Jesus’s last instruction to his apprentices is often known as the Great Commission: “Go and make disciples.” But what if we translated that into the language of the trade school?
Category Archives: News
The Chosen (TV Review) – Anglican Journal
New episodes of Season 4 will be showing in movie theatres throughout February ahead of their television broadcast and availability through the show’s dedicated streaming site and app.
Bishop and Chapter News – January 2024
Bishop and Chapter met on 16 January 2024 with 8 of 12 members and one guest. Minutes of the 11 December 2023 meeting were adopted. J. Yeamans was elected meeting chair. The Chapter briefly discussed the article “7 Trends for Church Leadership in 2024" (Lewis Centre for Church Leadership). Worthwhile to compare challenges and successes with the wider church.
• 2 care facility Communions; 1 funeral; 4 staff meetings; dinner for staff 02 January; 3 committee / group meetings; 8 home/hospital visits; Christmas attendance 297/80/98/38; New Year’s Day
• Chapter vacancies: Lay Chair | Vice Chair | Property
• 1 meeting of Synod Finance; 2 Bishop’s Counsel
• Ash Wednesday is 14 February
• Home Communion - that the Dean request permission for Doreen Smith to administer Home Communion
• Bookkeeper - that we increase the per hour rate being paid
• Budget - acceptance of the 2024 Budget as modified for presentation
• Annual - meeting 1:00 p.m. 18 February 2024 following a light lunch at the Cathedral. Snow date 25 February
• Repairs - that the Property Committee proceed with repairs of Cathedral furnace motor (est $2500) and replacement of Cathedral chimney cap (est $5500). 2024 maintenance budget has been increased
• 2023 Financial review - Bringloe Feeney appears to be unable to provide a review engagement. The Dean and Treasurer will attempt to engage 2 competent individuals to review 2023 financials
Treasurer - December ended with a 2023 deficit of about $20,000 (2023 offering was $46,033 below budgeted - see bulletin offering budget summary)
Nominating - continues to meet. Three nominations have been secured. One member of Chapter needed (Communications Committee chair?)
Buildings and Property - Interim chair R. Crowe reported on current active items including: Cathedral furnace pump; Cathedral chimney cover removed by wind; consideration of now inoperable platform lift at Memorial Hall. Programable thermostat installations at the Hall complete. 2 additional inside security cameras (1 hall/one church) complete. Garda Security contract for the Hall has been cancelled.
Finance and Administration - finishing up work on staff policy handbook; application for 2024 tour guide funding made; statistics on 2023 summer visitors reported; Safe Church Committee to meet to consider implementation strategy
Health / Pastoral Care - chair for Health Ministries needed. 2 new hospital visitors. 2 new administrators of home communion. Cathedral Visitors made visits at Christmas. Hospital Visitors met January 9th. Ongoing consideration of possible ministries with available volunteers
Mission / Outreach - Benevolence policy form used once at Christmas. Giving Tuesday campaign exceeded $2000 to Montgomery Street School project. $1000 support to St. Hilda’s, Belize sent at the end of the year
Worship - a youth choir sang on Christmas Eve at 4:00 p.m. Recognize need to reestablish a server’s guild and train new servers
• Annual reports due 31 January
• 14 February 2024 Ash Wednesday
• Annual Congregational Meeting 18 February, 1:00 p.m.
• Next meeting - 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, 06 February teleconference
Bishop and Chapter News – December 2023
Bishop and Chapter met on 11 December 2023 with 8 of 12 members present. R. Crowe attended as guest. Minutes of the 16 October meeting were adopted. J. Yeamans was elected meeting chair. The Dean lead discussion on an Alban Institute article “This Thing Called Church,” from A. B. Robinson’s “What’s Theology Got to Do With It?”
