Housing First Update – 26 January 2020

Housing First is an international initiative that has successfully helped the homeless.

The traditional model for years has been to provide treatment first and then to find housing for the individual. The current model is to provide safe housing first and then provide the professional help that will assist them to address problems they have with mental health or addiction issues.

Housing First has been supported by funds from the Federal government, provincial government and our city government.

Individuals in our city have donated thousands of dollars to help build the small houses for single occupants.

Why is our Cathedral involved? The churches in our community have been asked to be the owners of these homes and to provide the neighbourly support that reflects our mission to love thy neighbour as yourself.

Our congregation began its involvement with this project in October 2018. To date we have:

  1. Bishop and Chapter approval of our participation
  2. City Council approval of our application and its approval of the building site for 3 small houses on Albert Street.

We are expecting to finalize the contracts and leal obligations in the coming months and for the land to transferred to us by March. It is hoped that the houses will be ready for occupancy by August.

We will need volunteers to assist us with our role as neighbours. There is a sign-up sheet at the back for you to sign if you wish to assist in some fashion. I will be organizing an "introductory meeting" so that Faith Macfarlane and Jason Lejeune can help us understand the support we will receive to assist our new neighbours to develop a healthier, happy life.

Penny Ericson/Sam Mayo
26 January 2020

Bishop and Chapter News – January 2020

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 13 January 2010 with eleven of a usual twelve members present. Minutes of the 16 December 2019 meeting were adopted as circulated. The Dean offered some commentary on the January Anglican Journal coverage of the recent statistical report delivered to the Council of General Synod. Some brief discussion about the complexity of making long term predictions with short term data and pointing towards various other perspectives that might suggest something other than a 2040 closure of the Anglican Church in Canada, including the “4th Turning” (Stauss and Howe). Interesting “update” blog posts are here.

Business Arising

  • Narrative Budget - materials to resource creating narrative budgets have been forwarded to the Cathedral Stewardship Team
  • Director of Music - Thomas Gonder expected to arrive 14 January
  • Cathedral Restoration Fund by-law - will be on the Finance and Administration Committee agenda this new year
  • 10:00 a.m. Sunday refreshments - consideration will be lead by Welcome and Hospitality and Worship committees

From the Dean

Report about normal duties. Christmas attendance: 567


  • ACW Plaque - made in 2006 at the 100th anniversary of Cathedral Anglican Church Women recommended to be hung in the Cathedral following approval of the Dean/Bishop
  • Clergy Stipend - 2020 stipend to be $15,400 above minimum scale ($58,461 total) plus $16,000 housing allowance
  • Staff Salaries - 2% cost of living increase in 2020
  • Administration and Finance - renamed to Finance and Administration
  • Discussion - nominations for 2020 need attention


  • Treasurer - December financials reviewed especially regarding year end status. While a 2019 deficit is quite clear, year end adjustments are likely to be required. The 2020 budget was discussed with suggestions as to presentation and confirming that anticipated income should match estimated expenses
  • Finance and Administration - budget coming to completion, Restoration Fund considerations, narrative budgeting
  • Welcome and Hospitality - on the committee’s agenda is the lunch following 10:30 a.m. worship on 23 February, which will be followed by the Annual Congregational Meeting
  • Health and Pastoral Care - regular programming continues with the exception of Chair Yoga which may begin again after winter. Plans for a possible health Information Session in February or March.
  • Christian Formation - Faith Alive! continues. Date setting for Family Faith Fiestas in 2020 (22 March and 25 October). Planning for Lenten studies and/or activities will need to begin soon
  • Communications - on-going attention to social media and the website. Thanks to those who provided “Christmas Memories.” The “people” items are popular so added emphasis in the future on “Cathedral Faces” and other interest posts could be a focus. Photos of interest are pinned to the bulletin board at the Cathedral
  • Mission and Outreach - Some discussion with ACW regarding the 100th Anniversary plaque. A two minutes for ministry has been requested 26 January which will include an update on the Housing First project. A Housing First Committee meeting date will be set soon
  • Worship - the December Christmas Carol Sing was successful with an attendance of about 100. Some debriefing may be of use for planning future similar events


  • 23 February - Annual (10:30 a.m. worship, luncheon and meeting)
  • 26 February - Ash Wednesday
  • 12 April - Easter Day

Next meetings: 10 February; 23 February (Annual Meeting)


Bishop and Chapter News – December 2019

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 16 December 2019 with nine of a usual twelve members present. Minutes of the November 2019 meeting were adopted as circulated. The Dean offered some reflections on the process of narrative budgeting referring largely to a version of an article by Susan Graham Walker - “How to write a narrative budget.” Considerable discussion yielded consensus that a narrative budget project would be beneficial to us with a delivery target of the congregational annual meeting in 2021. The Dean will refer to Cathedral Stewardship Team.

