Bishop and Chapter News – April 2020

Bishop and Chapter met 20 April 2020 by video conference with 13 of 14 members present. The Dean lead a brief discussion on part of the Gospel for the Third Sunday of Easter. Discussion included thoughts about the unique characteristics of the risen Jesus in the Gospels, some considerations about how the presence of Jesus is experienced by those in the post-Easter accounts and how Jesus is present to us today. Minutes of meetings: 10 February, 23 February, 02 April 2020 were adopted.

Business Arising

·  10 am refreshments (Worship and Hospitality) - planned conversation not yet undertaken
·  Restoration Fund by-law and narrative budget for 2021 - will be agenda items for Finance and Administration
·  Project 2045 - no further movement on current discussions
·  Housing First land transfer - Property and Housing First Project committees following up
·  Committee detailed budgets - no further developments

From the Dean

Pastoral visitations by phone continue. Daily offices continue. During Holy Week daily worship was facilitated online with relatively good attendance. Stations of the Cross and Music for Holy Week and Easter recorded, edited and made available. Sunday worship, pre-recorded in advance continues. Some Cathedral groups have met virtually thus far (Taizé Thursdays, Youth Group, Stewardship Team). In attendance with Diocesan usual groups including Deaneries Clericus, Diocesan Finance Committee and others as scheduled. Installation of VOIP phone system in process. Tools for alternative meeting methods still being assessed and made available. Regular podcasts continue as usual.


Cathedral staff payroll - Upon recommendation of the Executive Committee, the Chapter endorsed maintaining payroll for members of staff during the pandemic shut down. While wage subsidies are promised by government, it will be some time before we see those resources. Our ability to continue to pay salaries will depend on income by way of offerings. There has been response to the request to “catch up and keep up.” We’ll continue to monitor our financial status.


Property - Cathedral and Hall are being checked regularly. We’re thankful that a flood is unlikely this year.

Communication - Issue #2 of Cathedral Connections published mid April with plans to maintain every other week. Social media, website and other means of communicating continue to get attention.

Welcome and Hospitality - considering ways to celebrate community once pandemic restrictions are lifted.

Health and Pastoral Care - a recent website post by the parish Nurse was reviewed. Contacts by telephone and meeting needs where possible continue.

Worship - Committee has not met but efforts continue to provide worship opportunities by virtual means.

Christian Formation - additional virtual programming that might be undertaken. Faith Alive! (Preparation for confirmation, reaffirmation and reception) may reconnect by video conference.

Mission and Outreach - Monday drop-in not held regularly but vouchers given at a distance on the last Monday of the month. Some communications with Belize over the last several weeks. Continuing to monitor Housing First project.

Finance and Administration - No meeting as of yet but possible in the near future. Installation of VOIP telephone system will be completed soon. Stewardship Team has been active.

Next Meetings

• 18 May 2020
• 15 June 2020


Health Ministry is Active and on the Go – April 2020

The Cathedral Health Ministry Team has been active and on the go, supporting those isolated or in need by taking meals to them, bringing homemade cookies to their doors, and delivering Easter cards and hot cross buns last weekend.

We have assisted in other ways such as purchasing groceries for parishioners, picking up needed medications from the pharmacies, and taking clients to ‘urgent’ physician appointments. The Health Ministry Callers have been in contact with many of our ‘people’ and are enjoying catching up with all.

The Parish Nurse has been in daily contact with many clients and supporting with health counselling and advice. Several members of the Health Ministry Team (and their mothers!) have been making masks. A word about wearing face masks:

Please remember that

  • the mask should cover over the top of your nose and under your chin
  • your hands are considered dirty at all times and should be kept away from your face and the mask
  • the outside of the mask is considered dirty
  • when removing the mask, take it off with the elastics or ties, and do not touch the outside of the mask
  • wash it in hot, soapy water after each use daily, and
  • wash your hands after removing the mask.

On another note, online meetings have been held using the Teams, Messenger and Zoom applications. The Health Ministry Committee met several weeks ago, as did the Cathedral Mothers’ Union branch, where we celebrated Mothering Sunday with a Service online. The Yoga Class and Dementia Support Groups have been connecting with each other through email conversation and support.

