Warm hearts far away help outreach program

Knit and crochet

BEAUTIFUL – Outreach Committee Chair Penny Ericson and volunteer Rose MacDonald delightedly show off some of the many scarves, hats, mittens, socks, and lap robes handcrafted by two generous women from Nova Scotia who wanted to help make Christmas brighter for people in need in Fredericton. The items will be distributed at the Monday morning drop-in December 18th along with other Christmas goodies.

How long would it take you to handcraft 41 hats, 38 scarves, four pairs of mittens, four pairs of socks, and three lap robes?

In my case, it would take until the 12th of Never to create 90 items because I lack talent and patience to knit or crochet.

For two women from the Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia, it took only a few months, and they accomplished the task on top of making lovely things for their family and friends, tending large vegetable gardens, and living busy lives.

This Christmas the cathedral’s Monday morning guests will be the recipients of beautiful and useful items handmade by Mary Coffill Deveau of Kentville and her friend, Trina Long, who lives at Sunken Lake near Wolfville.

It’s not the first Christmas they have presented such a generous gift to people in need in Fredericton – people neither woman has ever met.

“We enjoy making things, and we love helping people,” says Mary, adding “everyone deserves something warm and pretty to wear in the harsh cold of winter.”

Mary and Trina frequently knit and crochet for organizations in the Annapolis Valley that help the poor, but she has heard much about the cathedral’s Monday morning drop-in from her sister-in-law, Ann Deveau, who volunteers with the program.

We thought it would be fun to help because that’s what Christmas is all about, isn’t it?” Mary asks. “Give from your heart to people less fortunate than yourself.

The Outreach Committee is extremely grateful for the huge donation of colourful knit and crochet items which were shared with guests at a Christmas gathering on Monday morning, Dec. 18th. The gift bags  also contained a Christmas card, gift card, candy, toiletries, socks, and cookies homemade by parishioners at St. Margaret’s Anglican Church. Small gift bags with goodies for children will be provided by parishioners from New Maryland United Church.

Ann Deveau

2017 Christmas Pastoral Letter

Late in time behold him come, offspring of a virgin’s womb.
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see; hail, the incarnate deity,
pleased as one of us to dwell, Jesus, our Emmanuel.

Christmas 2017

Dear friends,

For many, December is one of the busiest of months. Expectations run high with the promise that this year, the seasonal celebration will be the best ever. We want to celebrate, in fact we should. What happens when we see that we might not meet all of those expectations? Maybe most of all, our own?

Perhaps there’s always need to roll back the expectation meter and take a fresh look at what Christmas, and the Advent that leads us there, is really all about. We might be shocked to discover just how easy maneuvering Christmas should be after all.

The truths we enjoy and remember at Christmas should be straight forward: God enters into our experience. God is not far away. God visited this world in the person of Jesus Christ some two thousand years ago. In Jesus, we often say, “heaven was wedded to earth.” The boundary between the divine and what is of the earth became very thin indeed. “Christ is the image of the unseen God …” (Colossians 1:15)

Many have difficulty to believe God could inhabit the earth in such a way. That virgin birth, what’s up with that? And many celebrate Christmas anyway. It is the revealing of a message that God cared enough about us to become one of us. Christmas has extended itself far beyond the Church and the Faith where it began. The approach taken by the Church for centuries is to recognize that God is in all things and that even the secularism of a culture can still be touched with truth revealed. Santa, parties, cards, cookies and caroling can all contribute to our devotion without becoming themselves the object of our worship. Let’s be ever mindful of whom we offer our worship.

Truth in a person. Jesus is the very Word of God incarnate and to him every word of scripture points. The Godhead, veiled in flesh. The incarnate deity, pleased as one of us to dwell. All things will one day find their fulfilment in him and we look to the day when we are with him in the place of eternal joy and light. “In him was life, and that life was the light of all people.” (John 1:4)

May your home be a place of comfort and joy as you take heart in that revelation received long ago but still today. And may the very presence of God, be with you and with those for whom you care this season and beyond.





Christmas offering envelopes are included in our numbered boxed sets
Make a Christmas offering Online HERE

Dean of Fredericton


Read or download in PDF format here

Christmas Worship 2017

Fourth Sunday of Advent (24 Dec)
10:00 a.m.

Christmas Eve (24 Dec)
4:00 p.m. (contemporary)
8:00 p.m. (11:45 style)
11:00 p.m. (traditional)

Christmas Day(25 Dec)
10:00 a.m.

First Sunday after Christmas (31 Dec)
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:45 a.m.

New Years Day (01 Jan)
11:00 a.m.

