Bishop and Chapter News – March 2022

Bishop and Chapter met 28 March 2022 by video conference with 10 of 13 members present. There was discussion of an article by David Odom (Faith and Leadership) titled: “How to rehabilitate in the midst of pandemics.” The author highlighted the need to tend integrity, mission and morale and we briefly discussed some of what we need to build into a time of rehabilitation. Adoption of minutes of the February meeting was deferred to the next meeting.

From the Dean

A brief summary of the time since the last meeting included:

•  March Farraline and Windsor Communions cancelled due to COVID
•  Diocesan Finance Committee
•  Diocesan online safe church training completed
•  Diocesan returns submitted by the 15 March deadline
•  informal staff review with S. Ecker following probationary 6 months
•  leadership vacancies include Hospitality Committee, Safe Church Officer and Synod Substitute (16-35 yrs)
•  arrangements for summer tour guides should begin soon


Report on Cathedral Conditions and Issues - Revision 1 (2022-03-21) of the report was accepted by the Chapter with plans underway to share it more widely


Cathedral Conditions and Issues - A lengthy discussion on the report by Heritage Standing followed feedback and suggestions on the draft recently presented to the Chapter, Property, Administration and Finance Committees and Cathedral Staff. Significant consideration was given to the process of sharing the report including how and when and the supports necessary for effective communication of its content. The report provides a high level of detail, is very well done and outlines both short and longer-term priorities for Cathedral maintenance and restoration. All items identified are important, some critical while others could be postponed. The Chapter Executive was charged with considering the rollout in more detail soon.

Funding future restoration work - T. Maston provided a summary of recent contacts and research regarding approaches to fund-raising according to the magnitude detailed in the Conditions and Issues Report


Treasurer - Regarding recent revenues, we had a strong conclusion to 2021 with January below anticipated offerings. February seems to be ‘trending in the right direction’ with a February deficit of about $17,000. Finetuning of Sage Accounting software continues. The survey to determine eligibility for government subsidy (unlikely) was submitted. E-transfer has been set up especially for groups making donation or rental payments

Property - the Committee is considering maintenance prioritization based on issues having been documented by Heritage Standing.

Christian Formation - Lenten programming continues with many devotional and study options this year

Worship - the Committee met with items of the scheduling of lectors, intercessors and servers in the coming weeks. Having an overseer of the scheduling is very helpful for reminders and smoothly filling

Health Ministry - recent review of the calling list and looking forward to re-establishing social opportunities for many who feel isolated

Mission and Outreach - an inquiry about the possibility of erecting an outdoor food cupboard. Committee will explore re the proposal


•  Tentative meetings: 16 May, 20 June
•  Holy Week begins 10 April usual schedule
•  Easter 17 April: 8. 10. 11:45


Bishop and Chapter News – February 2022

Bishop and Chapter met 21 February 2022 by video conference with 11 of 13 members present. The Chapter welcomed new member Harry Palmer. A conversation focussing on the article “People Support What They Help to Create” - David McAllister (Lewis Centre for Church Leadership) framed issues around approaches to leadership. Several phrases helped to summarize the content including: “The many are smarter than the few,” “server leadership,” and language of “moving with the Spirit.” Minutes of the 15 November 2021 and 17 January meetings were adopted.

From the Dean

As a summary of activity since the November meeting:

•  Farraline Place Communion
•  Diocesan Finance Committee
•  Several webinar opportunities attended
•  CPR certification with Cathedral staff
•  administrative issues with office file sharing and member information


Cathedral Advisory Committee - as per requirement following an annual meeting, the Bishop’s Advisory Committee was elected - T. Maston, S. Dibblee (chair), V. Hachey, C. MacDonald (secretary), C. Ferris.

Annual meeting elections - a motion carried to destroy ballots. Delegates to Synod in order of election: C. Schmidt, J. Macaulay, N Fetter (youth), J. Maston, R. Macaulay


Cathedral Conditions and Issues - Heritage Standing has completed a draft of the pending report and met with members of the Chapter, Property and Finance & Administration committees and others providing a technical briefing on 17 February. The current version of the Report is a 125 page comprehensive detailed summary of investigation by Heritage Standing from previous work and more intensively over the last several months and since being engaged mid 2021. Recommendations are provided as to the urgency of restoration and renovation needed over the coming decade. Most critical and one of the most expensive components being the Cathedral roof which is currently failing and will need to be addressed at the front end of any planned extended restoration. The Chapter candidly discussed the reality that required funding is well outside of what the Cathedral congregation can raise internally. At the same time, the normal ministry needs to continue. Informally there was discussion of some possible options that will need to be explored, including determining the time line for the next several years. Some initial next step items were identified, including feedback to Heritage Standing as it attempts to finalize the Report.


