Help Needed With Flowers

Arranging flowers is a rewarding and creative activity, and working in the peace of the Cathedral creating something to the Glory of God and to enhance a beautiful building is a gratifying experience.

Mary Pugh is hoping to build a team of volunteers to look after the flowers in the Cathedral throughout the year. She proposes a workshop on 14 May (or another date suitable for the volunteers) to show a few techniques in handling flowers and what specifically is suitable for the Cathedral. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Mary as soon as possible so flowers can be ordered. Please indicate your preferred date. Email <Pugh at> or contact the Cathedral Office (506) 450-8500.

Life after Easter 2022

Join the Dean for lectionary studies during the Easter Season beginning Monday, 18 April, 2-3:15 p.m.. Both online via Zoom or in-person are options. See the Dean for printed materials and please contact him by phone or email if you plan to attend. Everyone is welcome. No former biblical scholarship necessary!

Mary Magdalene’s encounter with Jesus at the tomb is a call to disciples everywhere to live in the power of the risen Christ and encourages us to continue to the story of Jesus. God’s love cannot be contained – in a tomb, closed rooms, or from the world. Stories of a spirit-filled community moving into the world lead us through the Easter season.

The story of Jesus continues through people like Peter who denied Jesus, Paul once a persecutor of Jesus’ disciples, Ananias who gives the gift of healing and reconciliation, Tabitha who lives in solidarity with the most vulnerable, and Lydia whose tenacity and hospitality facilitates a movement beyond boundaries and stereotypes.

We join our stories with these life-giving, liberating, boundary-breaking, resurrection stories and are challenged by the ever-present possibility of radical change and for the church to be a disruptive influence on the way things are.

This Easter season invites us into conversations for self-reflection and change on such things as anti-Semitism, diversity and inclusion, systemic injustice, anti-racism, multiculturism, chains of oppression.

2022 Easter Pastoral Letter

Holy Week 2022
Fredericton NB

THE Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus is firmly rooted in historical events to which Christians have given witness throughout the centuries. The biblical witness is familiar to us. The historian Josephus writes in the first century about “all these things,” interestingly specifically, from an historical perspective not one of faith. The Early Church Fathers bore witness, arguing fiercely as the fundamentals of Christian faith were being drawn together and as the catholic creeds came into existence. Since those early days, many have died for Jesus but, far more have begun to live for him.

Christian faith is nothing to take lightly. The world continues to claim the great unlikelihood of gospel truth and perhaps more so the improbable validity of its tenants even if recorded in history. Yet holding or upholding a Christian perspective on the world is far more than simply agreeing with some historical facts. Confessing Christian faith is also taking a stand and holding a unique perspective on life and the meaning of it. To be Christian is to choose life even in the midst of the death all around us. St. Paul said that Christians are “always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be made visible ...” 2 Corinthians 4:10

By the power of God, Jesus rose from the cold dark reality of death. When the Gospel is proclaimed, it is not complete without the shouts of Alleluia! that confirm his final victory of Jesus. When we submit ourselves to a God who has the power to overcome death itself we obtain the promise of the realm of that same God’s eternity forever. When we truly lean into the fullness God intends and live like it’s true we make a difference.

Close to home and on the world stage, fear and death are all around. We’re gripped as we watch the horrors of war, now in 4k video. Having been through times of pandemic isolation, we’re still seeing its effects even now that it has ceased to be the death sentence it once was. Considerable uncertainty about the stability of our world, its politics and its economy continues. The need to witness to the power of life and the fact of Resurrection is as great now as it ever was. Alleluia! Christ is risen. Death does not have the final word.

Join us this season as we walk the way of the Cross through Holy Week, as we watch for the first glimmer of Paschal Light on the Eve of Easter and as we listen again to familiar words on Easter Day. In-person, if possible, but be reminded that a live stream and podcasts will be available for most of our worship events, your visible witness marked and of value even as a virtual attendee.

If you are unable to make your Easter Communion in person, contact the Cathedral Office to make an appointment for a home visit. We have a Team of administrators eager to respond to such requests. A schedule of our Holy Week and Easter worship follows. Alleluia! Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!