Please contact the Cathedral Office (506) 450 8500
to schedule a Home Communion.

Bishop and Chapter News – Dec 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 11 December 2017 with ten of twelve members present. Minutes of 20 November 2017 were adopted. The Dean led a reflection on the O Antiphons of Advent which included consideration of associated scripture.

Business Arising

Cathedral By-Law - amended version as proposed was approved by the Bishop of Fredericton 01 December 2017 and posted to the web
• Safe Church Forms - forms tabled in November with minor revisions to be considered
• Chapter Vacancy - a motion to recommend a Bishop’s appointment of Lynn Meehan as Hospitality/Welcoming/Membership chair
• Committee Terms of Reference - the intention is for the Executive to work with Chapter members to assure that terms of reference exist for each Committee of the Chapter

For Discussion

The Road Home (Fredericton Project to End Homelessness) - Penny Erikson addressed the Chapter about this current project following the “Housing First” philosophy. Possibilities for the Cathedral to be involved were briefly discussed. There will be an appeal to Anglican parishes in and around the City. An information session with more details will be planned during January. Visit the website <roadhomefredericton.com> to explore.

Items for Decision

• Approval of Forms - two forms adopted for use:
- Permission for Personal Health Information Release Form
- Volunteer Information Form

From the Dean

• Normal - 3 home visits, 4 visits to hospital, diocesan and Cathedral meetings
• Seasonal - preparations in process


• Treasurer - briefed the Chapter on several items:
- update on current financials and the 2017 budget
- thanks and a reminder to be sent to those who pledged support for parish nursing
- requirements for up-coming review engagement in January
- preliminary information preparing a budget for 2018
• Buildings and Property - some additional lighting changes to LED and considering renovation work to Cathedral south door and porch
• Formation - Life in the Eucharist completed, Godly Play, Taizé worship. ALPHA concludes this week.
• Administration and Finance - Records management project continues. Facilitated completion of forms (Decision)
• Mission and Outreach - Belize Mission, progress on Community Kitchen Teams coordination
• Health and Pastoral Care - progress toward budget needs for 2018; Afternoon Tea held on 07 December
• Hospitality/Welcoming/Membership - Lynn Meehan attended as guest and is looking forward to offering leadership in this area

Annual Report - final deadline for reports is 31 January. Committee Chairs to facilitate collection before that date.


17 December - Christmas Lessons and Carols
24 December - 10 am; 4, 8, 11 pm
25 December - 10 am
01 January - 11 am New Years with the Bishop
27 January - Belize Mission

Next meetings:
22 January. 19 February, Annual Meeting 25 February 2018 GMH

Portrait of a (formerly) homeless woman – Sandy Robb

Sandy Robb has fought for everything she has – most especially for her life and her home, because neither has been certain. She was the guest speaker at the Dec. 6, 2017 gathering of the Christ Church Cathedral ACW, which drew a large crowd.

* * * * *

Read the full article, written by Gisele McKnight and published in the February 2018 edition of the NB Anglican.

See Sandy in the short documentary film ‘The Rest Will Follow’, a collaboration of DocTalks, the Community Action Group on Homelessness and Housing First.

Music Monthly – December 2017

Sunday 3 December – First Sunday of Advent
10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Nun komm der Heiden Heiland – Praetorius
Missa l’hora passa – Viadana
Psalm 80:1-7, 16-18
The Lord will come and not be slow – Tye
108, 446, 88, 48, 110
Prelude on Nun komm der Heiden Heiland BWV 661 – Bach

4.00: Advent Procession
The Great Advent Antiphons
Matin Responsory – Palestrina
Remember, O thou man – Ravenscroft
There is a flower springing – Praetorius
Rejoice in the Lord alway – Anon. 16th century
How beautiful upon the mountains – Stainer
Magnificat (Short Service) – Weelkes
Vesper Responsory – Praetorius
89, 98, 103, 110
Carillon de Longchamp – Vierne

Sunday 10 December – Second Sunday of Advent
10.00: Choral Eucharist with Great Litany (BCP)
Wood in the Phrygian Mode
Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13 O praise the Lord, all ye heathen – Batten
599, 111, 393, 96, 108
Postlude in D – Smart

Sunday 17 December – Third Sunday of Advent
10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Almighty and everlasting God – Gibbons
Missa Secunda – Hassler
Psalm 126
This is the record of John – Gibbons
98, 103, 109, 102, 101
Pavane la Battaille – Susato

