Tea and Talk

Mother Nature seemed determined to keep our first Thursday Medley Tea at bay as we began the New Year. Storm followed storm in January, and while setting up for the Valentine's Tea on February 6th, the weather, once again, was looking iffy.

But clearly the regular attendees were not about to allow snow flurries to prevent them from coming out to spend time with their friends over a cup of tea and a sweet or two. Then came March and we were fortunate to get our March Tea in before social distancing arrived.

This once a month tea party often draws more than 25 folks including the young and the young at heart!  Serving begins at 2pm and often the group is still going strong as 4pm approaches.

The organizers and servers try to make each month special by decorating with a theme such as Valentine's Day or St. Patrick's Day.  There is always a 'lucky saucer' and a small gift for the one who gets it.  The sweet and savoury treats are abundant and delicious and the tea is piping hot and served in the finest of china cups.

Of course, it will be a while before we will be able to be out and about in groups again.  But while we wait for that to happen, here are some photos of our Medley Tea-ers!   We so look forward to sharing a cup and a chat in person again!

--by Gail McGillivray

Mothers’ Union – 120 Years of Faith in Action – HOPE

Be Proactive, Take initiative and Act with Integrity – PTAI. This was the message from the Rev. Michael Elliott at the Church of the Holy Spirit in the Portmore Deanery in Cumberland, Jamaica.

Alice Kennedy, Lilian Ketch, and I were recently invited to attend the 120th Anniversary of the Mothers’ Union in the Diocese of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. It was an honour and privilege to be present and share with our Mothers’ Union sisters and brothers in celebrating the work of the Mothers’ Union in their diocese.

Sadie - young woman who now makes jewelry and sells at local markets as a result of MU Skills Training

We attended worship on the Sunday morning at Michael’s church in Cumberland, Jamaica. The reading for that day was from Luke 16:1-13 about the rich man and his manager who was dishonest. Michael called the man a ‘scammer.’ He was currying favour and trying to be proactive in a time of crisis. Michael shared that Jesus was suggesting that here was a man in crisis who was focusing on what he had to do, and he did it. Jesus wants us to be proactive disciples who take the initiative and act responsibly in our relationships with him and the world around us (adapted from here)

Michael stated that nothing focuses us in life like a crisis and that the challenge for us is how we respond. Our initial prayer is “Lord, have mercy.” And rightly so – we must be proactive; first and foremost we must give that control over to our Lord in any situation.

He then went on to speak about taking the initiative. We heard about the Mothers’ Union in Cumberland who ran a Children’s Home for HIV Children. He shared how the Mothers’ Union members run the home, managing the staff and providing food daily for the children in that Home - an example of taking initiative and acting with integrity.

Helping Other People Endure – HOPE

We are called to be proactive and to act with integrity. We are meant to do the right thing, and quite often without anyone seeing us. Michael spoke about how we become a people of HOPE when we do the right thing and act with integrity. Helping Other People Endure – HOPE. We need to listen and be clear about what God is saying to us.

Kathleen Snow with Mrs. Louise Bailey (Aunt Lou) and Mrs. Sheran Harper (Worldwide President)

During that worship there were many Mothers’ Union members in attendance. The congregation was a sea of blue and white - the Mothers’ Union uniform colours. I had the privilege of meeting Mrs. Louise Bailey, or Aunt Lou as she was affectionately called. Aunt Lou was 103 years of age and had been a Mothers’ Union member for over 60 years! What a joy to meet this lovely lady who had worked most of her life supporting the work of Mothers’ Union in her diocese. She recently died just two weeks ago and is sadly missed. Helping Other People Endure – HOPE.

Ephena Matthew (Diocesan President of NECA - North East Caribbean and Aruba), Tony Patel and Kathleen Snow at "Think on These Things"

On our first day in Jamaica I was asked to speak about Mothers’ Union on the local radio station program called "Think on These Things."  Ephena Matthew (Diocesan President of North East Caribbean and Aruba) and I were interviewed by Tony Patel, a broadcaster on the program. Tony was a distinguished-looking soft-spoken man with a broadcaster’s voice. I noticed when we first met that his hair was long and braided down his back.

