Bishop and Chapter News – February 2022

Bishop and Chapter met 21 February 2022 by video conference with 11 of 13 members present. The Chapter welcomed new member Harry Palmer. A conversation focussing on the article “People Support What They Help to Create” - David McAllister (Lewis Centre for Church Leadership) framed issues around approaches to leadership. Several phrases helped to summarize the content including: “The many are smarter than the few,” “server leadership,” and language of “moving with the Spirit.” Minutes of the 15 November 2021 and 17 January meetings were adopted.

From the Dean

As a summary of activity since the November meeting:

•  Farraline Place Communion
•  Diocesan Finance Committee
•  Several webinar opportunities attended
•  CPR certification with Cathedral staff
•  administrative issues with office file sharing and member information


Cathedral Advisory Committee - as per requirement following an annual meeting, the Bishop’s Advisory Committee was elected - T. Maston, S. Dibblee (chair), V. Hachey, C. MacDonald (secretary), C. Ferris.

Annual meeting elections - a motion carried to destroy ballots. Delegates to Synod in order of election: C. Schmidt, J. Macaulay, N Fetter (youth), J. Maston, R. Macaulay


Cathedral Conditions and Issues - Heritage Standing has completed a draft of the pending report and met with members of the Chapter, Property and Finance & Administration committees and others providing a technical briefing on 17 February. The current version of the Report is a 125 page comprehensive detailed summary of investigation by Heritage Standing from previous work and more intensively over the last several months and since being engaged mid 2021. Recommendations are provided as to the urgency of restoration and renovation needed over the coming decade. Most critical and one of the most expensive components being the Cathedral roof which is currently failing and will need to be addressed at the front end of any planned extended restoration. The Chapter candidly discussed the reality that required funding is well outside of what the Cathedral congregation can raise internally. At the same time, the normal ministry needs to continue. Informally there was discussion of some possible options that will need to be explored, including determining the time line for the next several years. Some initial next step items were identified, including feedback to Heritage Standing as it attempts to finalize the Report.


Reports having been made to the Annual meeting, only a few additional items of note were offered by members.

Treasurer - January expenses exceeded revenue, resulting in a month to date and YTD (31 January 2022) deficit of approximately $8002. January offerings were down: $30,870 (budgeted $49,638). We finished 2021 with a surplus of $34,666 due to several one-time accounting factors

Property - during the abnormal thaw, water at the west door and on the green has been monitored over the past week with only a bit of seepage into the basement. Some expense has been required of late for fire safety infrastructure, some of which was deferred maintenance

Christian Formation - Lenten programming is being arranged with all encouraged to choose from a variety of possible formation opportunities


•  Tentative meetings: 14 March, 16 May, 20 June
•  Ash Wednesday - 02 March 2022
•  Ad-LENT-ures 2022

Posted in Bishop and Chapter News, News.

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