• 3 care facility Communions; Deanery Clericus; 1 funeral; 1 funeral attended; 8 committee/group meetings; congregational meeting 21 November; choir rehearsal 30 November;10 home/hospital visits
• noted: no work review, housing allowance or stipend review in 2023
• Chapter vacancies: Lay Chair | Vice Chair | Property
• 2 meetings of the Synod Finance; over-night Diocesan Council 1/2 Dec
• Spencer funeral 10am 16 Dec; Farraline 12 Dec; Windsor 28 Dec; Christmas Lessons and Carols (b) - 17 Dec; 24 Dec 8am, 4pm, 8pm (b), 11pm (b); 25 Dec 10am (b); 31 Dec 8am, 10:30 am; 01 Jan 11am (b)
• 2024 Budget - draft was discussed. Adjustments over the next month with the goal to adopt a proposed budget version in January
• That we reimburse K. Schmidt $1500 for an October course on Celtic spirituality
• That the Dean request Bishop’s permission for Michele LeBlanc to administer the chalice in worship and administer Home Communions
• That staff salaries receive a 3% cost of living increase in 2024
• That the stipend of the Dean be $65,976 (3% cost of living increase, $16,906 above the diocesan minimum stipend scale (Regulation 7-2)
• With security cameras and locking system installed at the hall, that we end our contract with Garda Security (one visit per night) at the end of 2023
Treasurer - November reports need revisions for accuracy. Deficit to end of November $46,549. Bookkeeper Ben Bourque resigned in November; engaged Justin McCoy as bookkeeper. Working with Scotiabank on Anglican Church Women BMO shares conversion
Nominating - 4 meetings thus far. 2024 nominations remain to be required
Buildings and Property - R. Crowe graciously offered to be interim chair. 1) Cathedral sprinklers need maintenance ($60,000) in 2024. 2) Hall platform lift is inoperable needing replacement. Exploring grant and other fund possibilities. 3) East window has been repaired ($8257) insurance coverage less deductable ($5219). 4) Leaks inside Cathedral are an ongoing concern. Next meeting 09 January
Christian Formation - Advent programming proceeding. Consideration of Medical Assistance in Dying (Faith Seeking Understanding)
Health / Pastoral Care - assisted Anglican Church Women luncheon. Christmas gifts to be delivered by Cathedral Visitors. Chair of Health Ministries, Sally Dibblee has resigned.
Mission / Outreach - Angel Christmas gifts for children complete. Giving Tuesday exceeded $2000 commitment to school food and winter clothing programme
Worship - committee met in November including discussion/planning for Christmas worship including a possible youth choir. Meeting of Sunday intercessors on 07 November
• 17 December, 4 p.m. Christmas Lesson and Carols
• 01 January, 11 a.m. New Year’s Day with our Bishop
A letter from Muslim and Jewish leaders in Fredericton
Given the recent rise in antisemitism and incidents of islamophobia across Canada and abroad, Darul Arqam - Fredericton, a local Muslim group and the Rabbi of the Fredericton Jewish community, have joined together during this troubling and chaotic time, to make a statement appealing for peace amongst the general public and our communities at-large.
The current war in the Middle East has caused divisions and rifts within normally peaceful communities, locally and abroad. We acknowledge, there are many sides to this conflict. We believe the loss of innocent lives is what has enraged parties on all sides of the conflict.
That rage, unfortunately in many instances is being misdirected, which is resulting in additional innocent victims. We believe this behaviour, while passionate, runs counter to the intentions of people of conscience.
There can be no justification to exact revenge upon the innocent, anywhere.
Attacks and incidents of vandalism at synagogues and yeshivas, mosques and madrassas, against Jews and Muslims in Canada - communities, institutions and individuals that have no association with that conflict - have made them innocent victims of this conflict, also. The reaction to the reality of innocent lives being lost in the Middle East should NOT result in creating more innocent victims elsewhere. Violent reactions abroad only add to pain being felt globally.
There can be no justification to exact revenge upon the innocent, anywhere.
We realize we make a huge appeal from a small town in Eastern Canada. Yet, our appeal to communities at-large, to the better angels of our nature, for calm, urges us to not create more innocent victims during these tumultuous times.
Rather, we encourage one another to work towards and pray for peace, for the dissolution of inequities, for justice in its time and for protection from violence in all its forms.
We remain, in peace and in faith ...
