Bishop and Chapter News – March 2019

Bishop and Chapter met on Monday, 18 March 2019 with seven of a usual twelve members present. Minutes of the 11 February meeting were adopted. In the absence of the Chair and Vice-Chair, the meeting elected the Dean to the chair. The Dean led members in consideration of information about the vocational diaconate as it exists in the Diocese of Fredericton with reference to the 2016 Iona Report and the status of the diaconate in the Anglican Church of Canada.

Business Arising

Committee work plans - some committees have current plans. All encouraged to work towards the goal for their respective groups

•  Committee minutes - a reminder that minutes in the sole possession of committees should be sent to the Cathedral Office for filing

•  Housing First Project - S. Mayo offered an update on recent developments. Project leadership has asked the Cathedral to potentially submit a project application to facilitate available government funding. A group needs to be assembled to oversee the Cathedral’s specific housing first property ownership

•  Annual Meeting - members debriefed regarding the 24 February meeting. Anecdotal comments from various sources were shared. L. Meehan will work towards devising a tool to solicit congregation feedback on specific questions to inform planning in the future


•  From the Executive Director of the National Trust for Canada with thanks for the use of our facilities and our participation in various aspects of the October 2018 Conference

•  Letters of Bishop appointments of B. Greenwood and K. Percy to the Chapter

•  Thanks from Kathleen Snow on congratulations re Mothers’ Union

•  2019 Town Tour Promotional information from the Calithumpians

From the Dean

Normal duties reported. A request to be made of our Bishop to appoint an individual in deacon’s orders to Cathedral ministry. Plans to attend the Conference of North American Deans 02-05 May 2019. Lenten studies continue.


Welcoming initiative and growing the congregation - led by L. Meehan. How has our recent emphasis on welcoming been received? While newcomers obviously appreciate the opportunity to connect, regulars also note the changed atmosphere when we are intentionally welcoming. How might we continue to make this a priority with the knowledge that it could have significant impact on growth? Several thoughts were discussed. There is a specific need for more volunteers to be welcome teams at the various Sunday worship times. The conversation prompted some other ideas and possible directions.

Brief discussion by way of orientation for new members S. Mayo (Mission/Outreach) and C. Macdonald (Worship). Work plans, terms of reference and recent history would be of help


•  Treasurer - in the absence of the Treasurer, the financial report to the end of February 2019 was reviewed. Expenses continue consistently $7000- 8,000 +/- over income per month so far this year.

•  Worship - intent to gather a small group to discuss Easter worship. Service for Healing and Wholeness 09 March considered success

•  Health and Pastoral Care - Leaving in April, Carole Hines has resigned as coordinator of Helping Hands. An automated electronic defibrillator (AED) has been purchased for the Cathedral


07 April, 4 p.m. Choral Evensong (Guilds of St. Joseph)
14 April - Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week
21 April - Easter Day, 8, 10, and 11:45 a.m.

Next meetings: 13 May; 17 June                                                              GMH

What is the Anglican Foundation of Canada?

The Anglican Foundation of Canada may be one of the Canadian Anglican church’s best kept secrets.

The Foundation supports Canadian Anglican ministry across Canada by way of the generosity of Anglicans both past and present.

Anglican Foundation Placemat“‘Us’ and ‘them’ language is difficult to apply to the Anglican Foundation,” says the Diocese of Fredericton‘s representative Clyde Spinney. “The Foundation is about spreading the generosity of Anglicans in the direction of valuable, innovative ministry across the Canadian Church.”

The Diocese of Fredericton, and in fact, Christ Church Cathedral itself, is by no means foreign to the grants and loans over the years in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. See a list of grants and loans by diocese on the Anglican Foundation website. A multitude of parish ministry initiatives, including the longest running Choir School in Canada held in our diocese each year are among recipient.

But none of this work happens without support. Being a “member” costs as little as $50-$99, as an income tax deductible charitable gift. Donor benefits and levels of giving are outlined here.

The Foundation is about spreading the generosity of Anglicans …

The Anglican Foundation of Canada was established in 1957 to encourage and support ministry within the Anglican Church of Canada.

