Music Monthly – May 2017

7 May 2017 – Fourth Sunday of Easter

10.00am: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
A Prayer of King Henry VI – Ley
Mass of St. Denis – Cabena
Psalm 23
Jesu dulcis memoria – Victoria
459,508, 444, 85, 216
Toccata – Mushel

4.00pm: Choral Evensong
Smith Responses
Psalm 103
Brewer in D
Blessed be the God and Father – Wesley
17, 515, 467
Prelude on Wir glauben all’ BWV 680 – Bach

14 May 2017 – Fifth Sunday of Easter

10.00am: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
Almighty God, which hast me brought – Ford
Sumsion in F
Psalm 31:1-6, 18-19
A Gaelic Blessing – Rutter
217, 559, 377, 569, 550
Sonata in F major (1st movement) – Mendelssohn

21 May 2017 – Sixth Sunday of Easter – Rogation Sunday

10.00am Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Rejoice in the Lord alway – Anon. 16th century
Barnard in D
Psalm 66:7-18
Ye birds with open throat – Meek
2, 572, 394, 605, 215
Processional – Mathias

Thursday 25 May 2017 – Ascension Day

7.30pm: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Missa Secunda – Hassler
Psalm 47
God is gone up with a merry noise – Croft
245, 419, 310, 83, 247(206)
Heut’ triumphiret Gottes Sohn BWV 630 – Bach

28 May 2017 – Sunday after Ascension Day – Jerusalem Sunday

10.00am: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
O Lord, give thy Holy Spirit – Tallis
Missa collegium regale – Howells
Psalm 68:1-10, 29-32
O God, the King of glory – Purcell
320, 246, 486, 84, 379
Toccata on Deo gratias – Richard Keys Biggs

Agnus Dei Pictorial – Michael Khoury

These are a few of the many images I made, depicting my rendition of the beautiful stained glass windows inside the Christ Church Cathedral in Fredericton. I created this video keeping in mind the Holy Week celebrations occurring this week throughout the world.

photography Michael Khoury
video design Michael Khoury
music ‘Agnus Dei’ – Karl Jenkins

2017 Easter Pastoral Letter

Lent 2017

Dear Friends,

Easter is “late.” It is not by accident that its date changes each year, always keeping us guessing for the next. The vernal equinox governs the date (as it does the Passover), Easter being the Sunday after the first full moon after 20 March, or the fourth full moon of the year. Various artists depict Jesus in the garden on the night before his crucifixion and often a glorious full moon sets the background. It’s yet another reminder that the God of the universe chose to enter the flesh and blood of a very real world. Jesus Christ is as much human as he is God.

On the Eve of the Crucifixion, Jesus’ intense prayer is described by the Gospel writers as sweat on his brow “like drops of blood falling to the ground.” The pain of garden betrayal unfolds. The religious, political and societal systems all plot against him and his fate is sealed. Jesus is sentenced by the authorities to death.

Listening closely on Good Friday, we’ll hear hard nails pierce soft flesh of the Saviour’s hands and feet. We’ll hear the cry of desperation of a man forsaken by the God he intimately called “Father.” He gasps for a last breath and it is finished. His body removed and put to rest in another garden tomb. The world has spoken. Jesus is dead.

The purpose of all of this, of course, is to remind us of the most important of facts we know of this man called Messiah. Jesus came to earth as one of us. Jesus is as much human as he is God. He is as much like us as he is not. It is that similarity – that closeness of nature – that makes it possible for him to do for humanity something that countless centuries of gods could never do. He saves us from our sins. He saves us from ourselves. Through his death, he has paid the price, bridging the gap between God and his people. The world has counted its years for the last two millennia measured by the coming of the Christ – AD, in Medieval Latin “anno Domini” (the year of our Lord) or CE (the Christian era).

The Resurrection of Jesus marks more than a new beginning in time. It also marks the beginning of life in a world often marked by darkness and despair. Christians live into a hope that would not be possible if Christ had not defeated death for ever. We have the privilege, through faith, to live the risen life and to look forward to the world of the life to come. Eternity is a long, long time, and God created us in his image to live in it and, with him forever.

Once again we’ll mark the journey to the Cross at Christ Church Cathedral through the days of Holy Week and join together at Easter to proclaim the message: Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! A schedule of worship is HERE. Those wishing to have the sacrament at home, please contact the cathedral office. Please also note the Easter Sunday schedule change.

