Bishop and Chapter News – January 2018

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 22 January 2018 with ten of twelve members present. Minutes of 11 December 2017 were adopted.

Business Arising

• Chapter Vacancy – our Bishop has appointed Lynn Meehan. Lynn will chair the committee on  Hospitality/Welcoming/Membership
• Committee Terms of Reference – members of the Executive continue to work with the committees of the Chapter to develop. Some are in
need of updates while others need to be created. The goal is to have completed this spring
• Annual Reports – a reminder that reports are due by 31 January. Ideally, each committee would report generally on the areas under
their purview with each committee, group or organization providing more specific group reports
Ending Homelessness – the Chapter recalled the presentation by Penny Ericson including an appeal to the Cathedral to become
involved. A meeting is scheduled for 28 January, 12 Noon at the Parish Church. Another date will be set during March. Cooperation
between the city Anglican parishes is hoped for.

For Discussion

Financial Review Engagement – Kendra Patrick of Bringloe Feeney presented draft financial statements for 2017 and a draft of the letter
with recommendations resulting from the review.
Budget for 2018 – was discussed in depth and modifications recommended and discussed.
Annual Meeting – suggesting that the meeting 25 February begin at 2:00 p.m., preceded by a sandwich/finger food pot luck

Items for Decision

• 2017 Financials – draft was approved
• 2018 Budget – draft approved
• O’Dell House lease – reference was made to a lease effective 01 January 2018 outlining the current rental agreement. J. Morell
approved to sign on behalf of Bishop and Chapter
• Treasurer Retirement – an opportunity to contribute to a retirement gift for the Diocesan Treasurer resulted in a $100 gift

From the Dean

• Normal – 3 home visits, 3 visits to hospital, care home communions diocesan and Cathedral meetings
• Vacation – the Dean has booked vacation 03-16 April.


• Treasurer – the year 2017 financials show results in the black resulting from a slight increase in giving and some under-spending
• Buildings and Property – a new supplier for fuel at O’Dell House
• Formation – work on Terms of Reference. Taizé worship in Lent coordinated with Taizé at St. Thomas University
• Administration and Finance – Diocesan audit of parishes re Safe Church; grant for tour guides 2018 approved; records management
project continuing
• Communications – ways to assist various groups being explored
• Mission and Outreach – Belize Mission 27 January – 05 February. A St. Hilda’s student scholarship question resolved
• Health and Pastoral Care – health information session 25 January; first aid certification training being planned for late February


27 January – Belize Mission
13 February- Pancake Supper
25 February – Annual Congregational Meeting
16 February, 6 and 12 March – Bishop Hockin Lenten series

Next meetings: 19 February, 18 March 2018


Bishop and Chapter News – Dec 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 11 December 2017 with ten of twelve members present. Minutes of 20 November 2017 were adopted. The Dean led a reflection on the O Antiphons of Advent which included consideration of associated scripture.

Business Arising

Cathedral By-Law - amended version as proposed was approved by the Bishop of Fredericton 01 December 2017 and posted to the web
• Safe Church Forms - forms tabled in November with minor revisions to be considered
• Chapter Vacancy - a motion to recommend a Bishop’s appointment of Lynn Meehan as Hospitality/Welcoming/Membership chair
• Committee Terms of Reference - the intention is for the Executive to work with Chapter members to assure that terms of reference exist for each Committee of the Chapter

For Discussion

The Road Home (Fredericton Project to End Homelessness) - Penny Erikson addressed the Chapter about this current project following the “Housing First” philosophy. Possibilities for the Cathedral to be involved were briefly discussed. There will be an appeal to Anglican parishes in and around the City. An information session with more details will be planned during January. Visit the website <> to explore.

Items for Decision

• Approval of Forms - two forms adopted for use:
- Permission for Personal Health Information Release Form
- Volunteer Information Form

From the Dean

• Normal - 3 home visits, 4 visits to hospital, diocesan and Cathedral meetings
• Seasonal - preparations in process


• Treasurer - briefed the Chapter on several items:
- update on current financials and the 2017 budget
- thanks and a reminder to be sent to those who pledged support for parish nursing
- requirements for up-coming review engagement in January
- preliminary information preparing a budget for 2018
• Buildings and Property - some additional lighting changes to LED and considering renovation work to Cathedral south door and porch
• Formation - Life in the Eucharist completed, Godly Play, Taizé worship. ALPHA concludes this week.
• Administration and Finance - Records management project continues. Facilitated completion of forms (Decision)
• Mission and Outreach - Belize Mission, progress on Community Kitchen Teams coordination
• Health and Pastoral Care - progress toward budget needs for 2018; Afternoon Tea held on 07 December
• Hospitality/Welcoming/Membership - Lynn Meehan attended as guest and is looking forward to offering leadership in this area

Annual Report - final deadline for reports is 31 January. Committee Chairs to facilitate collection before that date.


