Organ Concert – 20 November 2020

On Friday evening, 7:00 p.m., 20 November 2020, J. Thomas Gonder, Director of Music and Organist at Christ Church Cathedral will be in concert.

Thomas recently played a concert at the cathedral of Notre Dame in Moncton and will reprise several of the selections from that concert at the Cathedral.

There is no charge for tickets (get them here) with the hope that any and all who wish to attend are able to do so. Donations to the Cathedral Organ Renovations Fund are encouraged and welcome.

The poster for the event can be viewed or downloaded here.

Farraline Place Fundraiser

Although Farraline Place could not hold its annual fall fundraising gala dinner due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the ongoing work and caring of its residents has not been cancelled. The challenge is ongoing to make a home for low-to-modest income residents, and this particular year is more crucial than previous years.

A virtual fundraiser was held with tickets $50 per person, and donations of any amount are still being accepted.  For details about how you can support the home's important work, call Sharon Simms (Farraline Board) at (506) 452-8909 or Judy O’Donnell (home administrator) at (506) 455-6443.

Yoga is back!

It was a long stretch (pun intended!) without yoga classes at Cathedral Memorial Hall. Thanks to the pandemic, the popular weekly classes ended abruptly on March 9th and finally resumed Sept. 21st.

Parish nurse Kathleen Snow, who organizes this wellness activity, is pleased that the classes can finally resume although certain restrictions are necessary.

“Participants must sanitize their hands upon arrival and sign in and out of the hall,” Kathleen said. “People have been asked to bring their own yoga mats, pillows and blankets rather than use items stored at the hall although some extra, sanitized mats will be available for the Monday afternoon classes.”

She added that people must maintain physical distancing while in the hall, but it isn't difficult since the mats are always set up a good distance apart even in normal times. The floor, with its pattern of foot-square tiles, makes it simple to stick to the rule of staying six feet (2m) apart.

While entering and leaving the building, and while setting up the mats, people must wear masks. However, it's permissible to remove them during the actual yoga practice. It could get hot and uncomfortable otherwise.

The first class attracted a mix of 13 new members and eager returnees who know that this type of self-care can help reduce stress and inspire well-being. The instructor, Tammy Blyth, said breathing deeply and deliberately provides oxygen to nourish the body; it can also relax the brain and nervous system.

Tammy also pointed out that exercise and stretching not only boost the effectiveness of the lungs and circulatory system, but can also lift the spirits. That's something most of us need in these trying pandemic times when life is so different.

Eric and Jane Hadley agreed it was good to be back for the physical and social aspects of the class. Although they kept busy all summer with gardening, hiking and biking, they looked forward to the resumption of yoga and the chance to see friends from the congregation and the community.

“I find that the gentle warm-ups to loosen shoulders, neck and back are helpful,” Ann Deveau said, “and the mix of standing and reclining poses can gradually increase mobility for people like me who are challenged by the stiffness of osteoarthritis.”

The yoga classes start at 1:30 p.m. on Monday afternoons except public holidays, last one hour and cost $5 per session. Kathleen asks people to arrive a few minutes early, due to the need for physical distancing and a requirement for newcomers to register the first time they participate.

Getting ready – outreach summer 2020

GETTING READY  - Canon Patricia Drummond packs goodie bags as part of the cathedral's summer outreach efforts. Due to the pandemic, the weekly drop-in for people in need has not been held since mid-March, but supermarket gift cards are distributed outdoors on the last Monday of the month. On July 27th, 50 people received a gift card or bus tickets plus a bar of soap and a goodie bag containing bananas, homemade muffins, cookies, a sandwich, a granola bar, and bottled water. Food items were donated by members of the cathedral family. A similar effort will take place August 31st.

Calithumpians – Summer 2020

Summer Theatre

Fredericton Outdoor Summer Theatre (FrOST)

FrOST is the umbrella term for our summer season offerings in downtown Fredericton. We have been performing in Fredericton's Historic Garrison District for over 35 years!

CalithumpiansFrOST usually runs two complementary museum theatre programs: The Calithumpians, who provide live outdoor theatre in Officers' Square, and The Fredericton Fencibles, who provide heritage interpretation activities in the Historic Garrison District. But this year, because of Fredericton's decision to close the Guard House, our interpretive centre, our two traditional troupes have been merged! The Calithumpians will provide outdoor theatre and guided walking tours 6 days a week - Monday to Saturday - and the Haunted Hike 5 nights a week.

We are a professional theatre troupe that provides a valuable summer employment experience to students who are trained and rehearsed to conduct educational entertainment and family fun.

Come enjoy FrOST in Downtown Fredericton, New Brunswick! Click here for a full schedule and information.

Read the entire article

Lenten Studies 2020

During the Season of Lent, all members of the Cathedral congregation are encouraged to take part in small group study or reflection.

The 40 days of Lent are an excellent time to take on a discipline of deeper reflection on the Christian life, growing personally in discipleship as well as helping us grow as a community of Christian faith in the world.

Download, fill and save, print or email the registration


Living the Fifth ~ the Fifth Mark of Mission is: to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth. The online webinar from Queen’s College, Newfoundland, will explore the three themes. Wednesdays: 3-4 pm 04 and 18 March; 03 April

Liturgy of the Ordinary ~ Two groups offering a series of reflections on this diocesan-recommended text urging becoming aware of God's presence in overlooked moments and routines. Mondays, 2:30 p.m. OR Thursdays, 7:00 p.m.

