2018 Belize Mission blog

The Belize Mission Team

Rebecca Butler, Caryn Gunter, Nat Fetter, Carol Ann Melvin, Dean Geoffrey Hall, Kelley Hall, Jim Morell, and Beverly Morell

is scheduled to depart Saturday, 27 January 2018 and spend a week serving at St. Hilda’s Anglican School in the village of Georgeville. Teams from the Cathedral have been travelling to Belize since 2005 and a close bond has been built between our church family and the school and church there. You, at the Cathedral, are our “Home Team” and we ask for your help in one or more of the following ways – (1) pray for the Mission Team daily as they prepare, travel and serve God in Belize; (2) make a special offering so we can buy educational supplies and a computer-compatible projector to take with us for the school; (3) read the daily blog on our website and follow what the Away Team is doing daily at the school; (4) support the Team on the Sunday of commissioning (11:45 a.m. worship on 21 January).

Visit the Belize Mission website


2018 Belize Mission

Posted in Belize, Mission and Outreach.


  1. Hi;
    listening to the pod cast from the 31st which included talk of self esteem issues of some students in Belize made me think of my own teaching experience. Sometimes we think we have to work a long time to help change a child’s outlook. I have been told by former students that it was one comment or a single incident that changed their outlook.
    Words are very powerful and sometimes you don’t know their impact for many years or if ever. You are doing important work but may never know the positive impact.

  2. Harry,

    Somehow, we missed this post. This is a powerful lesson that you are sharing. Thank you so much.

    I will remember this whenever I am working with others, especially children.

    I will make sure that the 2018 Belize mission team reads your comment. 🙂


    Carol Ann

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