Graduation at St. Hilda’s

It's graduation time in Belize!

The Principal of St. Hilda's Anglican School, Ms. Jane Martinez, recently sent a few photos from year-end activities, and a video of students singing during a worship service in the school's chapel for the Standard 6 (grade 8) graduates. Watch it below.

St. Hilda’s, an elementary school in the rural village of Georgeville, educates approximately 200 children between kindergarten and grade 8. Christ Church Cathedral has had a special relationship with the staff and students for many years. Cathedral teams have travelled to Belize five times: in 2005, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2018. Over 60 Cathedral members ranging in age from 15 to 79 have gone on a mission trip to Belize, and hundreds of people in Fredericton have supported the work through organizational support, donations and prayers. As part of the Cathedral's ongoing financial commitment to St. Hilda's, we send funds each year to contribute to ongoing needs for the students and teachers.

These Standard 6 (grade 8) students have completed their final year of public education in Belize.

In addition to providing support for the elementary school, the Cathedral provides scholarships for selected St. Hilda's graduates. In Belize, the average child leaves the education system after Standard 6 (equivalent to Canadian grade 8), when they are approximately 13 years old. High tuition costs prevent many children from attending high school, because unemployment in the country is high, there are many large single-parent families, and almost half of Belizeans live below the poverty line. In 2010, Cathedral mission team members established a high school scholarship program which has allowed St. Hilda’s students to apply for a scholarship to continue their education past grade 8. Some of the graduates supported by the Cathedral have gone on to post-secondary education. Currently, four students attending high school benefit from Cathedral scholarships.

Please pray for the students and teachers at St. Hilda's elementary school, our high school scholarship students, and their families. Contributions towards the Belize mission are welcome and appreciated. You may give and receive a charitable tax receipt by making an online donation or submitting a donation marked 'Belize' through the Cathedral office or offering plate.

Your support makes a big difference in the lives of these children!

News from St. Hilda’s Anglican School

We hold our friends in Belize in our hearts, praying for the students and teachers at St. Hilda's Anglican School, as well as the scholarship students who have moved on to High School. Ms. Jane Ramirez, Principal at St. Hilda's, recently sent us this note about activities at the school.

Greetings Kelley,

I pray that this email reaches you in good health. It has been some time since we communicated so I just wanted to send a greeting and give you some updates about what is happening at St. Hilda's Anglican School.

We are now back fully face to face for four days each week. It has been a challenge especially since Covid19 is still among us. We have had a few teachers and students who became sick. Thankfully, no one has gotten extremely ill. We have protocols in place to help prevent the spread of the virus.

We are looking forward to the new school year. It is my prayer that our preschool will open in September. We already have 18 students waiting. We are on the finishing touches and are grateful for your continued prayers and support. We have had some difficult days but God has been faithful. He has been good. We are nearing the time of our graduation which will be held on June 22nd. Our school year is almost over! Yeah! I am really looking forward to some vacation time in July.

Please greet our Friends of St. Hilda's. Sending our love and appreciation. I will be forwarding the reports for the scholarship recipients as soon as I receive them.

I pray the best for you all and look forward to hearing from you.



Episcopal Church of Roatan / Nelson and Kara Ministry (May 2022 Update)

New update May 2022

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. (Philippians 1:3-5, NIV)

We give all glory and honour to the Lord for your partnering with us. Without your support and especially your prayers, our ministry would never have been possible.  We give our heartfelt special thanks to all of you for your sacrificial giving.

We know it has been a long time since we last visited you as a family and personally shared with you about our incredible ministry in Roatan. It has not been easy for us or for you either.

However, we continue in Roatan doing the ministry to which God has called us and that has been possible thanks to your prayers and the financial support that you have given us personally and as churches.

We have wanted to visit you personally and it has not been possible due to the governments’ COVID -related travel restrictions.

We are excited to share with you that next year, in 2023, we will be visiting you in your parishes and sharing our experiences with you.

We know that time passes quickly and we will share the dates with you as soon as we have them.

We thank God for your partnership in our ministry, especially in prayer.

Financial Support Appeal

On the financial side, we continue to be very positive and to pray and praise God with faith and thanksgiving. We also ask you to continue to pray about our finances, that for the next year and in coming years our support will stabilize and be sufficient to cover our needs. 

At the moment our balance is very low; in fact, we have a deficit of CAD 7249.00. Therefore, please consider sending a special offering in order to balance our finances for our expenses and the ministry in Roatan.

