Season of Creation 2022

Christians around the world are invited to give particular attention to praying and caring for God's creation as part of the global Season of Creation, observed from September 1st to October 4th every year. General Synod 2019 passed a resolution adopting the Season of Creation in the Anglican Church of Canada as a time of prayer, education, and action and encouraging dioceses and parishes to participate. Resources and events related to Season of Creation may be found on the Anglican Church of Canada website to help you plan, at Note: To avoid confusion it is worth noting that the Season of Creation is not a liturgical season like Advent or Easter but rather a time of intentional prayer and reflection. from McCausland's Order of Divine Service, Anglican Church of Canada p. 136

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many have become familiar with the concept of being muted in conversations. Many voices are muted in public discourse around climate change and the ethics of Earth-keeping.

These are voices of those who suffer the impacts of climate change. These are voices of people who hold generational wisdom about how to live gratefully within the limits of the land. These are voices of a diminishing diversity of more-than-human species. It is the voice of the Earth.

The burning bush is the Symbol for the Season of Creation 2022. Today, the prevalence of unnatural fires are a sign of the devastating effects that climate change has on the most vulnerable of our planet. Creation cries out as forests crackle, animals flee, and people are forced to migrate due to the fires of injustice. On the contrary, the fire that called to Moses as he tended the flock on Mount Horeb did not consume or destroy the bush. This flame of the Spirit revealed God’s presence. This holy fire affirmed that God heard the cries of all who suffered, and promised to be with us as we followed in faith to our deliverance from injustice. In this Season of Creation, this symbol of God’s Spirit calls us to listen to the voice of creation.

House of Bishops Statement on Lambeth Conference

Lambeth 2022: Statement from the Canadian House of Bishops

This message was received from the Canadian House of Bishops this morning during the 2022 Lambeth Conference.

Once you were not a people,
but now you are God’s people;
once you had not received mercy,
but now you have received mercy. 1 Peter 2:10

We are writing to you to share our experience of this 15th Lambeth Conference.

The meeting is a holy and transforming gift to meet and to make friends and hear the stories of witness and mission across the whole world. Our experience has been one of joy, friendship, vibrant worship, deep listening, empathy with those parts of the church who experience profound suffering and expanding understandings as we bear one another’s burdens.

We will be returning to our dioceses with a renewed commitment to the Lambeth Calls for Mission and Evangelism, Safe Church, Reconciliation, Human Dignity and Climate Justice as well as those Calls that will be discussed on Hospitality (Christian Unity and Interfaith relationships), and Discipleship.

The Bishops have spent a significant amount of time discussing and sharing these calls in light of our contexts. They have been at the core of the Bible studies as well as the discussions at our table groups. There has been much written in media with regard to the discussion on human dignity in particular. Read the whole statement.

Life in the Eucharist 2022

In the Anglican Church of Canada, baptized children may be admitted to Holy Communion as provided in the August 1977 Memorial to the House of Bishops. In our diocese, Bishop’s Directive 3.1.2 outlines the process and requirements.

We’ll be offering “Life in the Eucharist” in the fall of 2022 for children (aged 7 and older) and parents of those who wish to participate. Children making Communion is an option and by no means required. Read the Pastoral Vision for “Life in the Eucharist.” An information meeting is scheduled for Sunday, 18 September following worship. Programme sessions are tentatively scheduled on six Sundays, 1-2:30 p.m. beginning 25 September 2022. Questions? speak to Kurt Schmidt <formation at> or the Dean <dean at>.

Information session for parents – 18 September 2022, following 10:30 worship, the Cathedral

Life in the Eucharist” Six Sessions beginning Sunday, 25 September 2022, 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.

Other information:

2022 Lambeth Call to Prayer

The fifteenth Lambeth Conference will meet on 26 July – 08 August in Canterbury.

As the conference draws closer, the Archbishop of Canterbury has shared a call to prayer with the conference delegates and their wider church communities.

The call to prayer invites people to devote a day to prayer on Trinity Sunday – 12th June and to pray for the event in the weeks ahead.

The Archbishop of Canterbury says: “The Lambeth Conference theme of ‘God’s Church for God’s World’, reminds us that we are called upon as Christians to pray for the needs of the world. There are many calls upon our prayers at this time: World peace, the global climate crisis, the effects of the pandemic – to name but a few.

“I invite you to call all those in your care to pray for the Lambeth Conference. Please pray that as we meet and consider our shared mission and ministry, that we may hear the call from God. In turn, that we might add our voices to call others to make a difference for Christ in the world.”

A prayer guide has been developed by Brother Christopher John, who is part of the Chaplaincy team at the event.

Visit the Lambeth prayer resources page

Canada matches gifts to PWRDF for world hunger

PWRDF world hungerIn response to the hunger emergency unfolding around the world, including many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, 12 leading Canadian aid agencies are joining forces as the Humanitarian Coalition to raise funds and rush assistance to people on the edge of famine.