We look forward to continuing to support our faith community. Please feel free to contact Parish Nurse <k.snow at> or (506) 461-8201 for any assistance required.

Kathleen Snow

Stations of the Cross – Video and Photos



Visit the Cathedral at Noon on Fridays during Lent to participate in Stations of the Cross, and find two different meditations here on our website.

The depiction of the Stations of the Cross below features photos of the stations in the Cathedral, with text adapted from The Stations of the Cross for Kids, which we have used in the past. The video above contains alternate meditations.  There are many different versions of the Stations of the Cross. Try a different one each Friday!

The First Station: Jesus Is Condemned to Death

Jesus stood before Pontius Pilate.
Jesus was alone.
Jesus had done only good things in life.
Jesus had to be put to death.
The procession was ready.
The gates were opened.
The soldiers lead the way.
Jesus followed.

Dear Jesus, you stood all alone before Pilate. Nobody speaks up for you. Nobody defends you. Sometimes I feel alone. Sometimes I feel afraid. Sometimes I feel like I am treated unfairly. Help me to accept unfairness and not complain. Help me pray for those who have hurt me.

Almighty Father, many times people don't seem to understand me. Sometimes they are unfair. You accept me when I make mistakes. Help me to accept others when they make mistakes. Help me to forgive as Jesus did. This I ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.


The Second Station: Jesus Accepts His Cross

The people wanted to crucify Jesus.
Pontius Pilate did not want to crucify Him.
He tried everything he could think of to change the crowd's mind but nothing worked.
He washed his hands in front of the crowd saying, "This is a righteous man."
He gave Jesus to the soldiers to be crucified.

Dear Jesus, you carried your cross. You knew it wouldn't be easy, but you carried it just the same. Sometimes I get upset with the troubles that I have. Sometimes I get upset when people ask me to do things for them. I don't want to carry my cross. Give me the courage to carry my cross as You did.

Almighty Father, Jesus carried his cross without complaint. When I am tempted to complain, help me to remember Jesus and the cross he carried for me. This I ask through Christ Our Lord. Amen.


The Third Station: Jesus Falls the First Time

The procession moves out of the city gate.
Jesus was unsteady on his feet.
The soldiers were pushing Him.
Jesus is tired. He can hardly carry the cross. He fell.
The soldiers yanked him up.
The procession is moving again.

Dear Jesus, sometimes I don't pay attention to what I should be doing. When things get hard for me, sometimes I give up. Your cross was so heavy. It was hard for you. You never gave up. You fell, but you got up and moved on. Help me to get up when I fall and keep moving.

Almighty Father, I know there are many times when I give up before I should. When I fall, help me get up again and keep going. This I ask through Christ Our Lord. Amen.


The Fourth Station: Jesus Meets His Sorrowful Mother

Mary sees the procession moving through the streets. She sees her son. She hurries to him.
There he was in front of her. The cross was so heavy, he was trembling. His body was bleeding. His mother tries to get closer to him. He tries to get closer to his mother but the soldiers pushed him away.
The procession moves on.

Dear Jesus, help me to see those around me who love me. Help me to understand that I need them as much as they need me.

Almighty Father, when I feel alone, help me to remember to turn to my parents for help and most of all, to you. This I ask through Christ Our Lord. Amen.


The Fifth Station: Simon Helps Carry the Cross

The soldiers saw that Jesus was weak. They were afraid that he might not make it to the place where he was to be crucified. The soldiers see Simon of Cyrene.
A soldier pushes Simon toward Jesus telling him to carry the cross. Simon saw Jesus was bruised and bleeding and quickly picked up the cross. He carried it for Jesus. They moved on with Jesus following Simon.

Dear Jesus, sometimes I pretend not to hear when my parents call me. I leave when I know others could use my help. You gave help to everyone. When you needed help, you accepted it. Help me to give and accept help.

Almighty Father, help me to be a friend to friendless. Help me to help the needy. This I ask through Christ Our Lord. Amen.


