What is Giving Tuesday?


GivingTuesday - the world's largest generosity movement

GivingTuesday is a global generosity movement, taking place each year after Black Friday. The “Opening day of the giving season,” it’s a time when charities, companies and individuals join together and rally for favourite causes. In the same way that retailers take part in Black Friday, the giving community comes together for GivingTuesday.

GivingTuesday harnesses the potential of social media and the generosity of people around the world to bring about real change in their communities; it provides a platform for them to encourage the donation of time, resources and talents to address local challenges. It also brings together the collective power of a unique blend of partners - nonprofits, civic organizations, businesses and corporations, as well as families and individuals - to encourage and amplify small acts of kindness. Across Canada and around the world, GivingTuesday unites communities by sharing our capacity to care for and empower one another.

“We have two days that are good for the economy.

Now we have a day that is good for the community too.”

Visit the Giving Tuesday website

Christ Church Cathedral

Project 2045 Report Update

At its February 10, 2020, meeting, the Christ Church Cathedral Bishop and Chapter adopted the following recommendations of the 2045 Task Force, to:

  1. enter formal discussions with Diocesan Synod about the potential for constructing a new purpose-built facility between the former Bishop’s Court and former Synod Office. Discussions would focus on the concept of sharing ministry and administrative space, and space for most of the activities currently held in Memorial Hall.
  2. continue to pursue opportunities to enhance the flexibility of the existing space within the Cathedral footprint to better accommodate Cathedral and community activities.

The status of the Bishop and Chapter progress on this resolution is as follows:

  • With respect to replacing Memorial Hall with a new, shared ministry building with the Diocese, extensive exploratory discussions have been completed, and it is expected that there will be more definitive information in 2022.
  • With respect to the possible development of a more flexible Cathedral church space, the Bishop and Chapter will shortly receive a Cathedral Condition and Issues Report which will enable us to evaluate and prioritize the Cathedral restoration.
  • Complementary to a Cathedral restoration masterplan, we are investigating the possibility of replacing most pews with chairs that incorporate kneelers and book racks. This work, which includes the assessment of ecclesiastical chairs from at least two manufacturers, will be incorporated into the Heritage Standing Inc. Condition and Issues Report.

All three initiatives, regardless of their outcome, are significantly important for the future life and ministry of our congregation. The three initiatives also impact each other, both functionally and financially. Therefore, it is the intention of Bishop and Chapter that they be considered together, hopefully at some point in 2022.

Cathedral Bishop and Chapter
17 November 2021

Read the Project 2045 report here

Bishop and Chapter News – November 2021

Bishop and Chapter met 15 November 2021 by video conference with 11 of 13 members present. The Chapter regrettably received the resignation of Lynn Meehan. The article “Moving Forward in Uncertain Times” (Susan Beaumont) was read in advance and discussed. We continue to live in liminal time learning through rather than planning through. How do organizations adopt new ideas? 18 October minutes adopted.

From the Dean

A summary of the time since the last meeting included:

•  training with administrators of Home Communion
•  Communion at Windsor Court (first since Feb 2020)
•  3 sessions of baptism preparation for 07 November
•  bi-weekly Sunday Choral Evensong continues
•  work with stewardship narrative budget team
•  Diocesan responsibilities/meetings

Items Arising

Sharing space with Diocesan Synod - discussion and planning continues with a next meeting scheduled next week. Renovations to the former youth room pending completion. Next on the agenda is arrangements for how the diocese will compensate the Cathedral for occupied space and consideration of a time line for future development and cooperation


Neighbourhood Home and School - a need identified for local outreach to students (winter clothing/food) identified. A grant to Montgomery Street School Home and School of $3000 was approved recognizing a possible over spend in the Cathedral Mission/Outreach 2021 budget

2022 Budget - initial draft proposing a slight increase including cost of living increases to stipend/salaries at the direction of Diocesan Synod


Leadership vacancies - Notification to Nominating Committee on up-coming Bishop and Chapter vacancies, Synod delegates, Safe Church Officer and Chair of Stewardship Team
Project 2045- a draft document under consideration as communication about current status and follow-up on recommendations


Treasurer - income continues slightly ahead of expenses. Year to date we are 1.6% ahead of last year’s offering actuals. Work is nearing completion on new programmed capabilities to the current accounting software (Sage 50) which will result in clearer reporting. Canadian Employment Wage Subsidy applications up to date but we no longer qualify for further Federal Government subsidy

Health and Pastoral Care - Our parish nurse continues to make connections and become familiar with her role. Parish Nursing course in progress. Webinar 17 Nov (Wholistic Care and Wellness - IHMC) Training for Home Communions. Hospital remains closed to visitors

Mission and Outreach - Monday morning programme 41 recipients. Angels returned and complete. Potential school outreach

Property - Heritage Standing continues with engineering report and provided update

Christian Formation - Taizé, Godly Play, Youth Group, and Life Shared (November) continue. Advent opportunities TBA. Meeting this week

Communications - usual invitation for communications contributions. Christmas advertising discussed and direction given for 2021

Finance and Administration - work on a narrative budget continues. Contents of a new staff handbook outlined with plans in process for the drafting of content. Various financial management issues considered at the last meeting including the 2022 operating budget.


