Bishop and Chapter News – January 2020

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 13 January 2010 with eleven of a usual twelve members present. Minutes of the 16 December 2019 meeting were adopted as circulated. The Dean offered some commentary on the January Anglican Journal coverage of the recent statistical report delivered to the Council of General Synod. Some brief discussion about the complexity of making long term predictions with short term data and pointing towards various other perspectives that might suggest something other than a 2040 closure of the Anglican Church in Canada, including the “4th Turning” (Stauss and Howe). Interesting “update” blog posts are here.

Business Arising

  • Narrative Budget - materials to resource creating narrative budgets have been forwarded to the Cathedral Stewardship Team
  • Director of Music - Thomas Gonder expected to arrive 14 January
  • Cathedral Restoration Fund by-law - will be on the Finance and Administration Committee agenda this new year
  • 10:00 a.m. Sunday refreshments - consideration will be lead by Welcome and Hospitality and Worship committees

From the Dean

Report about normal duties. Christmas attendance: 567


  • ACW Plaque - made in 2006 at the 100th anniversary of Cathedral Anglican Church Women recommended to be hung in the Cathedral following approval of the Dean/Bishop
  • Clergy Stipend - 2020 stipend to be $15,400 above minimum scale ($58,461 total) plus $16,000 housing allowance
  • Staff Salaries - 2% cost of living increase in 2020
  • Administration and Finance - renamed to Finance and Administration
  • Discussion - nominations for 2020 need attention


  • Treasurer - December financials reviewed especially regarding year end status. While a 2019 deficit is quite clear, year end adjustments are likely to be required. The 2020 budget was discussed with suggestions as to presentation and confirming that anticipated income should match estimated expenses
  • Finance and Administration - budget coming to completion, Restoration Fund considerations, narrative budgeting
  • Welcome and Hospitality - on the committee’s agenda is the lunch following 10:30 a.m. worship on 23 February, which will be followed by the Annual Congregational Meeting
  • Health and Pastoral Care - regular programming continues with the exception of Chair Yoga which may begin again after winter. Plans for a possible health Information Session in February or March.
  • Christian Formation - Faith Alive! continues. Date setting for Family Faith Fiestas in 2020 (22 March and 25 October). Planning for Lenten studies and/or activities will need to begin soon
  • Communications - on-going attention to social media and the website. Thanks to those who provided “Christmas Memories.” The “people” items are popular so added emphasis in the future on “Cathedral Faces” and other interest posts could be a focus. Photos of interest are pinned to the bulletin board at the Cathedral
  • Mission and Outreach - Some discussion with ACW regarding the 100th Anniversary plaque. A two minutes for ministry has been requested 26 January which will include an update on the Housing First project. A Housing First Committee meeting date will be set soon
  • Worship - the December Christmas Carol Sing was successful with an attendance of about 100. Some debriefing may be of use for planning future similar events


  • 23 February - Annual (10:30 a.m. worship, luncheon and meeting)
  • 26 February - Ash Wednesday
  • 12 April - Easter Day

Next meetings: 10 February; 23 February (Annual Meeting)


Posted in Bishop and Chapter News, News.

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