In Christ,



Make an Easter Offering Online

Geoffrey Hall, Dean of Fredericton

PDF version

Music Monthly – April 2017

2 April 2017 – Passion Sunday

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Cast thy burden upon the Lord – Mendelssohn
German Mass – Schubert
Psalm 130
Like as the hart – Howells
40, 408, 306, 64, 454
Theme and Variations – Andriessen
4.00: Choral Evensong
Morley Responses
Psalm 145
Farrant’s Service
Out of the deep – Morley
437,116, 29
Psalm Prelude, Set 2, No.1 – Howells

9 April 2017 – Palm Sunday

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
Wood in the Phrygian Mode
Psalm 31:10-19
The Passion according to St. Matthew – Victoria
Salvator mundi – Tallis
181 and 182, 198, 57, 50, 200
Toccata and Fugue in modo dorico BWV 538 – Bach

Wednesday 12 April 2017

7.30pm: Tenebrae
Antiphons – Willan
184, 330

Maundy Thursday 13 April 2017

7.30pm: Eucharist (BCP) and Stripping of the Altars
Missa l’hora passa – Viadana
Ave verum corpus – Byrd
180, 190, 311, 54,

Good Friday 14 April 2017

10.00: Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
Psalm 22
Hymn 202
O vos omnes – Croce
Jesus, remember me – Berthier (634)
God so loved the world – Goss

Holy Saturday 15 April 2017

8.00pm: Great Vigil of Easter
Psalm 143
Festive Eucharist – Rawsthorne
This joyful Eastertide
218, 214, 228, 203
Incantation pour un jour saint – Langlais

Easter Day 16 April 2017

10.30: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Festive Eucharist – Rawsthorne
Psalm 118: 1-2, 14-24
Alleluia (714)
Christ the Lord is risen again – Rutter
Hymns on Ordo
Toccata (5th Symphony) – Widor

23 April 2017 – Second Sunday of Easter

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
Cantate Domino – Pitoni
Darke in F
Psalm 16
Come, ye faithful – Thatcher
220, 222, 212, 60, 529
Sarabande for the Morning of Easter – Howells

30 April 2017 – Third Sunday of Easter

10.00: Choral Matins (BCP)
O sing joyfully – Batten
Smith Responses
Psalm 116:1-3, 10-17
Medley in B flat
207, 456, 231, 348
Paean – Chuckerbutty

Christ Church Cathedral – A Documentary


St. Thomas University journalism student Christopher Robinson completed a class project in March – a documentary about Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton.

Including brief interviews with the Bishop of Fredericton, the Dean and the Cathedral Verger, Chris has captured to video some of the Cathedral’s most striking visuals. At the same time, he offers some commentary on the history and present day reality of Cathedral life. He upholds the place of privilege enjoyed by the Cathedral as an architecturally important piece of the fabric of the City of Fredericton.

Tourists from the world over visit the Cathedral each year. We are committed to see Cathedral doors open Monday – Friday and on Sundays. We invite both visitors to, and residents of, Fredericton to prayer and to enjoy the presence of God so profoundly communicated by this example of mid 19th century Gothic architecture.


Cathedral Faces – Canon David Staples

Father David Staples, an honorary assistant and Canon of Christ Church Cathedral is a regular attendee at the Sunday 8:00 am and Wednesday 10:00 am Eucharist. Many have often remarked how much they enjoy his occasional playing of the organ.

David requested that the interview be held in his home in downtown Fredericton, so that we could see “the real David Staples.” His condominium is filled with seven generations of antique furniture and paintings. He shares this “museum” as he playfully calls it, with his friendly Bombay cat, Lucifer.  Lucifer sports a sleek, totally black coat, peering at you with eyes that change colour with his mood. It is obvious who rules the roost!

Canon David Staples

Canon David Staples

Father David was born in Fredericton, and grew up in Nashwaaksis, attending The Church of St. John the Evangelist which was spiritually and lovingly cared for by the Reverend Canon C. Alvin Hawkes. In the 1960’s, Father David’s organ lessons began at the Cathedral under the competent instruction of Mrs. F. Lansdowne Belyea. Later, while attending Atlantic School of Theology, he was appointed organist of the University of King’s College, Halifax and continued organ and composition studies under Maitland Farmer, a former organist of All Saints Cathedral, Halifax. After receiving his Master of Divinity, David was awarded several scholarships which required the education must be continued outside the Atlantic Provinces. The subject matter was not restrictive, and so organ studies in performance under the internationally acclaimed organist Dagmar Kopecki, with composition, and theory with several other Toronto music professionals filled 1977. He was made a Deacon in 1976 in Fredericton and ordained a priest in 1977 by the Bishop of Toronto for the Diocese of Fredericton. Father Staples returned to the Diocese in 1977 and served as the Rector of the Parish of St. Peter’s, Fredericton, the Parish of New Maryland, and the Parish of Rothesay. Father Staples made many valuable contributions to the fiscal development of this Diocese, chairing several committees of the Board of Finance, and re-organizing and updating the investments of the Diocesan Trust Funds.

