NotaBle Acts Theatre Festival 2016


NotaBle Acts is a theatre company dedicated to the development and production of new plays by aspiring and established New Brunswick dramatists. This focus can be seen even in their name; yes, the capital N and B in NotaBle Acts stand for New Brunswick!  The Cathedral is pleased to host “First Sight” written by our very own John Ball on July 24, 26 & 27 at 7:30 p.m.  Read more about NotaBle Acts Summer Theatre Festival.

Street Scenes: Three Site-Specific Plays

The three winners of NotaBle Acts’ 2016 call for site-specific plays will be performed promenade-style, with the audience viewing three short plays that take them on a walking tour of scenic locations in downtown Fredericton, starting at Christ Church Cathedral and ending in the historic Garrison district. Each play runs approximately 15-25 minutes. Bring a lawn chair or blanket to sit on if you like, and dress for the weather and bring a raincoat or umbrella if threat of rain.

16_notable_acts_first sight


John Ball

First Sight by John Ball. Audience members taking a tour of historic Christ Church Cathedral will get more than they bargained for when a romantic comedy springs into life around them.
Directed by Len Falkenstein and starring Melissa McMichael, Miguel Roy, Judy Lavigne, and Lucas Gutierrez-Robert.

More about John Ball At the University of New Brunswick




Ralph and Laura and the River Valley Promo by Gordon Mihan. Serial failed entrepreneur Ralph Lawrence and his sister, Laura, decide to give it once last shot, filming a commercial for his new venture, Lawrence of Arugula Boat Tours on the beautiful St. John.
Directed by Jesse LaPointe and starring Jean-Michel Cliche, Arianna Martinez, and Lee Thomas.


Fort Faith by Jean-Michel Cliche. In a neglected corner of a colonial empire, two soldiers, one English, one French, continue to play out their historic grudge, long after their armies have forgotten and abandoned them.
Directed by Alexa Higgins and starring Ian Goff and Jesse LaPointe.


Street Scenes
Starting at Christ Church Cathedral, 168 Church Street
July 24, 26 & 27 at 7:30 p.m.
Tickets: $12 Regular, $10 Senior/Underage, $7 Student
available at the door.


NotaBle Acts Theatre Festival web site
NotaBle Acts on Facebook

Posted in News, Other News.

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