•  First of Advent - 28 November
•  Christmas Lessons and Carols 4:00 p.m. 19 December
•  Usual Christmas worship schedule anticipated
•  Next meeting - 13 December


What is reverential capitalization?

Someone has asked: What is reverential capitalization?

Reverential capitalization refers to the practice of capitalizing words referring to the Divine in religious texts. Wikipedia defines it as “capitalizing religious words that refer to deities or divine beings in cases where the words would not otherwise have been capitalized.”

Interestingly, it was very popular in the last century, mostly in the 1960's and 70's and somewhat more so among Protestant Christian denominations but has fallen out of use in most formal publishing since then. We might note that most biblical translations do not employ reverential capitalization in their texts including the King James, the New International and the New Revised Standard (the preferred translation in most of the Anglican Church of Canada).

The Anglican Church of Canada 1938 Hymn Book did not utilize reverential capitalization for pronouns (eg he) or possessives (eg his) but often applied it to names referring to God (eg Master, Friend, the King, the Crucified). By the time of the publication of the current Canadian Anglican hymnal, Common Praise, 1998, the choice was quite obviously made not to reverentially capitalize and generally uses capitalization sparingly, more in line with the now more common practices of the bigger publishers.

... more does not necessarily mean better

The Book of Alternative Services (1985) has this to say:

The use of capitals in English sentences (except in the opening word) has diminished steadily during recent centuries, not least in words of sacred reference where the process has accelerated in the last few decades. In a compilation such as this, which draws on a number of sources representing different stages of linguistic development, some inconsistencies may appear. In general the following standards apply: the names of rites are not capitalized except in their titles and in references to their titles; in liturgical texts appropriate words in the titles of sections of liturgies are capitalized, but the functions they contain are not; Word is capitalized when it refers to Christ as the incarnate Logos, but usually not otherwise; traditional titles of Christ are capitalized, but metaphors applied to God, either as titles or attributes, usually are not, except in forms of address. Spelling in the Psalter has been adapted to the standard of the Concise Oxford Dictionary. (B.A.S page 928)

The logic behind not using it is that more does not necessarily mean better. The question should be: what results in more effective communication? Simpler style is often preferred for clarity. If half of a hymn or songtext, for example, is reverentially capitalized, the overuse of capital letters actually makes the text less readable and does little if anything to improve or make it more understandable. One author points out that “not using capitalization does indicate lack of reverence and that capitals do not mean respect in English anyway.

When the name of God is used, of course, it is still proper and preferred to use a capital letter as it is with any proper name. Many linguists and language scholars confirm that there are no firm rules in English and that it continues to be mostly a matter of style and primarily the preference of the writer.

My preference, if asked, is simpler style.


Halloween… All Hallows’ Eve — A Christian’s Choice

One of the less understood festivals of the Church is celebrated in the public participation of our children. Halloween sees children and adults carving pumpkins and placing them in living room windows, lighted by a candle. Halloween sees children, younger children especially, rummaging through cardboard boxes of old cloths, or trying on their parents’ clothing. Imagination takes over and really quite remarkable creations take life!

All SaintsWith a pillowcase in hand (I always used a big pillowcase myself), and a mask or some make-up to obscure recognition, children escape into the dark of the street. Accompanied by a parent, or in the company of friends, they begin their exploration of their neighbourhood. Doorbells are rung. A door is opened. Perhaps the person who answers will call them by name. And it’s great fun not to have been recognized! Especially if they have called the occupant by name, and they still weren’t recognized! They retreat down the walkway and head up the street to find another doorbell. With good and generous neighbours, pillowcases might end up half full by the end of the evening. Enough sweets to last a week or even longer, with careful management!

Tired after the excursion, the sorting of sweets, and perhaps the shrewd trading with brothers and sisters for favourites, ghosts, ghouls and hobgoblins turn in for the night, thinking that it’s all over.

It isn’t all over.

All Hallows’ Eve is the beginning of the observance by the Church known as All Saints’ Day. As a community of faith, we remember those of our number who have died, and as Christians have given us a focus in what we know as the Communion of Saints. The Scriptures proclaim, and the Creeds affirm, and we believe that those who have died in the faith of Jesus Christ continue in the fellowship we enjoy with God. In the Communion, we say that we join the company of “angels, archangels and the whole company of heaven.” In the most ancient of Christian hymns, we join our voices to sing, “Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest.” The Book of Alternative Services explains that the whole company of heaven means “all your saints who have served you in every age.”