The Sixth Station: Veronica Offers her Veil to Jesus

Veronica steps towards Jesus with a wet cloth.
She wanted to comfort Jesus in any way she could.
She gently wiped his face.
The soldiers roughly pushed her back.
They continued along their way.

Dear Jesus, there are times when I see someone that is being picked on. There are times when I see someone that is sad. Just as Veronica wiped your face to comfort you, help me to always help others in whatever way I can.

Almighty Father, help me to see the needs of others. Remind me to be helpful, even if I am not asked. This I ask through Christ Our Lord. Amen.


The Seventh Station: Jesus Falls the Second Time

Jesus is getting more tired.
Jesus is getting weaker.
Jesus falls.
Jesus struggles to get up.
He tries until He makes it to his feet.
He moves on.

Dear Jesus, you didn't give up. Sometimes when things get hard for me, it's hard to keep trying. I want to quit. When things get hard for me, help me to get up and keep going as you did.

Almighty Father, help me to keep trying when things get hard and when I fall. Help me not to give up. This I ask through Christ Our Lord. Amen.


The Eighth Station: Jesus Speaks to the Women of Jerusalem

Jesus could hear the crying of the women in the crowd.
He knew they were sad.
He stopped and talked to them.
Even at this terrible time, Jesus was not thinking of himself, he was thinking of all of us.

Dear Jesus, you stopped to help those in need. I get selfish at times and think only of myself. Help me to reach out to others as you did. Help me to see the needs of others and put their needs above mine.

Almighty Father, help me not to be hurtful or selfish. Help me to see the needs others have even when I have problems of my own. This I ask through Christ Our Lord. Amen.


The Ninth Station: Jesus Falls the Third Time

Jesus continues walking, tired, in pain, and pushed by the soldiers.
Jesus falls once more.
They laugh at him.
He gets up, steadies himself and walks the last few yards to the Place of the Skull.

Dear Jesus, help me to see that nothing is greater than you. Nothing is greater than your love for me. Help me to see that with your help, I can do your Father's will.

Almighty Father, Thank you for sending Jesus to us. Help me to always follow Him. This I ask through Christ Our Lord. Amen.


The Tenth Station: Jesus Is Stripped of His Garments

Jesus arrives at the Place of Skull.
The soldiers remove his clothes, tossing them in a heap.
The soldiers didn't know what to do with his clothes.
They decided to throw dice for them.

Dear Jesus, You set an example of truth, humility and love. Help me to set a good example for others to follow.

Almighty Father, help me to always be respectful and follow the examples of Jesus. This I ask through Christ Our Lord. Amen.



The Eleventh Station: Jesus Is Nailed to the Cross

The soldiers grab Jesus and lie him face up on the cross stretching his arms. They hold his wrist and hand to the wood. They drive the nail with a hammer. They do the same with the other arm. Raising his knees so that his feet would lie flat, they hammer.

It was done. Jesus was nailed to the cross.

Dear Jesus, sometimes I say or do hurtful things to others. You stretched your arms of love on the cross. Help me to bring Your love to others and cause them no hurt.

Almighty Father, help me to follow your son and make his hands bleed no more through my fault. This I ask through Christ Our Lord. Amen.


The Twelfth Station: Jesus Dies on the Cross

As Pilate had ordered, a soldier placed, above Jesus' head, a notice reading 'Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews."
The cross was hoisted into place.
Mary and John stayed at the foot of the cross and prayed.
Jesus looked down and said to his mother "Dear woman, here is your son" and to John "Here is your mother."
Even at this terrible time, he was taking care of his mother.

The sky was dark.

Jesus said "I am thirsty". A soldier offered him wine mixed with vinegar.
The two thieves that were crucified beside Jesus talked to him. Looking at one of them Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise."

Jesus said, "EIi, Eli, lama sabachthani? - My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
Then he said "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit."
A few moments later He said, "It is finished."

He died.

At that instant, the earth shook, rocks split, the curtain in the temple ripped from top to bottom. The centurion guarding Jesus saw the earth quake and said "Surely he was the Son of God".

