Greetings from Ms. Indira Spain in Belize

This is a letter we received from Ms Indira Spain, teacher at St. Hilda’s as well as mother of one of our high school scholarship students, Anique Hernandez.  Anique is currently in Grade 10 at St. Ignatius High School in San Ignacio.  She is a very good student and is also involved in extracurricular activities at her school.  Her mom wrote this letter in June.
Greetings from Belize.  As I sit to write I can’t help but feel overwhelmed at the idea of connecting with some of the very best people I know, whom I’ve never met but whom have given to me one of the greatest gifts of my life.  Your generosity surpasses that of anything I have ever seen.  I remember being a smart student, achieving a whole lot in primary but struggling through high school because of financial reasons.  Anique is blessed to have an entire congregation behind her and for that I wish to extend a sincere thank you to every member of your church who have contributed to my daughter’s success.  Whether they have contributed financially or with a word of prayer we are grateful to all of you for keeping us in the warmth of your Jesus-filled hearts.  
Find attached Anique’s second form report card.  She has done well but I believe she can do much better.  The last lap of second form was a little challenging for her as the teachers tried to cover material that will be needed for third form.  Her grades fell a little and for that she sends apologies.  I am very proud of her despite the little drop and I’m sure that you guys will be as proud. 
Thank you again for everything you do for my child and I.

“Lord, show me the real Boston” Mission 2017

Christ Church Cathedral offered financial support to the mission to Boston in the spring of 2017. These are some of the reflections of the participants.

When Kyle McGraw signed up for a mission trip to Boston in May, he never dreamed it would get so personal.

But on the last day before leaving Boston, he found himself clippering and shaving the heads of five men who had come in off the street for $1 haircuts. Kyle is not a barber, but he saw that the clothing outreach centre where they were volunteering gave haircuts, and he asked if he could help.

“I’d never shaved anyone before but I said I’d give it a shot,” he said. “The whole week was surreal, but that moment was a highlight. We did a lot of hands-on work but this was extremely hands-on. It got personal really fast.”

Seeing the scars on the men’s heads led to personal questions and candid conversations. And doing the job correctly meant cradling their heads to get the angle right.

“I looked over and he had his hands on this guy’s head,” said Colin McDonald, director of youth and intergenerational ministries in the diocese and one of the leaders on the trip. “It reminded me of washing someone’s feet. It was so intimate. “A lot of people don’t like to touch homeless people.”

The Rev. Dan McMullen had a similar response: “Kyle was putting the most love and care into shaving this guy. He was doing it with so much care.”

It was a pivotal moment in the trip that saw 14 young people and leaders from the diocese pitch in amid the poverty, addiction, mental illness and homelessness the city of Boston deals with daily. In fact, the kids saw things they might never see in New Brunswick.

“We’re all small towners,” said Jessica Gowan, another leader on the trip. “We don’t have a lot of experiences. In Boston every second person walks up to you. Some struggled. We all did, but the point of the trip was to face struggles.”

The group spent each day volunteering at agencies that serve the needs of those at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder. And every evening was spent discussing their day.

“Some of my favourite times were when we were debriefing at the end of the day,” said Jessica. “Seeing how the day impacted our young people.”

“What really moved me was seeing the young people serving hurting people they’d never met and would never meet again,” said Dan. “They were treating these people like they were serving Jesus.”

“Lord, show me the real Boston.”

On the first day, during a tour of Boston to get their bearings, the prayer on Colton Scott’s lips was “Lord, show me the real Boston.” That prayer was answered, and it made Colton, 19, angry. When you want to find them, the addicted, poor, sick, homeless and hopeless are hard to miss — and difficult to accept. “I can’t help them,” said Colton.