17 December - Christmas Lessons and Carols
24 December - 10 am; 4, 8, 11 pm
25 December - 10 am
01 January - 11 am New Years with the Bishop
27 January - Belize Mission

Next meetings:
22 January. 19 February, Annual Meeting 25 February 2018 GMH

Olga Louise Mann – Obituary

Olga Mann PhotoOlga Louise Mann

1918 – 2017

Olga Louise Mann died peacefully on 15 November 2017 at the Halifax Infirmary. She was seven weeks past her 99th birthday, and had enjoyed a long full life.

She was born on PEI, daughter of Wilbert and Emma (Cudmore) Reeves. She was predeceased by her husband, George Mann, and all her immediate family. She is survived by her children Beth (Andrew) and Douglas (Christina) and their children Jamie, Carole, Meghan, Katie and Hanna, and great granddaughter Natasha.

She will be remembered for her long and happy association with Christ Church Cathedral Fredericton; Sir Howard Douglas Chapter IODE; her wonderful baking; her love of playing cribbage; and her delight at talking with friends and family.

Funeral service will take place 2:00 p.m., Saturday, 02 December 2017, at Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton.

Special thanks to staff and volunteers at Bradford Hall, Parkland Clayton Park Halifax; to her many friends and family who were faithful to call, visit and send cards over the last many years; and to the wonderful staff of 9 Lane, Halifax Infirmary who kept her comfortable at the end.

For those who wish, donations may be made to Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton or a charity of your choice.

Bishop and Chapter News – Nov 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 20 November 2017 with twelve of thirteen members present. Minutes of 16 October 2017 were adopted. The Dean led a brief information sharing and conversation regarding children and Communion. Bishop’s Directive 3.1.2 contains guidelines for practice. A brief overview of Life in the Eucharist was discussed.

Business Arising
Review Engagement – has been scheduled with accountants for January 2018. This will be a regular part of year end preparation in the future.
Trust and Endowment Funds – continuing to work with the Stevenson/Eddy report to provide a better accounting structure and presentation of Cathedral funds. The up-coming review will be useful as we better incorporate this information into our financial reporting
Cathedral By-Law Amendments – a motion to adopt a third draft of proposed amendments was carried. With the signature of our Bishop, the new By-laws will come into force
Volunteer Position Descriptions – working toward Safe Church regulation compliance, seven descriptions approved
Chapter Vacancy – a continuing search for a member to chair the Hospitality/Welcoming/Membership Committee of the Chapter.
2018 Stipend – at the request of the Dean and in accordance with diocesan requirements, a decision was made regarding the Dean’s stipend for the coming year: 5% increase (minus a cost of living increase in the 2018 minimum stipend scale)

Items for Decision
1. Nominating Committee – the Dean and two appointed lay members of the Chapter (Sally Dibblee and Kevin Percy) one of whom will be the chair. Three member terms expire this year, two of which may be renewed for another three year term. Three delegates to Synod (two adults, one youth) and their substitutes will needed for election, Nominations invited.
2. Committee terms of reference – some Chapter committees lack terms of reference. Some remaining organizational challenges. Executive will work with committees to clarify over the next couple of months.

From the Dean
Normal – 6 home visits, 5 visits to hospital, several home/hospital Communions, 1 funeral, diocesan and Cathedral meetings including Life in the Eucharist and Belize mission
Request for use of Green – an inquiry has been received about using the green north of Queen for a Saturday community event in the summer of 2018 or 2019. A formal proposal to be received

Treasurer – financials to 31 October presented and considered. Internal income above normal due to the “Fabric Grant” and a Development grant for Christian Formation from the Synod
Buildings and Property – lawn signs installed, Cathedral insulation
Communications – Two Minutes for Cathedral Ministry
Formation – Life in the Eucharist, Godly Play, Taizé worship
Administration and Finance – Records management
Mission and Outreach – Belize Mission, Soup Kitchen coordinator needed
Health and Pastoral Care – Information Session on Dying
Worship – Workshop on reading scripture 28 October (attendance 30)
Hospitality/Welcoming/Membership – in need of leadership

03 December – Advent Lessons and Carols
17 December – Christmas Lessons and Carols
24 December – 10 am; 4, 8, 11 pm
01 January – 11 am New Years with the Bishop

Next meetings:
11 December; 22 January. Annual 25 February 2018 GMH

Bishop and Chapter News – Oct 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 16 October 2017 with twelve of thirteen members present. Minutes of 18 September 2017 were adopted. The Dean led a brief study of the Gospel from the previous Sunday lectionary (Matthew 22:1-14). Those invited to the wedding banquet rejected the gracious invitation. Others took it lightly. Many are called, few are chosen.

