Bishop and Chapter News – May 2016

Bishop and Chapter News – May 2016

Members of Bishop and Chapter met this past Monday evening, 30 May, with 12 of 13 members present. A short faith conversation on Luke 7:11-17 was led by the Dean. Minutes from the 25 April meeting were presented and adopted. Business Arising • Cathedral steeple – has been repaired at a cost of about $13,000. […]

Divine Renovation

Divine Renovation

Divine Renovation: From a Maintenance to a Missional Parish By James Mallon Novalis Publishing/2014/286 pages Fr. James Mallon is pastor and priest at the Roman Catholic Saint Benedict Parish in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He speaks frequently on the topic of church renewal and has hosted internationally acclaimed DVD series on Catholicism and Dogmatic Theology. St. […]

Celebration of Discipline

Celebration of Discipline

Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth By Richard J. Foster Harper Books / 1998 / 228 pages / Revised Edition We read in the New Testament about the “Gifts of the Spirit” and the “Fruit of the Spirit.” But, what do people mean when they use the term, “the Spiritual Disciplines?”  What is […]

Called to Mission – Matt Allen

Called to Mission – Matt Allen

Matt Allen has been a regular member of our congregation this past year and is preparing to serve God in a mission abroad with Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. He is self-financing his salary for this mission and the Missions Committee would like to share his request for support. “I am coming on staff with Inter-Varsity Christian […]

Run for the Word 2016

Run for the Word 2016

Locations: Florenceville-Bristol, NB; Fredericton, NB Date: Saturday, June 4, 2016 Time: 9:30 AM – On-site registration; 10:00 AM – Opening ceremony Run for the Word (R4W) is a fundraising event held in New Brunswick since 2013. This annual event aims to connect the Canadian Bible Society (CBS) friends and supporters together to raise funds for […]

The Holy Longing

The Holy Longing

By Ronald Rolheiser DoubleDay/1999/257 pages Ronald Rolheiser’s The Holy Longing is a modern classic.  It has been read and endorsed by clergy and lay people across the Christian world.  Essential reading for those seeking to understand and deepen their practice of Christian spirituality, this book explains the complexion of one’s personal spirituality and how to […]

Surprised by Scripture

Surprised by Scripture

Surprised by Scripture: Engaging Contemporary Issues By: N.T. Wright Harper-Collins / 2014 / 320 pages N.T. Wright is a widely-read British Bible scholar and retired Anglican bishop. According to Time Magazine, Wright is one of the most formidable figures in the world of Christian thought. He served as Bishop of Durham between 2003 and 2010.  […]

Bishop and Chapter News – Apr 2016

Bishop and Chapter News – Apr 2016

Members of Bishop and Chapter met this past Monday evening, 24 April, with 8 of 13 members present. Vice-chair Catherine Schmidt chaired. John 14:1-7 was read and the Chapter reflected on Jesus’ words: “I am the way, the truth and the life.” Minutes from the 14 March meeting were adopted. Business Arising Memorial Hall chair […]

Living the Third Mark of Mission

Living the Third Mark of Mission

A community without volunteers wouldn’t be much of a community. That’s the opinion of Doug Wright who has been a volunteer on a cathedral team at the Fredericton Community Kitchen for about 10 years. “I think people have to go further than just sitting in the pews,” he said as he chopped broccoli for a […]