To donate now, please click on the following link (or copy and paste it into your browser):

Or you can visit the Diocese of Fredericton’s website ( then go to “Donate” for various ways to give online. Be sure to select “Honduras Mission Fund”.

Cheques should be made payable to “The Diocesan Synod of Fredericton” and sent to: Anglican Diocesan Synod of Fredericton, 

168 Church Street Room 20, Fredericton, N.B. E3B 4C9

Phone: (506) 459-1801

All cheques should have “Honduras Mission” noted on the reference line.

We greatly appreciate your prayer and financial support to date and trust that you will continue to support us.

We want to share with you our prayer needs, and at the same time you can share your needs with us so we can pray for you, as the Word says to pray for each other.

Please continue to pray for:

1.   For our family: Nelson, Kara and Kelly as we continue serving the Lord in Roatán, and Stephen in Winnipeg. 

2.   Continued and stable financial support for the next years as we continue to serve the Lord in Roatán, Honduras. At the moment our balance is very low, so we have a deficit of CAD 7249.00. 

3.   Our congregations: St. Peter by the Sea in Brick Bay, and Emmanuel in Coxen Hole, that we can continue growing, worshiping, and focusing on Jesus Christ. 

4.   Please pray for the Rev. Robert Browning and for his ministry to English-speakers in Eastern Roatán.

5.   Evangelism and practical outreach in the local communities.

6.  For leadership for the Church in Roatán that embraces the challenges as we serve in the Kingdom of God.  

7. The Episcopal Church in Honduras and our Bishop Lloyd Allen, who continues leading our Diocese.

8. For Carmen, Arlin, Charon, Ingris and Alexy, that they continue in University here in Roatan.

Thank you to all who have faithfully prayed and faithfully given to support this incredible work of ministering to the people in our congregations.

Matthew 25:40: “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Your prayers and continued support enable us to continue touching people’s lives with Jesus’ love.

Empowering the Church

Learning, Growing and Serving

Nelson and Kara Mejia

Bishop McAllister College: Rector’s Newsletter – May 2022

Rector’s Newsletter – May 2022

Dear Friends

Greetings from all of us Bishop McAllister College and Anglican Seminary! When we received news that all schools would fully reopen in January 2022, we were excited, but decided that the best approach was cautious optimism. I’m happy to report that as we are well into 2nd term, things are completely back to normal.  Students of all classes are back! Yay!

Reporting Day

Early January was a busy time, trying to organise the school, call teachers back (some hadn’t taught in two years) and prepare them for what was to come. Workshops were quickly organised as brief refresher courses but also to prepare teachers that there would be a great need for remedial work, and potential discipline issues they might face amongst their students, and how they might address them. We were told to expect a dropout rate of up to 30% due to teen pregnancies, early marriage, work, low morale and loss of interest in pursuing education. The good news is that things went quite smoothly in those early weeks. At Bishop McAllister we experienced a 20% dropout rate, but in some areas it has been as high 50%, all this is pretty much a rural issue where children face greater hardships and challenges. Government officials in those areas were told to go out in their areas and push children back into school. (In other words force parents who have liked having their children dig in the gardens or engage in other petty income generating tasks, to send their children back to school). We continued to experience a few students dropping out, up until the end of first term. As much as we tried to encourage them, they couldn’t either cope with being back in the restrictive environment of a school, or rekindle their interest in getting an education.

Teachers Workshop

First term went very well and we closed smoothly after 14 weeks. The length of the school term has been increased from 12 weeks to 14 weeks, to allow extra time for catching up on missed work. Students were fairly cooperative in those early weeks with wearing masks and following SOP’s.

Student Assembly & Vaccination Clinic

Of course, things have relaxed now in second term, pretty much reflecting society. We have lost the battle when it comes to enforcing mask wearing etc., apart from when someone needs to access the offices. The good news though was that all the older students (18 and above) were fully vaccinated in the first term, and we have been told a campaign will be launched sometime this month for all the other students.

This term has already been busy with the election of student leaders and sports days, so I feel confident enough now to say we are truly back to normal.

Prefectorial Campaigns & Swearing In

We have accomplished some good work on various projects across the campus. School entrance and compound has been completely transformed.

The new Administration Building Annex is now fully complete apart from landscaping (next rainy season). It consists of five sections, (L -R) Rector’s office, Receptionist, Board Room, and Accounts Offices. For the first time in our history this building is equipped with toilet facilities. We are really stepping into the modern world now.