Cathedral / Diocesan Properties Update

Bishop Edwards offered a concise update on progress with ongoing deliberations of the ad hoc Committee. To date, several meetings with City officials, several meetings of the ad hoc group and others. Next steps include verifying that a project as envisioned is viable and executing an engagement process with “the community” (congregation, neighbourhood, City and Diocese) with the goal of obtaining support, input and guidance. Our location makes this a sensitive endeavour.

Business Arising

Cathedral Trust Funds/Endowments - Justice Ron Stevenson, with the assistance of Bruce Eddy QC, were engaged by Administration and Finance Committee to review the history and current status. An exhaustive and extensive report was returned in September with sincere thanks. Report received for the Chapter’s consideration. Recommendations arising to be discussed at next meeting.
Cathedral By-Laws - a 3rd draft of proposed changes circulated
Financial Audit - Decision item below
Stipend of the Dean - to be addressed prior to 2018
Chapter Vacancy - Hospitality/Welcoming. A committee chair is currently a high priority need

Items for Decision

1. Financial Audit- motion carried to engage the firm of Bringloe Feeney LLP to conduct a review engagement on 2017 financials, 22-26 January 2018 with report to the Chapter and the Annual Meeting

From the Dean

• Normal - 8 home visits, 4 visits to hospital, 1 funeral, 16 diocesan and Cathedral meetings
• Hospitality/Welcoming - our lack of protocol and process for welcoming new-comers and their assimilation needs to be of concern. The lack of an individual to lead this ministry as a member of the Chapter is significant to congregational health and growth


Treasurer - financials to 30 September presented and considered. Income and expenses are both below amounts budgeted. If we continue close to budget on both, a year-end deficit is unlikely
Communications - 2 minutes for Cathedral ministry being scheduled. Lawn sign replacement in progress.
Health and Pastoral Care - up-coming events include a health information session, Fit Club restart
Worship - Reading Scripture in Public - 28 October
Christian Formation - Godly Play, Life in the Eucharist, Taize worship
Property - considering options for restoration of Cathedral south doors. Insulation over choir room and sacristy pending
Mission Outreach - mission to Belize a current emphasis. Monday outreach continues
Administration and Finance - Safe Church volunteer position descriptions and forms for volunteers to be tabled for the Chapter’s approval in November. Records management review continues


Medley Poems by Robert Hawkes Book Launch and Evensong - 05 November; Baptism preparation begins this week

Next meetings:

20 November; 11 December; 22 January. Annual 25 February 2018


Draw the circle wider: Hundreds to attend vergers’ conference

In a few weeks cathedral verger Hank Williams will fly to Atlanta to join the largest gathering ever assembled of vergers from the United States, Canada and throughout the world.

“People think vergers wear robes and process slowly around the nave, and that’s the extent of it,” Hank says with a smile.

Verger Conference 2017

As a verger for many years, he knows better. The position of verger goes back to at least the 1600s in the Church of England.

“Historically, vergers were responsible for the order and upkeep of the house of worship, including preparations for the liturgy, the conduct of the laity, and grave-digging,” he explains, adding the latter activity is, thankfully, not part of his role. “Today it’s a ministry of service and welcome.”

For example, the verger’s organizational, logistical and behind-the-scenes support allow the clergy more time for pastoral and sacramental responsibilities. He or she also help with special services, including seating arrangements, welcoming newcomers and visiting clergy, answering questions about the facilities, services and programs.

“At the Atlanta conference Oct. 12-15, some vergers will be new to the job and others much more experienced,” Hank notes. “Many work in smaller parishes, not only in cathedrals. Most co-ordinate with the altar guild. I know I couldn’t do my job without them!”

It will be a good chance to compare notes and share advice

Some vergers train chalice bearers, prayer intercessors and/or tour guides. Some check lighting and sound when setting up for the service, and some have taken first-aid training or made emergency measures preparations.

“It will be a good chance to compare notes and share advice,” Hank said, noting he is grateful to Bishop and Chapter and the Anglican Church Women’s Group at the cathedral for helping fund his trip to Atlanta.

“I really appreciate the opportunity to learn more about a ministry I find meaningful and spiritual,” he said. “I am looking forward to a keynote address by the presiding primate of the U.S. Episcopal Church who will highlight the ministry of the verger and its part to lead the church in the Jesus Movement.”

Hank, who enjoys singing, will also attend a festive choral eucharist and a choral evensong as well as other worship services and workshops.