Yours sincerely,Give a festival offering

Geoffrey Hall, Dean of Fredericton

Open or download in PDF

Holy Week and Easter 2022

Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton NB

Monday - Thursday: 8:45 a.m. Morning Prayer and 4:45 p.m. Evening Prayer

The Holy Eucharist on 16 April is the first of Easter


Passion/Palm Sunday
(10 April 2022)
8:00 a.m. Liturgy of the Palms and Holy Eucharist
10:30 a.m. Liturgy of the Palms, Dramatic Passion and Holy Eucharist

5:15 p.m. Holy Eucharist

5:15 p.m. Holy Eucharist

10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist
5:15 p.m. Holy Eucharist

Maundy Thursday
7:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist and Stripping of the Sanctuary

Good Friday
10:00 a.m. Celebration of the Lord's Passion

Easter Eve
(16 April 2022)
8:00 p.m. The Great Vigil of Easter, Renewal of Baptism and Eucharist

Easter Day
(17 April 2022)
8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist
10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist
11:45 a.m. Come Worship Eucharist

Spring Concerts in the Cathedral

Spring is returning to Fredericton, and concerts are returning to the Cathedral!

Known for its wonderful acoustics, Christ Church Cathedral is considered an excellent venue for musical performances. This spring, we are pleased to be the host venue for a number of concerts featuring local musicians.

09 April, 2022 -- The Fredericton Symphony Orchestra invites you to welcome the change of the season on Saturday, 09 April at 7:30 p.m., at Christ Church Cathedral. Our concert “FSO Big & Bold” features an overture by Canadian composer, Sir Ernest MacMillan, “Nimrod” from Edward Elgar’s Enigma Variations, “Norsk Kunstnerkarneval” by Johan Svendsen, and Antonín Dvořák’s Symphony No. 6 in D Major. Tickets available online.

24 April, 2022 -- After a two-year break, Choeur Louisbourg (The Louisbourg Choir) will be back on stage with a spring tour of New Brunswick, with 4 concerts including Sunday, 24 April, 3:00 p.m. at Christ Church Cathedral in Fredericton. Cathedral Organist and Director of Music Thomas Gonder will accompany the choir at all locations. For this first concert since the beginning of the pandemic, artistic director Monique Richard has chosen a repertoire that is meant to be balm for the soul. The program will be devoted to two major works for choir and organ: Requiem by Maurice Duruflé (1902-1986) and Lux aeterna by Morten Lauridsen (b. 1943). Tickets, at a cost of $30.00, will be on sale at the door. Admission is free for students. Learn more.

14 May, 2022 -- The Capital Camerata Singers, a Fredericton chamber choir under the direction of Anne Sessa, will present a concert on Saturday, 14 May, at 7:30 p.m. in Christ Church Cathedral. Known for their blend and artistic expression, the Camarata Singers perform the very best in choral a cappella music, from Renaissance to contemporary choral arrangements and Spirituals. Tickets are available at Westminster Books and at the door. $20 (adults), $15 (students/underemployed) and $30 (families).

03-05 June -- Unfortunately, the New Brunswick Choral Federation’s Choral Fest has been cancelled for 2022. Details.

11 June, 2022 -- Bel Canto Singers (program and ticket information to come)

We look forward to welcoming you to the Cathedral to enjoy these spring musical events. In July, we will resume our own Summer Music Series with concerts an noon each Friday throughout July and August. Stay tuned for an announcement about the lineup.

Lenten Retreat – April 1st and 2nd

LIVING WATER: Time at the Well

"All who are thirsty, come to the water!" - Isaiah 55:1a

LIVING WATER: Time at the Well Registration

A Lenten gathering on Zoom designed for lay people
Friday, April 1 (evening), and Saturday, April 2 (morning)
Join in these enrichment sessions from the comfort of your home
or with others in a gathering space at church.


