Called to Mission – Matt Allen

Matt Allen has been a regular member of our congregation this past year and is preparing to serve God in a mission abroad with Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. He is self-financing his salary for this mission and the Missions Committee would like to share his request for support.

“I am coming on staff with Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. Over the past year I have been working with Inter-Varsity in Fredericton. But now I am feeling like God is calling me to an International placement with Inter-Varsity. I am looking at a placement in either Martinique or France to work with the local student groups and see how they can grow and make a larger impact on their campuses and in their countries. Right now both of those locations have less than five staff working there.

So I want to partner with them and see how we can grow. Right now I am fundraising for my salary and my budget costs. I am looking to fund-raise $40,000. Would you be willing to support me either financially or through prayer. If you would like to join my newsletter email me at <mallen at> and if you would like to financially support me you can at” – Matt Allen


View this post on the Missions Committee site

Brad McKnight

Run for the Word 2016

Locations: Florenceville-Bristol, NB; Fredericton, NB
Date: Saturday, June 4, 2016
Time: 9:30 AM – On-site registration; 10:00 AM – Opening ceremony

Run for the Word (R4W) is a fundraising event held in New Brunswick since 2013. This annual event aims to connect the Canadian Bible Society (CBS) friends and supporters together to raise funds for the Bible work in Canada and around the world. Participants join by committing to run or walk from 1km to 5km and to raise funds for the various Bible translation, distribution and engagement programs of the Canadian Bible Society.

Visit the Run for the Word website

to register, read stories,support a runner and for more resources

Making the Bible available for Canadians

This year, Run for the Word is raising funds for Bible translation, distribution and engagement programs in Canada. CBS partners with over 100 churches and organizations to distribute God’s Word to those who need it. Through partnership with various ministries in Canada, CBS is able to bring God’s Word to

  • Men and women in prison
  • Children and youth in summer camps
  • New refugees/migrants
  • Canadian soldiers
  • First Nations communities
  • The Visually-impaired
  • And more!

Every year, CBS receives hundreds of requests from organizations who have identified the Scripture needs of people they minister to. CBS partners are able to determine what Bible version or format (e.g. print, audio, Braille) would be best for those who receive them. They are responsible for making sure that the Bibles produced by CBS end up in the hands of people who hunger and thirst for God’s Word.

Through the generosity of supporters, CBS is able to produce these Scriptures year after year. As a result, people are able to read the Bible in their heart language and lives are transformed.

Bishop and Chapter News – Apr 2016

Members of Bishop and Chapter met this past Monday evening, 24 April, with 8 of 13 members present. Vice-chair Catherine Schmidt chaired. John 14:1-7 was read and the Chapter reflected on Jesus’ words: “I am the way, the truth and the life.” Minutes from the 14 March meeting were adopted.

Business Arising

  • Memorial Hall chair lift – the lift has been repaired and is in working order at a cost of about $5000.
  • Music Director position – the Search Committee reports having completed interviews. The position has been offered and has been accepted pending the incumbent attending to details in preparation for a move. We continue to thank Sharon Pond as interim organist
  • Christian Formation Committee chair – there has been no progress to date. This is a Bishop and Chapter leadership role very important to church life and health
  • Member visitation – visitation has begun with the hope of visiting all by the end of May. About 40 visitors for over 400 identified households
  • Parish Nurse – initial reports are that the pledge campaign goal of $11,000 per year over five years has been reached. After final confirmation of those totals, the Health and Pastoral Care Committee (Health Ministry Team), on behalf of the Chapter, is asked to give consideration to details required to move forward

From the Dean

  • Monthly special care facility Communions, hospitals visits.
  • Confirmation preparation continues with 6 Cathedral students participating and in partnership with the Parish of New Maryland and a tentative date for confirmation of 19 June.
  • Baptism preparation for the Day of Pentecost requests for baptism must begin soon.
  • The Dean spoke briefly about the need for a change in church culture regarding how we are all shaped and continue to grow in the Faith (formation). While we, for the most part, see formation as “continuous and terminal” there is need to move to an approach and widely held understanding of being “intentional and life-long” regarding Christian Formation. (Read Fr. James Mallon)

Items for Decision

  • Steeple repair – it has been determined that necessary repair to roofing on the Cathedral steeple is covered by insurance minus a deductible at a cost of about $13,000. The Property Committee will initiate the work being completed as soon as possible.
  • Organ repair – the Cathedral organ requires maintenance by way of some replacement of parts (contacts and leathers) at a quoted cost of about $3000. Sharon Pond will coordinate getting this work done.