Jesus died at 3 p.m. on the Cross at Calvary.

Dear Jesus, death is hard for us to understand. Remind us always that faith will carry us through our losses.

Almighty Father, help me to understand Jesus' death. Help me to understand the love Jesus has for me. This I ask through Christ Our Lord. Amen.


The Thirteenth Station: Jesus Is Taken from the Cross

Sabbath was rapidly approaching and the crucified ones had to be taken down before the beginning of the Sabbath celebrations.
A soldier pierced the side of Jesus with his spear to be sure that he was dead.
The crowd hurried to their homes before the beginning of Sabbath or they would be excluded from the celebration.
Mary stayed under the cross with her son.
Two men came to the soldiers with orders from Pilate, Joseph of Arimathea, and Nicodemus. Joseph had offered his burial tomb for Jesus.
Jesus was gently removed from the cross.

Dear Jesus, how bad was your death but how gently you were removed from the cross. Help me to treat others kindly always.

Almighty Father, help me to be a kinder, gentler person. Help me to always see the good in others. This I ask through Christ Our Lord. Amen.


The Fourteenth Station: Jesus Is Laid in the Tomb

People had returned to their homes for the Sabbath.
John, Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus, and Mary, went from Calvary to Jesus' burial tomb.
Joseph and John carried Jesus into the tomb.
They laid him on the rock bench in the burial chamber.
The men moved a big boulder in front of the entrance to block it.

Dear Jesus, help me to carry on your work.

Almighty Father, thank you for sending Jesus. Help me to be like Jesus. Help me to share my life and love more fully. This I ask through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Easter 2020 Pastoral Letter

Holy Week 2020

Dear Friends in Christ,

Lent is for Christians a time of preparing. The Ash Wednesday exhortation invites us to “observe a holy Lent by self-examination, penitence, prayer, fasting, and almsgiving and meditating on the word of God.” The intention, of course, is that we find that within ourselves that keeps us from good – keeps us from God. When we have identified it, God calls us to confess it, turn from it and live a new life in him. Like a plant that benefits greatly from pruning, we too can accomplish much from “pruning” in our own lives, allowing room for growth, renewal and for God!

This season marks the darkness of the days just before our Lord's final struggle with death and his victory over it. We’re encouraged to walk the way of the Cross. This is a Holy Week and Easter unlike any of us have ever seen. From isolation and quarantine, walking that way will be different this year. There is a sadness I feel knowing that we are not able to be physically present to one another. But there are opportunities, some of them from within, to assist in our own spiritual walk. Worship where you are. It is my hope that you will find what works for you. There are lessons in this for us all.

At the Cathedral, we’ll be watching our financial situation carefully over the coming weeks. The ministry we can maintain will depend, as always, solely on continuing support of the Cathedral family. Please consider delivering your Easter offering to the Church Hall or make a donation securely online from the Cathedral web site or Facebook. Our Envelope Secretary John Macaulay (506) 453-1980 would be pleased to talk with you about how to begin using e-offering (automatic debit) if not only for its convenience, for the way in which it helps to stabilize and anticipate our giving. There have been many who have offered to do pickups for any who might find it helpful.

Looking forward to its glory, have a blessed Easter!Give a festival offering

Yours in Christ,




Geoffrey Hall, Dean of Fredericton

Cathedral Faces – Dalton and Sheila London

Dalton and Sheila London are familiar faces around the Cathedral.  Both participate in the choir, Sunday readings, and in Charis groups.  Dalton is also a member of the Religious and Spiritual Care Department at the DECH, takes communion to shut-ins, is a eucharistic assistant, commissioned by the Bishop, and presides over Evening Prayer on Mondays.  Lately the Londons have become even more familiar to the community as a result of a recent article in the DAILY GLEANER, about their experience getting back to Canada after cutting short their holiday in France due to the Covid-19 outbreak.

Dalton is a native of Woodstock, NB and Sheila is from Nova Scotia.  They met while students at Acadia.  Dalton then studied at Grenoble, France, where he received a Dd’U in French Literature, and later a post doctorate in Applied Linguistics at the Université de Savoie in Chambéry where they lived for their four full-year sabbaticals.

