2024 Memorial Hall Stair lift project

At the direction of Bishop and Chapter we're moving forward on a project to replace the north entrance stair lift at Memorial Hall. At the moment, we're inaccessible for those confined to a wheelchair or unable to negotiate the stairs. Our hope is installation by the end of summer. The approximate cost is $30,000. We've had indications of support from both the Diocesan Synod and the Guild of St. Joseph. Contributions are being both encouraged and requested and will receive the usual receipt for income tax purposes.

The installation contract was awarded to Lawtons Home Health Care, Halifax for the commercial-grade Garaventa lift Xpress II.

Xpress II - inclined platform

The Garaventa lift Xpress II inclined platform wheelchair lift is designed to provide economical access between two landings.

The platform travels on two rails which are secured directly to the wall or to support towers and is propelled by means of a carriage-mounted rack and pinion drive system. When the platform is not in use it is folded, taking up minimal space on the stairway.

The Xpress II is cost-effective and is ADA compliant. With a variety of standard and optional features available, it can be designed to suit the needs of the user and building owner.

Product details here.

Bishop and Chapter News – May 2024

Bishop and Chapter met on 21 May 2024 with 11 of 12 members present, Archbishop Edwards, chair. Minutes of 13 March, and special purpose meetings 09 April, 24 April, 01 May were adopted. An article entitled “5 Ways to Minimize the Stress of Pastor and Employee Evaluations” by Sarai Rice was referenced. Congregations often evaluate the work of staff in ways that lead to a lot of stress. Fortunately, the church can do better.

PRESENTATION - Future Fredericton Cathedral Foundation

Canon Charles Ferris and Tom Maston shared with Chapter work done thus far by the advisory group exploring foundation possibilities for the future Cathedral operations on behalf of: Melissa Dawe, Jean-Paul Desjardins, Bruce Eddy, Charles Ferris, Bill Jones, John Leroux, Lori Mais-McCord, Tom Maston, and Vanessa Youssef. Four recommendations to begin as soon as possible 1) Name and federally incorporate the foundation; 2) Make assets available for a financial campaign to acquire further restoration funds. Transfer maintenance funds to establish an endowment. A congregational meeting to amend the Restoration Fund By-Law will be required. 3) Begin work with all parties to develop an initial operating agreement 4) Approve transfer of Cathedral property to the new foundation


P. Shepherdson - communication from the Diocesan Synod re financial assistance with Memorial Hall chair lift replacement project



• the Dean offered a written report of Cathedral ministry activity since 13 March including the intention of vacation 08 July- 04 August 2024. Note that annual staff reviews will be scheduled in June


• 2 meetings of Synod Finance Committee; 1 Bishop’s Counsel


• Cathedral staff reviews during June; 3 committals scheduled; wedding 06 July (Smith/Demerchant); Diocesan Synod is 02 Nov


• Cathedral Foundation - approve the name and consent in principle to the transfer of property. Current maintenance assets to be transferred

• Hall chair lift- that the lift be replaced (approx $30,000). Funding: Hall Renovation Fund, Guild of St. Joseph, Diocesan Synod and an appeal for contributions

• Restoration Fund Committee - appointed - R. Crowe, G. Hall, G. Young-Morris, C. MacDonald, J. Mahar, A. Decken (See By-Law s.6)

• Interim cleaning services - that we engage Crystal Clean Maintenance

• Food cupboard - approval to Mothers’ Union to install a food cupboard on the Green in consultation with the Property Committee


Nominating - Chapter will need to express its will on current vacancies (Committees on Worship, Christian Formation, Vice-Chair)

Buildings and Property - current projects: hall chair lift ($30,000), unexpected hall boiler repair ($8500); cathedral sprinkler flushing 17-21 June ($60,000), interim cleaning and maintenance arrangements

Communications - invitation to any who would like to be involved especially with writing and on-going website needs

Finance and Administration - Safe Church initiatives underway, sexton search, tour guides to hire for July/August

Christian Formation - “Living with Dying,” Thy Kingdom Come 2024

Health / Pastoral Care - blood pressure clinics possible, tea in April

Mission / Outreach - some casual questions about future mission trips

Welcome Hospitality - Sunday refreshments main focus

Worship - meeting this week, summer music series coming together

Treasurer - April YTD Revenue $193,602 Expense $190,240


• Congregational Meeting - Sunday, 16 June 2024 following 10:30 a.m. worship - Agenda: amendment of Restoration Fund By-Law

• Next meeting - 18 June 2024



A note from our Sexton

Our Sexton, Ashley Swim, completed his time in the position on 17 May. He shared this message:

"Thanks for all the kind words and gifts. I appreciate it beyond words. Thanks to the cathedral for having me. It's been a very positive experience and I will miss working there. I always took my job very seriously and am confident I gave 100 percent. Its been pleasure to serve with you and for you.”

We are deeply indebted to Ashley for his years of service and wish him well in his new endeavours.

Bishop and Chapter News – March 2024

Bishop and Chapter met on 13 March 2024 with 11 of 14 members. Minutes of the 16 January, 06 and 25 February 2024 were adopted. With the intent of providing some brief orientation for newer members, the article “Re-inventing Boards That Bore: Overcoming Micromanagement” was circulated. The Dean offered reflections on the Cathedral Chapter structure, some of the unhelpful ways we regard committees, minutes, agendas and meetings creating barriers and “Tips for Chairing Effective Meetings.” "Reluctant to embrace formality we can’t allow informality to become disorganization.”


J. Yeamans - resignation from the role of Treasurer as of 30 April 2024. Jamie is making an employment change that will require his attention


• the usual report of pastoral and administrative activity since the last meeting of chapter

• 2 meetings of Synod Finance Committee; 1 Diocesan Counsel

• Holy Week begins 24 March, Easter 31 March, North American Deans Conference in April. Schedule to be published.


