Glad to hear all is well with you. I’m doing very well thank you for asking. I’m
happy you wrote to me so I can tell you that yes, I am enjoying my final year at
Sacred Heart. It has been a wonderful and adventurous experience. I’m sad to see it
come to an end, but at the same time I am very pleased. This year has been a wild
roller coaster ride for me. There were many ups and down in my school life this
final year but I stuck it out and tried the best I could. Lately I’ve been a little off on
my work, I guess 4 th form work is not as easy as I anticipated. I am working very
hard so I can have better grades. Aside from all the bad things that happened, I’m
still a happy little soul who tries to spread good cheer to everyone. My school has
recently created a youth group for people at school. I think it would be good for me
to be a part of such a wonderful group.It is also with great pleasure to say my regular classes will end in a month or two
from now. I have many different finals to study for and complete in order to
graduate. There are my Diploma exams, ATLIB exams as well as the CXC
examinations. I am also still a member of the fabulous Cheer team only because
this year it’s a bit different from the usual thing, this year our group only perform
dances. We do many different types of dances for different occasions. We are
currently planning to raise funds for one of our teachers who had Cancer. We see it
as a great way to give back to the school. We also have great plans for graduation.We plan to do a special dance on Parents night for our parents. It has been very
exciting to be able to work with such a superb group of young opened minded
individuals.It would be so nice to meet your lovely church community. Hope you guys pray
for me, I need blessings and strength at this point in my life. I would gladly send
you a biography of me along with a picture as soon as I have some free time. I will
probably have this weekend free so I would be more than happy to send it for you.
I hope you guys keep doing well and have a year full of blessings and loveYour Friend
AniqueP.S I’m sorry that it’s not a lot, but I told you all the important stuff

Update from Belize high school scholarship student, Anique Hernandez (Grade 12)
Posted in Belize.