• No response as yet to a reply to the request to use the green for an upcoming RCR FROSTival event involving the military
• $1000 gift received from the estate of Sheila Laidlaw (Belize Missions)

Business Arising
Christmas memories - post preparation in process by the Communications Committee for sharing on the website prior to Christmas
Director of Music - Thomas Gonder will arrive mid-January to begin in the position. A letter of employment has been completed.
Housing First project - City Council approvals have been completed. Next step is transfer of land to the Cathedral. The Cathedral group will need to meet to attend to details, including legal and insurance issues. Completion of construction is estimated to be mid to late summer 2020.
Cathedral Restoration Fund by law - remains as an item for attention in the near future by Administration and Finance Committee
10:00 a.m. Sunday refreshments - in consultation with Worship and Welcome Hospitality committees, S. Dibblee to initiate discussion

From the Dean
Report on normal activities, pastoral and liturgical duties.

2020 Budget - draft 2. Budgeting progress includes good response from committees regarding anticipated ministry next year. Discussion identified several important questions regarding the budget strategy including: how to represent shortfall compared to anticipated offering in 2020. Chapter recommended a small budget team to meet in early January (with 2019 year-end results) to give further consideration, reporting to the Chapter 13 January meeting. Dean to initiate.

Treasurer - positive November (tithing Sunday) and a slight strengthening of average offerings since, the running deficit has been somewhat reduced. With seasonal generosity in December, the hope is that revenues will come close to expenses year-end.
Welcome and Hospitality - six large congregational events during the past year, well received and supported. Committee membership is needed. Inquiries regarding expectations at Annual meeting time
Health and Pastoral Care - written report read. Normal ministries continue. Up-coming consideration about future Healing Services. Some discussion about possible refreshments for 10 a.m. Sundays.
Christian Formation - Faith Alive, (confirmation, reaffirmation and reception) currently about 25 participants and is the present main focus
Communications - door hangers for Carol Sing and Christmas worship delivered to the neighbourhood. On-going maintenance of networks including website and social media
Mission and Outreach - St. Hilda’s, Belize support transfer of $1000 this month. Housing First. Monday outreach Christmas 16 December
Worship - new Director of Music 16 January. Carol Sing 18 December

Christmas Lessons and Carols - 22 December
• 29 December - 10:00 a.m. Carols for Christmas
• 01 January - 11:00 a.m. New Years Day with the Bishop
• 04 January - 11:00 a.m. Our Bishop’s wedding
• 23 February - Annual (10:30 a.m. worship, luncheon and meeting)

Next meetings: 13 January; 10 February


Housing First – United Way Central NB

Great news! -- Approved zoning applications for TWO new developments for Housing First in our community. Many years and many partners in the making, these 7 units are another important step toward our goal of building 40 units of housing to foster safety and inclusion for people who have endured chronic homelessness in our community. One more step toward getting people 'out of the cold - for good'.

This step is an example of the COMMUNITY COLLABORATION needed to end our housing and homelessness crisis:

beginning with the collective efforts to create a multi-year plan to end homelessness (with specific targets, best practices, and models for change);
the creation of a capital fund to help drive the construction of purpose-built housing,
the dozens of private citizens and small businesses that took a leap of faith and each donated $35,692 to this fund;
the service providers who bravely moved to adopt harm-reduction and Housing First services to wrap around individuals who have fallen through the cracks of other models;
the private sector partners and individual citizens who have lent their time and expertise to reduce overhead (such as, technical drawings, architectural expertise, legal review, landscaping support, appliances, cabinetry, heating/cooling solutions, and construction);
the elected officials and public staffers who went above and beyond to educate their peers and advocate for new approaches;
our municipality that took the courageous and creative step to re-purpose under-used land;
the faith-groups and service providers that have opened their doors and minds to listen to our wild ideas about a collaboration;
the committee members who took leadership roles to submit an application to our Housing First Fund;
the evaluation committee members who carefully reviewed these applications;
the individuals and professionals came out at night to help with door-knocking and neighbourhood consultations.

One more step toward getting people 'out of the cold - for good'

It took thousands of hours and hands to reach this point.

We have many steps ahead but this is one hurdle worth celebrating!

When all 40 units are finally built in our community, we will not only be able to end the cycle of homelessness for people who have survived long months/years on our streets but we will also create a model of sustainability for many years to come! It is our community's collective vision that these 40 units will be owned mortgage-free by non-profit entities so that revenues from rent-subsidies can be diverted back into much-needed services - not mortgage payments.

