Bishop and Chapter met on 17 September 2024 with 9 of 12 members present. Minutes of 18 June and 28 August 2024 were adopted. The meeting on 28 August was used to discuss initial work being done on the proposed Fredericton Cathedral Foundation. A “SWOT Analysis” was discussed identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats identifying our reality in each category
• the Dean offered the usual summary of activity since the last regular meeting on 18 June. Vacation was 08 July - 04 August.
• meetings of Synod Finance Committee; Synod Planning
• 2 funerals upcoming; 30 September - Truth and Reconciliation
• Restoration Trust Fund - amended version posted
• Fredericton Cathedral Foundation
- R. Crowe continues work on a document describing a relationship with a Cathedral Foundation yet to be formed
• Safe Church - deadlines agreed upon
- 31 December - training for groups and committees, completion of risk assessments by all groups.
- 31 March: position profiles for volunteers, groups and committees, action plans resulting from the assessment of risk
Cathedral boiler requires attention. Several options, two of which were discussed: repair ($23,000) or replacement ($63,000). Further consideration and study, including funding possibilities required
Nominating - one chapter vacancy remains (Christian Formation)
Buildings and Property - 1) Cathedral boiler 2) Stairlift installation awaiting electrical upgrade 3) Floor tile scratches from Sprinkler maintenance being addressed 4) Hall janitor sink repair 5) Inquiry from Diabetes Canada about installing an outside clothing bin
Finance and Administration - Second round of Sexton interviews complete with hiring expected this week. Help on the Safe Church working group is needed. Need to clarify understandings re Synod and Bishop’s Offices
Welcome and Hospitality - corn boil 15 September. Future events in view. Sunday refreshments continue. Considering Safe Church commitments
Health / Pastoral Care - the chair inquired as to specific direction from the Chapter
Mission / Outreach - Food cupboard to be installed by Mothers’ Union; Monday morning outreach avg 60 attendees; mid-year funds sent to St. Hilda’s Belize - need to explore interest in a Belize mission trip; one request through Benevolence Policy processed; volunteers always needed
Worship - frequency of Sunday Evensong is being questioned
Treasurer - statements for June, July and August were presented. August: Year to date Income - $391,504 Expenses - $435,913 Total deficit year to date (-$44,409)
All committee chairs issue an invitation to become involved in ongoing activities and ministries. If you have an interest in becoming more engaged, please speak to a member of Bishop and Chapter
1. Next meeting - 15 October 2024
2. Prayers for Truth and Reconciliation - 30 September
3. Diocesan Synod - 02 November 2024