  • Cathedral grand piano – The grand piano at the Cathedral is on loan. The owner has determined the need to sell, preferably by 31 May. Appraisal value $16,000. Asking price is $12,000. The chapter will need to determine our course of action, if any.


  • The Day of Pentecost (15 May) worship and luncheon at 10:30 a.m.
  • Ordination 26 June (Sunday) at 4:00 p.m.

Next Meetings

Monday, 30 May 2016, 7:00 p.m.
Monday, 20 June 2016


Holocaust Memorial 2016

The Annual Holocaust Memorial Observance
Sunday April 10, 2016 at 3:00 pm.
Sgoolai Israel Synagogue
168 Westmorland Street, Fredericton

The keynote speaker is Faigie Schmidt Libman.

Faigie Schmidt, an only child, was born into an affluent family in Kaunas, Lithuania in 1934.  Her mother Batia was a surgical nurse and her father Faiva owned a successful bookstore. The Nazis invaded Lithuania in the summer of 1941 just before her seventh birthday.  They confined the Kaunas Jewish community into a crowded ghetto. In October 1941 Helmut Rauca the SS Master Sergeant of the ghetto ordered everyone to assemble.  He divided families into two groups.  One group of families was machine-gunned over open pits that became their mass graves.  Rauca’s killing unit murdered more than 10,500 Lithuanian Jews that day.  Miraculously, Faigie and her family were not selected. They survived to live three more years of forced labour, hunger and turmoil in the ghetto.  In 1944 as they were losing the war, the Nazis sent the remaining Kaunas Jews to concentration camps.  Faigie’s father went to Dachau in Germany.  She and her mother went to Stutthof in Poland.

Children were routinely murdered upon arrival at the camps, but the day Faigie arrived at Stutthof the ovens were not working.  This unforeseen event gave Faigie’s mother a chance to save her daughter.  It would be the second time she deceived the Nazis and saved starher daughter’s life.   Faigie and her mother worked digging trenches at Stutthof and three smaller labour camps. In January 1945 they were forced on a death march where for days faltering meant death.  The Soviet army liberated them from the death march near Danzig.  They later learned that Faigie’s father had been killed during a death march from Dachau.

While living in an Austrian displaced persons camp, Faigie’s mother located her sister in Montreal.  In 1948 they immigrated to a new life in Canada.  Faigie married her loving husband Benny Libman in 1952.  They had four children and many grandchildren together.  Faigie became a kindergarten teacher.  Her mother remarried, obtained her Canadian nursing certification and worked in Montreal for many years.

In June 1982 Faigie learned that Helmut Rauca had been arrested by the RCMP for the murder of 11,500 Lithuanian Jews. To her horror he had been living a few blocks from her North York home.  It was a turning point for Faigie.  She resolved to tell her story and teach about the dangers of hatred and intolerance.  “I owe my survival to my belief in God, my mother’s courage and heroic actions and unforeseen miracles,” she said.


Israel Unger
Chair Holocaust Commemoration Committee

Bishop and Chapter News – Mar 2016

Members of Bishop and Chapter met this past Monday evening, 14 March, with 9 of 13 members present. A short discussion on Philippians 2:5-11: “let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus …” What was important about the kind of death Jesus died? What nonnegotiable Christian teaching is contained? Minutes from the 15 and 21 February meetings were adopted.

Janet Mahar was appointed Chapter Recording Secretary with the Chapter’s sincere thanks.

Business Arising
• Advisory Committee to the Bishop was appointed on 21 February. Chair and Secretary need to be appointed. Nominated C. Schmidt, secretary, J. Morell, chair. Other members will be contacted for concurrence.
• Hall Starlift parts on order with repair pending.
• Space for Scouts – B. Garland has communicated the available space for use by the Scouts.
• Music Director Search committee reported that initial interviews have been conducted and second interviews are pending. Sharon Pond has graciously agreed to act as interim organist.
• Chapter Vacancy of one member remains with a chair for the committee on Christian Formation needed.
• Every Member Visitation is planned for the last week of April/First week of May. Information package being developed. Training 16 April. Visitors needed.