When I later spoke with him, I asked him about his children. He mentioned that he had a son who had been missing for over two years. He continued to search for him and had not cut his hair since his son had gone missing. He and his son had always gone to the barber together, and he was not planning on cutting it until he found his son. There was suffering and hope in his eyes. Helping Other People Endure – HOPE.

Alice, Lilian and I visited a number of Mothers’ Union projects in the different deaneries. We visited a Kingston Deanery project called the Parent Place at St. Mary the Virgin Church and Elementary School. The school was run by the local Mothers’ Union branch and was also funded by local government. As a result of the Parenting Program, which was facilitated by Mothers’ Union members, a building was attached to the school called the Parent Place, where parents would meet to support one another and participate in the Parenting Program - a very successful parents support group which encourages stable family relationships.

Selling wares at Skills Training and Income Generating project visit in Clarendon Deanery in Jamaica

Lilian and I also visited the Clarendon Deanery where we viewed a Skills Training and Income Generating project which the St. Paul’s Mothers’ Union members supported and facilitated. Here I met Sadie and Kemesha, two young women who were encouraged to think about what items they could produce themselves to sell at local markets. Sadie was making jewelry and Kemesha crocheting clothing. Kemesha stated that she was hoping to open up her own shop one day and Sadie stated, “I am an entrepreneur!” Helping Other People Endure – HOPE.

Lilian and I were also privileged to attend the Women’s Conference in Mandeville where I was asked to speak on Women’s Health. Many women from all over the diocese shared in this day and celebrated health and healing of body, mind and spirit.

Our Worldwide President Mrs. Sheran Harper was in attendance as well, and it was it was a pleasure to be with her at the Celebration Banquet and share in the work of the Mothers’ Union. We met many other members from St. Jude’s in St. Andrew Deanery and YS Falls in St. Elizabeth Deanery. I learned how to speak patois (com mek me hol yu han, man) and Lilian and I even took a dip in the YS Falls.

Kemesha - young woman who now has her own business selling crocheted items at local markets as a result of MU Skills Training

Throughout this trip it was the people we met and the relationships shared that were most meaningful. I will remember the stories from the Rev'd Michael Elliott, Aunt Lou, Tony Patel, the Parent Place, Sadie and Kemesha. It is heartwarming to experience and realize how Mothers’ Union members are proactive, take initiative and act with integrity around the world. They give HOPE - helping other people endure, by the grace of the Holy Spirit. To God be the glory!

Kathleen Snow


A Grand Day for a Picnic

Our prayers were answered as Sunday, June 23rd dawned bright and clear, if not a little windy; it was the day of our combined 10:30 am worship to be followed by our Picnic & Pies event on the Cathedral grounds. 

Picnic on the Green 23 June 2019
Lunch on the lawn

The setup crew were at work by 9:30 am and within an hour had all the tables ready for the hot dogs, drinks, watermelon, pies, and cake; the barbecue was all organized and ready to go. Chairs were brought out and placed around the area. Various games were put out for the children: badminton, ring toss, horseshoes, bats and balls. Signs were put up, a last minute check done, and then, the first hymn could be heard; the crew rushed inside to join the service.

The service over, everyone streamed out of the Cathedral into the bright sun. Some headed right for the food, while others gathered in little groups to chat and get caught up. The hot dog table developed a steady line of parishioners anointing their dogs with their chosen condiments. The popcorn machine was an immediate hit; bags of popcorn were seen clutched in the hands of children and adults alike. Parched throats had a choice of iced tea or lemonade, not to mention those juicy slices of watermelon that were so refreshing. And then there was the pie table, covered from end to end with amazing, delicious pies: strawberry-rhubarb, blueberry, Saskatchewan, lemon meringue, apple, cherry, butterscotch ― often with more than one of each flavour. Decisions were not easy and took some time, with many opting for half a slice of this and half a slice of that. Or just coming back for seconds and thirds. No calories at a church picnic!

Doris and Audrey
Doris and Audrey

With their plates loaded with food, people settled into groups around the grounds. Young families spread out on the grass while little ones explored nearby. The shade seekers congregated on chairs under the big oak next to the pie table―a smart move perhaps on two counts. Some opted for being out in the sun, no doubt letting its heat evaporate any memories of our winter past. Conversations ebbed and flowed, people wandered from group to group meeting friends old and new.