Reports having been made to the Annual meeting, only a few additional items of note were offered by members.

Treasurer - January expenses exceeded revenue, resulting in a month to date and YTD (31 January 2022) deficit of approximately $8002. January offerings were down: $30,870 (budgeted $49,638). We finished 2021 with a surplus of $34,666 due to several one-time accounting factors

Property - during the abnormal thaw, water at the west door and on the green has been monitored over the past week with only a bit of seepage into the basement. Some expense has been required of late for fire safety infrastructure, some of which was deferred maintenance

Christian Formation - Lenten programming is being arranged with all encouraged to choose from a variety of possible formation opportunities


•  Tentative meetings: 14 March, 16 May, 20 June
•  Ash Wednesday - 02 March 2022
•  Ad-LENT-ures 2022

Queen’s Platinum Jubilee 2022

Plans announced for The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Central Weekend 2022

There will be year-long Platinum Jubilee celebrations throughout the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and around the world as communities come together to celebrate The Queen's historic reign. On 6th February this year Her Majesty The Queen will become the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee, marking 70 years of service to the people of the United Kingdom, the Realms and the Commonwealth.

Read more here

2022 Dean’s Annual Report

We approached year two of the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2021. It continues to be the hot topic of conversation even though many of us are growing considerably fatigued by it. It’s a circumstance unprecedented during my lifetime surely to be remembered as it shapes everyone’s perception of the world, perhaps especially younger generations. Many will not remember a world not restricted by pandemic precautions. It remains to be seen how long those same precautions will last and how this experience will affect the world in the longer term. Of this we can be sure, it will affect us.

The effects on the Church will be real too. Many are fearful to imagine how many of our faithful will simply not return post-pandemic. Others are reporting that numbers of engaged people of faith have actually shown modest increase during these times. Most sectors of society have identified the unexpected reality that these trying times are not without some positive spin-offs. “Ne’re there be a cloud without a silver lining” – most of us have learned a lot and we are definitely doing things differently these days. We’ve been forced to reconsider what is essential and how to do what we do in such a way as to benefit even those who can’t be physically present. The true count of any and all scenarios will come as we wait patiently for what we like to refer to as “normal.”

From the DeanWith all that said, planning for the near future is next to impossible, as it has been for the last 20 + months. My challenge has been not falling to the temptation of being busy preparing for that which will never be. On the other hand, we do need to be ready for what can and will be. Knowing the difference is what is difficult and among those who plan, there is significant disagreement over exactly which is which. There is also an evident level of anxiety among us over so much being undetermined. I regularly have someone break under the pressure and exclaim “Just tell us what it's going to be!” We would all like to find someone or something to blame. The COVID-19 pandemic is nobody’s fault. It just is.

Among the most valuable lessons are those that help us to live in pandemic times. Many leaders have suggested we should have been far better prepared than we were, living our lives as if nothing could bring disruption. The human race, the economies of the world, society and culture are far more fragile than most of us previously thought. That in itself should be a valuable lesson. An eventual breakage of the internet on a global scale, for however long it might last, not if but when, will have us all reflecting on the fact that the COVID pandemic was easy in comparison.

most of us have learned a lot and we are definitely doing things differently these days

Christ Church Cathedral is blessed, not because it is more righteous, better, more powerful or more intelligent. It’s mostly true when we remain faithful. Those blessings include our being well supported prayerfully, spiritually and financially during the darker days of pandemic. We were successful, with the help of government subsidy and reduced spending, to see an end to the year without deficit. We have seen none of our number fatally ill with COVID-19 which may assure us that our precautions and protocols served us in an attempt to stay as safe as possible especially among those vulnerable in our midst. We‘ve seen many transition to both worship and ministry engagement by way of technology and while far from ideal, it does help us stay somewhat more connected and continues to communicate the Gospel and further the call to proclamation potentially even beyond our own community.

