Author Archive: bmcknight
Update for the Congregation on the Belize Mission – Dec.11/16
As many of you know, our congregation has been sending mission teams to Belize since 2005. Since then we have developed a very meaningful relationship with our Anglican friends in the small village of Georgeville. In particular, we have been supportive of the teachers and students at St. Hilda’s elementary school, which has about 200 students and is run by the Anglican Church. We have been supporting St. Hilda’s in many ways:
- We have sent 5 mission teams since 2005 to work directly with the students and teachers at St. Hilda’s and continue to foster our relationship together.
- Prayer. Each week during our worship services, and also personally, we continue to offer prayers for them (as they do for us!)
- We send about $2000 each year ($1000 per semester) to assist with the education program and the upkeep of St. Hilda’s school, and
- Thanks to some faithful givers, we annually provide as much as $4000 in scholarships to up to four needy students so they can continue their education through high school, and in a couple of exceptional cases, to a St. Hilda’s graduate who has gone on to university
The basis of our relationship with the people of Belize lies in Christ’s call to us as Christians. God expects us to be a mission-driven church, to know and help our brothers and sisters in Christ. Our relationship with Belize has been a strong and loving one for over 11 years. Letters of appreciation from the both the students and teachers, graduation pictures and updates from the principal have reminded us of how important this relationship is. You can see some of these letters, pictures and updates on the missions page of our Cathedral website. We have learned much from them and they from us. Most importantly we have all learned that we share our faith and our belief in God – we are all members of Christ’s family.
The last team to go to St. Hilda’s School was in 2013. An attempt was made to send a team in 2016 but we learned that our plan was not necessarily God’s plan, and that mission had to be postponed. The Missions Committee has expressed support for future missions to Belize and we are asking you today to pray about this and share your thoughts with us. Beverly Morell has been a key person in organizing all four missions, but she has told us that although she remains involved with our ongoing mission she won’t be leading the next mission trip. So if we are to start making plans for our next mission trip, we will need a team leader AND we need congregation members who feel a call to mission-work and are willing to go.
We have always remained in contact with our friends in Belize, regardless of whether it is a year we send a team or not. That being said, it is still very important to renew that personal connection whenever we get the opportunity. Sending another team to Belize will help us build on our ongoing relationship with the people there and enable us to financially support them for many more years. It will also open the eyes and, more importantly – the hearts, of the missioners from the Cathedral. Today we are inviting every member of the congregation to prayerfully ask yourself if you are being called to this ministry. If you believe you are, or if you would like to explore the possibility further, please speak to me or any member of the Missions Committee or to Dean Geoffrey or leave your contact information with Fran at the office. We will be happy to discuss with you.
In the meantime, we are anxious to continue our support of St. Hilda’s. I am happy to announce that on Saturday evening, Feb.25, the Missions committee will be hosting a Belize fundraiser. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! It should be a fun evening to raise awareness of our mission there and to generate some much-needed funds for the students and the school. This fundraiser may have a different feel to it than previous years but we are hoping to bring together the entire congregation as in years past. This event can only happen with your support. If you are willing to volunteer in any way, please let Beverly Morell, Kirsten McKnight, myself or any member of the missions committee know.
Thank you for listening, and may I conclude with the suggestion that we all add the children and teachers of St. Hilda’s School to our daily prayer lists.
Thank you.
Brad McKnight (on behalf of the Cathedral Missions Committee)
Moment for Missions (December 2016)
Take a moment for missions
From the Bible: “ The Lord will be king over the whole earth.” (Zechariah 14:9)
Quote about missions: “ I have but one passion: It is He, it is He alone.” – Nicolaus von Zinzendorf
Prayer requests: Pray that cathedral families, especially those who are suffering, struggling or grieving, may find in the birth of Jesus a sign of certain hope.