While the big people ate and chatted, the children checked out some of the games and toys. A badminton net had been set up, but the wind proved too much for that game. But it was not too windy for balls to be tossed and caught or tossed and hit. There was not much interest in the horseshoes, maybe just as well. However, the ring toss game did garner some interest, initially for its original purpose, but in the end it was the sand in the box that proved to be more fun; the rings were later found buried in the cup under quite a layer of sand. 

Safety is always important at any gathering, so colourful little pinwheels were stuck in the ground in front of pegs and ropes to warn people of a tripping hazard. This worked well until one of the youngest members of our congregation found them; a pinwheel clutched in each little fist, he happily stumped around the area, the wheels spinning wildly. And no, no one did trip over any of the pegs.

The "ladies"
Lynn, Bonnie, Gail and Isabel

There was a last minute run on the pie table, but then, it was over. Pleasantly satisfied with food, conversation, and companionship, people drifted away home. And then, the cleanup crew sprang into action. Many hands make light work, and in no time tables were cleared, wiped, and loaded for transport. Toys, games, dishes, odds and ends were gathered up and tossed into cars and vans. The grounds were cleared and everything back to the church hall in no time.

Of course an event like this doesn’t just happen. It takes a great team effort of volunteers to make our congregational events successful and special; from our task teams on set up, service, and clean up, to all our food donation volunteers that are so very important. For Sunday’s Picnic & Pies we had over 22 volunteers from within our task teams and more than 21 food volunteers, who donated hot dog buns, chips, watermelons, and those 15 delicious pies! In addition, the Anglican Church Women (ACW) donated a lovely light cake in honour of Hank Williams and Norma Jean Belyea, which was enjoyed by all. The few pieces of pie that were left over, along with some iced tea and lemonade, were offered at the afternoon reception at the Cathedral Hall. A sincere thank you to all our volunteers―we greatly appreciate all your efforts! 

Lynn Melanson

Mothers’ Union considers disturbing topic

At a recent meeting of Mothers' Union, the topic of discussion was deeply disturbing but extraordinarily eye opening! Shara Golden, the guest speaker, has been a Mother's Union member since 1991 and has served on the National Executive. Last year, she was appointed by the World Wide Mothers Union to be one of six women to participate in the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.

Shara's background in Human Rights and Labour Relations was instrumental in leading her to her current focus on Human Trafficking and Gender Based Violence. She has been doing presentations on" Human Trafficking - Canada and the World", for chapters of Mothers Union throughout NB and NS.

As difficult as the subject is to acknowledge and to learn about, Shara says it is one that must be discussed openly and plans must be put in place to help those who are impacted by the growth and spread of this particular trade. It is reputed to be the second most profitable industry after the drug industry.

Perhaps one of the most alarming statistics quoted by Shara was that there have been 3 reported instances of human trafficking in New Brunswick. Equally alarming was the 63 reported cases in NS. Yes, the 723 in Ontario is bad, but our minds immediately focus on Toronto and we think of the large metropolitan area, where bad things happen. Right? But NB and NS??? That is, for most of us, in the realm of the unbelievable; but these are statistics that force us to sit up and look around us.

UN Commission on the Status of Women

L-R: Leah Chipepa, Zambia; Rachael Anderson, MU Events and Digital Communications Manager, England; Shara Golden, Canada; Ekua Swanzy, Ghana; Beverly Jullien, MU Chief Executive, England; Felicia Yeboah Asuamah, Ghana.

An initiative known as The Clewer Initiative of the Church of England has been established and is working on strategies for detecting modern slavery and protecting its victims in the UK, where literally tens of thousands of people are living in some form of slavery having been guaranteed "a better life." Shara recounted the story of one such female who had come from a foreign country to a job which was advertised as an opportunity for one such better life. She was sent to work 16 hours a day, seven days a week for an upper middle class "Christian" family with three children and a very large house. No time off and all of the responsibility for the running of the household, this family took her to Church every Sunday where she heard over and over that "freedom is a gift of God." She was "passed on" in service to three other families before the Home Office conducted a raid and she was finally freed.