4.00: Nine Lessons and Carols
Special Order of Service

Sunday 24 December – Fourth Sunday of Advent
10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
Gabriel’s message – arr. Pettman
Darke in E
Magnificat – Sumsion in G
Hail, blessed Virgin Mary – arr. Wood
114, 267, 116, 268, 362
Fugue on the Magnificat BWV 733 – Bach

Christmas Eve
11.00: Christmas Eucharist (BCP)
Ding! Dong! Merrily on high – arr. Wood
Messe de Minuit de Nöel – Charpentier
Psalm 96
In the bleak midwinter – Darke
118, 121, 140,126 , 138
Toccata-Prelude on Vom Himmel hoch – Edmundson

Sunday 31 December – First Sunday after Christmas
Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Adam lay ybounden – Ord
German Mass – Schubert
Psalm 148
Nunc Dimittis – Sumsion in G
155, 88, 150, 132, 154
Prelude on In dulci jubilo BWV 729 – Bach

Olga Louise Mann – Obituary

Olga Mann PhotoOlga Louise Mann

1918 – 2017

Olga Louise Mann died peacefully on 15 November 2017 at the Halifax Infirmary. She was seven weeks past her 99th birthday, and had enjoyed a long full life.

She was born on PEI, daughter of Wilbert and Emma (Cudmore) Reeves. She was predeceased by her husband, George Mann, and all her immediate family. She is survived by her children Beth (Andrew) and Douglas (Christina) and their children Jamie, Carole, Meghan, Katie and Hanna, and great granddaughter Natasha.

She will be remembered for her long and happy association with Christ Church Cathedral Fredericton; Sir Howard Douglas Chapter IODE; her wonderful baking; her love of playing cribbage; and her delight at talking with friends and family.

Funeral service will take place 2:00 p.m., Saturday, 02 December 2017, at Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton.

Special thanks to staff and volunteers at Bradford Hall, Parkland Clayton Park Halifax; to her many friends and family who were faithful to call, visit and send cards over the last many years; and to the wonderful staff of 9 Lane, Halifax Infirmary who kept her comfortable at the end.

For those who wish, donations may be made to Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton or a charity of your choice.

Cathedral Faces – Ann Deveau and Doug Milander

Ann and Doug are well known around the Cathedral for their many hours of volunteer work.

Ann is from Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, and Doug is from Norfolk, Nebraska. They began attending the Cathedral in 1997 as a middle way between her Roman Catholic upbringing and his background in the United Methodist church. The route to Fredericton taken by this busy, caring couple is interesting.

Devea and Milander

Ann Deveau and Doug Milander

Doug received a journalism degree in Nebraska and, immediately after graduation, he received his military draft notice. It was during the Vietnam War which he opposed. He made the life-altering decision to move to Canada, knowing he faced prison for draft evasion if he returned to the USA where his parents and family remained.

He worked at a weekly newspaper in Morris, Manitoba, as editor, photographer, reporter, and it was a seven day per week effort. He reported for a daily newspaper in Winnipeg before he moved to Saint John, N.B., to work for the TELEGRAPH JOURNAL, often covering the court circuit. He comments that although it is cold in the winter on the prairies, he felt the damp cold even more in Saint John!

He proudly became a Canadian citizen but was not allowed into the USA until President Jimmy Carter declared an amnesty for draft evaders in 1977. Following a long backpacking trip overland from England to Nepal, he got a job as a legislative reporter for the DAILY GLEANER. One of his new colleagues at that newspaper was Ann Deveau who had earned a journalism degree at Carleton University in Ottawa.

They married in 1978 in St. Mark's chapel at Kings Landing. By this time, Doug had switched from newspapers to radio and worked in Moncton and Fredericton as a reporter and news reader. Many of us remember him as such. Ann worked as a television reporter, then opted to try government communications. She had a number of interesting responsibilities including speech writing for whichever government was in power, press announcements, interacting with reporters, and preparing government officials for news conferences. She had to be very versatile!

Ann has been retired for five years, and Doug for 12 years. At that time, they stepped up the volunteer work they had always done during their careers. For example, Doug had coached sports and Ann has been a top fund-raiser for a Run for the Cure team and served four times as a judge for the National Newspaper Awards.

Help as many people as much as you can. So many people are in need.

Retirement was the beginning of a very active life for them, centred on the Cathedral and people in need.

Ann was secretary of the Missions Committee for eight years, and both have been on three mission trips to work at St. Hilda's School in Belize. They volunteer every Monday morning with the Outreach program, a weekly drop-in for people in need. They deliver weekly Food Bank donations, organize the Christmas Angels program, and volunteer monthly at the soup kitchen. Both are longtime regulars as ushers/greeters and recently became readers and prayer leaders at services.