Naveed Abdul Majid, President
Darul Arqam - Fredericton, New Brunswick
Rabbi Yosef Goldman
Fredericton, New Brunswick
Deacons in the Diocese of Fredericton
Since early Christian times, there have been different types of ministry within the Church. Since the time of the New Testament, three distinct orders of ordained ministries have been known in the Church – bishops, priests, and deacons. Each order has its specifc duties, but all work together. Somehow, over time, the ministry of deacon has become one of transition; the hands-on experience of those waiting to be priested. But that is not the original intention of that order. The role of vocational deacon is to exemplify the servant church.
A vocational deacon is a person who personifies the servant church in the secular world. This person will already be employed (or retired from) a service-related profession — so will have that important connection of bridging the Church and the world.
Because the deacon is employed, their ministry in the church is non-stipendiary. Expenses will be determined on an individual basis, but generally include such items as gas, travel, and outreach projects. A (vocational) deacon is not seeking further ordination, is not called to be priest — it is a permanent ministry.
The ministry of (vocational) deacon is primarily a ministry of service. It exercises the ministry of Christ to those beyond the church proper by serving as a catalyst, encourager, and guide for lay members engaged in outreach ministries. Deacons also assist bishops and priests in proclaiming the Gospel message and in the administration of the Sacraments.
By word and example, deacons are to make the redemptive love of Christ known in the places in which they live, work, and worship.
Deacons, by virtue of their call, are the prophetic leaders who challenge the Church to always look beyond itself. They are the living models that illuminate Christ as the model of servanthood.
Deacons will be the leaders who have a visibility to the needy and will strengthen the servant ministry of the Anglican Church in the Diocese of Fredericton.
This ministry is carried out in five different, but interdependent, means:
a. to model servant ministry in the workplace;
b. to enable the servant ministry of the Church;
c. to witness to the Gospel by articulating to those served that this is a ministry of the whole Christian Church;
d. to interpret to the Church the needs, hopes, and concerns of the local secular community; and
e. to assist bishops and priests in the liturgical and sacramental life of the Church.
The primary responsibility for recognizing a vocation to ordained ministry lies with the parish. Discerning a call is not a private matter, but the proper concern of the entire Church.
The discernment process is essential. It is the Church itself that discerns in the individual the work of the Holy Spirit. The Church, through our Baptismal Covenant, is committed to support one another in ministry - whatever form that ministry takes. The Church, as a corporate body, must recognize, test and affirm an individual call. The first step in this process is for the individual to meet with his/her incumbent priest to ask for affirmation/ information/support. Then a PDC (parish discernment committee) is formed.
An Archdeacon will chair the first meeting that Committee. The PDC will offer a summary report to the parish corporation. The role of the PDC is clearly defined in Directive 7.1 The Parish Discernment Committee. The discernment process should not be rushed, can take up to six months, but with due diligence can be completed in three.
The rector/priest-in-charge of any parish has a critical role in guiding an inquirer to respond to God's call.
He/she is in a good position to recognize people whose gifts call them to 'servant ministry'. Because the first step in the discernment process is this initial conversation between the inquirer and rector/priest, the incumbent clergy must be supportive of the ministry of deacon.
It would be almost impossible for an inquirer to proceed without this support.
After preliminary discussions, if the incumbent clergy concludes that, indeed, this person is called, then that clergy would initiate the formation of a parish discernment committee.
The educational component is a four-part program.
1. A certificate in theological studies, available by distance education from an accredited theological institution. This includes four course units; Old Testament, New Testament, Survey of Theology and Theology/Spirituality of Ministry.
2. Tutorials offered within the diocese. These will be held as a group, to build community. Topics include The Diaconate, Liturgical Formation, Ministry of Deacons, Anglican Polity, Church History, and Sacramental Theology.
3. Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) or other studies in pastoral and religious care.
4. Post-ordination studies, which include Prevention of Sexual Misconduct, Canons, Diocesan Policies and other pertinent topics.
Upon completion of the discernment process, the parish commendation, and application from the individual, the Inquirer moves to Aspirant status. Upon completion of the educational requirements, the Aspirant, with the Bishop's permission, moves to Postulant status.
Upon acceptance by the Bishop and the Commission on the Diaconate, the Postulant moves to Candidate status. Upon completion of pre-ordination documentation and a ministry appointment, details of the ordination are arranged. The Candidate is ordained a (vocational) deacon, and is licensed by the Bishop.