According to Archbishop Welby, people often choose not to see and thus, the initiative's hashtag became #weseeyou. Mothers Union worldwide are working with the Clewer Initiative to end slavery by 2030. The focus is on identifying resources and forming partnerships; on holding governments accountable and raising awareness.

What about Canada? In Ontario, the number of girls involved in human trafficking or the sex trade is reputed to be in the thousands. Some are as young as 12 years old. They are often runaway kids, foster kids, but also from middle class families. They all seem to share one common trait: they are looking for love and a secure and better future. One survey conducted by the Toronto Star, identified purchasers of services as coming from all walks of life - doctors, lawyers, teachers, judges, accountants, etc. Most people turn a blind eye and prefer to think "it doesn't happen in my world." Yet a Manager of Escorts/Pimp is able to earn up to $280,000 per year from one sex worker. Little wonder that young men 18-24 are seeing this as a potential career.

The law and those in the legal profession from police officers to lawyers work tirelessly to close down operations but cases are often stayed or withdrawn due to lack of evidence. The girls will not testify for fear of the repercussions promised and will not leave for the same reason. In Canada, there is a prevalence of trafficking of Aboriginal girls.

Many, many more statistics and stories were shared by Shara's but her final question to the group was "What can MU in Canada or more specifically NB do?" The Diocesan Council in NS is putting together a resolution to present to Synod this coming Spring. She left the group with a challenge to start talking about Human Trafficking and looking for ways to open disussion and become involved in being a part of working towards the 2030 goal of MU. In her words, "we have an obligation to do something." What will that something be?

Read Shara's report from the 62nd Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women in the September 2018 issue of the Canadian Mothers' Union newsletter.

Gail MacGillivray

Isabelle Hockin speaks to ACW

About 30 ACW members gathered on February 20th to hear Isabelle Hockin talk about her experiences with learning when and how to let go.

Isabelle started with a real life example of when to let go when you don't really know how by recounting a humorous story of finding Lois Baker in the kitchen with her hand stuck in a teapot! Not knowing how to let go!

In actual fact, Isabelle's words focused more on letting go of emotions as opposed to things like teapots. She pointed out that human nature often seems to lead us to "holding on tightly instead of letting go", when letting go can lead us to a life of unexpected freedom. By not clutching tightly to what we have, by not trying to choreograph others and by surrendering those challenges to God, we can learn the joys that freedom brings.

Using examples from her own personal experiences in the past, present and looking to the future, she explored how letting go had had a positive effect in her own life.

One of her most recent letting go experiences that she shared was her letting go of her fear of the unknown by volunteering for the Out of the Cold project at Bishop's Court. Like many of us, Isabelle referred to "living in our own bubble". We know about homeless people but we don't necessarily extend that to knowing them without a push in that direction. In her case, it was hearing Bishop Edwards talk about the Out of the Cold project that was her nudge. She began volunteering at the house she had previously called home and is learning to know the people that are now calling it their home out of the cold. She recalled having one of the guests say to her "this is a lovely home. I'd like to have a home like this some day!" It brought to mind the notion that individuals don't turn into what they tell themselves to be but often into what others tell them they are. By letting go of her fears, her life has been enriched!

She wrapped up her talk by noting that there are still things that she sees in herself every day that she needs to work on letting go. This certainly resonated with the audience! She ended with this quote from St. Paul:

I'm not saying I have it all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don't get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward - to Jesus. I'm off and running, and I'm not turning back.  Philippians 3:13 - The Message

Gail MacGillivray

2018 Mothers’ Union Biennial Conference

The Canadian Mothers' Union Biennial Conference was held at the Villa Madonna Retreat House in Rothesay, NB on November 16-18,2018. Neither snow, nor ice pellets, nor freezing rain could keep all of the registered participants away! Some of us arrived a day early to get ahead of the storm and others arrived a day later in its aftermath. The snow on the tree branches on Saturday morning created a picture of a glistening winter wonderland. The grounds at the Villa Madonna are truly majestic in every season and it was the perfect venue for this gathering.