All the front end heavy-lifting of these partners means we will create housing, reduce emergency services usage, generate sustainable funds for evidence-based services, AND save lives.

Congratulations and thank you to the thousands of hands that have touched this work and who will help continue to move this important work down the road home.

Posted by United Way Central NB on Facebook
21 November 2019

United Way Central New Brunswick

Fredericton Community Action Group on Homelessness
City of Fredericton
Government of New Brunswick
Fredericton Community Foundation
Christ Church Cathedral - Fredericton
Smythe Street Church
Greater Fredericton Social Innovation Overcoming Poverty Together-Ensemble pour vaincre la pauvreté

Soup’s On Luncheon (24 November 2019)

Hello Everyone!

This note of thanks is sent to you on behalf of the Welcoming and Hospitality Committee for volunteering your time and/or for the many food donations that made our Reign of Christ congregation luncheon such a wonderful event!

The hall was set for 120. We only had a few vacant seats so I guess it is safe to say Chef Paul LeBlanc's delicious soups were a huge hit again this year!

We were very grateful to have Paul LeBlanc and his wife Andrea lead the soup preparation for a 2nd year in a row. I was so glad Paul wanted to say a few words to the congregation. I think it was a special moment for everyone and he was very touched by the response.

It really does take "a small village" of volunteers to make a our Cathedral events happen. Many of you have been congregation volunteers for many years, so I don't have to tell you that, but here's a look at the luncheon's "small village:"

  • twenty people contributed food items
  • eight people volunteered for Saturday soup preparation and hall set up
  • seventeen people volunteered Sunday for lunch service, clean up and hall reset

Though all roles are equally important, I want to give a special shout out to our Saturday morning crew of happy "slicers, dicers and peelers." Next year, I promise we will secure a few more "slicers & dicers," and we will draw straws to see who wins the prize of peeling the squash!

Thanks also to the volunteers who took the leftover soup and rolls to St. Paul's emergency shelter. I am sure the delivery was well received.

Congratulations everyone on a great team effort! Your contribution made all the difference and is sincerely appreciated.

Thank you!

Lynn Meehan
on behalf of the Welcome and Hospitality Committee

Housing First Cathedral project update – November 2019

Housing First project taking shape
November 2019 update

If all goes well, three homeless people will have roofs over their heads next summer in a three-unit townhouse owned by Christ Church Cathedral.

Penny Ericson, chair of the cathedral's Outreach Committee, said the cathedral's project on Albert Street and a four-unit townhouse on Jaffrey Street, owned by Smythe Street Church, were approved at a recent meeting of the city's planning advisory committee.

... homeless people are provided with a place to live and support services

"No one spoke in opposition to the projects at the PAC meeting,” she was pleased to report. “Rezoning is required, and next steps are taking place at upcoming City Council meetings. I anticipate that it will be accepted because the City wishes the program to move forward, and the land that they are donating is not useful for them in any other way.”

The small houses fall under a concept called Housing First in which homeless people are provided with a place to live and support services. The goal is to make their lives healthier and more stable by removing the anxiety of chronic homelessness. One four-unit townhouse, operated by the John Howard Society, opened a few months ago on the north side.

“It's taken a community effort to get these projects going, but fund-raising has gone well, building designs are in place, and it's exciting to be moving ahead,” she said.

The land is hilly and will need to be graded in the spring before the three-unit townhouse can be placed on the plot. This work will be weather-dependent, but Bill Jones will have the three houses ready. The PAC was told construction should be finished by late summer.

“I plan to call a meeting for those at the cathedral interested in assisting with the houses and their tenants in February 2020,” Penny said. “I will keep everyone aware of the council's decisions and any changes that occur. It has been a long wait, but it will all be worth it."

Ann Deveau

The Road Home Fredericton
Permanent Supportive Hosuing Request for Proposals

Bishop and Chapter News – November 2019

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 18 November 2019 with nine of a usual twelve members present. Minutes of the 16 September 2019 were adopted. A lack of a quorum in October resulted in information sharing and discussion with no official business. A short discussion about the Growing in Giving stewardship initiative and a review of the fourth circulation: “Top ten truths of biblical giving


Request to use the green - for an upcoming RCR FROSTival event
Request to consider - a partnership on the Fredericton Soldier Biography History Initiative (NB Archives). More information to follow

Business Arising

Calithumpians - memorandum of understanding and rental agreement for two rooms at Memorial Hall was completed and occupancy began in early November
August gift - temporarily restricted to be invested
Greater Chapter - prior to Synod 2019. Several changes to diocesan canons including direction about corporations retaining copies of insurance policies and requirements on reporting restricted funds


• Green request - by consensus it was agreed to permit use of the green on the north side of Queen Street by the Royal New Brunswick Regiment FROSTival event 25 January 2020. Inquiry about a potential contribution to Cathedral ministry and public recognition suggested
• 2019 Review engagement - that Bringloe Feeney LLP accountants be asked to perform the third party review of 2019 financials.