All ordinations will take place in the Cathedral. This is a diocesan event. The deacon's parish will hold their own celebrations following ordination.
from a brochure on the vocational diaconate
Diocese of Fredericton, 2009
Cathedral Sunday intercessors meet
Those who lead Sunday intercessions gathered on Tuesday, November 7th with Deacon Isabel Cutler to discuss and share resources used in this ministry of prayer.
An invitation had been made to others with interest in joining the team which is comprised of about 12 individuals. Assignments are currently determined by way of the Cathedral Signup for worship and all were encouraged to sign up well in advance to facilitate planning and to make opportunities open to all who participate.
Prayer leaders facilitate the prayers of the congregation and encourage all who worship to be actively involved in the process by offering their intentions and petitions in silence or aloud reflecting their own need and those known to them. While there are several categories often routinely addressed like: prayers for the church, the world, the ill, those who have died and those who mourn, it's not necessary, possible or preferred to pray for "every thing or every body every time." The main goal is to assist the assembly in its corporate prayer.
Among topics of discussion were Anglican "models" of prayer, preparation time, pros and cons of extemporaneous vs formula prayers, the context of the day's scripture or season, the value of diversity, style and content, the need to be cautious with politically-loaded opinions, instructing God about how to behave, and resisting preaching through prayer. The usual or most common categories included in the Sunday intercessions or prayers of the people were identified.
Attendees were also encouraged to offer resources they have found helpful in preparation. Among were many that can be found online including:
- Leading prayer through intercessions, Church of England
- Leading intercessions, Bury St. Edmunds
- Sunday Intercessions - Deacon Ormonde Plater
- Prayers for Use in Church, St. Marks’s, Bedford, C of E
Several books in print were briefly discussed noting that many are available at a reasonable cost by way of a web search of the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) number which often discovers items on sale or used book sources as well as affordable e-book options.
If you're interested in this ministry your welcome and encouraged to content Isabel Cutler or the Dean to explore. Mentoring or tutoring can be arranged to assist in becoming an intercessor.
Bishop and Chapter News – October 2023
Bishop and Chapter met on 16 October 2023 with 8 of 13 members present. Minutes of the 11 September and 19 June meeting were adopted. J. Yeamans was elected to the chair in the absence of the Lay-Chair. The Dean lead a short discussion following a reading of Philippians 2:1-13 and some reflections on the nature of decision-making by way of Christian discernment. Some references to “The Way of Discernment” (E. Liebert) were considered.
Safe Church Officer Dianne Wilkins visited with an update on recent efforts toward implementing diocesan policy on safe church. V. Hachey and G. Hall offered to be part of a task group to consider next steps
• 1 care facility Communion; Diocesan Clergy Conference (18-20 September); ill and absent on Sunday 01 October; 1 committee/group meeting; 1 meeting with assisting clergy and deacons; choir rehearsal 21 September; 1 meeting of the Diocesan Finance Committee.
• 21 October Farraline Place fund-raiser
• 01-12 Diocesan Council development retreat
• 03 December First Sunday of Advent
• Nominating Committee - J. Hand appointed to the Committee. Members: H. Palmer, J. Hand, K. Schmidt, J. Dunderdale. Chapter requests the Committee meet to attend to current/upcoming business
• Vice-Chair of Chapter - referred to the Nominating Committee
• Property Committee Chair - referred to the Nominating Committee
• East window repair - recent storm damage to plexiglass panel. Repair estimate $8,257 (Active Glass and Mirror). Insurance ($2500 deductable) claim investigated. Cost charged to property maintenance approved
• Snow removal contract - accepted a proposal for 23/24 winter from Pro-Care of $5,175 + $100 per sanding
• Parish nurse funds - that an investment fund account be created for monies received or accumulated and designated parish nurse
Treasurer - Financial update presented on Sunday, 24 September, 8 and 10:30 a.m.. No specific feedback received. 30 September deficit of expenses over income is $66,580. 2023 income includes Diocesan Synod (Fabric Grant) of $45,000. Unrestricted funds ($60,000) to cover summer cash flow could be returned to unrestricted investment if available at year-end
Administration and Finance - meeting pending
Worship - planning for Christmas upcoming. Server training needs to be planned
Property - several issues have arisen. The Lay-Chair has called a meeting 24 October. Theft of hall furnace exhaust cover was fabricated for replacement and installed with no indication of cost as of yet; east window cover damage, Guild of St. Joseph replaced west door carpeting; cathedral sprinkler system replacement (+/- $175,000) to meet current safety code; hall chair lift out of operation estimated +/- $60,000 repair; security project update; cathedral boiler project; snow removal
Health and Pastoral Care - committee hasn’t met
Mission Outreach - 25 September Monday Outreach - 56 served, volunteers needed for 30 October; 3 Belize Mission scholarships 23/24 to Silvia Trapp, Caleb Martinez and Korey Kelly
Communications - no recent meeting
Christian Formation - meeting scheduled on 19 October
Welcome and Hospitality - Sunday refreshments. Several future events
Monday, 20 November 2023 GMH
Anglican-Lutheran statement on war in the holy land
On Saturday the world watched in horror as Hamas launched a rapid, devastating barrage of violence against Israel. Rockets, drone attacks, the killing of civilians and the taking of hostages have ignited long simmering tensions between Israel and Palestine. Israel has responded with ongoing rocket attacks and the death toll on all sides rises daily.