Our conference program on Friday evening was a moving presentation by VP Shara Golden on the topic of gender-based violence, both around the world and here in Canada. The stories and statistics she shared with us were both disturbing and haunting.

UN Women reports that 4.5 million people worldwide are victims of forced sexual exploitation and that 98% of these are women. More than 700 million women alive in the world today were married as children. The organization USAID states that 60 million girls are sexually assaulted at or on their way to school each year. According to the Family Violence Prevention Fund, growing up in a violent home may be a terrifying and traumatic experience that can affect every aspect of a child's life, growth and development; the result may be post-traumatic stress disorder which may include bed-wetting or ongoing nightmares. Women who experience physical abuse as children are at a much greater risk of victimization as adults and men in this situation have a far greater (Zx+) likelihood of perpetrating abuse themselves.


Leonard Usher, Archdeacon Sarah Usher, Bishop David Edwards, and Shara Golden

The United Nations 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence is an international campaign that takes place each year from November 25 (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) until December 10 (International Human Rights Day). Throughout the campaign, Mothers' Union members join with others globally to raise awareness of, and to advocate for an end to, gender-based violence in all forms and in all societies.

At the conclusion of Shara's presentation, members were asked to write a prayer on a small note to attach to the Prayer Tree in the Chapel that was aglow with white mini-lights. Bishop David Edwards then led us in the service of Compline and we were all very pleased that he could join us.

On Saturday morning, President Alice Kennedy got the business meeting underway with a firm smack of the gavel. After efficiently dealing with the items on the agenda, we divided into four small groups to discuss the assigned topics which concerned our Newsletter, Website, and inclusion of Lone Members.

Past Presidents

Past Presidents in attendance: Left to right: Margaret De Carvalho (2013-2016), Celia Dodds (2009-2012), Kathleen Snow (2005-2008), Ethel Nelson (1997-2000), Ginny McEwen (1989-1992)

Our Saturday afternoon program featured two presentations. One speaker was the Venerable Sarah Usher from Whitehorse, Yukon, who is the co-ordinator of the Northern Clergy Familes Fund. She spoke of life in the north, which included the hardships of the cold, the expense of goods from the south, and the loneliness that someone who counsels others must endure. She explained the mandate of the Council of the North and the many challenges it faces. She told us that closing churches was not a viable option for the north, as so much of the work that clergy does is outside church walls and is the result of trusting community relationships. She also shared many humorous stories of everyday life growing up in Teslin and her love for that community where she and her husband plan to retire.

Our second presenter was Shawn Branch, Parish Development Officer for the Diocese of Fredericton, who spoke to us about Christian leadership both inside and outside the Church community. His interactive delivery of valuable tips and observations was conveyed with great talent and wit and gave us all food for thought.

A Silent Auction was held on Saturday evening, which was a fundraiser for the Mothers' Union Travel Fund. This was followed by a rousing game of Mothers' Union Jeopardy. With a bag of prizes on the line for the winning team, the competitive spirit of the four teams was out in full force and the game was a big hit.

Canadian Mothers' Union

The conference closed on Sunday with a Eucharistic Service led by our Canadian Mothers' Union Chaplain, Canon Tom Stradwick. Continuing on the "getting out of the boat" theme which we first heard in his message to us at the Canadian Council installation in Riverview, NB in May of 2017, Canon Tom again extended the challenge to us, reminding us that we are called to get out of the boat, be on the water, take risks, and venture out to share God's
message with the wider world. This supported our conference theme which was "Our God is on the Move." The offering at our closing service was in support of the Northern Clergy Families Fund.

Our next gathering for Canadian Mothers' Union members Canada-wide will be our National Conference which is slated to be held in Fredericton, NB in the spring of 2020.