From the Dean
Monthly special care facility Communions, hospitals visits, one meeting of the deaneries clericus, four diocesan meetings. Two Lenten Study groups on-going with about 12 participants. Confirmation preparation began 27 February partnering with the Parish of New Maryland. Baptism preparation for Easter complete. Efforts of home visitation impeded by time limitations over the last several weeks. Vacation 07 – 21 April with Canon Smith as supply. Have serious concern about ministries of Christian formation. Sunday School is struggling with lack of leaders/teachers.

Items for Decision
• Parish Nurse Staff Position – That Bishop and Chapter approve the hiring of a part-time permanent Parish Nurse, subject to the Parish Nursing Support Group being able to secure pledges, over and above regular offerings, totalling $11,000/year over the next 5 years.
• Arborist Request – International Society of Arboriculture to prune trees on the Cathedral green 04 June. Permission granted with assurances regarding liability received.
• Signing Officers – That Chapter signing officers be Bishop David Edwards, Dean Geoffrey Hall, Chair Jim Morell, Treasurer Carol Dixon and Secretary Janet Mahar.

For information
• Refugee Sponsorship – Guest Ann Deveau visited with updates from the Missions Committee regarding progress on the sponsorship of a refugee family. 10 parishes and the Cathedral initially working together to sponsor one family. Expect a May or June arrival. Several individuals from the Cathedral have joined the action team. Some storage space for collected donated articles was identified for use.

Easter Sunday (27 March) combined worship at 10:30 a.m.
The Day of Pentecost (15 May) worship and luncheon at 10:30 a.m.

Next Meeting
Monday, 25 April 2016, 7:00 p.m.


Proclamation 2016

Proclamation is the reading of God’s word aloud in public and in its entirety from beginning to end traditionally over a 10 day period. Reading schedules have been developed integrating Old Testament readings with Psalms, Proverbs and New Testament readings.

For many Canadians, both those who listen and read it is a remarkable new experience. But the roots are as old as the book of Nehemiah, where in the eighth chapter, Ezra and the priest reads the law aloud to the whole assembly of Israel from beginning to end and spiritual renewal follows.

As well as reinvigorating the church, Proclamation is a public witness. The events bring together many different congregations, parishes from many denominations and confessions. This co-operative spirit makes a powerful statement of unity to the community.  (from “Proclamation” on the Canadian Bible Society web site)

For many Canadians, both those who listen and read it is a remarkable new experience

In Fredericton, Proclamation 2016 is an event during which all are invited to hear the reading of God’s word aloud in public and in its entirety from beginning to end over a 10 day period. Reading schedules have been developed integrating Old Testament readings with Psalms & Proverbs and New Testament readings.

More than an event, it is an opportunity to experience the bible read as it was intended, aloud. In Nehemiah 8, Ezra engages this process with the priest and together they read the bible aloud to the whole assembly of Israel from beginning to end. The story bears witness to spiritual renewal in those who hear this proclaimed word.

As well as reinvigorating the church, Proclamation is a public witness. The events bring together many different congregations, parishes from many denominations and confessions. This co-operative spirit makes a powerful statement of unity to the community.

Ten years ago, during Proclamation 2006, 40 Churches and 6 groups participated. More than 1300 voices proclaimed the Word of God. Plan to join us this year to be a part of this experience of Christian unity!

Proclamation will be held in Fredericton from May 4 – May 13, 2016 at St. Anne’s Chapel of Ease at Christ Church Parish Church, 201 Westmorland Street.

May 4 – May 13, 2016

All neighbouring Christian churches, regardless of denomination, are invited to participate, and to be part of the Proclamation event. All group and religious organizations are encouraged to sign up.

Want to help out?? We are currently seeking readers and hospitality volunteers from each participating community. Please call Rev Priscilla Geisterfer <geisterferp at> (506) 260-7637, for interest in Reading, and Gladys Lacey-House, <lhouse at> (506) 454-3381 for interest in Hospitality.

