared on our website soon. *
A Provincial commemorative service for Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will be held in Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton on Monday, 19 September at 2:00 p.m.
Attendance will be by invitation only, but the public is welcome to gather on the lawn. Loudspeakers will be placed outside. Please be aware that parking will be limited. A ceremonial gun salute will take place in conjunction with the commemorative service, resulting in increased noise levels in the cathedral area. For safety reasons, traffic and pedestrian access around this area may be suspended. Learn more about provincial commemorative events.
The service will be livestreamed by the Province of New Brunswick. It is a joint effort of the Office of the Lieutenant Governor and the Province of New Brunswick, in collaboration with the Diocese of Fredericton and Christ Church Cathedral.
A Book of Condolence for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will be available in the Cathedral on Monday, 19 September, from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon. Online condolences can be shared on the Government of Canada website.
* * * * *
A national memorial service for Queen Elizabeth II will be held at St. James Cathedral in Toronto, Ontario on Tuesday, 20 September 20 at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time (4:00 p.m. Atlantic). The service will be livestreamed on the Anglican Church of Canada's website.
Gracious God, we give thanks for the life of your servant Queen Elizabeth, for her faith and her dedication to duty. Bless us as we mourn her death and may her example continue to inspire us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
This message was received from the Canadian House of Bishops this morning during the 2022 Lambeth Conference.
Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. 1 Peter 2:10
We are writing to you to share our experience of this 15th Lambeth Conference.
The meeting is a holy and transforming gift to meet and to make friends and hear the stories of witness and mission across the whole world. Our experience has been one of joy, friendship, vibrant worship, deep listening, empathy with those parts of the church who experience profound suffering and expanding understandings as we bear one another’s burdens.
We will be returning to our dioceses with a renewed commitment to the Lambeth Calls for Mission and Evangelism, Safe Church, Reconciliation, Human Dignity and Climate Justice as well as those Calls that will be discussed on Hospitality (Christian Unity and Interfaith relationships), and Discipleship.
The Bishops have spent a significant amount of time discussing and sharing these calls in light of our contexts. They have been at the core of the Bible studies as well as the discussions at our table groups. There has been much written in media with regard to the discussion on human dignity in particular. Read the whole statement.
The fifteenth Lambeth Conference will meet on 26 July – 08 August in Canterbury.
As the conference draws closer, the Archbishop of Canterbury has shared a call to prayer with the conference delegates and their wider church communities.
The call to prayer invites people to devote a day to prayer on Trinity Sunday – 12th June and to pray for the event in the weeks ahead.
The Archbishop of Canterbury says: “The Lambeth Conference theme of ‘God’s Church for God’s World’, reminds us that we are called upon as Christians to pray for the needs of the world. There are many calls upon our prayers at this time: World peace, the global climate crisis, the effects of the pandemic – to name but a few.
“I invite you to call all those in your care to pray for the Lambeth Conference. Please pray that as we meet and consider our shared mission and ministry, that we may hear the call from God. In turn, that we might add our voices to call others to make a difference for Christ in the world.”
A prayer guide has been developed by Brother Christopher John, who is part of the Chaplaincy team at the event.
Bishop and Chapter met 20 June 2022 in person with 10 of 13 members present. An article entitled “7 Ways to Re-engage Volunteers” (Lewis Centre for Leadership) was considered. Whether it’s due to post-pandemic fatigue, lingering health concerns, or broader cultural shifts, volunteerism hasn’t bounced back as readily as other aspects of congregational life. Susan Beaumont outlines seven ways to revitalize volunteer engagement. Minutes from February, March and May were adopted.
From the Dean
Since the May meeting:
• Outside care facility Communions (1) Thomas Hall Shannex booked 18 July
• Committee meetings (3)
• Monday lectionary studies concluded 30 May
• Thy Kingdom ComeNovena study weekdays
• Several recent funerals
• Baptism 05 June (1)
• Pentecost celebrations - thanks from archbishop
• Vacancies: Safe Church Officer; member of Chapter (Hospitality);
Synod substitute (16-35)
• Diocesan Synod 05 November 2022 (Cathedral)
• Staff reviews in process (1 complete)
• Parish Nurse on medical leave since 16 May
• Tour guide hiring in process
• Usual diocesan commitments
Financial Campaign Planning Study - In order for the Cathedral to consider launching a financial campaign, professional assistance will be required. The Chapter Executive has explored four possible candidates to execute a study to determine the feasibility of a campaign. By motion, the Chapter approved preceding with negotiations with Source Alliance (Moncton) towards being engaged to conduct such a study.
Items for Information - several documents were circulated for information including:
• Update on progress on Cathedral and Memorial Hall network upgrades and security system installation project (Peter Jacobs)
• Source Alliance Proposal
• Cathedral Building Condition and Issues meeting (12 June) summary (thanks to Ann Deveau)
There was some discussion on the need to communicate with the congregation regarding our financial status and the timing of the same.
Treasurer - offerings are trending downward and not meeting budget predictions thus far in 2022. Reporting to the Synod re applications to Canadian Employment Wage Subsidy - the Cathedral has not qualified in 2022. $26,428 revenue deficit to 31 May. While compensation being received from Diocesan Synod was not anticipated to fund the 2022 budget, it has been needed to do so.
Worship - attempts made to recruit for worship duties. Beginning refreshments following summer worship being considered
Health Ministry - Sarah Ecker continues on medical leave which began 16 May.
Finance and Administration - tour guide applicant interviews have been completed and decisions have been made. Contracts will be made this week with guides on duty 01 July. Hank Williams has graciously agreed to provide training
• Staff vacations as reported in the bulletin
• Dean vacation 25 July - 21 August
• Sunday worship schedule continuing
To the Christ Church Cathedral community and family:
Lana, Piper and I would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all of you for the prayers, well wishes, gifts and cards [after the birth of daughter Sundae Joy]. We are so grateful and have felt every single prayer. I am honoured and blessed to be part of this church and church community.
We are sad to announce the death of Canon Tom Smith on Friday, 03 June. Tom was a much loved member of the Cathedral congregation and clergy, and his friendship and spiritual care will be greatly missed.
Rest eternal grant unto him, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon him.
Funeral Service and Requiem Eucharist will be held at Christ Church Cathedral, 12:00 pm on Wednesday, June 8, 2022. For those unable to attend, a live stream will be available on the Cathedral YouTube channel.
Mothers’ Union is pleased to invite the congregation to The Queen’s Jubilee Tea, to be held inside the Cathedral on Saturday, 04 June from 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Tea, cold drinks, sweets and sandwiches will be served in honour of the Platinum Jubilee of her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth. Everyone is welcome to dress in their “Royal Best“ including hats and fascinators!
Free admission. Donations given through Cathedral envelopes or online giving will receive a tax receipt (please note 'Mothers' Union Tea' in the message field).
EDITOR'S NOTE: Bishop George Lemmon died on Sunday, May 22, after a period of failing health. This story is from 2015, part of a series on the diocesan bishops gives some insight into the much-loved man.
The Right Rev. George Lemmon never wanted to be bishop. He’s not even sure he wanted to be a cleric.
“I wasn’t fussy about becoming a priest,” he said. “I felt I had a ministry already, but I came to realize that I probably had to become a priest to do the mission.”