Episcopal Church of Roatan / Nelson and Kara Ministry (August 2020 Update)

Roatán Update August 2020

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. (Philippians 1:3-5, NIV)

We give all glory and honour to the Lord for your partnering with us. Without your support and especially your prayers, our ministry would never have been possible or impact our generation. We give our heartfelt special thanks to all of you for your sacrificial giving.

The past few months have been totally different in every aspect. As we all know, the disruption caused this year by a global pandemic and many other challenging factors such as malaria, dengue, education, unemployment, delinquency, and the country’s weak economy have negatively affected us and forced  us to cancel the plans that we had before the disruption.

Many people have had to work on projects to change and improve the way they earn an  income. Many have had to leave their daily occupations and go out to sell bread, baleadas, hamburgers, vegetables and many other things to survive.

Driving change inside our church can be challenging when change outside our church is greater. 

We pray for wisdom to take the challenges we are already facing, guided by God, confident in what the word of God says in Romans 8:31. That if God is in our favor, no one can be against us!

What is happening in our family?

Time goes fast; it seems like yesterday that a three-year-old boy arrived in Roatan in 2006, and this year he has received his Diploma from High School. The school didn’t celebrate graduation because of the impact of Covid 19, however he is going to Providence University in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Stephen and Kara have arrived safely in Winnipeg ahead of the start of his first term, and I would like to ask your prayers specially for Stephen as he experiences living in a new culture and being at a new stage of his life.

This is the first time that Stephen will be on his own, however we knew it would happen eventually. We will miss him, but we know it is for the best. If you would like to send a message to Stephen: [email protected]

Kara is returning to Roatan in the first week in September. Kelly’s school is planning to start classes online and if the situation permits they will have Art and Physical Education at the school.

Emmanuel Community Kitchen Project (Soup Kitchen)

We continue with the community kitchen, and at the moment we are feeding over 600 people around the Island. This includes adults and children.

To see weekly updates and support this project, please go to: www.tttfmicro.com

Please pray that all the resources will be obtained to continue with this project for the benefit of individuals and families on the Bay Islands who are impacted by Covid 19.

Impact of Covid 19

We continue to face Covid 19. To update you on Honduras, at the moment we have 43,197 cases,1377 deaths and 5794 people who have recovered.We in Roatán have 202 cases confirmed at the moment, and 60 people who have recovered. 

Roatan Emmanuel Episcopal Church

At Emmanuel Episcopal/Anglican Church our building continues to be closed. Our Diocesan Bishop Lloyd Allen, called the Episcopal Church in Honduras to be prepared with the biosecurity protocol to open our buildings when the government approves. The protocol includes all the regulations regarding being in the building and celebrating the Eucharist, Morning or Evening Prayer.

Projects at Emmanuel Church

We continue with the stucco of a side wall of the church, a small project that we had to stop due to government regulations. We would like to give a special thank you to Tracey Larter from Vancouver who has donated some money for this project and also for the delivery of bags of groceries to the people in need. Both churches – St. Peter in Brick Bay and Emmanuel Coxen Hole – received the benefit. Thank you, Tracey. 

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Financial Support

On the financial side, we continue to be very positive and to pray and praise God with faith and thanksgiving. We also ask you to continue to pray about our finances, that for the rest of the year our support will stabilize and be sufficient to cover our needs. At the moment our balance is very low. Therefore, please consider sending a special offering to cover our expenses and needs.

To donate now, please click on the following link (or copy and paste it into your browser):


Or you can visit the Diocese of Fredericton’s website (www.anglican.nb.ca) then go to “Donate” for various ways to give online. Be sure to select “Honduras Mission Fund”.

Cheques should be made payable to “The Diocesan Synod of Fredericton” and sent to: Anglican Diocesan Synod of Fredericton, 115 Church Street, Fredericton, NB E3B 4C8

Phone: (506) 459-1801

All cheques should have “Honduras Mission” noted on the reference line.

We know that with the global impact of the pandemic it is difficult for everyone in the world. That said, we greatly appreciate your prayer and financial support to date and trust that you will continue to support us.

Please continue to pray for:

1.   Please continue to pray for Roatan and Honduras at a difficult time caused by Covid 19. 

2.   Pray for Stephen Mejia Thompson, our son who was accepted at Providence University College in Manitoba. Providence awaits him in September 2020. His flight is scheduled  for July 31rst.  Please pray for safe travel.

3.   Please pray for our Diocese in Honduras that is starting the process to elect a Suffragan Bishop to assist our Diocesan Bishop, Lloyd Emmanuel Allen.

4.   Continued and stable financial support for the next three years as we continue to serve the Lord in Roatán, Honduras.

5.   The ongoing construction in Coxen Hole. Pray for the remaining installation stages: Cement concrete for the floor at the moment.

6.   Our congregations: St. Peter by the Sea in Brick Bay, and Emmanuel in Coxen Hole.

7.   Please pray for the Rev. Robert Browning and for his ministry to English-speakers in Eastern Roatán.

8.   For youth leadership, that God will provide someone to minister to and guide the young people.

9.   Spiritual and practical outreach in the local communities.

10.  For leadership for the Church in Roatán.

11.  The Episcopal Church in Honduras, for the process toward self-sufficiency to be continued in 2020.

Thank you to all who have faithfully prayed and faithfully given to support this incredible work of ministering to the people in our congregations.

Matthew 25:40: “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Your prayers and continued support enable us to continue touching people’s lives with Jesus’ love.

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.     Ephesians 3:20-21 

Empowering the Church

Learning, Growing and Serving

Nelson and Kara Mejia

Posted in Mejias in Honduras, Mission and Outreach.

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