It isn’t all over.

That includes the saints we know from early times, of course. But it also includes many more that remain unknown to us. There are, however, many saints who have served God in our age. They may include our grandparents, our parents, possibly our sisters and brothers. They may include our neighbours and our friends. Certainly, they include all that have been baptized and have died. Is it small wonder that they unwittingly wear their parents’ clothes? Is it small wonder that they search the trunk holding spats and dresses and wide lapel suit jackets; old felt hats and hats decorated with feathers? The joy and glee of costumed youngsters helps us reflect on our baptism and the special relationship and grace that are ours as God’s gift to us.

When we mistakenly limit the scope and the self-consciousness of Halloween and attribute the festival to the forces of darkness, we celebrate ignorance. Certainly, there are those who do not know the association of the Communion of Saints with the stealth of neighbourly visitation. It is our opportunity and responsibility to inform others that God’s grace fills our lives, and the lives of those who have gone before us, with the generosity and largesse mirrored by the pillowcases filled by neighbours.

We can choose to be superstitious. And that choice is made by many that wish to exalt the power of darkness. However, we have another choice: the recognition of the fellowship that is held up by Paul, when he wrote to the Church in Rome. “I am persuaded,” he wrote, “that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-40

Copyright © James T. Irvine
Used with permission

Canon Jim Irvine is a retired priest in the Diocese of Fredericton.

Bishop and Chapter News – October 2021

Bishop and Chapter met 18 October 2021 by video conference with 10 of 14 members present. The article “Which Suckers are Holding You Back” (Victoria Atkinson White) was read in advance and briefly discussed. The need to review how active programme and ministries are meeting real needs requires constant attention. Minutes of meetings on 13 and 20 September were adopted.

From the Dean

The usual summary of what’s been accomplished since the last meeting was provided. Of note:

•  a quick turnaround and somewhat unilateral decision was made in September regarding the requirement of COVID-19 vaccinations
•  “Prayers for Truth and Reconciliation” held on 30 September
•  Preparation for Baptism to begin this week
•  Training is being arranged for those who have Bishop’s permission to administer the reserved Sacrament
•  September conference for clergy and November Synod cancelled
•  We’ll begin to make progress soon on the installation of security systems (approved project)
•  Choral Evensong scheduled bi-weekly for the foreseeable future
•  Diocesan responsibilities/meetings

Items Arising

City re electrical on the Green - following Chapter approval, a decision has been made by the City of Fredericton to postpone the installation of electrical outlets on the Green north of Queen

Shared space initiative with the Diocesan Synod - the Cathedral continues to do its best to meet space requirements and requests of the Diocesan Synod. A schedule of a future rental arrangement is being prepared. The current youth room (Hall second floor) is being vacated to create several more office spaces for Synod staff at their request

Housing First - while considered somewhat unfortunate, a special meeting on 20 September made the decision to withdraw the Cathedral from the Housing First Project. The long-term commitment, especially in terms of the skillset and the volunteers required, presented an uncomfortable level of risk. Fortunately, another organization is willing to step in and fulfill the goals of the Community Action Group on Homelessness. Monies and land (corner of Albert and Regent) received for the Project to date are in process of being transferred back for use towards that commitment


Treasurer - we continue to stay just ahead of expenses year to date as reported weekly. A small project will be undertaken to provide some additional programming of accounting software to simplify the bookkeeping, reduce transcription errors and better meet reporting needs

Health and Pastoral Care - We continue to work within ongoing restrictions. Hospitals are now closed to visitors

Mission and Outreach - Monday morning Outreach programme continues on the last Monday of the month

Property - work continues with Heritage Standing Inc to create a master plan of Cathedral potential maintenance/restoration requirements

Christian Formation - Fall programming including Taizé, Godly Play, Youth Group, sacramental preparation and Life Shared (November) underway

Communications - reminder of request for website contributions from committees or any interested in authoring some content

Finance and Administration - 2022 budget under consideration. Stewardship Team is considering a narrative budget and is in need of a chair. A staff handbook outlining employment policies and protocols is in process to replace a decades-old version. An individual has expressed interest in the role of Safe Church Officer


•  Festival of Baptism - All Saints (trans) 07 November
•  First of Advent - 28 November
•  Next meeting - 15 November


2021 Thanksgiving Pastoral

Read or download in PDF format

Thanksgiving 2021
Fredericton NB

Dear Friends,

If there’s one thing we may have learned from this time of global pandemic, it’s that no matter the circumstance there is always much for which to be thankful. When we were locked down and in complete isolation from one another, I’m thankful that we were able to devise ways to reconnect. I’m thankful that even in the midst of the inconvenience and even danger caused by COVID-19, churches have continued to experience continuing support from members to keep furthering the important work that is ours to do. At times, the challenges were significant and it’s certain there are more to come, but it’s important that the challenge doesn’t define us, rather it’s the blessing even in the midst of the struggle that helps us be who we really are.

