Bishop’s Pastoral – 13 July 2016

A Pastoral Letter to the Diocese of Fredericton Concerning Proposed Amendments to Canon XXI of the Anglican Church of Canada (The Marriage Canon). First Reading Carried at the Meeting of the General Synod Held in Toronto, July 7th – 12th 2016.

July 13, 2016

Dear Friends,

I have taken a day to reflect upon the events of the last two days of the General Synod before writing this letter to you. As you may have heard there was a good deal of confusion about the vote caused by an error with the voting coding. My first task is to explain that to you before I go to the implications of the passing of the motion.

Members of Synod discussed the amendments to Canon XXI on three separate occasions. On Friday evening there was an introduction to the Canon by various people which was followed by discussion in small groups. Then on both Saturday and Monday there were similar discussions in larger groups. Later on Monday the Synod began the formal debate and that evening a vote was taken.

In order for the motion to pass, a two thirds majority was required in each separate house of the Synod. This is the case because it is the changing of a Canon. As with our Diocesan Synod there are three houses: Laity, Clergy and Bishops. When the result was published on the floor of Synod it was found that the motion had passed by the required majority in the Houses of Laity and Bishops, but failed by less than 1% in the House of Clergy. There was then a motion brought to the floor to have the result “reconsidered” – that was denied after some discussion. Consequently, we left the floor of Synod on Monday evening thinking the motion had failed. You may have seen the media coverage.

The Synod voted using electronic means. During Tuesday’s business various questions were raised about the accuracy of the computer system. A motion was moved and carried for the printed record of who voted and how to be given to the Synod. Seven paper copies were provided and an electronic version was published on the Synod app for all members to access.

Two issues emerged from this process. Some votes in favour of the resolution in the House of Clergy had not been recorded. In the end it was another issue which caused the decision of the evening before to be overturned. Each member of Synod was given an electronic “clicker” to vote with. What was discovered was that a mistake had been made with the information given to the computer company for the coding of the “clicker” belonging to the Venerable Michael Thompson, the General Secretary of Synod. His code registered him as a non-voting member of clergy, rather than a voting member of the House of Clergy. His vote was then placed in the House of Clergy. This resulted in the two thirds threshold being reached in each house. As a result, the Amendments to Canon XXI were passed on first reading.

I am sorry for this long explanation, but I wanted to be sure that you understand what happened. My comment on this is that this was extremely difficult for all concerned. Those in favour of the change were deeply upset on Monday evening, as were many opposed when the change happened on Tuesday.

What are the implications for the Diocese of Fredericton? Firstly, I want to acknowledge that no matter which way the vote had gone there would have been hurt and there is now hurt for many who are opposed to the changes. I also fully understand that we are not united as a Diocese on this matter and we need to listen to each other. I am the Bishop to everyone in the Diocese and will make myself available to you as I am able. That being said, I will be on Vacation from Wednesday July 20th until August 13th.

What we all need to appreciate is that the changes to Canon XXI have not finally been approved by the General Synod – that cannot happen until its second reading in 2019, the next scheduled meeting. Until then all Dioceses have been asked to enter into a study of same sex marriage in preparation for 2019. It is my intent to enable this to happen. As it is, the Marriage Canon of our Church remains unchanged.
It is my plan that there will be a meeting of the members of our Synod in the Fall (probably September) and details of this will be made known as soon as they are available. As your Bishop I will not authorize same sex marriages in this Diocese during the next 3 years in line with the requirements of the General Synod resolution.

As those of you who watched the “live stream” of the debate will know, I spoke against the motion and you should know I voted against it. I wish you all to understand that I voted as I did for two reasons: my understanding of the nature of Marriage; and my concerns for some of our indigenous peoples and allied to this, issues around the Anglican Communion.

As a pastor it is my belief that everyone should be included in the life of our Church and I have to say that at a personal level I am still coming to terms with the implications of all that has happened this week. I will be better able to comment when I have had more time for further reflection.