Online retreat hosted by the Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island

Feeling parched and spiritually dry? Are you weary and thirsty to have your soul refreshed? Come away with friends and soak in prayer, scripture, relaxed discussion and worship. Encounter Christ who offers the hope and revitalization of living water.

A Lenten gathering on Zoom designed for lay people - takes place Friday, April 1, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., and Saturday, April 2, from 9 a.m. to 12-noon. Join in these enrichment sessions from the comfort of your home or with others in a gathering space at church. Clergy are warmly welcomed to attend too.

Living Water includes a deep dive into several Bible passages, short talks, quiet reflection time, small group conversations and inspiring worship.

Hosted by the Diocese's Creating Missional Communities Team (VSST).

Got questions? Contact staff support, Lisa Vaughn (902) 789-4840 or <lvaughn at>.

Living Water Planning Team

Heather Carter, Cathedral Church of All Saints, Halifax, NS
Eva Evans, St. James, Brooklyn (Valley), NS
Kent Gregory, St. Mark's, Halifax, NS
Scott MacQuarrie, Christ the King/Resurrection, Sydney, NS
Ann Moore, Parish of Hatchet Lake & Terence Bay, NS
Tanya Moxley, St. Nicholas' Westwood Hills, NS
Janet Vieth Forbes, Parish of Summerside & St. Eleanors, PE
Joe Young,  St. Francis by the Lakes, Lower Sackville, NS

Taizé worship during Lent

This article about Taizé worship was originally written in 2018. Taizé is held weekly during Lent 2022, alternating between in-person at the Cathedral, and Zoom online sessions. Consult the Ad-LENT-ures schedule for details.

Candles flicker in the semi-darkness of the cathedral on a cold winter's evening as  people seated in a circle begin to softly sing in Latin to piano accompaniment.

Laudate omnes gentes, laudate dominum.” The two simple phrases, which mean “Sing praises, all you people, sing praises to the Lord,” are repeated many times by the singers. The effect is calming.

So begins a Taizé worship service. It includes liturgical readings from the psalms and gospels, a couple periods of silent reflection, meditative prayers, chant-like songs in English or Latin, but no sermon or eucharist. The service, which lasts less than 40 minutes, is offered on the third Thursday of the month at the cathedral.

Jim Morell attended recently for the first time.

“I enjoyed it,” Jim said. “It was a chance to be with God in a peaceful, prayerful, quiet environment at the end of an otherwise busy day. Taizé will be a priority on my calendar of events, especially during Lent.”

Cathedral member Ann Sherman led such services occasionally and, after she died in 2017, this quiet style of worship was revived by Kurt Schmidt, Director of Christian Formation at the cathedral.

“Response has been great,” Kurt said. “The words, music and silence invite people into a stillness where they can listen for the voice of God, which is very important in today's noisy, hectic world.”

Kurt Schmidt at Taize

READINESS – Director of Christian formation Kurt Schmidt lights candles in the cathedral to prepare for a recent Taizé service which is a short service of simple, meditative prayers and chant-like songs.

He explained that this style of contemplative worship stems from an ecumenical, monastic community founded in the 1940s in the village of Taizé, located in the Burgundy region of France. Thousands of people, especially youth, have attended annual international conferences to learn from the monastic brothers who hail from many nations and who devote themselves to service and community. Catholics and Protestants around the world have adopted the Taizé style.

Chris and Diane Stevenson frequently attend the Taizé services.

“I like the quiet and the meditative time,” Diane said. “The Holy Spirit's presence can be felt here.”

Chris agreed. “During the service, it seems like a thin place – a place where God is definitely here and very near,” he said.

Beverly Morell said she likes the peacefulness of the service and the opportunity to reflect on the messages in the scripture passages. She was pleased to hear there will be expanded opportunities to take part during Lent.

“I invite people to visit the cathedral during Lent to try this lovely way of praising and meeting God,” Kurt concluded.

More information about the Taizé community is available at

When We Gather

This post reflects direction for staying safe to the end of June 2022 and continues to be a model of our regard for each other.

The Government of New Brunswick has lifted its COVID-19 mandates, but we are still requesting care for others. Procedures and recommendations for the Cathedral and Memorial Hall are listed below.