Hank Williams

Hank Williams

The 29th annual conference of vergers, whose theme is Draw the circle wider, features exhibits, a shop, and fellowship including a recognition dinner. It also has an unusual aspect. Registrants have been asked to bring basic supplies, such as toothbrushes, toothpaste and socks to Atlanta. These items will be presented at the altar and donated to homeless people.

“Vergers will also get involved in a service project during the conference,” Hank said. “It could involve cleaning, painting, making sandwiches or other tasks to help Crossroads Community Ministries which assists homeless men, women and children in Atlanta. The ministry of hospitality we provide at our home churches will take on a special meaning there.”

The verger would be pleased to share highlights upon his return from the conference. Hank added he welcomes questions from congregation members any time, especially from anyone interested especially from anyone interested in helping occasionally with verger duties.

Visit the Vergers Guild website

Ann Deveau

Bishop and Chapter News – Sept 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 18 September 2017 with seven of ten members present. Minutes of 12 June 2017 were adopted. S. Dibblee was acting recording secretary. Director of Christian Formation Kurt Schmidt attended as an invited guest and lead the Chapter in a brief exercise focusing on the Gospel of the previous Sunday (Matthew 18:21–35).

Christian Formation

Kurt Schmidt outlined the work of Director of Christian Formation thus far. Up-coming formation-related events: ALPHA, Life in the Eucharist, monthly Godly Play, monthly Taizé worship opportunities, youth group possible

Business Arising

• Application for a grant from the Diocesan Ministry Development Fund for part of staff formation position (12 months) was submitted and successful
• Work continues on report of “designated” funds and Cathedral trust funds
• A review/audit of Cathedral financials is to be conducted in the near future and at the end of each financial year
• The stipend of the Dean to be reviewed with recommendation for approval in December and annually following
• the Chapter chair of Hospitality/welcoming/membership remains vacant
• the Cathedral Restoration Fund has been invested in the Diocesan Consolidated Investment Fund (DCIF)

Items for Decision

1. By-Law modifications – several minor uncontentious modifications were proposed, discussed and adopted by those present. These include: additional Chapter member (secretary); Nominating and Executive committee chairs; minimum Chapter meetings per year; signing Officers of the Corporation; requirements for annual financial reporting; requirement for annual review of financials; various incidental changes/corrections. Other Chapter member votes and Bishop’s signature required before finalized

From the Dean

• Normal – pastoral and liturgical duties included weddings, funerals, pastoral visitations, diocesan and Cathedral meetings
• Purchases – laptop computer for the parish nurse, popcorn machine, purple (Lent/Advent) processional cope. The recent candle liquification project will be funded by way of a memorial donation


No identifiable lead for organizing a harvest supper at this time


• Treasurer – financials to 31 August were discussed
• Communications – pleased with efforts to communicate 17 September worship/corn boil. Suggestions received re weekly email messages to congregational email subscribers
• Health and Pastoral Care – up-coming events include two health information sessions, Fit Club, perhaps other exercise options
• Property – Hall step repair to be completed; dip in street being currently repaired by the City; replacement of signs on the Green to be erected soon, Cathedral and Hall outside lighting now LED ($1000 annual savings)
• Mission Outreach – decision has been made to plan a mission to Belize early next year. Beverly Morell leader. Missioners needed.


ALPHA begins 27 September, weekly organ concerts, Godly Play 01 October, Life in the Eucharist begins 15 October

Next meetings

16 October; 20 November; 11 December


Pray for the people of British Columbia

Bishop Barbara Andrews on Thursday made a plea for prayer for the people of BC and the Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior (Territory of the People). In a pastoral letter to the Canadian church on 13 July she said,

The Territory of the People greatly appreciate the response of the wider Anglican community and if you or your parish is looking to support us you may do so in the following ways:

  • Pray for us
  • PWRDF has been in touch and support can be directed with donations
  • Donate to the Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior Fire Fund. Monies that are donated to this fund will be allocated towards helping the parishes and individuals effected by the fires.

Read the Bishop’s pastoral letter

Read the 13 July 2017 Bishop’s Bulletin

Visit the Territory of the People web site

The Territory of the People greatly appreciate the response of the wider Anglican community

Congratulations to St. Hilda’s and Jocelyn Herrara

Congratulations to St. Hilda’s class of 2017 and scholarship winner Jocelyn Herrara

Best wishes to the 2017 graduating class from St. Hilda’s School in Belize! A special congratulations also to Miss Jocelyn Herrara, this years recipient of the “Canadian Friends of St. Hilda’s Scholarship”. I am 12 years old. I live in Georgeville Village. My greatest wish is to go to high school, sixth form and the University of Belize.