As you are aware during my short episcopacy I have tried to help us all to concentrate on matters of mission. I still believe we have to do this and it is my intention to redouble our efforts. I would ask those who feel uncomfortable (there are people both in favour and opposed to the changes) to bear with us. We do not know what the future holds and I ask that we stay together for the sake of the Gospel.

I want to thank our General Synod delegates for their diligence both before and during Synod. We spent a good deal of time together and were very supportive of each other in sometimes trying circumstances.

I ask that we now turn to prayer as we discern ways forward. It is the only place where I think we can go. Jesus is Lord!

In His Name,

+David Fredericton

General Synod 2016 Presidential Address

Archbishop and Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada Fred Hiltz opened General Synod 2016 with a moving Presidential Address on Thursday.  He framed his address, recognizing the mixed feelings with which the Synod gathered, with those of delight, angst and yearning.

With you I am much heartened by the commitment of our church to have its work and witness in the world continually shaped by the Marks of Mission – preaching the good news, nurturing people for life long discipleship, tending the poor and vulnerable, building a just society, and caring for the earth. These Marks of Mission are the very template for a number of initiatives in parish renewal, the primary reference point for many diocesan strategic planning processes, and the very back-drop for the program priorities of our General Synod …

With you, I am aware that for many throughout the Church, the issue of this Synod is the proposed amendment of the Marriage Canon to make provision for the solemnizing of same-sex marriages in our church. This matter is before us as a result of deliberations on Resolution C003 at General Synod 2013, passed in our accustomed way of voting as bishops and as clergy and laity voting together; and then by request of each of the Orders voting separately – bishops, clergy, and laity. This resolution directed the Council of General Synod (COGS) to bring forward the necessary amendments to the Marriage Canon. As you will hear in some depth this evening, COGS appointed a Commission on the Marriage Canon to address the request. The commission honoured in full the amendments to the original Resolution C003, including broad consultation across our church, with the Anglican Communion and within ecumenical circles in the Church Catholic …

And now dear friends – the yearning – the deep longing within the hearts of so many, that we strive to be less and less focussed on ourselves and more and more a Church “In and for the World”. I borrow that image from the 2013 WCC Publication, “The Church: Towards a Common Vision.” We yearn to be a Church not turned in on itself, but rather turned inside out, working not so hard at turning the world upside down, but rather as Presiding Bishop Michael Curry says, “right side up.”

The Gospel of Christ compels the Church in every age to not remain silent in the face of the real life/death issues of its time. In our time these include:
– Human trafficking
– Gender-Based Violence
– Violence that is racially motivated
– Violence that is religiously motivated
– Child labour, Boy and Girl Soldiers
– Drug Wars
– Gun Control
– Criminalizing of people for their sexual orientation
– Extreme poverty
– Starvation unto death
– Refugees in the millions
– Environmental degradation

Read the full Presidential Address

Member Visitation 2016 – Report

It has been approximately 14 years since Christ Church Cathedral conducted an “all members” visitation initiative.  Church development literature indicates that healthy churches are those that regularly conduct both “in-reach” and outreach; people need to feel a strong and sustained connection to their church community.  Having a new Dean and a renewed Bishop and Chapter, it was felt there is tremendous opportunity for the church to reach out to one another in a visitation initiative.

In the fall of 2015 the lay chair of Bishop and Chapter approached me to see if I would be interested in leading an all member visitation program.  I agreed to become the project lead and put together a project plan which was presented to Bishop and Chapter in February of 2016.  The goals of the plan were as follows:

160629_member_visitation_reportPurposes of the Visitation

  • Sharing and promotion of the unique Cathedral ministries and services through focused discussions
  • Gathering facts, opinions and suggestions from those visited
  • Connecting with recent newcomers and non-regulars and
  • Informing and encouraging increases in our offerings

After some discussion, the Dean suggested adding a fifth area of focus:

  • Invite volunteer participation for future initiatives.