For those who know him, David has a remarkable sense of humour, and a ready twinkle in his eyes.  He says that has helped him accept the limitations brought on by the progressive advancement of the degenerative disease called Parkinson’s and the recovery from back surgeries which have curtailed many of his former activities.

For those who know him, David has a remarkable sense of humour, and a ready twinkle in his eyes.

In the past, Father Staples has been Chairman of the Friends of the Beaverbrook Art Gallery, a Chairman of the Fredericton Chapter of the Royal Canadian College of Organists, a member of the Board of Governors of the University of Kings College, Halifax, and a fellow of the Royal Society of Artists.  Currently, he continues as an Honorary Assistant at the Cathedral and is a Chaplain of Jurisdiction in the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem.

When asked about what he feels was the highlight of his career, he movingly reflects on interaction with individuals whom he has helped to develop a deep faith.

David has many and varied interests: music, theology, history, visual art, the economy and yes, even medicine, to the horror of his doctors. We wish him well with his health struggles which he appears to be managing well.

Marilyn Lewell

Photo Directory Update

Photo Directory 30 March update

We continue to get regular questions about progress on the 2017 Photo Directory. We’re all anxious to receive our copy of a new, shiny directory!

At the Wednesday evening, 29 March, meeting of the Bishop and Chapter Communications Committee, final edits on the fourth (yes, fourth) draft were reviewed and finalized. We have made every effort to assure the directory is as accurate as possible and the details are many! This is our final edit and the Directory will go to print this week.

Cathedral Photo Directory 2017Featured is contact information as we have received permissions from those with photos included. Other photos, many of them stunning, have been used with thanks to several including: John Leroux, Dalton London, and Peter Gross.

Those who had sittings with Universal Portrait Studios or provided their own photos will receive one copy, free of charge. A limited number will be available at a cost of $20 each.

Universal Portrait Studios have been producing church directories for decades and are located in Church Point, Nova Scotia.


St. Joseph Guilds celebrate

On Saturday, March 25th, Guilds of St. Joseph celebrated the Feast of St. Joseph at Christ Church Cathedral. Guilds from elsewhere in the Diocese of Fredericton were invited to attend. The following is the sermon by the Dean, part of the celebration of the Eucharist that day.

Lections: 2 Samuel 7:4,8-16Matthew 1:16, 18-21, 24a


Moreover, the Lord declares to you that the Lord will make you a house.

In the history of the people of Israel, David was the greatest of the kings. History, and in fact the Old Testament, looks fondly back on king David. David was not perfect but he was exceptionally noteworthy. David came from humble beginnings, a lowly shepherd boy was he, who rose to sit on the throne as king over Israel. He was human. Adultery and murder were among his sins. If you remember, David had slain the giant Goliath and was also found in relationship with Bathsheba, a woman not his wife, after which we orchestrated the murder of her husband as a cover up. David was well on his way to breaking not just one, but several of the big Ten Commandments. Even still, David is remembered most for his humility, his willingness to repent, and his heart for God. Even though he was the best Israel had to offer, the true strength of Israel was not in its kings, but rather in its God.

Through the prophet Nathan, God tells David that rather than the house he will build, the greatest temple, God himself will build the house. The prophecy is somewhat vague in its iteration, but looking back with Christian eyes it becomes all too clear. God promised to raise up one who would establish his kingdom for ever. Generations later, Jesus was heir to the throne of God.

Both the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke take great pains to list the lineage of Jesus, connecting him to the kingly Davidic line. Both Joseph and Mary have significant family history. There is some discrepancy as to the exact number of generations, but its clear that the gospel writers saw the prophecy of the Hebrew Scriptures being fulfilled in Jesus.

Among his positive attributes, King David was a builder. The House of David, the temple, the tabernacle, was among David’s accomplishments. God spoke of an even greater and everlasting house. His Son Jesus would establish his kingdom which would last forever. The Gospel of John tells us:

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us …”

The Greek word, translated as “dwelt” is more exactly translated “tabernacled.” “The Word became flesh and ‘tabernacled’ among us.” The kingdom would no longer be flesh and blood, wood or stone. The established kingdom of God is a spiritual house that will last for ever.

Joseph was by trade a builder. There’s good evidence that Jesus himself was not a bad carpenter. David and the whole line of kings were builders. For centuries their success was attributed to the favour of God as they built a house. Failure was a sure sign of falling out of favour with God. But God said, “Moreover, I declare to you that I will build you a house, an everlasting kingdom.”