Anglican Foundation Placemat 2Leading the way in resourceful ministry for 60 years, AFC has benefited dioceses, hundreds of parishes, and thousands of Canadian Anglicans with the provision of financial support for ministry from coast to coast to coast.

AFC invites individuals, parishes, and church organizations to make an annual contribution so that it can respond generously to applicants who are engaged in ministry to serve the Canadian Church. The Foundation’s ability to support ministry is also funded by bequests, memorials and special gifts, donor-designated trusts, life insurance, and investment income.

The work of the Foundation is made possible through the devotion, generosity, and collective goodwill of hundreds of donors. The support of dedicated Anglicans of all ages makes it possible to sustain the Foundation in the ministry of generosity to the Canadian Church.

Anglican Foundation LogoAdditional associated trusts include:

Bursaries for Theological Education (information for theological students)
Inspire a Musician (A.E.J. Fulford Trust for church music)
Scholarship of St. Basil the Great (ecumenical exchange program)
Bursaries for Pastoral Care and Preaching (Lewis S. Garnsworthy Memorial Trust for preaching and pastoral care)
Indigenous Grants (Catholic Apostolic Universal Church Trust Fund for Indigenous programs in Canada)

Learn more about the work of the Anglican Foundation by visiting the website. Why not consider joining the roster of membership and getting involved in something truly inspiring and imagine more?

Mothers’ Union considers disturbing topic

At a recent meeting of Mothers' Union, the topic of discussion was deeply disturbing but extraordinarily eye opening! Shara Golden, the guest speaker, has been a Mother's Union member since 1991 and has served on the National Executive. Last year, she was appointed by the World Wide Mothers Union to be one of six women to participate in the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.

Shara's background in Human Rights and Labour Relations was instrumental in leading her to her current focus on Human Trafficking and Gender Based Violence. She has been doing presentations on" Human Trafficking - Canada and the World", for chapters of Mothers Union throughout NB and NS.

As difficult as the subject is to acknowledge and to learn about, Shara says it is one that must be discussed openly and plans must be put in place to help those who are impacted by the growth and spread of this particular trade. It is reputed to be the second most profitable industry after the drug industry.

Perhaps one of the most alarming statistics quoted by Shara was that there have been 3 reported instances of human trafficking in New Brunswick. Equally alarming was the 63 reported cases in NS. Yes, the 723 in Ontario is bad, but our minds immediately focus on Toronto and we think of the large metropolitan area, where bad things happen. Right? But NB and NS??? That is, for most of us, in the realm of the unbelievable; but these are statistics that force us to sit up and look around us.

UN Commission on the Status of Women

L-R: Leah Chipepa, Zambia; Rachael Anderson, MU Events and Digital Communications Manager, England; Shara Golden, Canada; Ekua Swanzy, Ghana; Beverly Jullien, MU Chief Executive, England; Felicia Yeboah Asuamah, Ghana.

An initiative known as The Clewer Initiative of the Church of England has been established and is working on strategies for detecting modern slavery and protecting its victims in the UK, where literally tens of thousands of people are living in some form of slavery having been guaranteed "a better life." Shara recounted the story of one such female who had come from a foreign country to a job which was advertised as an opportunity for one such better life. She was sent to work 16 hours a day, seven days a week for an upper middle class "Christian" family with three children and a very large house. No time off and all of the responsibility for the running of the household, this family took her to Church every Sunday where she heard over and over that "freedom is a gift of God." She was "passed on" in service to three other families before the Home Office conducted a raid and she was finally freed.

According to Archbishop Welby, people often choose not to see and thus, the initiative's hashtag became #weseeyou. Mothers Union worldwide are working with the Clewer Initiative to end slavery by 2030. The focus is on identifying resources and forming partnerships; on holding governments accountable and raising awareness.

What about Canada? In Ontario, the number of girls involved in human trafficking or the sex trade is reputed to be in the thousands. Some are as young as 12 years old. They are often runaway kids, foster kids, but also from middle class families. They all seem to share one common trait: they are looking for love and a secure and better future. One survey conducted by the Toronto Star, identified purchasers of services as coming from all walks of life - doctors, lawyers, teachers, judges, accountants, etc. Most people turn a blind eye and prefer to think "it doesn't happen in my world." Yet a Manager of Escorts/Pimp is able to earn up to $280,000 per year from one sex worker. Little wonder that young men 18-24 are seeing this as a potential career.