Help  bring Proclamation to life here in Fredericton!

Bishop and Chapter News – Feb 2016

Members of Bishop and Chapter met this past Monday evening, 15 February, with 10 of 13 members present. The Dean offered some reflections on the discipline of Lent and some ideas from an article by Mark Galli from Christianity Today entitled: “Giving Up Self-Discipline for Lent.”
Minutes from the December 2015 and January 2016 (budget formation) were adopted.

Business Arising
• Nominating Committee – update -Nominations for Synod Delegates and Treasurer have been secured. We still need a member of the Chapter (Christian Formation) and a recording secretary.
• Cathedral Long-term Maintenance Plan -A first meeting was held to consider formulating and tracking a long-range plan. An updated proposal for quotations and scope of work will be acquired with a second proposal, if possible. A history of documents and studies will be assembled, organized with the goal of making these more easily accessible.
• Planning for Memorial Hall upgrades – A group for the purpose of creating a comprehensive overview plan has not yet met but we will proceed with critical known items, including chair lift repair
• Support for Refugees – Ten parishes plus the Cathedral will join initially to sponsor a family as soon as possible. A bulletin insert will be published on 21 February with further information and ways to be involved.
• Organist/Music Director Search – Thirteen applications were received and the Committee is formulating a short list.

Items for Decision
• Financial Statements 2015 and Budget 2016 as presented in the 2016 Annual Report were adopted by carried motion.
• Parish Nurse Staff Position – A further proposal and recommendation was received from the Health Ministry Team regarding a salaried staff position of Parish Nurse and possible funding for the same. The Chapter will endeavour to further consult with the Health Ministry Team.
• All Members Congregational Visitation – A tentative decision was made during the fall of 2015 to conduct an every member visitation for the purpose of communication, feedback and relationship building. Jamie Yeamans has agreed to lead the Project and the Chapter decided to move forward with the last week of April and first week of May as the target for visitations.
• Stair Lift Repair – Conscious of the need for accessibility, it was decided to direct the Property Committee to spend up to $5000 for repair of the Cathedral Hall stair lift.

From the Dean
Baptism preparation for Easter, confirmation preparation beginning this week, 5 groups using “Meditative Prayer” for Lenten Study. Diocesan meetings, home communions, home visits, nursing homes.

Items for Discussion
• Request from Scouts – for additional storage space in the basement of Cathedral Memorial Hall. Several options were discussed and the chair of the Property Committee will communicate with the leadership to propose some options
• Annual Meeting – Last minute details for the Annual Meeting on 21 December at 2:00 p.m. discussed including: child care to be offered for those with young children; the Dean will chair; it was decided there would be no need for refreshments

There were no critical updates from Chapter Committees

Next Meeting
Monday, 14 March 2016, 7:00 p.m. GMH

Bishop and Chapter News – Jan 2016

Members of Bishop and Chapter met this past Monday with one purpose – to approve a budget for 2016. In reviewing the unofficial 2015 statements treasurer Martha Jo Hoyt noted that offerings were $26,000 less than budgeted, but that was partially offset by ordinary expenses for the year which were below budget. Because of a substantial increase in regular and Christmas offerings in December, and some transfer of funds internally, she expects we will end the year with either a small deficit or a small surplus.

The results of the congregational budget questionnaire, which was answered by 120 individuals, were discussed and referred to throughout the meeting. It was concluded, at the end of this meeting, that year-over-year budgeting is difficult without a Christ-centred strategic action plan for our congregation. Members agreed to further discuss this at a future meeting.