Guilds of St. Joseph carry on that legacy of building. And while what is physical plays a part, maintenance and repair of the temple, the tabernacle, we too are engaged in the spiritual building of the kingdom of God. Hammers and saws create a reason to get together, but most would affirm that it’s the fellowship – the working together – that’s the most important aspect of the association. Through our labours, we are witnesses and fellow builders of an everlasting kingdom.

Today, we give thanks for St. Joseph. We give thanks for Holy Joes everywhere. And we pray that our efforts will continue to build up and serve the kingdom of God established among us through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Bishop and Chapter News – Mar 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 20 March with nine of thirteen members present. Minutes of 15 February 2017 were adopted. A brief conversation was lead by the Dean based on Ephesians 5:8–20 encouraging consideration of what it means to be “light” and how we are light to one another and the wider community.

Business Arising

• Stipends and salaries – action on this item will be referred to the committee on Administration and Finance
• Christian formation part-time staff position – investigation continues. Meetings with two potential candidates having been held. We await recommendation from the committee on Christian Formation
• Nominating Committee – a nomination has been made and accepted to fill the Bishop’s appointment required for Bishop and Chapter – chair of Administration and Finance and Vice-Chair
• Diocesan Safe Church Regulation – As requested, the Bishop and Chapter Executive has met with a potential Safe Church Officer
• South Porch Window – repair completed

From the Dean

• Routine activities – summary of regular items
• Sexton – Lou McKnight approaches the end of a six month probationary period. The Dean will meet with him to discuss his continuing
• Statistical Return – submitted to the Diocese
• Verger – plans to attend 2017 Verger Conference and the Dean has indicated the Cathedral will reimburse him for airfare
• Vacation – scheduled for 17 – 30 April 2017

Items for Decision

• Safe Church Officer – Nathan Cutler has been asked to fill the requirement of Safe Church Officer (one day per month) and he has accepted. Nathan will guide the Cathedral congregation towards compliance with the Diocesan Safe Church Regulation as it applies to our congregational needs


• Treasurer – continuing to explore and implement several internal financial management processes to help streamline and regularize how we collectively participate in the tasks required including:

– review of general ledger coding
– acquiring current status on HST rebate through CRA
– assuring that monthly income, expenses and budget include the appropriate items for that report
– working with our bookkeeper to clarify interactions and points of contact
– bi-weekly processing of invoices and cheque requisitions

February expenses considerably higher than income by way of offering and other sources: Income: $37,218 Expense: $46,030.
Fuel, water and electricity costs for February: $9,098
• Mission Outreach – successful fund-raiser for Belize Missions raising $6300. Refugee family continues to have many challenges but progress is being made
• Communications – second and final draft of the 2017 Photo Directory is being edited by the committee
• Christian Formation – will consider more thoroughly options regarding a Director of Christian Formation with recommendation

Up-coming Events

• Holy Week is 09-15 April
• ALPHA begins 29 March
Diocesan Parish Officers’ Day is 06 May

Next meetings: 15 May, 12 June

The Biggest Invitation – ALPHA

Many reading this will have participated in an Alpha course in the past and perhaps you or your church are still doing so; or it may be that you have never heard of Alpha.

If you are in this latter category, Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that explore the basics of life, faith and God, typically run over 11 weeks.

Each session looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation.

Alpha was developed at Holy Trinity Church, Brompton over 25 years ago and is now run all around the globe. Over 29 million people have tried Alpha in 169 countries, and it has been translated into 112 different languages.

Courses take different formats, but generally they have three key aspects: food, a talk and good conversation. Everyone is welcome and all questions are accepted.

what_is_alphaWhatever you do know about Alpha, it may be time to have another look or run Alpha again. Through this coming fall and winter, there will be a global Alpha campaign. Labelled “The Biggest Church Invitation of This Generation,” the face of the campaign will be Bear Grylls, known worldwide for outdoor survival and adventure and with 1.5 billion fans. He will be sharing his journey to faith; in his words: “Alpha was the best thing I ever did!”

Typically run over 8-12 weeks, it allows anyone to explore life, faith and God in a friendly, open and informal environment. In each session there’s food, a short talk, and discussion in small groups. Everything you need to run Alpha is available online and free to download.

This is an opportunity for churches or groups to tap into the interest generated in our communities. We should be ready for those who come seeking. Alpha materials have been updated and are now offered via free downloads. A complete revised set of 29-minutes talks delivered by Nicky Gumbel was released last year. A new Alpha film series launched in April, featuring stories from all around the world and covering the Alpha content in a contemporary visual format. There is also a highly successful Youth Alpha Film Series.

Register your course with Alpha Canada for no charge to access the talks, transcripts and training videos for free. Learn more, or register a course

Cheryl Jacobs
Chair of the Diocesan Council Spiritual Development Team
from the New Brunswick Anglican June 2016