The law and those in the legal profession from police officers to lawyers work tirelessly to close down operations but cases are often stayed or withdrawn due to lack of evidence. The girls will not testify for fear of the repercussions promised and will not leave for the same reason. In Canada, there is a prevalence of trafficking of Aboriginal girls.

Many, many more statistics and stories were shared by Shara's but her final question to the group was "What can MU in Canada or more specifically NB do?" The Diocesan Council in NS is putting together a resolution to present to Synod this coming Spring. She left the group with a challenge to start talking about Human Trafficking and looking for ways to open disussion and become involved in being a part of working towards the 2030 goal of MU. In her words, "we have an obligation to do something." What will that something be?

Read Shara's report from the 62nd Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women in the September 2018 issue of the Canadian Mothers' Union newsletter.

Gail MacGillivray

Isabelle Hockin speaks to ACW

About 30 ACW members gathered on February 20th to hear Isabelle Hockin talk about her experiences with learning when and how to let go.

Isabelle started with a real life example of when to let go when you don't really know how by recounting a humorous story of finding Lois Baker in the kitchen with her hand stuck in a teapot! Not knowing how to let go!

In actual fact, Isabelle's words focused more on letting go of emotions as opposed to things like teapots. She pointed out that human nature often seems to lead us to "holding on tightly instead of letting go", when letting go can lead us to a life of unexpected freedom. By not clutching tightly to what we have, by not trying to choreograph others and by surrendering those challenges to God, we can learn the joys that freedom brings.

Using examples from her own personal experiences in the past, present and looking to the future, she explored how letting go had had a positive effect in her own life.

One of her most recent letting go experiences that she shared was her letting go of her fear of the unknown by volunteering for the Out of the Cold project at Bishop's Court. Like many of us, Isabelle referred to "living in our own bubble". We know about homeless people but we don't necessarily extend that to knowing them without a push in that direction. In her case, it was hearing Bishop Edwards talk about the Out of the Cold project that was her nudge. She began volunteering at the house she had previously called home and is learning to know the people that are now calling it their home out of the cold. She recalled having one of the guests say to her "this is a lovely home. I'd like to have a home like this some day!" It brought to mind the notion that individuals don't turn into what they tell themselves to be but often into what others tell them they are. By letting go of her fears, her life has been enriched!

She wrapped up her talk by noting that there are still things that she sees in herself every day that she needs to work on letting go. This certainly resonated with the audience! She ended with this quote from St. Paul:

I'm not saying I have it all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don't get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward - to Jesus. I'm off and running, and I'm not turning back.  Philippians 3:13 - The Message

Gail MacGillivray

Lenten Study 2019

During the Season of Lent, all members of the Cathedral congregation are encouraged to take part in small group study.

If only another time is possible for you, do contact a leader and we’ll do our best, within given restraints, to adjust the schedule.

Charis Group ongoing study - Mondays 2:30 - 4:00 p.m.
Begins 11 March 2019
(4 seats available) Cathedral Hall Lounge Palmer/Radford

The Desert Mothers and Fathers - Wednesdays 7:00 - 8:15 p.m.
Begins 13 March 2019
Cathedral Hall Lounge Kurt Schmidt

Stewardship Studies with Archbishop Douglas Hambidge - Wednesdays 1:00 - 2:15 pm
Begins 13 March 2019
Cathedral Hall Nursery/Lounge Geoffrey Hall

The Book of Job - Thursdays 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Begins 14 March 2019
Cathedral Sacristy Alan Hall
(Follows Taizé worship beginning at 5:30 pm)


Resources will be made available by the leaders of each of the studies. Contact the leaders directly to express interest, ask a question or register. Or, place the form on the offering plate or submit to the office. Some flexibility in schedules and locations may be possible within given restraints. Contact the leaders.