One of those agencies is the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, itself a coalition of 15 Christian aid organizations working to end hunger around the world. PWRDF is participating in this appeal through its membership in the Foodgrains Bank.

The Canadian Government has committed $250 million to address the global food crisis, and announced last week it will match donations to the Humanitarian Coalition’s member charities 1:1, up to $5 million. Donations made by July 17, 2022 are eligible.

According to the World Food Programme, 50 million people are facing emergency levels of hunger and the number of severely food insecure people has more than doubled in the last two years. The reasons for this sudden increase include:

  • Extended drought and other climate shocks that are wreaking havoc on food supplies and livelihoods.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has had severe economic consequences in many countries.
  • The conflict in Ukraine is having a direct impact on access to basic food supplies.

“This unprecedented global hunger crisis compels us to action,” says Richard Morgan, executive director of the Humanitarian Coalition. “Our member charities are rallying together to save lives, but we also need Canadians across the country to do their part. We are grateful to the federal government for matching the public’s donations. Together we can provide food, water and urgent care to families on the brink of starvation.”

PWRDF has been supporting programs in many of the countries where the situation is most dire, including Kenya. PWRDF is in partnership with Church World Service in an area of northern Kenya. “Children have already died because of hunger, millions of animals have died and women, children, the elderly and people with disabilities are having to fend for themselves,” says PWRDF Executive Director Will Postma. “Our support, your support, can help stop hunger and restore livelihoods.”

Read the post at PWRDF

How you can help

All donations made by individuals to PWRDF’s Humanitarian Coalition Hunger Relief Appeal by July 17 will be matched by the Government of Canada. To donate online, visit then choose Humanitarian Coalition Appeal to End Hunger. You may also send a cheque payable to PWRDF to 80 Hayden Street, 3rd floor, Toronto, Ontario, M4Y 3G2 or used your boxed set blue envelopes. (Please note Appeal to End Hunger on the memo.) You can also donate by phone at 416-822-9083 or leave a voicemail toll-free at 1-866-308-7973 and we will return your call.

Bishop and Chapter News – June 2022

Bishop and Chapter met 20 June 2022 in person with 10 of 13 members present. An article entitled “7 Ways to Re-engage Volunteers” (Lewis Centre for Leadership) was considered. Whether it’s due to post-pandemic fatigue, lingering health concerns, or broader cultural shifts, volunteerism hasn’t bounced back as readily as other aspects of congregational life. Susan Beaumont outlines seven ways to revitalize volunteer engagement. Minutes from February, March and May were adopted.

From the Dean

Since the May meeting:

•  Outside care facility Communions (1)
Thomas Hall Shannex booked 18 July
•  Committee meetings (3)
•  Monday lectionary studies concluded 30 May
•  Thy Kingdom Come Novena study weekdays
•  Several recent funerals
•  Baptism 05 June (1)
•  Pentecost celebrations - thanks from archbishop
•  Vacancies: Safe Church Officer; member of Chapter (Hospitality);
Synod substitute (16-35)
•  Diocesan Synod 05 November 2022 (Cathedral)
•  Staff reviews in process (1 complete)
•  Parish Nurse on medical leave since 16 May
•  Tour guide hiring in process
•  Usual diocesan commitments


Financial Campaign Planning Study - In order for the Cathedral to consider launching a financial campaign, professional assistance will be required. The Chapter Executive has explored four possible candidates to execute a study to determine the feasibility of a campaign. By motion, the Chapter approved preceding with negotiations with Source Alliance (Moncton) towards being engaged to conduct such a study.


Items for Information - several documents were circulated for information including:

•  Update on progress on Cathedral and Memorial Hall network upgrades and security system installation project (Peter Jacobs)
•  Source Alliance Proposal
•  Cathedral Building Condition and Issues meeting (12 June) summary (thanks to Ann Deveau)

There was some discussion on the need to communicate with the congregation regarding our financial status and the timing of the same.


Treasurer - offerings are trending downward and not meeting budget predictions thus far in 2022. Reporting to the Synod re applications to Canadian Employment Wage Subsidy - the Cathedral has not qualified in 2022. $26,428 revenue deficit to 31 May. While compensation being received from Diocesan Synod was not anticipated to fund the 2022 budget, it has been needed to do so.

Property - meeting on 20 June for the purpose of review and prioritizing Conditions and Issues Report findings

Worship - attempts made to recruit for worship duties. Beginning refreshments following summer worship being considered

Health Ministry - Sarah Ecker continues on medical leave which began 16 May.

