Bishop’s bike ride event a success



Bishop Rob Hardwick of the Diocese of Qu'Appelle rode into Fredericton on Sunday just after 2:30 p.m. on Sunday July 15th. His partner on the pilgrimage has been his wife Lorraine who drives the support vehicle. The Cathedral was so pleased to welcome them, and right on schedule for the planned event.

About a hundred were in attendance, from the congregation and the wider community. A 4:00 p.m. informal evening prayer was followed by a BBQ on the cathedral green.

"We so much appreciate the support of our partners," said Dean Geoffrey Hall. Christ Church (Parish) Church has been involved. We also value the contributions of Joy FM, and others named on the promotional flyer.


It was an uplifting afternoon of music, prayer and food. During worship, Bishop Hardwick shared some reflections on the meaning of his journey "to lay a foundation of prayer for unity, healing and reconciliation." "There is so much need in this broken world of ours," said Bishop Rob. "It seems we talk a lot about prayer but its another thing to do it."

Visit the Cathedral Podcast page to listen to the 4:00 p.m. worship with the Bishop's address.

To lay a foundation of prayer for unity, healing and reconciliation ...

Bishop Hardwick and bears

Bishop Hardwick on King Street with the Anglican Foundation Hope Bears

The Bishop and Lorraine invite others to join them in their effort in at least three ways:

  1. Use the Prayer Diary to follow along day by day as the ride comes to its conclusion on 01 August in St. John's Newfoundland. There are special prayer intentions listed for each day and a schedule for the stops along the way. You can be a prayer partner wherever you are.
  2. Follow the Ride on Facebook or the Bishop's Ride blog to get updates and reports on progress
  3. Make a contribution to the Living the Mission Financial Campaign. Find information in the Prayer Diary for sending a cheque or money order or click the donate button on the Facebook page or the Bishops Ride web page
  4. Ride with the Bishop as he leaves from the North Side Tim Horton's (534 Union Street) at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, 17 July.

On Monday morning, Bishop Hardwick was the feature interview during the Joy Ride, 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. on Joy FM. Later that morning, a pit stop at Savage's Bicycle Centre got the cycle in for a tune up to prepare for the final leg of the pilgrimage.

More information on the Bishop's Bike Ride can be found easily by searching "Bishop's Bike Ride Living the Mission" or from the previous post on the Cathedral web site.

Hardwick and Joy

Bishop Rob Hardwick interviewed by Aaron and Derek of Joy FM

Harwick and Hadleys

Bishop Rob Hardwick and Jane and Eric Hadley on 17 July 2018

Letters from Belize – a letter from Anfernee

Hello Ms. Bev,

The news saddens me but you have served a long and wonderful time as the prime contact between Christ Church Cathedral ad St. Hilda’s and us scholarship students and families. I enjoyed every moment being in contact with you, all the advice and taking your personal time to show concern for me and all of us here in Belize.

Your time, love and overwhelming efforts and support to make sure we were our best in whatever we chose to do even if it wasn’t education related. Regardless, I’ll still be in contact because you are and will always more than just a contact, you’re family. It was nice seeing and talking to you again as well although I might not be the most outspoken person, you honestly don’t look like you’ve aged a bit.

We will never forget you

Loved meeting your husband for the first time, I always felt like I’ve met him before but I was wrong since this is his first trip down.

I’ve made inquiries about student loans but I’m awaiting an official acceptance letter from University of Belize. I’ve transferred into Architecture at UB to begin this August in Belize City. I’ll be in contact with Jamal for the best help in that area. Thanks for the concern and update but I will take care of it, just continue focusing on the high school students, they need the assistance way more.

Thanks for the help through high school and and through what I’ve completed at Junior College. UB does offer sports scholarship and I’ll be sure to look into it being that I play almost every sport in the country except soccer because I’m afraid it will affect my leg although it’s been years since the surgery.

Thanks for everything you, the congregation and your families there in Canada have done for me, my family and all of us here in Belize over the years Ms. Bev. We will never forget you and will always be in my thoughts and heart. Hope everyone and there families are doing great and enjoying the weather. Wish you nothing but the best.

With love,


Urbana 2018 is Coming!

It’s not too soon to start thinking about Urbana, a missions conference for 16,000 students, ministry leaders and missions organizations from around the world. This year’s theme is Discern your place in God’s global mission.

University students from Fredericton, including young people from the cathedral, have attended past conferences which feature internationally known speakers, worship, music in many languages, and more than 200 seminars. Organized by the Inter-varsity Christian Fellowship for over 70 years, it’s held every three years in St. Louis, Missouri. The next one will take place Dec. 27-31, 2018.

“It’s an eye-opening, cross-cultural experience and an opportunity to delve deeply into the Bible,” said Brad McKnight from the cathedral’s Missions Committee. “Students are challenged to listen and learn from global voices. As the participants pray with power and build connections, it can be transformational.”

Registration is now open. More information can be found by searching Urbana Missions on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, on the web at and on You Tube.

Thanks from Belize – Amieka Myers graduates

University of Belize scholarship student, Amieka Myers, will officially graduate on Saturday, June 16th. Our church has been sponsoring her since she finished Grade 8 (Standard 6) at St. Hilda’s School.  She has persevered despite many difficulties and has accomplished what has never been done before in her family.  They, as well as we here at Christ Church Cathedral, are very proud of her.


Hi Ms. Bev,

First of all, I want to extend a huge thank you to you and your church for the assistance with my graduation that’s coming up so soon.

I’m happy everything has worked out regarding the graduation. I will stop by at UB to see Mr. Palma and pick up the graduation regalia tomorrow morning.