Going Deeper with Missional Habits

Lenten Study material being recommended from the office of our Bishop is a followup to “The 5 Habits of Highly Missional People” - BELLS. While this resource can be used on one’s own, you are encouraged to join, or form a group to explore the resource together.

The Desert Fathers and Mothers

... were early Christian ascetics living in the desert of Egypt, Israel, and Syria in the 4th and 5th centuries AD. They typically lived in the monastic communities that began forming during that time, though sometimes they lived as hermits. The Desert Mothers and Fathers had a major influence on the development of Christianity.

Stewardship with Archbishop Hambidge

The former metropolitan of the Province of British Columbia has for decades been in demand as a speaker on the topic of Christian stewardship. The video resource was recorded in Sussex in 2012.


Group leaders

Kurt Schmidt <formation at>
(506) 259-3711
Alan Hall <alanwilliamhall at>
(506) 443-0196
Geoffrey Hall <dean at>
(506) 450-7761
Harry Palmer and Keith Radford <radford at>
(506) 452-1793

Music Monthly – March 2019

Sunday 3 March 2019 - Last Sunday after the Epiphany

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Cantate Domino - Pitoni
Missa Secunda - Hassler
Psalm 99
169(239), 521, 624, 619, 457
There shall a star from Jacob come forth - Mendelssohn
Fantasia and Fugue in G minor BWV 542 - Bach

4.00: Choral Evensong (BCP)
Drinkell Responses
Psalms 114 and 115
Stanford in C
O thou, the central orb - Wood
13, 631, 622
Toccata-Prelude on Vom Himmel hoch - Edmundson

Wednesday 6 March 2019 - Ash Wednesday

7.30pm: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Missa l’hora passa - Viadana
Psalm 103:8-18
Nolo mortem peccatoris - Morley
180, 542, 508, 541, 178(439)
Prelude on O Mensch, bewein BWV 622 - Bach

Sunday 10 March 2019 - First Sunday in Lent

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
Great Litany
Short Service - Gibbons
Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16
Almighty and everlasting God - Gibbons
175, 466, 458, 564
Choral No. 3 - Franck

Sunday 17 March - Second Sunday in Lent

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
God be in my head - Rutter
Missa Brevis XIII (Holy Cross) - Willan
Psalm 27
Lord, for thy tender mercy’s sake - Hilton
10, 629, 607, 71(Kilmarnock), 491
Fanfare - Whitlock

Sunday 24 March - Third Sunday in Lent

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
Deliver us, O Lord our God - Batten
Missa O Westron Wynde - Willan
Psalm 63:1-8
Like as the hart - Howells
501, 511, 92(93), 400, 467
Introduction and Passacaglia in D minor - Reger

Sunday 31 March - Fourth Sunday in Lent

10.00: Choral Matins (BCP)
Let thy merciful ears, O Lord - Mudd
Smith Responses
Psalm 32
Benedicite - Naylor in G
Jubilate - Medley in B flat
474, 611, 348, 601
Praeludium in C BuxWV 137 - Buxtehude

Move over Harrod’s: February Medley Tea

I recently had the pleasure of helping to serve at the “Medley Tea” which takes place once a month on the first Thursday of every month in the Cathedral. For a few short hours, it was like being transported back to an afternoon spent in Harrod’s of London Tea Room.

Tables were set with crisp white tablecloths and colorful napkins. Candle lit centerpieces adorned each table. The awe- inspiring Cathedral interior served as a backdrop with its luxurious woodwork and stained glass. A far more elegant and inspiring interior than Harrod’s! Mrs. Medley would surely agree!

Sweets and savouries provided for the occasion by volunteers adorned every table and perhaps most astonishing was that every table was full! In spite of winter conditions here in New Brunswick when one cannot go out without coats and boots and scarves and gloves and braving icy conditions, no seats were empty. As the servers ventured forth with their teapots to replenish cups, lively conversations were taking place. Clearly, winter wasn’t going to stop this afternoon outing with old friends!

A special occasion was observed as a birthday cake was presented and Happy Birthday sung to Sharon Day!

Already I am looking forward to serving at next month’s Medley Tea and experiencing a little bit of England right here in Fredericton at our Cathedral!

