What is a vocation? Where does discipleship and faith formation fit within the Church today? Archbishop David explores these topics in this study series, intended for both individuals and groups.
Its purpose is to give an opportunity for time to reflect on the nature of discipleship and vocation. These topics are more than merely an academic study, they are to do with the whole of life.
As you or your group progress through this series, watching each video and engaging with the selected scriptures, two things will happen: you will understand the word vocation more deeply and a vision for the mission and ministry of your church will begin to form.
Archbishop David Edwards has appointed the Rev. Debbie Edmondson as chaplain at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital in Fredericton for a one-year period, with the possibility of renewal, beginning 01 February, 2025.
Born in Ottawa, Ontario, Debbie grew up in Keswick Ridge, New Brunswick, where she still makes her home with Phillip, her husband of 45+ years. They have two sons and daughters-in-law and four grandchildren, who are a tremendous source of joy.
She is a life-long Anglican, with, as she describes, “a well rounded Ecumenical background.” Drawing on her rural roots, she leads workshops and retreats with humour and a down to earth sense of the sacred. Debbie was ordained as a Vocational Deacon on 01 February 2009. She completed training in Spiritual Direction with the Haden Institute in conjunction with Mount Carmel Spiritual Center in Niagara Falls in 2014.
Debbie has always been involved with her church community through groups and activities from teaching Sunday School to serving on Vestry to being a Layreader and then being called to Ordained Ministry, which she feels is an ongoing learning and awakening experience. On 01 February, 2025, Debbie was appointed as chaplain at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital in Fredericton by Archbishop David Edwards. Debbie is also the Cathedral Hospital Visitors Coordinator, the Diocesan Representative for the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer and a member of the Diocesan Spiritual Development Team.
The Rev. Canon Jon Lownds checks cameras and monitors during the 139th Session of the Diocesan Synod of Fredericton, held at Christ Church Cathedral. He was one of several people handing the technology needs of the day.
From the Bishop’s Charge to archdeaconry presentations, one word rang out: community.
Last spring, as Archbishop David Edwards began discerning his charge for diocesan synod, the word community came to mind — the concept of we, as Anglicans, being community for and in our communities.
All that culminated in a day that focused mainly on others, as 215 people— clerics, laity, volunteers, observers, diocesan staff and guests — gathered at Christ Church Cathedral Nov. 2 for the 139th Session of the Diocesan Synod of Fredericton.
Also, enjoy the slideshow below - photos of members of the Cathedral congregation at the Diocesan Synod. Thank you to Gary Barfitt for his photography skills!
An initial congregational meeting was held in the Fall, where Archbishop David was asked to look into establishing a foundation to take ownership of the building in order to raise funds for its restoration, while retaining it as a place of worship. To that end a committee was established to advise the archbishop about ways forward. A second congregational meeting was held April 25 in order to provide an update.
Discussions will now happen between the Cathedral Bishop and Chapter and members of the advisory group looking at the needs of the congregation and how these might be met by any future foundation. This will be a detailed process and may lead to an operating agreement between the two groups, providing a basis upon which to move ahead.
A congregational meeting will be held at the request of the Bishop from 6:30-7:30 p.m. on Thursday, 25 April. The meeting will be held in Cathedral Memorial Hall.
All members of the congregation are invited to attend this follow-up to the November 2023 meeting about the cathedral building. Minutes from that meeting can be found in your Annual Report.
In 2022, the contracted firm of Heritage Standing delivered a comprehensive report on the significant costs of the maintenance issues facing the Cathedral.
Earlier this year the Cathedral and Synod contracted with Source Alliance to undertake a study on the feasibility of funding required renovations. Approximately 45 individuals/couples were interviewed and a report was produced. Bishop and Chapter have reviewed the report.
The dean is calling a congregational meeting to share the recommendations and propose possible next steps.
All are encouraged to attend on 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, 21 November in Cathedral Memorial Hall. Refreshments will be served.
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UPDATE: Minutes from the meeting can be found in your 2024 Annual Report (for 2023).
What’s it like working in the Diocese of Fredericton? September 27 was set aside as an orientation day to help five new clerics and one new employee get a snapshot of their roles.
The Rev. David Smith (Parish of Grand Manan), the Rev. Robert McLean (Parishes of Fredericton Junction and New Maryland), the Rev. Isabel Cutler (deacon, Christ Church Cathedral), the Rev. Rick Cunningham (deacon) and the Rev. Nicholas Saulnier (Parishes of St. Mary, York; Marysville and Stanley), as well as director of young adult formation Kurt Schmidt were in attendance, as well as diocesan staff and two territorial archdeacons.
The day began with the regular Wednesday service at the Cathedral, and moved to the hall for the remainder of the day...
Archbishop Claude Miller died on Tuesday, 27 June 2023 after a brief period of illness.
The funeral was on Monday, 03 July at 11:00 a.m. in Christ Church Cathedral with a reception following.
Visitation was held the previous day, Sunday, 02 July 2:00 - 6:00 p.m. at the Cathedral followed by a vigil until 8:45 a.m. Monday with both clergy and lay participating.
Celebrate the New Year in the Cathedral on Sunday, 01 January. Worship at 10:30 a.m. will be followed by Archbishop David Edwards’ New Year's Day reception. We will also worship at 8:00 a.m.
It’s a wonderful way to start 2023 with prayer and festivity!
On Saturday, 05 November, the 138th Diocesan Synod was held at the Cathedral.
Read about the busy and productive day in an article written for the NB Anglican, by Gisele McKnight. Almost 300 attendees prayed together and worked together, considering Bishop David Edwards' charge which focused on the need for discernment of future ministry.
The video below, showing scenes from Synod, was created by Cathedral congregation member Helen Liang and features photos from a variety of sources.