Prior to completing his doctorate in Grenoble, he was offered positions in Lethbridge, Mount Allison, and UNB.  We are thankful that he chose UNB.  Sheila received her BA and MA in History from UNB.  Both are fluent in the French language.

Dalton was professor at UNB for 30 years, and has been retired for 22. However, it seems he is busier than ever.  He volunteers regularly at the DECH, has a passion for photography, (Dalton has approximately 83,000 photos on their iMac), they are noted hosts (they frequently have guests for meals), love to garden, both are  frequently seen at musical events and concerts, sing in the Cathedral choir, and are active participants in the lives of their grandchildren.

Dalton and Sheila have a son, Michael, (Vancouver) and a daughter, Marianne, who teaches at Bliss Carman Middle School.  Her children are also familiar around the Cathedral.  Sebastian, Caroline, and Christian are all members of the Server Team.  However, Sebastian, has just recently returned from studying in his first year at St. Andrews University at St. Andrews, Scotland, where he is pursuing courses in Medicine.  All three children are very musical and excel in the Fredericton Music Festival each year.  This year, however, it appears that experience will be on hold due to the recent epidemic.

Since retirement, Dalton, Dalton has for the past 20 years volunteered in the Palliative Care Unit at the DECH and he and Sheila have spent 19 winters in France, 17 of which have been spent in Nice, on the French Riviera.  They are both active in the Anglican Church there, Holy Trinity, and Dalton has volunteered at the Hôpital de Cimiez for the past 15 winters.  He frequently shares with us many of the beautiful scenes there.  This year, however, they had to cut their stay short.  They were very fortunate in that they were on a plane to Frankfurt, Germany, on their journey home, when all of France went into shut-down!  Just in time!!  They were surprised at the ease with which they crossed borders without much checking on their health status, regarding the Covid-19.  They are now undergoing the requisite self isolation, and so far all is well.  We pray that they remain in good health, and we can all see one another again soon.

Bishop and Chapter News (April 2020)

Bishop and Chapter met 02 April 2020 by video conference. While communication among members has been frequent this was its first formal meeting since February. 12 of 14 members were present including newest member Victoria Hachey.

Business Arising

Approval of February minutes deferred. Recommendations pending re coffee time for 10:00 a.m. Sunday worship, Restoration Fund by-law and narrative budget for 2021.

From the Dean

During Coronavirus crisis over 20 pastoral visits by phone. Working closely with the Bishop on Sunday worship via YouTube. As is normal, composing and circulating regular Sunday bulletins, podcasting worship and sermons. Daily Offices continue, most remotely. Planning for Holy Week and Easter Day. Communication with staff members, some of whom are able to do most or more of their normal work from home. Guiding implementation of a new VOIP phone system for Hall and Cathedral which will cost less with more features. Facilitating online tools that can be used by various Cathedral groups to conduct normal business during this crisis and into the future. Many phone calls and on-line Cathedral and diocesan meetings. Challenging times learning new ways.


Housing First - Executive Committee is authorized to continue discussions with City of Fredericton leading to the signing of a legal 'purchase and sale agreement' that will transfer to us for $1.00 a lot at the corner of Regent and Albert Streets. The Chapter recognizes that the current financial situation may impact governments' ability to deliver the necessary financial and human resources as originally planned.


Property - Cathedral and Hall closed, heat turned down but being monitored regularly. New circulating pump ordered for Cathedral hot water heating system. Flood watch is on.

Communication - Various tools being used to inform and support congregation members - Caremongering Cathedral Group on Facebook, phone calls to those not online, a newsletter (Cathedral Connections) coming soon with Cathedral stories and information during the crisis. Overall, the congregation is appreciative of being kept informed.

Health and Pastoral Care - Our most vulnerable congregants are being personally monitored by phone and with selected visits by our parish nurses and others to ensure they are looked after, safe and healthy during the crisis. Normal pastoral visits not possible at hospitals, care facilities and homes.