If Mrs. Medley does indeed wander our beautiful Cathedral, she must eagerly anticipate the first Thursday of each month! Harrod’s, competition is fierce on this side of the Pond!

Gail MacGillivary

Paper Bag Singers

Paper Bag Singers"Individually, we can't carry a tune in a paper bag. Together, we sound GREAT!" Been told you can't sing, think you can't sing? Nonsense! Anyone can sing. Choirs and singing groups for people who don't have "a golden voice" have been springing up all across the UK and Canada. And now here in Fredericton, we have the Paper Bag Singers.

This is a casual group for people of all ages who just want to belt one out and have fun singing with like-voiced people. No auditions, no commitment; join us when you can. We meet every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month, starting Monday, March 11th. Only $5 an evening. Find us online! email questions to: <paperbagsingers at>

Listen to Lynn Melanson interviewed on CBC's Shift on 28 February.

Hi all - the main idea here is to have fun. Our esteemed Cathedral music director, David Drinkell, will be giving us tips and hints to help us along the way - thank you David. Check out our meetup site; it costs you nothing to join the meetup group and RSVP. Spread the word; the more the merrier. Attaching a poster, should you wish to print out a few to put up in your place of work or on a local bulletin board - thanks for that if you do.

Hope to hear you all in fine voice - oh, we'll all sound wonderful!

Lynn Melanson

When a congregational meeting is not … Annual 2019

It’s no secret that most people don’t get too excited about Annual Meetings. They can be long and they can be tedious and they can even be boring. But they shouldn’t be!

BurstThe Annual Congregational Meeting is a once a year chance to hear about what has been accomplished in the past year and the hopes and aspirations for the coming year. Read the Annual Report here.

Under the capable leadership of Lynn Meehan and the Welcoming and Hospitality Committee, the eight committees of Bishop and Chapter are hoping to make the upcoming ACM more than just an ACM.

An intentional goal has been set to bring more people out to the meeting and to have them leave looking forward to next year’s meeting! That’s an ambitious goal and to that end, some changes and additions have been made to the program.

It’s clear that one thing this congregation enjoys is a chance to share fellowship over a meal! And so, this coming Sunday, there will be a joint service at 10:30. The joint service is meant to make it easy for attendees of all three services to worship together and go directly to the Hall for lunch. No need to go home or find something to do until the meeting starts! Lunch will be a smorgasbord of the best chilis by the best chili makers (homemade vegetable soup for non-chili aficionados) and a ‘Noodle Town”, build-your-own pasta buffet for youngsters. Beef, chicken and vegetarian chili options will be available, along with sweets, hot chocolate bar (think whipped cream and other toppings), tea, coffee, juice and popcorn.

Not only do we want you to bring your children along, Kurt Schmidt, our Christian Formation director and the Christian Formation Committee, is working on a fun-filled afternoon of entertainment for them.

Annual Meeting posterA focus of the meeting will be on getting to know the eight committees of Bishop and Chapter, their members, highlights of their past year’s work, and a glimpse at what they hope to accomplish going forward into 2019. We often hear congregational members say that they don’t have a clear understanding of what happens beyond Sunday services at Christ Church Cathedral. In short and lively 2 minute presentations, the Committees hope to change that! Maybe you will find a place for your skill or talent on one of those committees?

Yes, there will be “normal” ACM duties. We can’t, nor should we, avoid this portion. We need to focus on business. We need to discuss budgets. But we need to do it in the context of understanding how much our Church means to us and to those that it supports through its various ministries. So, we are hoping that you will attend, that you will read your Annual Report, that you will listen carefully to what is being done with not a lot of dollars and that you will enjoy every minute of this afternoon of fellowship.

And, by the way, did I mention that there will prizes. For example, Fredericton Tourism will have a display set up with Wellness and Family Activity information for all. You must be present to have an opportunity to win one of their “Freddy Beach Family Activity Gift Packs."

Please mark February 24th on your calendar and plan to attend what will be so much more than a typical Annual Congregational Meeting.

Gail MacGillivray

Annual Meeting Slider