A time-consuming but rewarding assignment recently was their service on the archdeaconry’s refugee sponsorship committee and their efforts to help a Liberian refugee family settle into Canada.

One wonders how they would have time for anything else! However, they love to travel and have seen many places in North America, the Caribbean, the United Kingdom and Europe. They recently returned from a tour of Italy. They love to read, work in their lovely gardens, go hiking and camping with their tent trailer, and help wherever they can. The neighbours all know them for their ‘dog stop’ on the corner by their house. They provide fresh water for the many dogs who walk past with their owners and offer a means to dispose of the “doggie doo.”

It is not hard to guess what “Words of Wisdom” this couple has to offer:

“Help as many people as much as you can. So many people are in need.” They certainly live up to their advice!

Bishop and Chapter News – Nov 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 20 November 2017 with twelve of thirteen members present. Minutes of 16 October 2017 were adopted. The Dean led a brief information sharing and conversation regarding children and Communion. Bishop’s Directive 3.1.2 contains guidelines for practice. A brief overview of Life in the Eucharist was discussed.

Business Arising
Review Engagement – has been scheduled with accountants for January 2018. This will be a regular part of year end preparation in the future.
Trust and Endowment Funds – continuing to work with the Stevenson/Eddy report to provide a better accounting structure and presentation of Cathedral funds. The up-coming review will be useful as we better incorporate this information into our financial reporting
Cathedral By-Law Amendments – a motion to adopt a third draft of proposed amendments was carried. With the signature of our Bishop, the new By-laws will come into force
Volunteer Position Descriptions – working toward Safe Church regulation compliance, seven descriptions approved
Chapter Vacancy – a continuing search for a member to chair the Hospitality/Welcoming/Membership Committee of the Chapter.
2018 Stipend – at the request of the Dean and in accordance with diocesan requirements, a decision was made regarding the Dean’s stipend for the coming year: 5% increase (minus a cost of living increase in the 2018 minimum stipend scale)

Items for Decision
1. Nominating Committee – the Dean and two appointed lay members of the Chapter (Sally Dibblee and Kevin Percy) one of whom will be the chair. Three member terms expire this year, two of which may be renewed for another three year term. Three delegates to Synod (two adults, one youth) and their substitutes will needed for election, Nominations invited.
2. Committee terms of reference – some Chapter committees lack terms of reference. Some remaining organizational challenges. Executive will work with committees to clarify over the next couple of months.

From the Dean
Normal – 6 home visits, 5 visits to hospital, several home/hospital Communions, 1 funeral, diocesan and Cathedral meetings including Life in the Eucharist and Belize mission
Request for use of Green – an inquiry has been received about using the green north of Queen for a Saturday community event in the summer of 2018 or 2019. A formal proposal to be received

Treasurer – financials to 31 October presented and considered. Internal income above normal due to the “Fabric Grant” and a Development grant for Christian Formation from the Synod
Buildings and Property – lawn signs installed, Cathedral insulation
Communications – Two Minutes for Cathedral Ministry
Formation – Life in the Eucharist, Godly Play, Taizé worship
Administration and Finance – Records management
Mission and Outreach – Belize Mission, Soup Kitchen coordinator needed
Health and Pastoral Care – Information Session on Dying
Worship – Workshop on reading scripture 28 October (attendance 30)
Hospitality/Welcoming/Membership – in need of leadership

03 December – Advent Lessons and Carols
17 December – Christmas Lessons and Carols
24 December – 10 am; 4, 8, 11 pm
01 January – 11 am New Years with the Bishop

Next meetings:
11 December; 22 January. Annual 25 February 2018 GMH

You Better Belize it!

It is official! The 2018 Belize mission team has booked their flights and will be starting preparations soon for their mission trip in January. The team consists of Carol Ann Melvin, Rebecca Butler-Goddard, Nat Fetter, Caryn Gunter, Dean Geoffrey Hall, Kelley Hall, Beverly Morell and Jim Morell. Please keep them in your prayers, along with the staff and students at St. Hilda’s Anglican School, and stay tuned for ways you may be able to help out as part of the home team.

While the mission team will fund their own expenses, contributions to the Belize Mission are welcome. There will be other  expenses, including the cost of the mission projects (yet to be determined) and support for St. Hilda's School.

But one fund-raiser is the sale of limited edition Cathedral lapel pins ($20 each). Speak to the Dean or visit the Cathedral office.

Most especially, please pray for the members of the mission team and watch for other ways to support this reaching outside of our Church walls.