Worship - The Committee has not met. It is positive that the Cathedral is being used for on-line services intended for a diocesan audience, and several of our people are involved.

Christian Formation - Thursday Taizé worship has been well-received with on-line participants. Some Lenten studies and Charis groups have continued to meet on-line. Possibility of on-line Godly Play activities is being considered.

Mission and Outreach - A modified Monday drop-in (4th Monday) continues. Participants grateful for grocery vouchers. Health and safety rules are being followed. Housing First committee is awaiting news. Cathedral is participating in discussions by L'Arche Fredericton that is planning for a new group home in the city. Just announced that volunteer teams at Community Kitchen will not be needed during the crisis.

Finance and Administration - Treasurer reported that there has been a significant drop in weekly offerings, but that for now our bank balance is sufficient to cover monthly expenses at least until May. Our monthly fixed costs total approximately. $35,000 even with the deferment by synod 'shared ministry' contribution. Eligibility criteria for government support programs. Stewardship Team will communicate about giving.

Next Meeting
• 20 April 2020 by video conference


Update from St. Hilda’s School in Belize March 2020

The Cathedral’s Belize mission team has been in touch with Ms. Jane Martinez, principal of St. Hilda’s Anglican School. Please keep the teachers and students of St. Hilda’s, and the people of Belize in your prayers!

Ms. Martinez writes:

Good evening Kelley:

You all have been on my mind as well. Things have been hectic here because they will close the schools on Friday. We have been preparing supplementary information for children to take home to ensure that the educational process is not badly disrupted. From reports that we have been getting, there has not been any confirmed case here as yet but we are taking precautions. Since Monday, we have only had half of our population. Each day the attendances is lower. We have been educating our students and parents this entire week about safety precautions.

It is a sad time for us here also because our crime rate has escalated especially in Belize City. This week alone two young children were shot to death. Altogether in 48 hours we have had about 14 deadly shootings. Most of the victims were innocent bystanders. The children were shot at home in their sleep. Someone just decided to take revenge and shot at the house. Unfortunately, children were also casualties.

We need to pray for each other and keep our focus on God in these troubled times.

Thank you so much for your concern. I will pass on the information to the staff. Please stay safe.



A message from Kara & Nelson Mejia, serving in the Episcopal Church of Roatan, Honduras:

“We are facing one of the biggest and invisible problems all over the world. A few months ago it was just a simple topic of conversation, and now the reality is that the whole planet is being affected by the Coronavirus, directly and indirectly.

In Honduras we have 24 cases as I write this – in Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula Choluteca and la Ceiba, the biggest cities in Honduras. They need to stay at home by order of the president. We don’t know what is going to happen in the next few weeks, but we are trusting in the Lord that we’ll be ok.

We in Roatán have no cases at the moment, and we hope we won’t; Cruise ships are not coming, the airport is closed, the beaches are empty, and all businesses are closed, just starting today the 21st of march to the 29th, supermarkets, gas station, farmacies will be closed, families in need, will call them for free delivery service, wish is good.

As we know it is a difficult time for first world countries, so imagine what it is like for the third world countries. At the moment it is very difficult for the people in Roatán who rely on tourism for much of their income.

Now we have just realized that we are not as strong as we thought, but live on a fragile planet that we need to care for.

At Emmanuel Episcopal/Anglican Church we are not having services this Sunday and our Bishop Lloyd Allen just cancelled all Holy Week services and all other activities.

Please pray that we can continue to be safe from the Covid 19 virus, and we pray the same for all of you. Times of trouble will pass, the Bible says in Matthew 19:26: With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.”

To keep up to date with Nelson & Kara’s work, visit their blog:

A Prayer Request for Belize and the Alenskis Family

While Austin, Mary Beth and Fr. David Alenskis have decided to temporarily return to the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic, they are continuing their ministry in Belize remotely as best they can.  You can follow along with their morning and evening prayers on the St. Hilda’s Facebook page.

Please click HERE for their latest update and prayer requests.

In short, please pray specifically for:
• Full funding for ministry
• Ministry team in Belize
• David’s academic research
• Ongoing health issues
• Discernment for future