Cathedral West Door

Photo: Dalton London

1. Face masks
Masks are encouraged at worship and Cathedral gatherings (read about well-fitting masks).

2. Self-monitor
If you have any symptoms of illness – even mild – please stay at home. Livestreams and recorded video are available from our YouTube Channel. Worship and sermon podcasts are available: listen or subscribe.

3. Entering and exiting
Please be understanding of those who may wish to maintain some personal space. Keeping personal traffic flowing at entrances will be helpful.

4. Seating
Greeters may be able to help you find suitable seating if you prefer to remain distanced.

5. Hand sanitation
Please continue to be attentive to hand washing and the use of hand sanitizer, especially before and after contact with high touch surfaces.

6. Communion
Before the administration, the presider will wash thoroughly by going briefly to the sacristy. At Communion, approach in one line up the center aisle, with your mask in place. The host only will be safely delivered to your hands. Return by way of a side aisle. If you need to remove a mask, please consume the host after leaving the Communion station, removing it briefly.

7. Offering
The offering will be received by way of a plate near the back of the Cathedral and collected by greeters following worship.

Thank you for your continued care and concern for others.

Cathedral Memorial Hall is open to the public, for rentals and congregational use. Pandemic precautions are encouraged.

We're pleased to rent space to community groups participating in the arts, youth programs, addiction recovery, and inclusive programming. Cathedral groups include crafting, child/youth activities, emotional support, Bible studies, service groups and exercise. Individual rentals for private events are also available. Those wishing to rent the Hall should contact the Office to book space and specify set-up needs. Phone (506) 450-8500 or email <office at>.

World Day of Prayer: Informed Prayer and Prayerful Action

04 March, 2022

Imagine Christians from over 170 countries coming together in spirit, uniting on a common day to pray for relevant issues affecting women and children. This is a reality: the World Day of Prayer movement has been active for nearly 100 years.

The motto of the World Day of Prayer movement is Informed Prayer and Prayerful Action. Through our participation in the World Day of Prayer, we affirm that prayer and action are inseparable and that both have immeasurable influence on the world.

Each year, a different country writes the service materials. The Prayer Service Video, prepared by the Women of England, Wales and Northern Ireland and produced by the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada can be watched online.  A children's video, Kids Pray Too! is also available.

A television broadcast of the World Day of Prayer will be available to watch in Fredericton on Friday, 04 March at 9:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m. and 10:05 p.m. on Bell Fiber TV channel 26 and Bell TV satellite channel 539.

Donations made online or by mail to Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada will help support women and children who are fighting injustice and abuse. Learn more at <>.

The World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement which brings Christians of many traditions together to observe a common day of prayer each year. Through preparation and participation in the worship service, we can learn how our sisters of other countries, languages and cultures understand the Biblical passages in their context. We can hear their concerns and needs and can join in solidarity with them as we pray with and for them. In this way, it is possible to enrich our Christian faith as it grows deeper and broader in an international, ecumenical expression.

Level 1 Public Health Measures

Please note: As of Monday, 28 February, proof of vaccination will no longer be required in the Cathedral or Memorial Hall. All other pandemic precautions listed below remain at this time.

New Brunswick returns to Level 1 of Public Health's COVID-19 Winter Plan on 18 February. As a congregation, we continue to be watchful and will implement and communicate changes as needed. During Level 1, we will continue to require proof of vaccination upon entry. Please be as understanding as possible with greeters, who are required to check vaccination records as required under Public Health directives.

At the Cathedral, current precautions during worship include:

1. Vaccination status (ends 28 February). Proof of full vaccination is required for all age 12 and up at the Cathedral. ID will be required for those not known to greeters. These requirements apply similarly to weddings, funerals, and events held in Cathedral Memorial Hall.

2. Face masks. The Government of New Brunswick mandates wearing masks in gatherings. Choose a tight fitting mask without gaps, and ensure that your nose and mouth are covered.

3. Self-monitor. If you have any symptoms of illness – even mild – please stay at home. Livestreams and recordings of worship are available on our YouTube channel.