Our hearts grieve at the resurgence of violence that bereaves both Palestinian and Israeli families. We long for peace and security for the people of Israel who seek a safe place to live free from discrimination, anti-semitism and repeated pogroms. We long for peace and security ... continue reading
Bishop and Chapter News – September 2023
Bishop and Chapter met on 11 September 2023 with 10 of 13 members present. Minutes of the last meeting were unavailable and will be considered at the next meeting. Members read and briefly discussed “The Ultimate Guide to Delegation” (Nick Blevins) – categories: What to Delegate, To Whom to Delegate, How to Delegate. Resources to Delegate Better and 7 steps to follow included.
• Preaching through the Season of Creation 01 September - 4 October; vacation 24 July - 13 August; staff meetings 27 June and 05 September, outside Communions (1), committee/group meetings (2), staff and deacon reviews completed, home visits (3), 3 home/hospital communions, 2 funerals / 1 committal / 2 attended, Evening Prayer Jackson Falls 23 August, July/August Sunday worship attendance (75 avg) - 10 September (106).
• Vacancies: Chapter Property | Vice-Chair | Nominating
Synod Finance Committee (2)
• 17 September 8:00, 10:30, 4:00 every other week resumes
• 18-20 September - Diocesan Clergy Conference, Renforth
Bishop’s letters: appointment of Isabel Cutler, Deacon and permission to administer Communion (D. Beek)
• Benevolence Policy - adopted as of 11 September 2023
• Recognition - Canon Rod Black as Honorary Assistant
June Report of Planning Study - Source Alliance returned the final report of the feasibility study (January - May) regarding Cathedral restoration, Our Bishop has one other contact he wishes to make. Cathedral officers and the Bishop considering the next step in light of the current circumstances. Letters of thanks will be sent to planning study participants this week.
Treasurer - Offerings stable but below budget with a 31 August deficit of $55,657. Payroll and Shared Ministry is $36,000 monthly. $9,887 in flow through donations (PWRDF, community ministries etc.) to be transferred. Sunday financial update presentation before the end of September
Administration and Finance - tour guide season has ended with thanks
Worship - no report
Property - noted recent gifts-in-kind with thanks
Health and Pastoral Care - no meeting. Only a few COVID test kits left
Mission Outreach - completed draft Benevolence Policy; Belize Missions Yard Sale for scholarships a success; Mijia’s from Honduras visited 25 June
Communications - no recent meeting. Additional souvenirs were acquired for sale during the summer tour season
Christian Formation - planning for 30 Sept Day of Truth and Reconciliation; Life in the Eucharist postponed to Fall 2024; Godly Play has resumed; discussed possible quiet space on the Green
Welcome and Hospitality - no meeting. 3 committee members + Dean
• Nominating Committee - 4-1st term / 1-2nd term vacancies upcoming in 2024. T. Maston (Lay-Chair) plans not to let his name stand for a second term
• 30 September - Day of Truth and Reconciliation
• 21 October - Farraline Gala Fundraiser
Monday, 16 October 2023 GMH