Boston Mission 17 participants

The missioners at St. Francis House day shelter in Boston. Back row, from left: Emma Ray Coulton, Jesse Galbraith, Colton Scott, Katrina Zinck, Nat Fetter, Dan McMullen, Dylan Nicoll, Gabe Gionet. Front row, from left: Kyle McGraw, Joe Duplisea, Jessie Gowan, Dimitra Bountalas, Kara Gallant and Colin McDonald.

“A sister, a nun who runs the Common Art Program (for people off the street to express their creativity), said ‘let that anger fuel you. You’re right to be angry.’ That stuck with me. It drives me to do more.” Colton came back home with a new-found skill he’s likely to use, since his summer job is in uptown Saint John. “I learned how easy it is to approach people,” he said. “They’re just people. I learned a lot more about myself than I did about Boston.”

During the previous six months, Colin worked with the young people to prepare them spiritually, using Lectio Divina, the ancient practice of reading small passages of scripture repeatedly while asking the Holy Spirit to reveal their meaning. He chose the book of Isaiah, “To answer the question, ‘why do we serve?’ If we are people who claim to follow Christ, we have to act in a similar fashion to him. Jesus quoted Isaiah a lot — feed the hungry, clothe the naked.”

So how did it go? “We knew these words and we saw them played out during the week,” said Colin. “We saw young people step up, be leaders, be engaged in their faith.” Each day, they cleaned, did yard work, pitched in at places that care for the all-but-forgotten of the city, and listened to the stories of despair, and in some cases, redemption — all of which had a profound impact on the kids.

“It was very emotional for them to leave a site, knowing these same people we spent the day with were probably on the streets sleeping, maybe getting arrested that night.” “The next step,” he said, “is to harness the lessons and emotions of the week and put them to work at home.”

“What does it mean here? How do we find opportunities?” he asked.

“There’s a challenge here for the church. We have this talented group of young people coming up and we have to make room for them. “They will find a way to serve God, and we have to make a place for them to do that.”

Giselle McKnight
Diocesan Officer of Communication

Time to count your blessings – Refugee sponsorship one year old

On the night of July 27th, 2016, a weary Esther Gmah crossed the tarmac slowly at Fredericton Airport in a wheelchair and met a smiling group of eager people waving balloons, flags and signs.

Her children, Arene and Catherine, and her husband, Phillip Weah, looked equally bewildered. It had been an exhausting journey for these Liberians from a crowded refugee camp in Ivory Coast to a faraway, new place called Canada.

Pot luck at Christ Church (Parish) Church

Exactly one year later, again surrounded by smiles and balloons, a grateful Phillip told people gathered at a potluck party at Christ Church Parish Church that the family did not know what to expect that night.

“We put ourselves in your hands at the airport,” Phillip said. “You took care of us, you solved every problem, you were always with us. It was always good.”

Phillip recalled how worried he was because Esther was extremely unwell. She spent four months in hospital soon after arrival.

“Now she is walking, thanks to your prayers,” he said. “I say thank you, thank you. Every day I pray to Almighty God that He will reward you for helping my family.”

You took care of us, you solved every problem, you were always with us.

Esther, holding a dozen red roses presented at the anniversary party, smiled broadly and told the crowd: “God is good. Thank you, thank you.”

Cecilia Putu, a Liberian friend who moved here from the same refugee camp earlier than the Weah-Gmah family, thanked the sponsors by singing a song with the refrain “someone by your side.”

Baptism 30 July

On Sunday, July 30th, the family had another reason to celebrate. Phillip joyfully sang “Count your Blessings” in St. Anne’s Chapel of Ease, following the baptism of 17-year-old Catherine by Archdeacon Wandlyn Snelgrove.

The parish, one of several that raised funds to support the family for the past year, provided a beautiful cake in Catherine’s honour. It also owns the rent-subsidized apartment where three of the family now live. Arene has moved to a rooming house.

During the anniversary celebration, Archdeacon Patricia Drummond noted that the family will receive another year of support from the federal government while ongoing health issues and language skills are addressed.