The project plan outlined a critical path:

  • announce the initiative at the annual meeting, February 21
  • evaluate level of congregational support for the project
  • review of Congregational List, March 31
  • compilation of visitation materials, March 31
  • half day training workshop, April 16 (Saturday)
  • visits begin, April 23 (Saturday)
  • visits end, May 7 (Saturday)
  • debrief of visitors, May 29 (Sunday)
  • final report to Bishop and Chapter, June 30

With some future modification (the visitation was extended to May 28 and the visitor debrief was moved to June 5); the plan was accepted by Bishop and Chapter at the February 15 meeting.  The visitation was announced by the project lead at the annual congregational meeting on February 21.

Thirty-six visitors were recruited and were given a half day training session led by the project lead in April.  The intent was to familiarize volunteers with the visitor information packages that were developed and assembled for this purpose; select the households to visit and answer any remaining questions.

Visitors were encouraged to select a minimum of five households to visit.  They were instructed to telephone their households first to schedule a convenient time for the visit.  If the parishioner did not wish to receive a visit from a volunteer, they would be invited to complete the questionnaire online or via hardcopy provided in the Cathedral nave.

Visits concluded on May 28.  A de-brief for all volunteers was held June 6 and led by the project lead.  The purpose of the focus group was to receive feedback from volunteers – what worked; what didn’t work? – the essence of which would help inform this final report.

Read the full Report

J. Yeamans

Cathedral Pewtersmiths just keep on giving

The Cathedral Pewtersmiths officially ended their long association at the Cathedral in June 2016, with the presentation of a cheque to Dean Geoffrey Hall. President Charles Davies was pleased to present $11,896.13 during the Guild of St. Joseph summer BBQ event on June 9th,.2016 This  represented the final installment of the more than $120,000 the group has donated over the years to the Cathedral Restoration Fund.


Christ Church Cathedral Pewter

The Cathedral Pewtersmiths began in the mid 1980’s with a generous donation of seed money from Dr. Ivan Crowell and Canon Hubie Drillon. With that money they bought the equipment and installed it in the basement of the Cathedral Memorial Hall. With close instructions from Dr. Crowell, a small group of dedicated members of the congregation began their little business with the promise to donate $7500 to the Restoration Fund. They were more than successful in their endeavours!

Designs with many motifs borrowed from inside the Cathedral and stained glass windows, were drawn and sent to Saint John where a master mold was prepared of rubber. Then the pewter was melted and cast in Fredericton. Many helpers worked with the designs grinding and polishing them in their homes by hand. It was a dedicated group  that not only helped design and make the ornaments, bookmarks, jewellery and other items but, they also sold the pieces at the back of the Cathedral, at Craft Shows at the University of New Brunswick, at the Delta Hotel and even in St. Andrews NB. Many pieces


Charles Davies examines pewter

were personally engraved in English, French, Dutch, Greek, German and Chinese, according to the wishes of tourists. This illustrates the wide distribution of the valued pieces from the Pewtersmiths around the world. Many thanks for all the efforts through the years of such a dedicated and successful group.

The president, Charles Davies, has led an interesting and varied life. Born in Quebec City, Canada, his family moved to Wales when he was very young. Educated in England, he spent many years in Guyana. That is where he met his wife, Jean. They were married in 1963. They came to Canada in 1971, expecting to live in Vancouver. However after friends gave them a tour of the Maritimes, they settled in Moncton. In 1985, they moved to Fredericton where Charles sold computers. The Cathedral has become their church home where both Jean and Charles are active members, contributing much to the life of the Cathedral.

Diocesan Open House

The “Open House” on 19 June 2016 was a success!  A first for the Diocese, the event offered a counter-balance to the reality of recent annual Synods where it has become difficult to provide a venue for diocesan groups and ministries to tell their story.  Pleasingly, Christ Church Cathedral contributed well, with several displays by Cathedral groups and ministries.