More Monk-y Business ~ The Roots of Western Monasticism conceived as a 'sequel' to the series last Lent on the Desert Mothers and Fathers, will further explore the development of monasticism in western Europe, legacies of prayer and discipline. Mondays, 6:30 p.m.

Faith Alive! Deep Dive ~ Conversations on class (or session) topics from “Faith Alive!” – the Confirmation, Reaffirmation or Reception preparation programme now underway. Wednesdays, 1:00 p.m.

Parables: Scandalous Stories of a Saving Grace ~ exploration according to the book of the same title by Bishop Bill Hockin. Thursdays, 1:00 p.m.


Resources will be made available by the leaders of each of the studies. Contact the leaders directly to: express interest / ask a question / register, place the form on the offering plate or submit to the Cathedral office. Some flexibility in schedules and locations may be possible within given restraints.

Group Leaders

Mark Nichols, Creation Car Animator (Eastern Nfld and Labrador)   Webinar link
Kurt Schmidt <formation at>  (506) 259-3711
Alan Sears <asears at>  (506) 450-9971
Geoffrey Hall <dean at>  (506) 450-7761
Harry Palmer and Keith Radford <radford at>   (506) 452-1793
Cheryl Jacobs <cajacobs84 at>   (506) 459-5795

Five opportunties at six different times

Living the Fifth” Online webinar format
Wednesday, 04 March - 3-4 p.m. “A missional calling”
Wednesday, 18 March 3-4 p.m. “A communal calling”
Wednesday, 01 April 3-4 p.m. “A personal calling”
Open the link in your web browser to join     Mark Nichols

 Liturgy of the Ordinary Charis Group
Mondays 2:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Cathedral Hall Lounge     Harry Palmer/Keith Radford

More Monk-y Business
Mondays 6:30 - 7:30 p.m
Cathedral Hall Formation Room     Kurt Schmidt

Faith Alive! Deep Dive
Wednesdays 1:00 - 2:15 pm
Cathedral Hall Formation Room    Geoffrey Hall

Parables: Scandalous Stories/Saving Grace
Thursdays 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Cathedral Hall Formation Room     Alan Sears

"Liturgy of the Ordinary Home Study
Thursdays 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Jacobs’ Residence   Cheryl Jacobs

Please register by completing the form, place it on the offering plate or email to Kurt Schmidt.

What is the World Day of Prayer?

The World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement which brings Christians of many traditions together to observe a common day of prayer each year. Through preparation and participation in the worship service, we can learn how our sisters of other countries, languages and cultures understand the Biblical passages in their context. We can hear their concerns and needs and can join in solidarity with them as we pray with and for them. In this way, it is possible to enrich our Christian faith as it grows deeper and broader in an international, ecumenical expression.

World Day of PrayerThe motto of the World Day of Prayer movement is Informed Prayer and Prayerful Action. Through our participation in the World Day of Prayer, we affirm that prayer and action are inseparable and that both have immeasurable influence on the world.

For more on


2020 Coldest Night of the Year

It's cold out there!

The Coldest Night of the Year is on Saturday, February 22, 2020.

CNOY is a family-friendly national walk-a-thon that helps you raise funds for charities that serve hungry, homeless and hurting people in your town, and in 136 communities across Canada.

Christ Church Cathedral Team (Faith Alive! + Cathedral) is gearing up with a goal of $1500.

We need you!

Faith Alive!, the group preparing for confirmation, reaffirmation or reception are being encouraged to be team members as a "mission activity" as part of the Programme. Our Team Captiam is Kurt Schmidt. Our Youth Group is also planning to participate in the walk, but anyone can join. If you can't walk, perhaps you would consider sponsoring one of our team? Check our team's coldest night page to track our progress.

Join our Team, Sponsor one of our members or find out more ...

Coldest Night of the Year Canada
Coldest Night of the Year Facebook
Coldest Night of the Year Fredericton
"Faith Alive! + Cathedral" Colest Night of the Year


Soup’s On Luncheon (24 November 2019)

Hello Everyone!

This note of thanks is sent to you on behalf of the Welcoming and Hospitality Committee for volunteering your time and/or for the many food donations that made our Reign of Christ congregation luncheon such a wonderful event!

The hall was set for 120. We only had a few vacant seats so I guess it is safe to say Chef Paul LeBlanc's delicious soups were a huge hit again this year!

We were very grateful to have Paul LeBlanc and his wife Andrea lead the soup preparation for a 2nd year in a row. I was so glad Paul wanted to say a few words to the congregation. I think it was a special moment for everyone and he was very touched by the response.

It really does take "a small village" of volunteers to make a our Cathedral events happen. Many of you have been congregation volunteers for many years, so I don't have to tell you that, but here's a look at the luncheon's "small village:"

  • twenty people contributed food items
  • eight people volunteered for Saturday soup preparation and hall set up
  • seventeen people volunteered Sunday for lunch service, clean up and hall reset

Though all roles are equally important, I want to give a special shout out to our Saturday morning crew of happy "slicers, dicers and peelers." Next year, I promise we will secure a few more "slicers & dicers," and we will draw straws to see who wins the prize of peeling the squash!

Thanks also to the volunteers who took the leftover soup and rolls to St. Paul's emergency shelter. I am sure the delivery was well received.

Congratulations everyone on a great team effort! Your contribution made all the difference and is sincerely appreciated.

Thank you!

Lynn Meehan
on behalf of the Welcome and Hospitality Committee