The year has also brought to light some future needs that may make the majority tremble a bit. The Cathedral itself has maintenance (some of it deferred) and renovation requirements that will be costly. The numbers far exceed the capabilities of the congregation itself. The Cathedral is the diocesan mother church. Invitations and partnerships with the Diocesan Synod, the parishes of the Diocese, the City of Fredericton and the wider community will be critical. Sunday by Sunday we enjoy “our space.” Over the next many months it’s going to be necessary to humbly reevaluate and perhaps challenge perceptions about for whom the Cathedral really exists.

The future of the church proper is not our only challenge. The Memorial Hall continues to age, remains inaccessible to many and will require a significant investment if it is expected to continue to serve practical needs for space outside of worship. We began and continued this year to provide hospitality to our Diocesan Synod staff at the Memorial Hall. Perhaps these pandemic times have made some of that more possible than if all had been functioning as “normal.” Good decisions about efficient and cost-effective ways to manage our current assets and to preferably do that cooperatively will be needed in the nearer future. That issue is still very much at the forefront of our mutual agendas.

My thanks to members of the Cathedral Staff without whom the job before me would be utter impossibility. Sarah Ecker joined us in September as Parish Nurse (half-time).

As always our thanks to Cathedral officers and members of Bishop and Chapter. We said goodbye this year to Kevin Percy following a tenure as Treasurer and to Lynn Meehan as member of the Chapter. Bonnie Greenwood has been a steady guide acting as chair of Christian Formation for two full terms and we thank her for her commitment. To those who have continued to lead other committees and organizations, thank you for continuing to keep the lamps burning in your respective leadership ministries. Last but by no means least, all who maintain their affiliations with many and various groups and serve in both small and not so small ways that make the sum total of Cathedral influence of note to so many. The Lord bless us and keep us, now and always.

Respectfully submitted,
Geoffrey Hall
Dean of Fredericton

Phone Ministry – 26 January 2022

PHONE MINISTRY: 12 Things to Attend To in Phone Visits

So many of our parishioners and community members are suffering with isolation and loneliness right now. Making caring calls can make all the difference and brighten someone's day!

Held Wednesday, 26 January at 7 p.m., the session offered insights on some best practices related to phone ministry. The Rev. Bonnie Baird, Associate Priest at Christ Church, Dartmouth, shares, real-life examples and her passion for visiting with people over the phone. You'll be inspired and encouraged by her presentation.

This session is 1 hour and open to anyone.

Hosted by the Diocese's Creating Missional Communities Team (VSST).


Bishop and Chapter News – January 2022

Bishop and Chapter met 17 January 2022 by video conference with 11 of 13 members present. Considerations of an article entitled “Reimagining Church Buildings” - Dave Harder (Lewis Centre for Church Leadership) prompted discussion on what is necessary to see church buildings as assets instead of liabilities. What is the old narrative? How do we shape a new story? Who are church buildings for? How do we listen to the needs of the wider community? 15 November 2021 minutes were delayed and will be adopted at the next meeting. There was no meeting of the Chapter in December 2021.

From the Dean

As a summary of activity since the November meeting:

  • Farraline Place Communions (2) / Windsor Court - February 22
  • 3 sessions of baptism preparation for 09 January 22 baptism
  • Christmas in-person attendance 175
  • Diocesan Finance Committee (2)
  • Health restrictions required ceasing singing on 28 December
  • New Years Day eucharist cancelled
  • Current Level 3 no in-person worship - Live stream continues


Future meetings - the future meeting schedule was discussed with considerations of upcoming needs including: Annual Meeting plans and the possibility of a joint meeting with the Finance and Administration and Property committees following receiving the Heritage Standing report. An agreed upon meeting schedule is listed as upcoming.

Annual Meeting - while it’s impossible to anticipate pandemic restrictions, 20 February 2022, 12:00 Noon was set for the 2022 Annual. Should in-person be possible, meeting at the Cathedral with video-conference option. If no in-person, we may consider virtual only or postponement until such time as we are able to meet


Heritage Standing forthcoming report - Heritage Standing is coming close to completing the detailed report outlining Cathedral building needs. There was lengthy discussion to consider how that report can be used to inform our planning for the next several years. It is clear, there are costly repair and maintenance issues ahead, one of the most critical being the roof. Exact costing is impossible but renovations and restorations will be substantial. Organizing and executing a project of that size will be the challenge, recognizing that resources internal to the congregation are woefully insufficient. A proposed initial report reception includes a joint meeting between Heritage Standing, the Chapter and the Finance/Administration and Property committees is anticipated within the next 4-6 weeks


