Roatan Update July 2020

Roatán Update July 2020
I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. (Philippians 1:3-5, NIV)
We give all glory and honour to the Lord for your partnering with us. Without your support and especially your prayers, our ministry would never have been possible or impact our generation. We give our heartfelt special thanks to all of you for your sacrificial giving.
Emmanuel Community Kitchen Project (Soup Kitchen)
Yes, in response to the effect of the pandemic, we are cooking for about 200 people. Every other week we cook for the congregation at Emmanuel Church and the people who work at the dump. In between, we cook for other people in need around Coxen Hole.
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A website has been set up to publish the progress of the project and collect financial donations for food. It is capable of taking not only single donations but recurring donations as well. It will also be linked to our blog. To see weekly updates and support this project please go to:
Please click on the link to see a small video of the project.
Please pray that all the resources will be obtained and any obstacles overcome to establish this project for the benefit of individuals and families on the Bay Islands who are impacted by Covid 19.
Impact of Covid 19
We continue to face Covid 19. To update you on Honduras, at the moment we have 18,082 cases, 479 deaths and 1,875 people who have recovered.
We in Roatán have 108 cases confirmed at the moment, 3 who have recove and we are expecting more confirmations in the next few days. These cases are located all over the island of Roatan.
The authorities are very concerned about the increase of cases, and at this point are calling for help from other countries. Here is the information if a Doctor or Nurse is willing to come to support Roatan.
By Amy Eader Beasley
Want to come to Roatan for diving or fishing? The island is requesting help from doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals, from around the world, who have (preferably) experience with COVID-19 and are willing to volunteer their services. Please complete this form and you will be contacted: Housing will be provided at a resort for volunteers. And we will take any volunteers that come through this post diving and/or fishing on Maxina (with proper biosecurity measures) on your down days.
Roatan Emmanuel Episcopal Church
At Emmanuel Episcopal/Anglican Church we continue to be closed.
We hope we can open our building soon, but the most important thing is to do it safely, according to the government regulations and those of our Diocesan Bishop and his team in the Episcopal Church in Honduras.
Please pray that we can continue to be safe from the Covid 19 virus, and we pray the same for all of you.
Projects at Emmanuel Church
Just before the pandemic arrived in Honduras, we had started with the stucco of a side wall of the church, a small project that we had to stop due to government regulations. A few weeks ago we resumed work on it in order to finish the project and most importantly give some work to two or three people so that they could put bread on their table.
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However, we will not be able to continue for long, since the resources we have are very few. We pray that God will provide the necessary resources for small projects and in this way provide a little work to some of the members of the Church.
If you as a person or as a Parish would like to help people with work, we have some small projects that we can develop at Emmanuel Church. Please contact us at: