Choir School 2018 – its all about …

A Full Week of Busy Days ...


Junior Choristers
Children from the age of 8 are able to attend Choir School, with the consent of a parent or guardian (they must turn eight by the end of the current year). Overnight accommodations usually consist of two people per room, in the dormitory-styled residence buildings. The days are very busy, so we encourage parents who are unsure about what is involved to contact the Administrative Director. A typical day begins at 7:45, and ends at 9:00pm, and includes chapel services, several rehearsals, classroom time, recreation, meals (of course!), an early afternoon rest period, and some free time.

Arrival time on the first day is between 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Sunday afternoon with supper at 5:30. Please come to the Dining Hall to register (follow the signs). For the benefit of all choristers, please do not send cell phones as it can create problems for those who are homesick, and others around them. Any cell phones found will be confiscated until the end of the week.

Thursday evening, we offer a Choral Evensong service at a parish church, to which all are invited. The last Sunday afternoon, at 3:30, is our final Choral Evensong service. Family and friends are encouraged to attend this service, which takes place at a large church or cathedral, children can then be picked up after the service. This service is very well attended.

recreation, chapel worship services, rest time, and special fun activities

Choir School’s finest daily paper provides vital information about... uh, nothing, but it’s fun to read each day.

For best seating, please arrive at the church just after 3:00pm, when the choirs finishes its rehearsal.

Adult Choristers
Adults who are attending Choir School are encouraged to come to the Thursday night Evensong service. From there, you can go directly to RNS (Rothesay Netherwood School) where you can settle into a room at Kirk House, on the RNS campus. registration takes place the following morning after breakfast at the Dining Hall. Some adults, however, are only able to join us on Friday, which is OK, too!

Choir SchoolChoir School takes place every year in the first full week of July on the beautiful campus of Rothesay-Netherwood private school. Some stay in the residence buildings, while local choristers sometimes live at home, and come for the full day of activities. Each day is very full, and sleep becomes a rather precious thing by the end of the week. Through the week, the chorister's day is filled with choir rehearsals, a classroom session of Christian Education, Christian culture, as well as recreation, chapel worship services, rest time, and special fun activities.

Visit Choir School on the web

Music Monthly – June 2018

03 June - Second Sunday after Pentecost

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
God be in my head - Murray
Festive Eucharist - Rawsthorne
Psalm 139:1-5, 12-17
Jesu dulcis memoria - Victoria
515, 459, 434, 476, 526(318)
Praeludium in D BuxWV 139 - Buxtehude

10 June - Third Sunday after Pentecost

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
Thou knowest, Lord - Purcell
Darke in E
Psalm 138
Behold, the tabernacle - Harris
574(Old 124th), 620, 631, 57, 306
Tuba Tune - Cocker

17 June - Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Let thy merciful ears, O Lord - Mudd
Wood in C minor
Psalm 20
O sacrum convivium - Tallis
10, 478, 546, 617, 362
Litanies - Alain

24 June - The Birth of St. John the Baptist

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
The great forerunner - Vaughan Williams
Gibbons’ Short Service
Psalm 85:7-13
This is the Record of John - Gibbons
282, 12, 106, 52, 276
Incantation pour un jour saint - Langlais

4.00: Ordination (BAS)
Missa Brevis XIII (Holy Cross) - Willan
Psalm 87:7-13
Ave verum - Willan
349, 466, 59, 48, And can it be?
Dance Suite (1st movement) - Ridout

David Drinkell, Director of Music

Even more ways to “Tune In” – Cathedral worship podcasts

We continue to add more ways to listen to Cathedral worship podcasts. In November 2020 we became available on Spotify and Google Podcast platforms.

We're available on TuneIn Radio, the popular and free internet radio tuner. TuneIn says about itself that they offer a "listen anywhere" solution to streaming music, sports, news and, you guessed it, podcasts!

There are many ways to connect to Cathedral worship podcasts with a Mac or PC, smart phone or smart home device.

Cathedral PodcastsFirst, the Cathedral hosts its own podcast broadcasting solution called "Podcast Generator," an open source web application running on the Cathedral web server. Visiting the podcast page linked from the web site takes you to a list of the most recent Cathedral podcasts, usually up to a month's worth of episodes. On that page, each entry in the list includes its own player with the audio available right from there. If you have a particular past worship or sermon episode in mind that's not listed, contact the Dean who would be happy to access the archives for you.

If you're interested in subscribing to receive new podcasts each time they appear, the RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed is available by way of a link on the top right of the podcast page. The RSS link is what you add to an application often referred to as a "podcatcher," a stand alone app on your device for managing podcast subscriptions. Podcatchers (or podcast catchers") are available for Mac, iOS, PC or Android and many good ones are free. A comprehensive list is here.  [Windows App Grover PodcastJuice is free for Mac, Linux and Windows]

If you use Apple Podcasts, "Christ Church Cathedral Audio" is listed in the podcast section. Open the podcast tab and search "Christ Church Cathedral Audio." The familiar Cathedral logo should pop out of the list. Add the podcast to your favourites and iTunes will download them whenever they become available.

There are many ways to connect to Cathedral podcasts

Visit TuneIn on your computer, smart phone or smart device, search "Christ Church Cathedral" and the latest episode will begin. With an Amazon Echo device (like the Echo Dot) or an Alexa enabled speaker like Sonos, TuneIn is the default source for music and podcasts. Simply say "Alexa, play TuneIn Christ Church Cathedral." Some will prefer better quality sound with a speaker. Amazon Echo, Google HomeApple HomePod and various third party options are also available.

Google Podcasts now carries Christ Church Cathedral Audio. Visit Google Podcasts on the web and search "Christ Church Cathedral Audio" to listen or subscribe.


The Day of Pentecost – 20 May 2018


Plans are coming together for an exciting celebration at a combined 10:30 a.m. worship event on the Day of Pentecost, Sunday, May 20th.  Under the guidance of a planning group of the Worship Committee, lots of ideas for both the worship and  fellowship following in Memorial Hall have been suggested.  And while we are still in the planning stages, we can tell you a bit of what’s in store!

Pentecost 2018

We'll be inside this year. The Cathedral will be well decked out! Red banners to adorn the interior and the young and young at heart will be provided with streamers to wave as we all join a grand procession from the Cathedral to Memorial Hall as worship concludes. The congregation is invited, as are the clergy, to add a dash of red to the Sunday outfit!

A red hot Baked Potato Bar will be set up in the Hall for lunch featuring baked potatoes. The potatoes will be supplied but we'll need contributed dessert items and potato toppings: sour cream to chili and everything in between! Tea, coffee, cold drinks and dessert to round off.

This is a very user friendly time to invite a friend

At worship, a full printed version of the order of service will be provided. This is a very user friendly time to invite a friend! We'll be encouraged to join in song in the diversity of musical styles that are part of a normal Cathedral Sunday. The Gospel will be celebratively proclaimed. A focused teaching will be in a unique style appealing to every age. Pentecost is also a Festival of Baptism, so we'll appropriately have a renewal of the vows of our baptism. We'll break and share the Bread of Life in the Eucharist and the procession ... did we mention the procession?
The Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament), describes Israel's annual celebration of Pentecost (the 50th day after Passover - The Feast of Weeks - 7 x 7 +1 = 50) in celebration of the giving of the Law, the 10 Commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai. Pentecost is the birthday of the Church. The Pentecost recounted in the second chapter of the Acts of the Apostles in the New Testament reports that those gathered for Pentecost that year powerfully received the gift of the Holy Spirit. They spoke in numerous languages and all understood. The appearance of divided tongues of fire rested on them and there was a rush like a mighty wind. There was no doubt for the Galileans gathered there in Jerusalem that the promise of Jesus to send his Spirit as Comforter and Guide had been fulfilled.
Those gathered powerfully received the gift of the Holy Spirit
While most Christians are very conscious of the Christian festivals of Christmas and Easter in the calendar, often Pentecost comes and goes without much thought. Pentecost is one of the seven Principle Christian Feasts, significant landmarks in the unfolding story of Jesus the Christ our Saviour. Can you name the other six?
Combined worship events at the Cathedral are a wonderful opportunity for the whole Cathedral congregation and others, younger and older, to worship together, enjoying a time of fellowship and friendship maintenance. The Day of Pentecost promises to be a day of celebration!

Music Monthly – May 2018

Sunday May 6 - Sixth Sunday of Easter - Rogation Sunday
10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
If ye love me - Tallis
Missa Secunda - Hassler
Psalm 98
Ave verum corpus - Byrd
216, 631, 60, 209, 461
Pièce d’Orgue BWV 572 - Bach

4.00: Choral Evensong (BCP)
Ayleward Responses
Psalms 61 and 62
Stanford in C
Hear my prayer - Mendelssohn
Final Responses - Naylor (Festal)
204, 424, 226
Sonata No. 3 in A (1st movement) - Mendelssohn

Thursday May 10 - Ascension Day
7.30: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Mass for Three Voices - Byrd
Psalm 47
O God, the King of glory - Purcell
628, 245, 335(508), 569, 246(374)
Heut’ triumphiret Gottes Sohn BWV 630 - Bach

Sunday May 13 - Seventh Sunday of Easter
Choral Eucharist (BCP)
O Lord, increase our faith - Loosemore
Batten’s Short Service
Psalm 1
All people, clap your hands - Weelkes
247 (206), 515, 77, 78, 375
Prelude on Bryn Calfaria - Vaughan Williams

Sunday May 20 - The Day of Pentecost - Whitsunday
10.30: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Wood in C minor
Come, Holy Ghost, the maker, come - Gibbons
Ye birds with open throat - Meek
Hymns on Order of Service

Sunday May 27 - Trinity Sunday
Choral Eucharist (BCP)
Christ hath a garden - Drinkell
Missa Brevis - Murray
Psalm 29
O sacrum convivium - Davis
1, 326, 525, 644, 320
Toccata - Mushel

Music Monthly – April 2018

March 28 - Wednesday in Holy Week
7.30pm: Tenebrae
Responsaries - Willan
Psalms 4, 24, 27, 51
Benedictus - Nanini in falsobordoni
184, 330

March 28 - Maundy Thursday
7.30pm: Choral Eucharist and Stripping of the Sancutury
Missa l’hora passa - Viadana
Psalm 116: 1, 10-17
View me, Lord, a work of thine - Lloyd
O Sacred Feast - Willan
511, 508, 497, 64

March 31 - Holy Saturday
8.00pm: The Great Vigil of Easter
Festive Eucharist - Rawsthorne
O sing joyfully - Batten
205, 428, 207, 237, 203
Toccata Gothique - Boëllmann

April 1 - Easter Sunday
10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Schubert in G
Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24
Come, let’s rejoice - Amner
203 & 226, 229, 231, 222, 210
Grand Choeur Dialogué - Gigout

April 8 - Second Sunday of Easter
10.00 Choral Eucharist (BCP)
Cantate Domino - Pitoni
Darke in F
Psalm 133
This joyful Eastertide - Dutch Carol arr. Ledger
6 (580), 228:1, 4-9, 459, 605, 215
Exurgat Deus - Hurford

April 15 - Third Sunday of Easter
10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Let us worship and fall down - Willan
Mass of St. Denis - Cabena
Psalm 4
Now the green blade riseth - French Carol arr. Lindley
239, 561, 445, 241, 220
Choral in A minor - Franck

April 22 - Fourth Sunday of Easter
10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
This is the day which the Lord hath made - Anon. (c. 1600)
Missa Brevis III - Willan
Psalm 23
They that wait upon the Lord - Near
212, 85, 214, 400, 211
Prelude and Fugue in C BWV 547 - Bach

April 29 - Fifth Sunday of Easter
10.00: Choral Matins (BCP)
Jesus Christ, the Apple Tree - Poston
Ayleward Responses
Psalm 22:24-30
Ireland in F
425, 238, 486, 239
Introduction & Passacaglia - Rheinberger

The Penal Cross – Sarah Petite

Penal CrossThe large crucifix that hangs on the pillar in Christ Church Cathedral during the last two weeks before Easter is an adaptation of an Irish traditional form known as the "Penal Cross." One given to me many years ago hangs in my home, and gave me inspiration for my large version.

The original is simple and primitive in design, and shows many of the symbols associated with the Crucifixion: at the top, INRI ("Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews," in Latin): the hammer and nails, and the sun going through its darkened phases. On Jesus' wrist are the cords that bound him, and on the other side, the tongs used for removing the nails; down the sides, the spear which drew blood and water from Christ's side, the whip used in the scourging, and the ladder used to take him down from the cross. At the bottom struts the cock that crowed at Peter's denial; below it, the pot used to catch Jesus' blood.

My own version uses all these symbols, and I added to them three of my own favourites: the dice which the soldiers used to cast lots for Jesus' cloak; Judas' thirty pieces of silver and the skull, often depicted in crucifixions, said to be that of "the first Adam."

The smaller version which hangs at home, is black, carved from Irish peat. My crucifix is done in encaustic paint (made with beeswax and pigment) on wood.

Sarah Petite, 2005


Music Monthly – March 2018

Sunday 4 March - Third in Lent
10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Rejoice in the Lord alway - Anon. 16th century
German Mass - Schubert
Psalm 19
View me, Lord, a work of thine - Lloyd
253, 291, 527, 479, 602
Choral Song - S.S. Wesley

4.00: Choral Evensong (BCP)
Smith Responses
Psalm 34
Weelkes’ Short Service
Out of the deep - Morley
175, 607, 347
Introduction & Passacaglia in D minor - Reger

Sunday 11 March - Fourth in Lent - Mothering Sunday
10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
Almighty God, which hast me brought - Ford
Batten’s Short Service
Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22
Ave verum - Byrd
5, 180, 200, 60, 362
A Trumpet Minuet - Hollins

Sunday 18 March - Fifth in Lent
10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Jesu, the very thought is sweet - Gibbons
Missa Secunda - Hassler
Psalm 119:9-16
Surely he has born our griefs - Daley
156, 173, 631, 243, 444
Sonata in D, Op. 65/5 - Mendelssohn

Sunday 25 March - Sunday of the Passion - Palm Sunday
10.00 Choral Eucharist (BCP)
Gibbons’ Short Service
Psalm 39:9-16
The Passion according to St. Mark - Lassus
Hosanna filio David - Victoria
181, 182, 184, 185(50), 372(224)
Passacaglia in C minor BWV 582 - Bach

Music Monthly – February 2018

Sunday 4 February 2018 – Fifth after the Epiphany

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
O come, ye servants of the Lord – Tye
Barnard in C
Psalm 147:1-12, 21c
Ave verum corpus – Elgar
344, 293, 454, 59, 444
Praeludium in G minor BuxWV 149 – Buxtehude

4.00: Choral Evensong (BCP)
Smith Responses
Psalms 84 and 85
Brewer in D
Expectans expectavi – Wood
17, 434, 619, 300
Sortie in E flat – Lefébure-Wély

Sunday 11 February – Last Sunday after the Epiphany

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
Let thy merciful ears, O Lord – Mudd
Leighton in D
Psalm 50:1-6
O Saviour of the world – Goss
592, 430, 486, 543, 631
Praeludium in D BuxWV 139 – Buxtehude

Ash Wednesday 14 February

7.30pm: Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes (BAS)
Missa l’hora passa – Viadana
Psalm 51:1-18
Nolo mortem peccatoris – Morley
171, 621, 72(190), 628
Prelude on O Mensch, bewein’ BWV 622 – Bach

Sunday 18 February 2018 – First Sunday in Lent

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Lord, for thy tender mercy’s sake – Hilton
Mass of St. Denis – Cabena
Psalm 51:1-4, 17-18
Call to remembrance, O Lord – Farrant
10, 646, 629, 165, 528
St. Anne Fugue BWV 552 – Bach

Sunday 25 February 2018 – Second Sunday in Lent

10.00: Choral Eucharist with Great Litany (BCP)
Gibbons in F
Psalm 22:22-31
Ave verum corpus – Willan
364, 394, 631, 84, 505
Introduction, Passacaglia and Fugue – Willan

Music Monthly – January 2018

Sunday 7 January 2018 – The Baptism of the Lord

10.00: Choral Eucharist with Holy Baptism (BAS)
Christ hath a garden – Drinkell
A German Mass – Schubert
Psalm 29
View me, Lord, a work of thine – Lloyd
162, 377, 453, 40, 165, 162
Prelude and Fugue in modo dorico BWV 538 – Bach

Sunday 14 January 2018

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BCP)
God be in my head – Rutter
Harris in F
Psalm 139:1-5, 12-17
Behold, the tabernacle – Harris
1, 438, 10, 71, 438
Toccata Songs of Praise – Chappell

Sunday 21 January 2018

10.00: Choral Eucharist (BAS)
Thou knowest, Lord – Purcell
Festive Eucharist – Rawsthorne
Psalm 62:6-14
O for a closer walk with God – Stanford
156, 272, 274, 60, 598
Postlude in D minor – Stanford

Sunday 28 January 2018

Choral Eucharist (BCP)
O taste and see – Vaughan Williams
Missa Brevis III (Snowstorm Mass) – Willan
Psalm 111
O Sacred Feast – Willan
599 (580), 291, 455, 559, 306
Grand Choeur in D – Guilmant