Blessings to Catherine

“It has not always been easy during the past year, but we congratulate you on the progress you have made,” Pat said. “We will continue to help you with some things in the future.”

She also thanked the contributing parishes for their financial and prayerful support.

“There is still a need for help in paying off thousands of dollars owing on the government travel loan, for Catherine’s medical appointments in Halifax, and to supplement their rather low income, until Phillip is able to secure a job,” she explained.

An organ recital by cathedral music director David Drinkell will be held at 12:10 p.m. on Friday, August 25th, at the cathedral with proceeds from a freewill offering being donated to the family.

“Everyone is welcome, and we would like to see all the pews full for this beautiful music and worthwhile cause,” she concluded.

Ann Deveau

Pray for the people of British Columbia

Bishop Barbara Andrews on Thursday made a plea for prayer for the people of BC and the Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior (Territory of the People). In a pastoral letter to the Canadian church on 13 July she said,

The Territory of the People greatly appreciate the response of the wider Anglican community and if you or your parish is looking to support us you may do so in the following ways:

  • Pray for us
  • PWRDF has been in touch and support can be directed with donations
  • Donate to the Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior Fire Fund. Monies that are donated to this fund will be allocated towards helping the parishes and individuals effected by the fires.

Read the Bishop’s pastoral letter

Read the 13 July 2017 Bishop’s Bulletin

Visit the Territory of the People web site

The Territory of the People greatly appreciate the response of the wider Anglican community

Congratulations to St. Hilda’s and Jocelyn Herrara

Congratulations to St. Hilda’s class of 2017 and scholarship winner Jocelyn Herrara

Best wishes to the 2017 graduating class from St. Hilda’s School in Belize! A special congratulations also to Miss Jocelyn Herrara, this years recipient of the “Canadian Friends of St. Hilda’s Scholarship”. I am 12 years old. I live in Georgeville Village. My greatest wish is to go to high school, sixth form and the University of Belize.

Belize School Scholarships

Since 2005, when Christ Church Cathedral sent the first of four mission teams to Belize, we have tried to help make the every-day education experience better for the students who attend St. Hilda’s. In the years following our visits, because we had raised enough money, we have been able to give St. Hilda’s approximately $2000 annually to pay for books, equipment, facility improvements, classroom supplies, school field trips and more.  The exact amount has depended on the funds available and on what the principal, Jane Martinez, identifies as needed but can’t be paid for with her meager budget.

The plan is to continue this support for those in Grades 1-8 at St. Hilda’s in the coming years. We also want to continue our support of St. Hilda’s scholarship students at the high school and university levels and this is where we have been blessed and encouraged by the generosity of committed donors.

Watch this video message from Jamal.

For information about how you can be involved in making a meaningful difference in the lives of students at St. Hilda’s, contact Beverly Morell or Cindy Pope. The Cathedral Office will gladly provide contact information.


Year of sponsorship draws to a close: now what?

World Refugee Day is June 20th, which gives us a chance to consider the plight of refugees around the world, to honour their will to survive, and to renew our commitment to helping them settle in Canada.

Last year at this time, a Liberian family of four was packing its meager belongings into two small suitcases and preparing to fly 10,000 kilometres from the misery of a refugee camp in the Ivory Coast to an unknown place named Fredericton.

A team of volunteers from the cathedral and 10 Anglican parishes raised funds, gathered furnishings, and hurried to prepare everything necessary to care for this family for one year. Nobody knew what an eventful year it would be.

With nearly 11 months under their belts, where do things stand for Phillip Weah, his wife Esther Gmah and her children, 20-year-old Arene and 17-year-old Catherine?

Phillip takes English language training at the Cultural Centre daily and is making progress. He has done some odd jobs such as mowing and raking. His goal is to learn to drive and buy a car.

“The church group is always good to us, they give us everything, and they take good care of us,” Phillip said. “Any problem we have, they come right away to solve it. I say thank you very much.”