Finance and Administration - tour guide applicant interviews have been completed and decisions have been made. Contracts will be made this week with guides on duty 01 July. Hank Williams has graciously agreed to provide training


•   Staff vacations as reported in the bulletin
•   Dean vacation 25 July - 21 August
•   Sunday worship schedule continuing

•   Next meeting 19 September 2022                                                   GMH

Thanks from Archbishop Edwards

A letter from Archbishop David Edwards regarding celebrations on the Day of Pentecost and the conclusion of his Pilgrimage through the Archdeaconry of the Fredericton.

10 June 2022

The Most Reverend David Edwards
Archbishop of Fredericton
168 Church Street, Fredericton NB E3B 4C9
Phone (506) 459-1801 • [email protected]

Christ Church Cathedral
168 Church Street, Fredericton NB  E38 4C9

Dear Friends,
I am writing to you to convey my thanks and appreciation for your generous welcome and hospitality while I visited you during my final walking pilgrimage, this year through the Archdeaconry of Fredericton.

Thank you that so many came to join us on the bridge for the final walk to the Cathedral. I'm particularly glad that we were able to have a service in our Mother Church to celebrate the end of the series of archdeaconry pilgrimages.

Thank you for the heartfelt welcome and your company; but also for praying for and with me. It was a privilege to be with you and to hear of the joys and challenges you face.

In Christ,


Archbishop of Fredericton

Bishop and Chapter News – May 2022

Bishop and Chapter met 16 May 2022 by video conference with 10 of 13 members present. There was discussion of an article by the Dean titled: “Looking back and forth.” Looking to the past is much easier than looking forward but the decisions we make today will influence the future. Adoption of minutes of the March meeting was deferred to the next meeting.

From the Dean

A brief summary of activity since the last meeting:

  • Two Communions at Farraline Place
  • Diocesan Finance Committee
  • leadership vacancies include Hospitality Committee, Safe Church Officer and Synod Substitute (16-35 yrs)
  • Monday lectionary studies continue through Easter
  • advertising currently for tour 2022 tour guides
  • Easter Day attendance at about 200
  • update on honorary clergy
  • issue with office file synchronization has been solved
  • in the process of a design refresh of the weekly email. A problem receiving mailings seems is being experienced by some.


Investment account - Creation of an Investors Edge account for the purpose of trading a specific block of stocks on behalf of a Cathedral group


Future restoration - the recently received report on condition and issues regarding the Cathedral focuses on necessary work to be considered a priority, listing with advice on the urgency of those renovations and repairs. The Report will be shared with the congregation before summer with the hopes of accompanying it with some interpretation and an opportunity for informed discussion.

With the involvement of our Bishop, some consideration is being given to the kind of professional support needed for such a project and to date one informal interview has been conducted exploring those ends. Decision on if and when action will be taken will follow.


Treasurer - work continues as we fine-tune accounting now using new accounting software – modifying reporting templates and adjusting processes. Expenses over income was about $630 in the month of April. To 30 April expenses exceed revenue by $28,630 with offerings about $27,000 below what was budgeted / expected. Establishing the Investors Edge Trading account. Canada Employment Wage Subsidy diocesan surveys continue to be submitted each month but no additional payments are expected

Property - no Committee meeting to report. Several conversations and connections during the past several months

Christian Formation - a recent meeting dealt with some informal evaluation and review of Lenten programming. The Committee now looks ahead to Thy Kingdom Come and summer

Communications - a recent meeting discussed the issue of compensations for video live streaming for outside groups. Articles and items of interest are always needed for the website – writers welcome

Worship - a meeting is being planned conscious of some upcoming opportunities and continuing re-evaluation of our pandemic status

Health Ministry - Parish Nurse Sarah Ecker is currently on a medical leave. Specific circumstances not known at this time.

Administration and Finance - advertisement for tour guides. Work will continue on narrative budget and staff employee handbook.


  • That we convey our congratulations to Wayne Squibb on the occasion of his receiving an honorary doctorate of letters degree from the University of new Brunswick on 26 May 2022.
  • That we offer our thanks to the donor, whose wish is to remain anonymous, of $15,000 for the Cathedral sound system upgrade project.


  • Thy Kingdom Come - 26 May - 05 June
  • Day of Pentecost and conclusion of Bishop’s Pilgrimage 05 June
  • Tentative meetings: 20 June, 19 September


Great Canadian Giving Challenge 2022

This June, join the Great Canadian Giving Challenge!

Your charity could WIN $20,000!
From June 1 – 30, every $1 donated through CanadaHelps gives your charity a chance to win $20,000.

It's a month-long initiative to help you drive donations during a slow time of the year for fundraising. Every June since 2015, we’ve given you a reason for donors to invite others,  and create the chance to win a major prize donation from CanadaHelps.Here’s how it works:

Every dollar donated to your charity in June, via or CanadaHelps fundraising tools, is an entry for a chance to win $20,000. Every charity using CanadaHelps is automatically entered: all you have to do is fundraise. The more you raise, the more chances you have to win!

Read more about the Great Canadian Giving Challenge.