Treasurer - year-end reporting is always a challenge as we ensure that past year income and expenses are recorded properly. December was a good revenue month. We anticipate ending the year with a modest surplus with offerings slightly below budget, federal government subsidies and continuing consistent giving

Health and Pastoral Care - last meeting of health ministry in November. Continuing to stay in touch during changing restrictions

Mission and Outreach - Monday morning continues last Monday of the month in modified format

Property - Ongoing monitoring of Heritage Standing project assessing future Cathedral building needs

Christian Formation - online versions of most activities continue. Looking ahead to Lenten programming

Communications - draft annual report circulated to committee

Finance and Administration - January meeting updates on staff handbook, narrative budget, safe church officer, review of financials and report of envelope secretary. Summer tour guides for 2022


  • Tentative meetings: 21 February, 14 March, 16 May, 20 June
  • Annual Congregational Meeting: 20 February (27 snow)


New Public Health Measures

New Brunswick Public Health has published the COVID-19 Winter Plan which informs all sectors of current restrictions and protocols. Visit the website for information about how the Plan will affect your activities.

COVID-19 Winter Plan - Alert Level Measures

Level 1 comes into effect at midnight, Saturday, 04 December 2021. We'll continue to be watchful and implement changes in our procedures when directed to do so. For faith venues, Level 1 continues what has been in place for the past several weeks. Of the two options, Christ Church Cathedral is following Option 1 -- proof of vaccination required.

While we might become annoyed or frustrated by the inconvenience of current requirements, please be reminded that it pales in comparison to what is needed if choosing Option 2. Please assure you wear your mask and have proof of vaccination (12+) available. If we experience a site inspection, greeters will need to confirm with officials that all twelve years and up are fully vaccinated. For those we know, personal identification is not necessary.

To review

Proof of double vaccination or medical exemption is currently required for anyone 12+ attending worship in the Cathedral or visiting Memorial Hall. Please remember to bring your vaccine record to worship and group events, and wear your mask. Leaders of groups holding meetings at Cathedral Memorial Hall will be responsible for checking proof of vaccination for those attending [details]. Individuals visiting during office hours should check-in at the Cathedral Office.

The current Sunday bulletin outlines health precautions in place in the Cathedral community, including:

VACCINATION STATUS - Proof of full vaccination is now required for all age 12 and up at the Cathedral. ID will be required for those not known to greeters. These requirements apply similarly to weddings, funerals, and events held in Cathedral Memorial Hall as per current direction by Public Health.

FACE MASKS - The Government of New Brunswick currently mandates wearing masks in gatherings.

As always thank you for your continuing cooperation as we care for ourselves and others.

Our worship livestream is available to watch at 10:30 am on Sunday, if you are not able to be with us (for any reason). Both livestream and recordings can be found on our YouTube channel. Audio podcasts are also available. Listen here. Get notification of new episodes when you Subscribe here.

The Health Ministry Team is willing to assist members of the congregation with making appointments for vaccinations and answering health questions. Please contact Parish Nurse <nurse at>.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Cathedral Office <office at> or phone (506) 450-8500, or the Dean <dean at> or (506) 450-7761.

What is Giving Tuesday?


GivingTuesday - the world's largest generosity movement

GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement, taking place each year after Black Friday. The “Opening day of the giving season,” it’s a time when charities, companies and individuals join together and rally for favourite causes. In the same way that retailers take part in Black Friday, the giving community comes together for GivingTuesday.

GivingTuesday harnesses the potential of social media and the generosity of people around the world to bring about real change in their communities; it provides a platform for them to encourage the donation of time, resources and talents to address local challenges. It also brings together the collective power of a unique blend of partners - nonprofits, civic organizations, businesses and corporations, as well as families and individuals - to encourage and amplify small acts of kindness. Across Canada and around the world, GivingTuesday unites communities by sharing our capacity to care for and empower one another.

“We have two days that are good for the economy.

Now we have a day that is good for the community too.”