Esther was not well when she arrived in Canada and spent from early September until Christmas in the local hospital, including time in the regional hospital in Saint John. By now, she is doing much better although her mobility is limited. She is learning English and hopes to learn to read and write.

The sponsorship team greatly appreciates the prayerful support of the cathedral family during the past year …

Arene went to high school off and on, struggling to fit into a structure and rules foreign to anything he had ever experienced. Currently, he is taking English lessons at the Cultural Centre, attending counselling and serving one year’s probation after pleading guilty in court to a charge of assault.

Like Arene, Catherine dances with the Making Africa Proud group. She attends FHS and is making good progress with the language. Unfortunately, she has been diagnosed with an illness which has required three trips to Halifax to see a specialist and which will result in surgery there this summer.

“She is a lovely girl who has captured my heart,” says her tutor Cathie Gerber. “She shows amazing strength in all that she has endured.”

Normally, refugee sponsorship ends after one year (July 2017 in their case) when funds run out. Sometimes, a family has found jobs and settled rapidly into Canadian society. More often, especially with less educated refugees who have suffered trauma, self-sufficiency is elusive. These families apply for provincial social assistance.

With the Weah-Gmah family, a third route has opened up. Our sponsorship agreement holder, the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches, kindly helped us obtain additional federal funding to support the family for another year. The application was approved due to the complex medical and psychological challenges, not to mention language barriers and legal issues.

“The family will receive a monthly allowance from the federal government until July 2018, which will give them more time to adapt to Canada,” explained Archdeacon Patricia Drummond who leads the sponsorship team. “We will continue to be involved for the next year with big things such as Catherine’s illness, helping them with written forms or giving advice if needed, but not on a day-to-day basis with every little thing as has been the case this past intense year.”

Their current apartment is too expensive under the new funding structure, but, happily, a subsidized apartment has been found downtown, thanks to the good folks at Christ Church Parish Church who operate properties. Phillip, Esther and Catherine will move there by the end of July.

Weah-Gamah Family

LOOKING FORWARD – The Weah-Gmah family from Liberia looks forward to celebrating many more happy, healthy birthdays in Canada. Pictured from left are Arene Gmah with a balloon, his mother Esther Gmah, her husband Phillip Weah, and seated with the soccer ball is Catherine Gmah.

“I want my own place,” Arene announced when he turned 20, and his family readily agreed it would be beneficial. A room to rent, or room and board, is being sought for him because it’s what he will be able to afford on his federal allowance.

Many tough challenges lie ahead for all of them on the road to self-sufficiency, but they have shown considerable resilience so far. The volunteers have put in countless hours, and it has been a real learning experience for them, too.

“It has often been very stressful and bewildering for us and for them, but sponsoring refugees rescues people from dangerous and hopeless situations,” said volunteer Doug Milander. “It offers this family the chance for a new life. It benefits Christ, and it’s absolutely the right thing to do.”

Some people have asked whether more financial donations are needed for the Weah-Gmah family. The money remaining in the refugee sponsorship account should cover their living expenses as the year ends as well as moving expenses, damage deposits and so on.

However, the family will have unexpected expenses related to visits to Halifax to deal with Catherine’s illness. They also must repay a $9,000 travel loan to the federal government, which is a significant debt for unemployed people to handle. Any contributions received would be put toward these special circumstances. Cheques can be made out to Christ Church Parish Church, adding Refugee Sponsorship on the memo line.

“The sponsorship team greatly appreciates the prayerful support of the cathedral family during the past year and especially as a second year in Canada begins for these former refugees,” Archdeacon Drummond concluded.

Ann Deveau

The Biggest Invitation – ALPHA

Many reading this will have participated in an Alpha course in the past and perhaps you or your church are still doing so; or it may be that you have never heard of Alpha.

If you are in this latter category, Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that explore the basics of life, faith and God, typically run over 11 weeks.