The Apostle Paul said, “Rejoice always, pray continuously, give thanks in all circumstances.” He didn’t say we should wait until we feel thankful. He didn’t say to express gratitude for all the good stuff of life or rejoice as long as things don’t seem too tough. “Always” is one of those words that leaves little room for misinterpretation. Whatever the situation, God has placed some gift in the midst. Can we find it and make the faithful response? – thanksgiving.

Too often we believe that giving thanks is the result of feeling grateful. In fact, it’s the other way around. Happiness is not thrust upon us. Happiness results when we follow the command of St. Paul. Thanks-giving makes us happy; we don’t give thanks because we’re happy; we’re happy when we’re full of thanks. Paul is telling us there’s something in every circumstance for which to be thankful. The result of giving thanks is gratitude. What we choose to do influences how we feel, not the other way around.

During this season, as always, we prayerfully remember those who are facing challenges in their lives. Whether that be adjusting to the loss of someone we love, changes in employment, continuing separation from family and friends, the onset of illness or the resulting changes caused by being older this year than we were last, let’s pray that we’ll look keenly for the gift even in the midst of the messiness of life. Bringing ourselves spiritually to the place where with sincerity we give thanks to God if only for the basics, we’ll reap the real harvest God promises the faithful.

May you find success in your thanks-giving this year and receive the true peace God grants to the thankful heart.

Yours sincerely,

Dean of Fredericton


Prayers for Truth and Reconciliation

Thursday, 30 September is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Join us at 5:30 p.m. on our YouTube Channel for Prayers for Truth and Reconciliation

The Order of Service is HERE


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Bishop and Chapter News – September 2021

Bishop and Chapter met 13 September 2021 by video conference with 10 of 14 members present. An article by Rich Birch: “5 Mindsets Church Leaders Need to Change Post-COVID” unSeminary, June 2021 was circulated in advance basing a conversation on the return to pandemic green. Minutes of 21 June 2021 were modified slightly and adopted.

From the Dean

•  a list of usual commitments was provided for review
•  vacation 02-29 August
•  diocesan clergy conference 20-22 September - Renforth
•  staff reviews were completed in June
•  currently processing feedback regarding Sunday worship schedule
•  Day of Truth and Reconciliation September 30th
•  Diocesan Synod 06 November 2021


Returning to green - primary current considerations are the Sunday worship schedule moving into the fall. The Dean is listening. While some are quick to count the pandemic past, many others are not. Considerations necessary are many, including our capacity for volunteers, vaccination stats, and several new post-pandemic realities. We’ll strive to proceed cautiously and responsibly with safety in view and in a way that accommodates the comfort level of the majority

Items Arising

Window venting - the project to vent Cathedral stained glass is complete without breakage of the lexan covering at a cost as quoted without breakage

Shared space initiative with the Diocesan Synod - the conversation with Bishop and Synod regarding space needs at memorial hall continues as we attempt to meet needs this fall. With planning consultants finishing this fall, the Synod will be paying per square foot rental for office space


•  Housing First Project - a lengthy discussion to clarify status and risks both financial and otherwise. The current request is to sign project agreements and begin construction. Chapter is concerned about the congregation volunteer base necessary to manage this project, potentially a 20 year commitment. The Executive will take steps to consult with the congregation to determine if we have that capacity

•  Home Communion - that the dean request permission from our Bishop for Kurt Schmidt to administer the reserved sacrament

•  City electrical on the Green - a letter to outline liabilities the Cathedral will give permission at the request to install electricity on the Green on the north side of Queen for seasonal lighting


Treasurer - revenue year over year is down while to August we have continued to meet expenses. Several items of expense are upcoming including: venting of stained glass; sprinkler system repair and resuming the salary of the Parish Nurse.

Health and Pastoral Care - Sarah Ecker began work on 01 September

Mission and Outreach - decision item for Housing First. Monday morning programme has continued one day per month

Property - authorized necessary replacement of valve and compressor for fire suppression sprinkler system $8000-$10,000

Christian Formation - Godly Play and Taizé worship both scheduled to resume this month. Committee meeting next week

Communications - website and social media content possibilities discussed. February 2020 survey results were shared with members of the Chapter


•  Season of Creation (01 September - 04 October)
•  Day of Truth and Reconciliation (30 September)
•  Diocesan Synod (06 September)
•  Next meeting - 18 October                                                                   GMH