Doris Norman and Diane Rayworth host the Cathedral Matters display

Included from the Cathedral: the Guild of St. Joseph, Cathedral Quilters, Parish Nursing (with a diocesan emphasis), the Cathedral Matters and Lucy’s Sewing Group.  Of course many others from around the diocese, some of which are also recognized Cathedral ministries, took advantage of the opportunity.  Tours were offered of the Cathedral, the Synod Office, Bishop’s Court and Discipleship House and Farraline Place.  It was a glorious weather day and considered all in all a great success.


Charles Davies at the display for the Guild of St. Joseph

“Anglicans are not very good at telling our stories,” said Dean Geoffrey Hall. “Perhaps its the humility that is such a hallmark of the Anglican faith. We just want to serve, and seldom are we looking for credit for the enormously significant ways in which we serve our Lord.  That’s a good thing. We’re not looking for credit. But not telling others about the good things God is doing through us leaves us diminished. We find ourselves feeling down because more is not happening.  Plenty is happening. Not all that could be, but much. Its important for us to find a balance between a healthy witness and being the servants we are intent on being.”

View the Cathedral Facebook Open House Album with photographs from the day.  Read the 28 June eNews story — “Open House draws a crowd.”

Plans being made for refugee family from Liberia

The Archdeaconry of Fredericton refugee sponsorship committee has been waiting for months to bring a Syrian refugee family to Fredericton. A couple weeks ago we were advised that the backlog of applications is now so large (thousands!) that it would be well into 2017 before we could even think of being matched with a Syrian family.

It’s disappointing. However, there are literally millions of other refugees, some of whom have been waiting in crowded camps for years. We were told that, if we would agree to sponsor an African family instead, it could take only a few more weeks or months before they would step off the plane in Fredericton.

Liberia is on the west coast of Africa

Liberia is on the west coast of Africa

The committee, made up of 10 parishes and the cathedral, prayed, discussed and decided to help a family of four from Liberia in West Africa now, instead of waiting until 2017 for a Syrian family. Our application is being reviewed by the federal government, and we are waiting for news.

We have a few details: the father is Phillip, age 47, who has worked as a farm hand;  his wife is Esther, age 50, a trader, probably selling fruit, fish or charcoal in an outdoor market; her children are a son, Arene, age 19, and a daughter, Catherine, age 16.

The family profile does not indicate how long they have been living in the refugee camp, situated in the neighbouring country of Côte d’Ivoire. Knowing there have been two civil wars in Liberia, we suspect it might be years. The parents have been subjected to violence and torture.

We do not yet know their religion, but the file says they can speak English and French plus their native language called Grebo. Their educational levels are very low, especially given the ages of the children. Conditions in the camp are not good concerning health care, dental care, education, etc.

If our application succeeds, it will be a huge challenge for this family to adapt to life in Canada.

If our application succeeds, it will be a huge challenge for this family to adapt to life in Canada. Think of our weather (the average annual temperature in Liberia is 28C!), the different culture here, their lack of education, and limited work experience. It is possible that they may never have enjoyed 24/7 electricity, running water, and all the amenities we take for granted. Life here may be overwhelming for them.

That is why the committee continues to prepare to welcome and help them. Financial donations have reached about $22,000  — we need $30,000 to look after them for one year. Thanks to you, donations of furnishings are going extremely well. (See list of remaining items sought.)

The Missions Committee at the cathedral will keep you posted on the progress of the archdeaconry’s application. Please pray for this refugee family and for our efforts to bring them out of violence and misery to a safe home in peaceful Canada.


adf_refugee_sponsorshipFURNISHINGS LIST  (remaining items needed as of June 22, 2016)

LIVING ROOM – modern TV (not the heavy, old, tube-type)
MISCELLANEOUS – chair for computer desk

Items can be dropped off at Cathedral Memorial Hall during business hours.