Each session looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation.

Alpha was developed at Holy Trinity Church, Brompton over 25 years ago and is now run all around the globe. Over 29 million people have tried Alpha in 169 countries, and it has been translated into 112 different languages.

Courses take different formats, but generally they have three key aspects: food, a talk and good conversation. Everyone is welcome and all questions are accepted.

what_is_alphaWhatever you do know about Alpha, it may be time to have another look or run Alpha again. Through this coming fall and winter, there will be a global Alpha campaign. Labelled “The Biggest Church Invitation of This Generation,” the face of the campaign will be Bear Grylls, known worldwide for outdoor survival and adventure and with 1.5 billion fans. He will be sharing his journey to faith; in his words: “Alpha was the best thing I ever did!”

Typically run over 8-12 weeks, it allows anyone to explore life, faith and God in a friendly, open and informal environment. In each session there’s food, a short talk, and discussion in small groups. Everything you need to run Alpha is available online and free to download.

This is an opportunity for churches or groups to tap into the interest generated in our communities. We should be ready for those who come seeking. Alpha materials have been updated and are now offered via free downloads. A complete revised set of 29-minutes talks delivered by Nicky Gumbel was released last year. A new Alpha film series launched in April, featuring stories from all around the world and covering the Alpha content in a contemporary visual format. There is also a highly successful Youth Alpha Film Series.

Register your course with Alpha Canada for no charge to access the talks, transcripts and training videos for free. Learn more, or register a course

Cheryl Jacobs
Chair of the Diocesan Council Spiritual Development Team
from the New Brunswick Anglican June 2016

Grateful family making the rounds

When Liberian refugee Esther Gmah was in hospital for months last fall, she had time on her hands to hatch a plan.

“I want to visit all the churches helping my family,” she announced to a refugee sponsorship committee volunteer one day. “To say thank you,” she added.

Several parishes raised money and did paperwork to bring the family from a refugee camp in Ivory Coast to Canada last July, and volunteers have been helping them to acclimatize to Canadian life.

At Gagetown

GATHERING – Parishioners from St. John’s in Gagetown and St. Stephen’s in Queenstown put on a reception for the Liberian refugee family sponsored by several parishes in the Greater Fredericton archdeaconry.

It was almost Christmas when she was released from hospital, winter storms were brewing, and it was not the best time for a woman who must use a walker to start hitting the road. However, Esther was determined.

So far, she has worshipped at several of the churches involved in the sponsorship of her family. Prior to her hospitalization, the family had attended services at St. Margaret’s in Fredericton, situated near their apartment, and have returned there, too.

I want to visit all the churches helping my family.

Despite wintry weather, they have made the rounds, taking part in a Christmas Day service at Christ Church Cathedral and later trying the 10 o’clock and 11:45 services. They have also made a few Sunday trips to St. Mary York and to Christ Church Parish Church with sponsorship committee members.

Valentine Flowers

VALENTINE FLOWERS – Esther Gmah smiles upon receiving a bouquet of flowers from parishioners during a visit to St. John’s Anglican Church in Gagetown.

Sunday, Feb. 12Th, was a highlight for the whole family because they travelled much farther afield to meet people who have helped them. At a worship service in St. John’s Anglican at Gagetown, they received beautiful, handmade valentines from children in the congregation.

Joined by parishioners from St. Stephen’s in Queenstown, people from St. John’s held a reception afterwards and presented colourful flowers and boxes of chocolates to the family. Esther’s daughter, 17-year-old Catherine, pronounced the day “awesome.” The family was invited to come back for a service in the summer, perhaps to enjoy a picnic and a boat ride on the St. John River.

Persaude welcome

WELCOME – The Rev. Christian Persaud welcomes Phillip Weah to a reception following a worship service at St. John’s Anglican Church in Gagetown in February.