As much as we would have loved us to make further progress on the music department it wasn’t possible. I was reminded of some forgotten areas (out of sight out of mind) where work had begun but then focus shifted to the library project in 2016. All this time the girls in the Seminary (primary section) have been living in the dust of an unfinished dormitory. So, we returned to that project to improve their living conditions. We plastered the walls inside and out, finished the veranda and floors. We also embarked on building them stairs to their main compound, so hopefully they will soon no longer have to use the goat path they made for themselves, winding up the side of the hill.

We also made some progress on one of their classroom blocks that was unfinished reaching the roofing stage on two additional classrooms, staffroom and computer room. Slowly, slowly we continue take steps forward.

Hopefully we will be in a position to resume work on the music department, where are all three main building are ready for roofing.

It is hard to believe how many years have passed, and how quickly they passed. I have now entered my 25thyear here at Bishop McAllister College. It has been a rich and rewarding ministry, that I’m so very thankful to have been called to be a part of it. God’s grace has been with us through out and I’m so grateful for that, and for how He has worked through all of you to make this ministry possible. The school has truly blossomed and it wouldn’t have been possible without your financial support and countless prayers. But most importantly I thank you for your support of the student sponsorship program, so many young lives have been changed and opportunities given as a result. I know the past couple of years may have been discouraging, with the closures, and students abandoning their studies, as well the tough conditions many of you also faced. Thank you so much for sticking with us, and continuing with your support of this important program.

Lastly thank you so much for your support of myself. You have been with me throughout, and I can’t thank you enough. Pray for me as I take these next few months and think about my future.

I pray that God will continue to bless you and keep you, now and always!

“To God be the Glory!”

God Bless!


Messages from around the world

A postcard from Christ Church Cathedral is part of an exhibition hanging in St. Saviour's Anglican Church in Rīga, Latvia.

Each May, a country-wide event called Baznīcu nākts (Night of Churches) is held throughout Latvia. The festival lasts well into the night, with churches hosting concerts, lectures, discussions and prayer, and the public is invited to visit multiple churches to learn about cultural and spiritual values.

Typically, St. Saviour's -- the only Anglican Church in Latvia -- displays an exhibition of art created by members of its congregation. For 2022, Churchwarden Joseph Horgan had a different suggestion.

“One idea I had for this year would be a wall/display of postcards from many different churches throughout the Anglican world,” wrote Horgan. “That way, we would be able to represent not only ourselves on this special occasion, but our entire denomination and your church as well!”

In April, he reached out to Anglican dioceses across the globe, and was met with an overwhelming response from people eager to participate.

Congregations were asked to send or email a postcard with a photo of their church, and a message for the St. Saviour's parish or for Latvia in general.

The volume of mail and email increased throughout May, and by Baznīcu nākts, postcards had been received from over 250 churches in 36 countries. Cards were displayed in several areas of St. Saviour's, on walls and in a large display with cards hanging from strings so visitors could read both sides. A digital map was also created, which shows the location of each participating church.

“From the bottom of our hearts, we cannot thank you enough for supporting our Baznīcu nakts (Night of Churches) event by sending us cards for our special display,” wrote Horgan in a message to participating churches. “Throughout Saturday evening, more than 500 people visited [St. Saviour's] and were able to enjoy your cards and learn about your special churches.”

Horgan also mentioned that the event was held one day after the completion of a large ceiling renovation project, so the congregation was thrilled to welcome visitors to see the improvements and access the entire church. Our Cathedral Verger, Jason Parsons, visited St. Saviour's in 2018 and wrote about his experience in the NB Anglican newspaper. Shortly after his visit, the church began its ceiling renovation campaign.

Church leaders at St. Saviour’s were touched by the outpouring support for the postcard project, and have decided that the display will remain as a permanent exhibition, and they will continue to add any further postcards that are received.

Horgan says, “If you are ever able to make it out to Rīga one day, then perhaps you can find your card on our wall! Thanks again for your friendship and cooperation in making this idea a reality.”

Postcard display at St. Saviour’s Anglican Church in Rīga, Latvia

Helping to ‘TP the Town’!

Thank you to everyone at the Cathedral who donated toilet paper and hygiene supplies to the 7th annual TP The Town campaign!

This spring, Fredericton High School students partnered partnered with community groups, churches, and other schools to collect toilet paper and as many feminine care and personal hygiene products as possible. Monetary donations were also gratefully accepted.