Susan Colpitts-Iudd
and Bonnie Greenwood

from the Mothers' Union National Newsletter - Autumn 2018

2018 Christmas Mothers’ Union Outreach

This past spring the Cathedral Mothers' Union, with the help of members of the congregation prepared a little over 200 'care packs' and handed them out to University of New Brunswick students prior to their final exams.  The packs were well received, and we are hoping to continue our outreach prior to the Christmas exams - preparing even more care packs if possible.  But we need the help of our congregation family!
Sunday, December 2nd from 1-4pm at the Cathedral Hall, we will be baking cookies, writing and decorating a note of encouragement, and packing the care packages to be delivered the following week.  It is our hope that many will be able to join us to help bake cookies, package cookies, write and/or decorate the notes, or pack the care pack bags.
If you are unable to join us on 02 December, donations of individually wrapped packages of hot chocolate or other flavoured drink mixes, individually wrapped candies/treats, or home baked cookies (we are planning on chocolate chip, sugar cookies, and ginger cookies - avoiding nuts) would be very much appreciated, and can be dropped off at the Hall marked MU anytime before December 2nd.
One student came back after receiving a care package and told our member that the hand written note was the best part!  If you'd like to complete some of the notes with some cheerful words of encouragement for the student prior to their exams, packs of blank cards are available.  Please return them by December 2nd.
Many thanks!  If you have any questions, please contact Diane Nash at (506) 455-9698 or <diane.nash at gnb.ca>.

Celebrating Women – February 2018

Women Making a Difference - February 2018On a warm and sunny February afternoon – yes we did have some of those! – approximately 35 women gathered at the Cathedral Hall to hear Kathleen Snow’s presentation entitled Women Making a Difference – Where We are Planted.

Most Christ Church Cathedral congregation members know Kathleen as our Parish Nurse, a member of the 11:45 am Praise Choir, and an active member of Mothers’ Union. Kathleen has been involved with Mothers’ Union for over 30 years. She has served as the local Branch Leader, the Diocesan President, the National President and has gone on to work with the Worldwide Mothers’ Union. As she told the group gathered on February 17th, these roles have provided her with the opportunity to meet some amazing women of faith around the world who truly are making a difference where they are planted!

Before introducing the attendees to these women, Kathleen challenged the group to come up with a list of characteristics of women who make a difference. Most attributes were positive but the odd less- than-positive one did manage to creep in reinforcing the notion that no one is perfect! Here are some of the attributes identified: nurturing, strong, thoughtful, supportive, determined, flexible, organized, committed and bold.

... flexible, organized, committed and bold ...

One of the women that Kathleen went on to speak about was Claudette Kijeme of Burundi. Claudette is a Mothers’ Union Worker who has been leading a Literacy Program focused on women. Since the program started in the year 2000, almost 74,000 people have been trained and are now functionally literate. Literacy Circles have been established in many regions of Burundi and surrounding African countries and the testimonies of women (and men) who have participated were very moving. Life constraints have been removed through literacy. Women can successfully manage their market stalls and not be cheated because they couldn’t count change properly. Literacy became a main tool to empower women. As more and more men became involved, they came to see that women were not worthless as culture had dictated and relationships between husband and wife improved. They now recognize the importance of literacy for their children, a distinct advantage for future generations. Not surprisingly, Claudette’s work led to her being invited to address the United Nations Council on the Status of Women as a member of the worldwide Mothers’ Union contingency several years ago.

Sheran Harper of Guyana developed the Mothers’ Union Parenting Programme which also started in the year 2000. This support program for parents is now run worldwide by Mothers’ Union. Sheran trains facilitators to run the Program aimed at improving family relationships. Kathleen trained under Sheran who visited Fredericton in 2008.

Although Kathleen spoke of other women making a difference in far off places, she reminded everyone that in our midst there are women making a difference. Dawn DeCourcey, a Fredericton resident, quietly runs a program called the Fundy Peace Foundation (FPF). While visiting a school in Kenya as a representative of the Foundation, Dawn realised that even though children may obtain the necessary high rankings to get into high school, they are often too poor to attend. In response, FPF set up a scholarship fund to assist students. It was also noted that few females complete elementary school and become eligible for high school. The Masai Mara Project has raised over $10,000 to help address this need.

So many women making a difference. Blooming where they are planted and continuing to sow the seeds of help wherever they are needed through their faith and their relationships with others. It was noted that as our faith grows, we often look to demonstrate that faith and the love of God to others. These women have all succeeded and continue to succeed in living out their faith each day!

Gail MacGillivray