The Rev. Christian Persaud, who oversees multi-point parishes, said he would like them to visit the Parish of Cambridge and Waterborough which has also contributed to the refugee sponsorship fund. Esther had no idea where the church of the Good Shepherd in Cambridge Narrows might be, but she readily agreed to a future visit.

There was a sad event the same week as the joyous visit to Gagetown. St. Mary York volunteer Anne Buckland died unexpectedly. The family cried while attending the funeral of “a good lady” whom they adored.

Anglican churches in the Marysville area of Fredericton, Stanley, Nasonworth, Zealand and Fredericton Junction are also on the roster although visits have not yet been arranged.

“God is good to us, and we say thank you very, very much to be here in Canada,” Esther’s husband, Phillip Weah, summed up.

Ann Deveau

Letters from Belize

Greetings Mrs. Bev,

It has truly been a while since we communicated. I must apologize for lack of communication. There have been so many challenges this year that for some time it became overwhelming. By God’s grace we finished our first term and are looking forward to the rest of the school year. We begin classes on January 3rd. Our vacation was cut short in order to make up time that was lost during the strike in October.

I pray that all is well with you and yours. Season greetings to you and the church family. I pray God’s continued provisions and guidance to your ministry for the new year.

I just wanted to greet you and say thanks once again for your support of St. Hilda’s Anglican School. Have a blessed and enjoyable New Year!!

Best Regards,
Jane Martinez
(Principal of St. Hilda’s School)

Greetings Ms. Bev,

Happy new year to you and your family, I wish you a prosperous new year. Thank you for the wishes and prayers as well, I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.

I’m happy to learn that my fees are paid, and I’m excited to venture off to the final courses of my program. However, classes begins January 16th and I won’t be able to meet with Ms. Stuart until then to discuss the circumstances of my final outstanding course. I’m hoping and praying all goes well.

I will utilize any financial assistance with traveling for this semester. I would appreciate it very much.

I’m sure you’re enjoying the winter season in Canada, it must be very beautiful and cold. On the contrary, the weather in Belize is very hot during the day and chilly at night. God is truly an amazing God, we are experiencing different weather under the same sun.

My mom sends her warmest greetings and thanks to you and your church for being such a blessing in my life. Thank you.

Amieka Myers (Belize College Sponsored Student)
God Bless

Dear Ms. Bev,

I want you to know I am very happy in school. I am working very hard at doing the best I can in all subject areas. I am having a wonderful semester completely loving my friends and my teachers. I really love math because it gives me the opportunity to expand my mind and see my world differently. It is my favorite subject . I am thinking of taking accounting in third form therefore I will need to have a strong foundation in Mathematics. The subject that poses more of a challenge to me is Spanish because I don’t speak a word of Spanish at all and the subject is taught in the Spanish Language. It is the area that scares me the most but I’m proud to say that for mid-semester I got an A in it.

This year a couple teachers came together to start a cheer leading squad at school . I tried out and was chosen to join. I really love it because I get to cheer for my team and to travel to different schools and districts. My mom has made me promise to keep my grades up or she will take me off the squad so now I’m working extra hard because I love being a part of a group of girls that are positive like me.

I really enjoy school because I learn new things every day that will help me in life. I am very grateful to you because you gave me the opportunity to go to school. I am sure that my mom would have found a way to send me to school but this scholarship that you gave me makes me feel like I’m helping my mom through hard work. This scholarship is proof that if I work really hard nothing is impossible. My life has never been happier and for that I say thank you very very much.

I am very curious about how you look and would like to see a picture of you(if you would like). I would like to wish you and your church a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year. May the lord bless you guys in many ways,for you are doing his work. You are helping students with your kind heart. You all are very caring and loving. I am very happy that people like you all are in this world.
I have attached a few pictures of myself, My first form Honor Roll certificate and my mid-term report card

P.S It doesn’t snow here but it gets really cold in October through to February or March each year.

With love,
Anique Hernandez (Belize High School Sponsored Student)