SAVE THE DATE! Belize Fundraiser Saturday evening, Feb.25/17
Please mark your calendars for Saturday night, February 25, 2017. A fundraiser is in the works to help our friends from St. Hilda’s Anglican School in Georgeville, Belize. Proceeds will be used for our continued support of the school and scholarship students. More details on this event to follow soon. Volunteers needed! Please contact Brad and Kirsten McKnight. 454-9335 or [email protected]
Moment for Missions (November 2016)
Take a moment for missions
From the Bible: “ Let the earth be glad; let them say among the nations, the Lord reigns!”
(1 Chronicles 16:31)
Quote about missions: “ Some wish to live within the sound of a chapel bell; I wish to run a rescue mission within a yard of hell.” – C.T. Studd
Prayer requests: Pray for our religious leaders, our mission partners and for all whose ministry is to respond to human need and to teach the truth.
Saturday, Nov.26 – “Live” auction fund-raiser
SAVE THE DATE – Saturday, Nov. 26 – “Live” auction fund-raiser at Cathedral Memorial Hall, Fredericton. Featuring furniture, dishware, housewares, jewelry, paintings, many other lovely items. Viewing from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m., auction begins at 9:30 a.m., light refreshments. Auction proceeds will support the refugee sponsorship fund of Greater Fredericton Area Anglican Parishes. The Weah-Gmah family arrived in Fredericton from West Africa in late July and will be helped for one year through these funds.
A Bright Future for Bishop McAllister Graduates
The arrival of 200 new students at Bishop McAllister College in Kyogyera, Uganda has been both a blessing and a complication for the Rev. Canon Paul Jeffries, diocesan native and the school’s rector.
“I was in a panic over the new numbers!” said Paul. “Did we have enough beds, enough desks?”
Paul just spent six weeks in Canada, his bi-annual trip back home to connect with supporters and visit family and friends. He visited both Saskatchewan and New Brunswick and returned to Uganda in late September.
The rise in the student population came about when the school decided to place an ad in the newspaper congratulating the staff and students on another successful year.
They usually choose the humble route, said Paul, but during a visit from a female member of parliament, she asked why they were keeping such a great school a secret. The response — buy an ad. The result — a 20 per cent increase in students!
Moment for Missions (October 2016)
Take a moment for missions
From the Bible: “ Sing to the Lord, all the earth…Declare His glory among the nations.” (Psalm 96)
Quote about missions: “The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed.” — Hudson Taylor
Prayer requests: Pray that the cathedral family will embrace the spirit of mission and announce the gospel to unbelievers with vigour and enthusiasm.
Moment for Missions (August 2016)
Take a moment for missions
From the Bible: “My name will be great among the nations, from the rising to the setting of the sun.” (Malachi 1:10-11)
Quote about missions: “Go ye is as much a part of Christ’s gospel as Come unto Me.” — J. Stuart Holden
Prayer requests: Pray for strength and healing for Canon Paul Jeffries, his staff and students in Uganda as they cope with the shock, grief and aftermath of the murders and robbery that took place at Bishop McAllister College this summer.
Hurricane Update from Belize
The following is a follow up letter sent to Beverly Morell by Ms Jane Martinez, principal of St Hilda’s Anglican School in Georgeville, Belize.
Hi Ms. Bev:
Thank God we made it through. My family and I did not sleep on Wednesday night. It was really scary looking out at the trees fighting against nature. The hurricane caused a lot of damage mostly in the city. The water in town almost reached the Hawkesworth bridge which joins San Ignacio and Santa Elena.
The wind didn’t die down until almost ten Thursday morning. Thank God we all survived. The school buildings are intact. The office got a bit of water but the damage was minor. A lot of people in Belize city lost their homes. Some roofs got blown away. This was only a category 1 hurricane but it caused a lot of damages because it moved through the country at a slow pace. We had constant 70-75 mph winds for about five hours in Cayo.
Thanks for your prayers and concern. I will pick up the money on Monday. I have been fighting the stomach flu since Thursday. I’m feeling much better today though. Your financial assistance will be a blessing this week as teachers are buying materials to prepare their classrooms for the new school year.
I pray God’s continued blessings on you and your church family. Continue to pray for us as we also pray for you.Blessings,