Following is a summary of the most important decisions related to the 2016 budget:

  • Based on the stated intentions of those replying to the congregational survey, the budget for regular offerings was set at $495,000 – $30,000 or 6.4% more than in 2015
  • The budget for the Parish Nurse will remain at $15,000. The Health Ministry Team had made a recommendation that the position become “permanent, part-time with benefits.” Before such a recommendation can be considered, a new funding model, one that is financially sustainable over the long-term, must be developed.
  • $2800 is budgeted as a minimum Cathedral contribution to the Greater Chapter/Archdeaconry plan for a shared ministry in support of refugees. Special offerings, fund-raising events and volunteer opportunities will allow us, as individuals, to do more.
  • Using the grant from the Diocese, two important problems in the hall will be addressed: the front steps and the foundation below will be repaired to stop water from leaking into the electrical room (a serious safety risk), and the wheelchair lift will either be repaired or replaced. Other much-needed renovations will be prioritized for future action.
  • A new $7500 Young Families and Youth budget will be established, and in the coming year there will be active exploration of ideas and options as to how it could be spent in order to both facilitate ministry among those now with us, attract young families to our faith community and do more with youth.
  • A new volunteer committee will be appointed to conduct annual reviews of our financial transactions and operational accounting methodology. This modified ‘audit’ is in keeping with a diocesan requirement, but it has not been done in recent years, usually for budgetary reasons.
    The Chapter’s Property Committee will actively continue to pursue ‘green’ and environmentally friendly cost-saving measures in the Cathedral and Memorial Hall to save on our large heating bills.
  • The Dean and the Chapter are agreed that we can all benefit from better communication, more information and Biblical teaching as part of a stewardship approach to the decisions we make, as individuals and as a congregation, regarding the many resources that God has provided us.

The 2015 financial statements and the 2016 budget will both be presented at the annual meeting on February 21 (February 28 – snow date). All members of the congregation are invited and encouraged to attend. The Chapter extends special thanks to the 120 individuals who provided helpful information and comments via the congregational survey.

Next Meeting
Monday, 15 February 2016, 7:00 p.m.


Bishop and Chapter News – Dec 2015

Bishop and Chapter met on 22 December with 10 of 13 members present. Minutes of the 16 November 2015 meeting were adopted.


The Dean led a conversation on the first three verses of the Epistle to the Hebrews, read at Christmas. Jesus was the “Word” of God, according to the Gospel of John. Witness of the prophets was also that word. What was the message of the prophets and, how does that compare to the Word in Jesus? If Jesus is the exact imprint of God’s glory, what does that say about God?

Business Arising from the Minutes

  • Cathedral maintenance. The committee to prepare a plan for the longer term maintenance of the Cathedral building and to to oversee that plan has been determined. An initial meeting will be arranged early in the new year with the Bishop as chair.
  • Memorial Hall – some members of the committee have been determined, Dianne Wilkins chair. Significant work to extract previously determined costs from renovation planning has been completed. The challenge now is to determine what items need to be done and what is within our funding capability.
  • Steeple repair – Contact has been made with Atlantic Roofers who will do the repair. Early January is the likely availability. It remains unclear if insurance will help to fund the repair or if it is to our advantage to make that claim.. Adjusters will observe the damage at the time of repair.
  • Staff changes – the church musician / director of music search committee has been formed, Keith Radford, chair, Sally Dibblee, David Perritt, Kathleen Snow and the Dean. A proposed time line includes a 31 January deadline for applications. St. Thomas University will also be advertising course teaching positions in early February. Advertising on General Synod job board, Diocesan eNews and with RCCO.


Refugee crisis response – Ann Deveau and Brad McKnight presented an informative overview of the current state of planning. It was decided that the Cathedral will join with parishes of the Archdeaconry of Fredericton to begin to formulate a shared response. The extent of response will depend on fund-raising efforts and resources identified in joint planning.
Nominating Committee – J. Morell, C. Schmidt, the Dean (chair)

From the Dean

Creation of a mentorship-based programme for confirmation preparation. Pastoral and administrative duties as usual including: visits to hospital and Communion to Farraline Place and Windsor Court. Weekly mentoring for a postulant leading towards ordination.


2016 Budget – significant discussion on the challenges of preparing a budget for 2016. A status quo plan for next year creates a $50,000 deficit over current giving. The degree to which we can continue/expand the position of Parish Nurse will depend on available budget. General agreement that projected offerings should increase. It was agreed that effort towards building a congregation-wide budget consultation process will help to determine where priorities lie with those who support Cathedral ministry and budget.


Annual meeting: 2:00 p.m., 21 February 2016; weather 28 February

Next Meeting
Monday, 18 January, 7:00 p.m. GMH