4. Entering and exiting. Please be understanding of those who may wish to maintain some personal space. Keeping personal traffic flowing at entrances will be helpful.

5. Seating. Greeters may be able to help you find suitable seating if you prefer to remain distanced.

6. Hand sanitation. Please continue to be attentive to frequent hand washing and the use of hand sanitizer, especially before and after contact with high touch surfaces.

7. Communion. At Communion, approach in one line up the center aisle, with your mask in place. The host only will be safely delivered to your hands. Return by way of a side aisle. Please consume the host after leaving the Communion station, removing your mask briefly

8. Offering. The offering will be received with a plate near the back of the Cathedral and collected by greeters following worship.

As always, thank you for your continuing cooperation as we care for ourselves and others.

Our worship livestream is available to watch at 10:30 am on Sundays, if you are not able to be with us. Both livestreams and recordings can be found on our YouTube channel. Audio podcasts are also available. Listen here. Get notification of new episodes when you Subscribe here.

The Health Ministry Team is willing to assist members of the congregation with making appointments for vaccinations and answering health questions. Please contact our Parish Nurse, Sarah Ecker.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Cathedral Office by email or phone (506) 450-8500, or the Dean by email or (506) 450-7761.

Return to Level 2 – 28 January, 2022

On Friday, January 28, 2022 at 11:59 p.m., the Province of New Brunswick returns to Level 2 of the COVID-19 Winter Plan, with precautions to reduce the spread of the highly transmissible Omicron variant. We continue to be watchful and will implement and communicate changes as needed.

*** Please note that worship on Sunday, 30 January will remain online as scheduled, since preparations were already in place. Watch the livestream at 10:30 a.m. on our YouTube channel. We look forward to resuming in-person worship on Wednesday, 02 February.

New Brunswick Public Health's COVID-19 Winter Plan informs all sectors of current restrictions and protocols. Visit the website for information about how the Plan will affect your activities.

During Level 2, our capacity at worship gatherings is reduced to 50%, requiring 2 metres of distance between bubbles and masks are required at all times. No corporate singing is allowed, which means that there will be no congregational singing but a soloist at 4 metres distance is allowed. We will continue to require proof of vaccination upon entry. Please be as understanding as possible with greeters, who are required to check vaccination records as required under Public Health directives.

Groups and events at the Memorial Hall are also limited to 50% capacity, two metres of distance, masks at all times (except briefly when eating or drinking while seated), and proof of vaccination.

In Level 2, the Cathedral Office will return to regular office hours: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.

To review

Proof of double vaccination or medical exemption is currently required for anyone 12+ attending worship in the Cathedral or visiting Memorial Hall. Please remember to bring your vaccine record to worship and group events, and wear your mask. Leaders of groups holding meetings at Cathedral Memorial Hall will be responsible for checking proof of vaccination for those attending [details]. Individuals visiting during office hours please check-in at the Cathedral Office.

The current Sunday bulletin will continue to outline restrictions in place, including:

NO CORPORATE SINGING - the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus is proving to be quickly spread and readily airborne. Some studies have indicated that singing in groups can add an unnecessary risk of transmission if someone happens to be infected.

VACCINATION STATUS - Proof of full vaccination is required for all age 12 and up at the Cathedral. ID will be required for those not known to greeters. These requirements apply similarly to weddings, funerals, and events held in Cathedral Memorial Hall as per current direction by Public Health.

FACE MASKS - The Government of New Brunswick currently mandates wearing masks in gatherings.

As always thank you for your continuing cooperation as we care for ourselves and others.

Worship livestreams are available at worship times and as recorded on our YouTube channel. Audio podcasts are also available. Listen here. Get notification of new podcast episodes when you Subscribe here.

The Health Ministry Team is willing to assist members of the congregation with making appointments for vaccinations and answering health questions. Please contact our Parish Nurse, Sarah Ecker <nurse at>.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Cathedral Office <office at> or phone (506) 450-8500, or the Dean <dean at> or (506) 450-7761.