Health Ministry

Worship During the ‘Green’ Phase

Worship During the ‘Green’ Phase

With the pandemic mandatory order restrictions lifted as of 30 July 2021, please be patient as we again adjust to new ways of being in community. Our goal will be to maintain that which helps assure community health and safety. Above all we need to accommodate one another as we transition. See the Diocesan COVID-19 […]

Prayer Network Continues Under New Leadership

Prayer Network Continues Under New Leadership

Award-winning author Philip Yancey writes that prayer stands as the place where God and human beings meet and relate. “We’re supposed to be a praying people,” agrees Carolyn Howlett in recalling why she got involved in the prayer network at the cathedral. “We’re on a daily walk with the Lord, and it’s important to listen, […]

Parish Nurse Wanted

Parish Nurse Wanted

Parish Nurse for CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL, FREDERICTON  NB Permanent part-time position: 20 hours/ week with benefits Definition:  Parish nursing emphasizes the wholeness of body, mind and spirit rooted in the vision of Christ as Healer. A Parish Nurse is a registered nurse who practices holistic health for self, individuals and the community using nursing knowledge […]

Why a Health Ministry?

Why a Health Ministry?

by Isabel Cutler, former Parish Nurse of Christ Church Cathedral   In 2003 I held a meeting in the lounge and asked some health care professionals to attend to look at the possibility of starting a Cathedral health ministry. Thirty people attended to listen to what seemed a very unstructured dream, but from that meeting […]

Farraline Place Fundraiser

Farraline Place Fundraiser

Although Farraline Place could not hold its annual fall fundraising gala dinner due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the ongoing work and caring of its residents has not been cancelled. The challenge is ongoing to make a home for low-to-modest income residents, and this particular year is more crucial than previous years. A virtual fundraiser was […]

Yoga is back!

Yoga is back!

It was a long stretch (pun intended!) without yoga classes at Cathedral Memorial Hall. Thanks to the pandemic, the popular weekly classes ended abruptly on March 9th and finally resumed Sept. 21st. Parish nurse Kathleen Snow, who organizes this wellness activity, is pleased that the classes can finally resume although certain restrictions are necessary. “Participants […]

And when can we return?

And when can we return?

Someone recently asked a church member when they expected their church to “re-open.” They responded with, “I didn’t know it was closed!” Just because doors of a building are locked doesn’t mean we’re closed. Over the days of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been forcefully reminded that “the Church” is not the building. “The response […]

Health Ministry is Active and on the Go – April 2020

Health Ministry is Active and on the Go – April 2020

The Cathedral Health Ministry Team has been active and on the go, supporting those isolated or in need by taking meals to them, bringing homemade cookies to their doors, and delivering Easter cards and hot cross buns last weekend. We have assisted in other ways such as purchasing groceries for parishioners, picking up needed medications […]