Cathedral youth Alex and Claire, along with their fellow student council members, have been counting rolls as they arrive. Their goal is 25,000 rolls!

Products will soon be delivered to shelters and transitional housing locations in the Fredericton area, such as Chrysalis House, St. John House (the men’s shelter), Grace House for women, Gignoo House, Transition House, and the 12 Neighbor’s Village.

The Student Representative Council of Fredericton High School provides leadership opportunities and serves the student body, the school, and the community. An integral part of their program is to provide service to our community.

A letter from the student council expressed appreciation for the support of TP the Town, "Thank you for helping give back to those that struggle to take care of what we take for granted."

Caring For Our Community

Many members of the Cathedral congregation have recently helped neighbours in our community by donating items for a young mother, and by providing snacks for the monthly Monday morning Outreach program for people in need. Your generosity is appreciated!

Here is a letter of thanks from the young woman, who received items to furnish a new apartment for herself and her son.

Click to enlarge

Update from St. Hilda’s School in Belize

We continually pray for our friends in Belize - the students and teachers at St. Hilda's Anglican School, as well as the scholarship students who have moved on to High School. In March, Ms. Jane Ramirez, Principal at St. Hilda's, sent us this update.

Greetings Friends,

I pray that this email reaches you in good health. I am sorry that it has taken so long to send an update. Times have been a bit hectic and we're now trying to establish a new sense of normalcy on a personal and professional level. The COVID-19 pandemic really had an impact on our staff, students and families. There were many who were affected health-wise and financially.

Since January 17th, 2022, we returned to school for two days face to face sessions and we did two days online. It has been a challenge because many children did not participate in the online sessions. In terms of academics, we are far behind but striving to reach our goal. Parents have been skeptical about sending their child for face to face sessions as well. We are trying our best to ensure that safety protocols are in place. Starting this Monday, March 14th, 2022, we will be back fully face to face. We have divided the children into two groups so we will have each group coming on alternate days. Please keep us in prayer that all goes well.

I cannot express how thankful I truly am for your support and prayers. I cannot find the words to tell you how blessed we are to have your partnership. I can testify that whenever our financial resources run low, it is at that right time that you send funds. Those funds have kept us operating, especially this school year. Many parents are experiencing financial difficulties so they cannot pay their fees. Please express how thankful we are to our Friends of St. Hilda's.

I have spoken to each of [the scholarship students] or their guardian regarding their grades. I believe this will be a better semester since most schools have returned or are returning to face to face sessions.

We at St. Hilda's will continue to keep you and your family in prayers.

Jane Martinez

Bishop McAllister College is finally, fully open

A positive update from Canon Paul Jeffries, Rector of Bishop McAllister College and Anglican Seminary in Uganda.

"Late last year, we had been given reason to believe that schools would be allowed to open in January. I worked hard to keep my hopes and expectations under control, and only allowed myself some cautious optimism. After the many times our hopes got fuelled by rumours and false stories over the past two years, I would like to think I learned my lesson..."

[Continue reading below]

Read the full update from Paul Jeffries and published in the March 2022 edition of the NB Anglican.

Sewing for a Cause

Beverly Morell (center) with granddaughters Rachel (left) and Cara (right), delivering lunch bags to Cathedral Memorial Hall - with Bailey the dog.

Donations accepted until 15 April.

When Beverly Morell heard that Lunch Connection in Saint John was looking for volunteers to sew cloth bags to help make their school lunch program more environmentally friendly, she was struck with inspiration.

Her granddaughter, Cara, has an interest in sewing and had received a sewing machine for Christmas. Beverly saw this as a perfect opportunity to teach her granddaughter while helping others.

Together, Beverly and Cara sewed 10 drawstring cloth bags, as requested by Saint John Inner City Youth Ministry.

Volunteers are requested to sew simple drawstring bags for lunches donated to schoolchildren. Through the program, approximately 400 children in six K-8 schools receive subsidized lunches three times a week. Cloth bags will result in a significant decrease in waste, as the program currently uses paper bags. Program organizers are requesting 1200 cloth bags so they can be washed between uses.

The Anglican Diocese of Fredericton has placed a drop-box in the lobby of Cathedral Memorial Hall. They are asking people to put completed bags or fabric (at least 12" x 28") in the drop-box in the lobby of Cathedral Memorial Hall during office hours, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. The deadline is April 15. Bags will be delivered periodically to Saint John by Synod Office staff.

Visit the Diocese website to learn more about the program and watch the sewing video tutorial.