2020 Budget - Chapter committees and the groups and organizations under their purview are asked to give consideration to budget requirements for the coming year. A preliminary budget was discussed with an early forecast provided by the Treasurer. There was discussion about the challenges that arise due available resources, especially in areas where we may need or should make changes in our level of investment in ministry initiatives to better reach into communities
•  Sunday Refreshments - suggested investigation about possibility with 10:00 a.m. Sunday


Treasurer - While a deficit still exists, Tithing Sunday (03 November) will have had a positive impact on year end. The Treasurer offered a mid November report which helped capture some of the offering activity early in November
Hospitality and Welcome - There continues to be need for commitments for welcomers during Sunday worship. The goal is to have at least one individual scheduled at each time
Administration and Finance - work continues to implement the policy on records management. The Committee will work with the Treasurer over the next several weeks as we continue to clarify reporting and prepare next year’s budget
Christian Formation - Confirmation, Reaffirmation and Reception preparation will begin in early December. Expressions of interest still being accepted. A work plan for the coming year will be on the agenda this month
Communications - working with Worship on the possibility of a Carol Sing in December. Weekly Gleaner ad has been stopped by parishes of the Fredericton and York deaneries. Christmas promotions being considered. Content for website is requested
Mission and Outreach - City approvals for Housing First homes in process. Cathedral’s project expected to be complete by late spring, early summer
Worship - offer of employment made to a new Director of Music with verbal acceptance to begin 03 January 2020.


• Lessons and Carols - 01 December (Advent), 22 December (Christmas)
• 29 December - 10:00 a.m. Carols for Christmas
• 01 January - 11:00 a.m. New Years Day with the Bishop
• 04 January - 11:00 a.m. Our Bishop’s wedding
Next meetings:    16 December, 13 January; 10 February


2019 Out of the Cold

19 December UPDATE - The new shelter is open at 332 Brunswick Street with 20-30 beds and they still need many items to function this winter. Donations to Wilmot United Church, Monday to Saturday 10 am-1 pm. An up to date list of needs is posted at the back of the Cathedral. Former and new volunteers are needed to help with cleaning, time with the community, and as helping hands for staff and residents. Shift times: Evening: 7 -11 pm / Night: 11 pm.-6am / Morning: 6-8 am. Cleaning shifts: Mondays / Wednesdays / Fridays, 8:30 - 10:30am. <ootcshelter at gmail.com> To volunteer <connectfredericton.ca>

Help Needed -  St. Paul's United Church, corner of York and George, has issued an urgent and immediate call for volunteers to help at its overnight warming space for homeless people, which will fill a gap in services until the planned, new, out-of-the-cold shelter is up and running. Volunteers would need to stay overnight in the church from 8 p.m. until 7 a.m., working in a team of three or four people, one of whom would be an employee of the John Howard Society or the provincial Department of Social Development. Currently, the warming space is averaging seven guests nightly, but the demand is predicted to increase sharply as the cold weather worsens. People willing and able to serve in this ministry to vulnerable people are asked to contact Shelby at (506) 467-6034 with their name, phone number and email address.

Community Action Group on Homelessness - Out of the Cold website

2019 Christmas angels are here!

UPDATE - all angels have flown! Thanks to all for your adoptions.

Sixty paper angels from Greener Village (the food bank)  wait to be chosen from small trees in the cathedral and in the hall. Each requests a specific Christmas gift or stocking stuffers for a needy child in our city.

**NEW THIS YEAR** Please print your name and telephone number on the clipboard to indicate which angel you are adopting. Bring back your unwrapped gift, with the paper angel firmly attached, to the church or the hall on Sunday, Dec. 1st. Drop-off boxes will be set up near the angel trees.

Christmas AngelsIf you cannot bring your gift Sunday, please take it to the drop-off box in the hall no later than Monday, Dec. 2nd . This is Greener Village's deadline for our 60 angels, allowing them time to distribute the gifts to the families they serve.

** Please don't be late! The committee must purchase any gifts that arrive late or not at all.

If you prefer to donate in a different way, please write a cheque payable to Christ Church Cathedral and indicate Christmas Outreach on the memo line. Deliver your cheque to the church office by Dec. 17th. These funds will be divided equally among the Fredericton Homeless Shelters, Women in Transition House Inc. and the Fredericton Community Kitchen.

The Outreach Committee thanks you warmly for your generous support in making Christmas special for people in our city who need help.