I’m not sure who I’m going to invite but my mom is definitely a part of the invite list. I wish you were near to experience this moment with me; nonetheless, I know you will be here in spirit. I will send you some pictures so you can see what it looks like.

Once again, thank you and your church for all the kindness you guys bestowed upon me and my family throughout my educational journey. It is truly a blessing!!

Amieka Myers

Thank you from University of Belize Graduate, Amieka Myers

University of Belize scholarship student, Amieka Myers, will officially graduate on Saturday, June 16th. Our church has been sponsoring her since she finished Grade 8 (Standard 6) at St. Hilda’s School.  She has persevered despite many difficulties and has accomplished what has never been done before in her family.  They, as well as we here at Christ Church Cathedral, are very proud of her.

Hi Ms. Bev,

First of all, I want to extend a huge thank you to you and your church for the assistance with my graduation that’s coming up so soon.

I’m happy everything has worked out regarding the graduation. I will stop by at UB to see Mr. Palma and pick up the graduation regalia tomorrow morning.

I’m not sure who I’m going to invite but my mom is definitely a part of the invite list. I wish you were near to experience this moment with me; nonetheless, I know you will be here in spirit. I will send you some pictures so you can see what it looks like.

Once again, thank you and your church for all the kindness you guys bestowed upon me and my family throughout my educational journey. It is truly a blessing!!

Amieka Myers

Three outreach drop-ins will be held during summer 2018

Three outreach drop-ins will be held during summer 2018

Are you looking for an opportunity to put BELLS into action?

Monday Morning Dropin

Monday Morning Dropin guests and crew

The cathedral's Outreach Committee is offering three possibilities this summer. Its Monday morning drop-ins for people in need usually run from mid-September until mid-May, and then the volunteers take a well-earned summer break. This summer, though, drop-ins will be held at the hall on three Mondays from 8:30 to 10 a.m.: June 18, July 16, August 13.

“The book we're reading throughout the diocese is urging us to develop missional habits nicknamed BELLS: blessing, eating, learning, listening and sending,” said Ann Deveau, an organizer of the Monday drop-ins. “We're hoping some folks will want to step up and help us with these three extra drop-ins as a way to bless those less fortunate and to build community.”

Ways to help include setting up or cleaning up, baking muffins, providing fruit, bringing doughnuts, chatting and eating with guests, playing live music, doing dishes.

We're hoping some folks will want to step up and help us with these three extra drop-ins

The parish nurse plans to do blood pressure and blood glucose readings for guests on these dates and on several other Mondays this summer. A couple of volunteers might offer to take the guests across the street for a tour of the cathedral with one of the cathedral's summer tour guides.

The guests are delighted the drop-ins will take place monthly during the summer. As volunteer Sandy Robb put it: “People are poor in the summer, too, and appreciate the gift cards or bus tickets. Normally, all the churches downtown stop their outreach programs due to summer holidays. This year it's nice that people can still come and keep in touch with their friends.”

Please contact outreach chair Penny Ericson or committee member Ann Deveau if you can help with plans for June 18th, July 16th or August 13th.

“If anyone can prepare food or attend any of the three sessions, it would be a wonderful way to put your faith into action,” Ann said. “It could also give the usual volunteers a rest which would be its own blessing. We also appreciate your prayers for the success of this summer project.”

Cathedral Outreach

File of Life

The Health/Parish Nurse ministries are pleased to distribute a "File of Life" packet for use in your homes.

The packet consists of a small red plastic envelope which can be placed on your fridge door to alert anyone of your health history, current medications, and basic health information in case of an emergency. A medical information sheet will be given to you for completion; this sheet may be placed in the envelope on your refridgerator. Update the file every 6 months or so.

Contact Kathleen Snow at (506) 461-8201 or <nurse at> for information.

Sandy Robb – A Fredericton Unsung Hero

The City of Fredericton Unsung Hero Awards are meant to acknowledge those individuals who go above and beyond to help build and shape their community. This includes helping bolster the work of social groups and organizations that offer recreational, cultural, or charitable services to the community.

Sandy Robb Unsung Hero

Penny Ericson, Fredericton South MLA David Coon and Sandy Robb

Sandy Robb, one of our volunteers with the Monday Morning Drop in, recently became an Unsung Hero recipient.

The photo is of Sandy, a formerly homeless woman. The award, given to eight people this year, acknowledges individuals who go above and beyond to shape a more compassionate and welcoming community. Among those who congratulated Sandy following the ceremony were Penny Ericson, chair of the Cathedral's Outreach Committee, and Fredericton South MLA David Coon.

The City web site says: "The Intercultural Award is given to an individual, group, or organization whose actions have contributed to promoting cultural diversity and have helped newcomers integrate into the community at large here in Fredericton."

Moment for Missions – April 2018

“The Missions Committee would like to thank Beverly Morell for her leadership in the Belize Ministry. Over the past 10 years she has willingly devoted herself to the many tasks involved in this role, and we are very grateful for her leadership.

The four members of the 2018 mission team who will be assuming Beverly’s duties are Rebecca Butler, Caryn Gunter, Kelley Hall and Carol Ann Melvin. We wish them success in their new roles.”

Moment for Missions: March 2018

Moment for Missions

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I; send me!” ~ Isaiah 6:8 (NRSV)

The living God of the Bible is a sending God, which is what ‘mission’ means. He sent the prophets to Israel. He sent his son into the world… He also sent the Spirit to the church and sends him into our hearts today. ~ John Stott, Authentic Christianity, (1995), p. 315

~Gregg Finley, on behalf of the Missions Committee