If you wish to help support the family, you can provide a cheque, payable to Christ Church Parish Church, noting Refugee Fund on the memo line. The treasurer at that church is maintaining an account on behalf of all the parishes taking part in the sponsorship.

Ann Deveau

Bishop and Chapter News – Jun 2016

Bishop and Chapter met this past Monday with nine of 13 members present. Minutes of the May meeting were adopted.

Business Arising

• Employment – letters being finalized for Director of Music and Parish Nurse. Sexton permanent full-time position currently being advertised with applications closing 04 July
• Hall Front Steps – No update on repair
• Chapter vacancy – (Christian Formation) still in process.
• Piano – option of some funds from a recent bequest proposed

From the Dean

• Daily Offices – Reading of Morning Prayer (8:45 a.m.) and Evening Prayer (4:45 p.m.) at the Cathedral Monday to Friday began 20 June with the assistance of 14 volunteer leaders. Scheduling by way of VolunteerSpot
• Home Communions – 6 lay administrators received initiation
• Cathedral Piano – purchase will be negotiated this week
• Pastoral – Farraline Place and Windsor Court communions. Visits to hospitals, home visits and home communions.
• Vacation – 08 – 21 August 2016

Items for Decision

• Bishop’s Permission for Lay Administration of the Chalice: Lois Baker, Jim Clowater, Isabel Cutler, Gwen Davies, Tom Fetter, Sally Grace, Bonnie Greenwood, Victoria Hachey, Kelley Hall, Gayle Hanson, Dalton London, John Macaulay, Sarah Petite, Keith Radford, Geoffrey Richard, Catherine Schmidt, Doreen Smith, Kathleen Snow, Chris Stevenson, Barbara Toole, James Waugh, Henry (Hank) Williams.
• Bishop’s Permission for Lay Administration of Home Communions: Lois Baker, Isabel Cutler, Dalton London, John Macaulay, Harry Palmer, Kathleen Snow

Items for Discussion

• Member Visitation – Jamie Yeamans presented a draft report outlining results of the questionnaire, conclusions and recommendations. Consensus is that it was welcome and worthwhile, and should be done more often. Summary to web site this month.


• Treasurer – reported that our income and expenditures to the end of May of 2016 compare favourably to 2015 – offerings are up 3.6% over the same period a year ago, and normal expenditures are down 7.5%, in large part due to a staffing vacancy. She also stated that two reviews are underway: one dealing with insurance and the other dealing with the security and recording of weekly offerings and other cash receipts – from their receipt to deposit in the bank.
• Mission / Outreach – all signs point to an early arrival of an archdeaconry-sponsored refugee family.
• Communications – reported that they will be purchasing various Cathedral-related mementoes and gifts items (eg note cards, post cards, photos, puzzles, coffee mugs, etc) for resale in the Cathedral during tourist season and on into the fall.
• Health and Pastoral Care – Chris Stevenson has agreed to assume the chair of the Health Ministry Team

Next meetings

22 August (if necessary)
19 September
17 October


Sexton Required

Sexton at Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton NB
Permanent full-time position, 40 hours per week
Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications

 Definition:  This is custodial work in the cleaning and care of Christ Church Cathedral and the Memorial Hall.  Work involves maintaining assigned premises in a clean and orderly condition with the goal of institutional health and safety.  Minor repairs as required.  Duties include sweeping, mopping, vacuuming and scrubbing floors, waxing and polishing floors and furniture, cleaning washrooms, cleaning windows, lights, walls and maintaining the cleanliness of the kitchen.  Work also involves shoveling snow, removing ice from entrances at both facilities, mowing lawns, routine preventative maintenance, maintaining fire safety equipment and generally assuring access and security of both facilities.  Duties also include setting up/taking down for special functions held at the Church and at the Hall as required.  The successful candidate will report to the Dean of Fredericton with performance assessed on an ongoing basis.  Other related responsibilities may be assigned as necessary.

