Dear Ms Bev and church congregation at Christ Church Cathedral,
I am writing this letter to thank all those who have supported me during my four years of high school. I am so grateful to God for bringing you all into my life. Without Him none of this would have been possible. I am happy to say I have made you all proud even though my time in high school is almost over – just a couple of months to finish.
I will never forget you and what you have done for me. I promise to keep you all posted as I continue to study. Throughout my four years of studies there are people who have inspired me and uplifted me, especially the Lord. Throughout my four years of school I have been doing well academically. Now that I am in my fourth and final year of high school, my goal is to graduate and go to university to study forensics or marine biology, but mostly forensics.
My family and I want to thank you and your congregation for all the support. I have four months until graduation and I will send you pictures of my graduation and a short video clip of me on my graduation day.
Once again, I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. My prayer for you all is that God bless you always. I love you all so very much. Thanks again. I will keep in touch with you. Love you all!
Paul Jones

Thank you from scholarship student Paul Jones
Posted in Belize.