Visit the Giving Tuesday website

Christ Church Cathedral

Project 2045 Report Update

At its February 10, 2020, meeting, the Christ Church Cathedral Bishop and Chapter adopted the following recommendations of the 2045 Task Force, to:

  1. enter formal discussions with Diocesan Synod about the potential for constructing a new purpose-built facility between the former Bishop’s Court and former Synod Office. Discussions would focus on the concept of sharing ministry and administrative space, and space for most of the activities currently held in Memorial Hall.
  2. continue to pursue opportunities to enhance the flexibility of the existing space within the Cathedral footprint to better accommodate Cathedral and community activities.

The status of the Bishop and Chapter progress on this resolution is as follows:

  • With respect to replacing Memorial Hall with a new, shared ministry building with the Diocese, extensive exploratory discussions have been completed, and it is expected that there will be more definitive information in 2022.
  • With respect to the possible development of a more flexible Cathedral church space, the Bishop and Chapter will shortly receive a Cathedral Condition and Issues Report which will enable us to evaluate and prioritize the Cathedral restoration.
  • Complementary to a Cathedral restoration masterplan, we are investigating the possibility of replacing most pews with chairs that incorporate kneelers and book racks. This work, which includes the assessment of ecclesiastical chairs from at least two manufacturers, will be incorporated into the Heritage Standing Inc. Condition and Issues Report.

All three initiatives, regardless of their outcome, are significantly important for the future life and ministry of our congregation. The three initiatives also impact each other, both functionally and financially. Therefore, it is the intention of Bishop and Chapter that they be considered together, hopefully at some point in 2022.

Cathedral Bishop and Chapter
17 November 2021

Read the Project 2045 report here

Bishop and Chapter News – November 2021

Bishop and Chapter met 15 November 2021 by video conference with 11 of 13 members present. The Chapter regrettably received the resignation of Lynn Meehan. The article “Moving Forward in Uncertain Times” (Susan Beaumont) was read in advance and discussed. We continue to live in liminal time learning through rather than planning through. How do organizations adopt new ideas? 18 October minutes adopted.

From the Dean

A summary of the time since the last meeting included:

•  training with administrators of Home Communion
•  Communion at Windsor Court (first since Feb 2020)
•  3 sessions of baptism preparation for 07 November
•  bi-weekly Sunday Choral Evensong continues
•  work with stewardship narrative budget team
•  Diocesan responsibilities/meetings

Items Arising

Sharing space with Diocesan Synod - discussion and planning continues with a next meeting scheduled next week. Renovations to the former youth room pending completion. Next on the agenda is arrangements for how the diocese will compensate the Cathedral for occupied space and consideration of a time line for future development and cooperation


Neighbourhood Home and School - a need identified for local outreach to students (winter clothing/food) identified. A grant to Montgomery Street School Home and School of $3000 was approved recognizing a possible over spend in the Cathedral Mission/Outreach 2021 budget

2022 Budget - initial draft proposing a slight increase including cost of living increases to stipend/salaries at the direction of Diocesan Synod


Leadership vacancies - Notification to Nominating Committee on up-coming Bishop and Chapter vacancies, Synod delegates, Safe Church Officer and Chair of Stewardship Team
Project 2045- a draft document under consideration as communication about current status and follow-up on recommendations


Treasurer - income continues slightly ahead of expenses. Year to date we are 1.6% ahead of last year’s offering actuals. Work is nearing completion on new programmed capabilities to the current accounting software (Sage 50) which will result in clearer reporting. Canadian Employment Wage Subsidy applications up to date but we no longer qualify for further Federal Government subsidy

Health and Pastoral Care - Our parish nurse continues to make connections and become familiar with her role. Parish Nursing course in progress. Webinar 17 Nov (Wholistic Care and Wellness - IHMC) Training for Home Communions. Hospital remains closed to visitors

Mission and Outreach - Monday morning programme 41 recipients. Angels returned and complete. Potential school outreach

Property - Heritage Standing continues with engineering report and provided update

Christian Formation - Taizé, Godly Play, Youth Group, and Life Shared (November) continue. Advent opportunities TBA. Meeting this week

Communications - usual invitation for communications contributions. Christmas advertising discussed and direction given for 2021

Finance and Administration - work on a narrative budget continues. Contents of a new staff handbook outlined with plans in process for the drafting of content. Various financial management issues considered at the last meeting including the 2022 operating budget.


•  First of Advent - 28 November
•  Christmas Lessons and Carols 4:00 p.m. 19 December
•  Usual Christmas worship schedule anticipated
•  Next meeting - 13 December