Qualifications:  Completion of Grade 12 and a minimum of three years’ experience in custodial and maintenance work; or equivalent combination of training and experience.  Strong interpersonal skills, good communications skills and a comprehensive knowledge of the Diocese of Fredericton and Cathedral policies specific to the job function are required.

To Apply:  A completed application, including resume and covering letter may be sent by email or surface mail.  Application deadline is 04 July 2016

Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.  A criminal reference check consistent with the Safe Church Policy of the Diocese of Fredericton will be required.

 Sexton Search Committee
Church Cathedral
168 Church Street
NB  E3B 4C9
(506) 450-8500
search [@]

Bishop and Chapter News – May 2016

Members of Bishop and Chapter met this past Monday evening, 30 May, with 12 of 13 members present. A short faith conversation on Luke 7:11-17 was led by the Dean. Minutes from the 25 April meeting were presented and adopted.

Business Arising
Cathedral steeple – has been repaired at a cost of about $13,000. Insurance has covered with a $1000 deductable
Organ maintenance – scheduled for mid-June at a cost of about $2900. Dr. Pond has graciously agreed to facilitate the service and maintenance visit
Chapter membership – one vacancy remains: chair of Christian Formation
Member Visitation – wrapped up. Surveys being accepted until the end of May. Debrief is scheduled for visitors on Sunday, 05 June 2016 at 1:00 p.m. at the Hall.
Cathedral piano – several options are being considered following notice of the wishes of the owner to sell

From the Dean
• usual ministerial and pastoral activities including care facility, hospital and home visits
• status of Music Director (David Drinkell has committed to be present on 17 July at the latest) and Parish Nurse (Kathleen Snow has agreed to begin 01 September). The position of sexton now needs to be advertised and a full-time hire expedited. Thanks to David Garland for his interim duties
• note regarding up-coming events in June

Items for Decision
Staff and employment – Director of Music and Parish Nurse position descriptions and letters of offer of employment are all but complete, will be finalized soon. Sexton position description, advertising and letter of offer of employment ASAP
Memorial Hall Steps Repair – scope of work and quotes for repair to the Hall steps and resulting water leaks into the electrical room) will be acquired. This was another of the critical items that would have been addressed by the originally proposed Hall Renovation Project and should be addressed as soon as possible
Anglican Foundation of Canada – it was agreed that Christ Church Cathedral should maintain an annual membership and that the recent request for fees should be met.

• Communications Committee is planning a Cathedral photo directory for the fall of 2016
• Worship Committee will facilitate establishing public morning and evening offices (Morning Prayer 8:45 a.m. and Evening Prayer 4:45 p.m.) daily. Volunteers are being sought.

• Administration and Finance Committee – draft terms of reference were discussed. Our Treasurer is seeking assistance in completing as smooth a transition as possible. Several administrative issues require consideration and the Dean has expressed the urgency of having this committee functional

• Choral Evensong, 05 June 2016 at 4:00 p.m.
• Confirmation, 19 June 2016 at 4:00 p.m.
• Ordination 26 June at 4:00 p.m.

Next Meeting
Monday, 20 June 2016


Called to Mission – Matt Allen

Matt Allen has been a regular member of our congregation this past year and is preparing to serve God in a mission abroad with Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. He is self-financing his salary for this mission and the Missions Committee would like to share his request for support.

“I am coming on staff with Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. Over the past year I have been working with Inter-Varsity in Fredericton. But now I am feeling like God is calling me to an International placement with Inter-Varsity. I am looking at a placement in either Martinique or France to work with the local student groups and see how they can grow and make a larger impact on their campuses and in their countries. Right now both of those locations have less than five staff working there.

So I want to partner with them and see how we can grow. Right now I am fundraising for my salary and my budget costs. I am looking to fund-raise $40,000. Would you be willing to support me either financially or through prayer. If you would like to join my newsletter email me at <mallen at> and if you would like to financially support me you can at” – Matt Allen


View this post on the Missions Committee site

Brad McKnight