• Signing authorities - R. Crowe and H. Palmer be added to bank account signatories
• Safe Church - that all members of Chapter acquire Police Record Checks and Safe Church Training by 30 April 2024


Nominating - noted that succession planning be part of Chapter committee goals. A meeting will be scheduled soon to consider the impending treasurer vacancy

Buildings and Property - currently assembling and updating a list of items now before us. Cathedral heating zone pump replaced in January. Committee meeting scheduled 14 March

Communications - usual ongoing tending of web and social media. The Committee is prepared to offer design/creation of graphics and posters for events and other needs

Finance and Administration - active items: formulation of strategy for implementation of Safe Church policy, Staff policies handbook, need for ongoing initiatives on financial/giving with former Stewardship Team now inactive

Christian Formation - committee moving forward with planning for a program offering of several learning sessions on “Living with Dying,” hopefully during the Easter Season, Ad-LENT-ures devotional/educational opportunities continue and going well

Health / Pastoral Care - active items: 2 new hospital visitors, spring social gathering, Helping Hands and Prayer Shawl ministries active; exploring offering spring blood pressure clinics; chair Yoga to resume in April, initiative to update Call and Cathedral Visitors’ lists

Mission / Outreach - on-going conversation about pending proposal by Mothers’ Union for a neighbourhood food cupboard, Belize Missions financial commitments re school support and scholarships up to date

Welcome Hospitality - luncheon following Annual Meeting seemed to go smoothly. Simple Soup Supper being planned for Maundy Thursday, 5:30 p.m.

Worship - hopes for servers and youth choir for Easter Day at 10:00 a.m.; proposed that keyboard needed for choir rehearsals be purchased; investigating Prayer Book replacement needs at the Cathedral


• Next meeting - 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, 09 April 2024: Safe Church training
• Palm Sunday 24 March; Easter 31 March


Faith Seeking Understanding: Reflections by Canadian Anglicans

Faith Seeking UnderstandingCanada is one of few countries in the world where medical assistance in dying (MAiD) is a legal option—and the number of permitted contexts (terminal illness, chronic illness, mental illness) is increasing. Faith Seeking Understanding: Medical Assistance in Dying is a resource to assist theologically-focused discussions and to increase understanding of the realities of MAiD. This includes its impact on our communities, our role as Christians, its implications for the marginalized and vulnerable, its relationship with healthcare and social justice, God’s gift of life, or our call to care for those who suffer.

To download the resource in a variety of formats visit the Faith Seeking Understanding page.

Bishop and Chapter News – January 2024

Bishop and Chapter met on 16 January 2024 with 8 of 12 members and one guest. Minutes of the 11 December 2023 meeting were adopted. J. Yeamans was elected meeting chair. The Chapter briefly discussed the article “7 Trends for Church Leadership in 2024" (Lewis Centre for Church Leadership). Worthwhile to compare challenges and successes with the wider church.



• 2 care facility Communions; 1 funeral; 4 staff meetings; dinner for staff 02 January; 3 committee / group meetings; 8 home/hospital visits; Christmas attendance 297/80/98/38; New Year’s Day

• Chapter vacancies: Lay Chair | Vice Chair | Property


• 1 meeting of Synod Finance; 2 Bishop’s Counsel


• Ash Wednesday is 14 February


• Home Communion - that the Dean request permission for Doreen Smith to administer Home Communion
• Bookkeeper - that we increase the per hour rate being paid
• Budget - acceptance of the 2024 Budget as modified for presentation
• Annual - meeting 1:00 p.m. 18 February 2024 following a light lunch at the Cathedral. Snow date 25 February
• Repairs - that the Property Committee proceed with repairs of Cathedral furnace motor (est $2500) and replacement of Cathedral chimney cap (est $5500). 2024 maintenance budget has been increased
• 2023 Financial review - Bringloe Feeney appears to be unable to provide a review engagement. The Dean and Treasurer will attempt to engage 2 competent individuals to review 2023 financials


Treasurer - December ended with a 2023 deficit of about $20,000 (2023 offering was $46,033 below budgeted - see bulletin offering budget summary)

Nominating - continues to meet. Three nominations have been secured. One member of Chapter needed (Communications Committee chair?)

Buildings and Property - Interim chair R. Crowe reported on current active items including: Cathedral furnace pump; Cathedral chimney cover removed by wind; consideration of now inoperable platform lift at Memorial Hall. Programable thermostat installations at the Hall complete. 2 additional inside security cameras (1 hall/one church) complete. Garda Security contract for the Hall has been cancelled.

Finance and Administration - finishing up work on staff policy handbook; application for 2024 tour guide funding made; statistics on 2023 summer visitors reported; Safe Church Committee to meet to consider implementation strategy

Health / Pastoral Care - chair for Health Ministries needed. 2 new hospital visitors. 2 new administrators of home communion. Cathedral Visitors made visits at Christmas. Hospital Visitors met January 9th. Ongoing consideration of possible ministries with available volunteers

Mission / Outreach - Benevolence policy form used once at Christmas. Giving Tuesday campaign exceeded $2000 to Montgomery Street School project. $1000 support to St. Hilda’s, Belize sent at the end of the year

Worship - a youth choir sang on Christmas Eve at 4:00 p.m. Recognize need to reestablish a server’s guild and train new servers


• Annual reports due 31 January
• 14 February 2024 Ash Wednesday
• Annual Congregational Meeting 18 February, 1:00 p.m.
• Next meeting - 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, 06 February teleconference


Bishop and Chapter News – December 2023

Bishop and Chapter met on 11 December 2023 with 8 of 12 members present. R. Crowe attended as guest. Minutes of the 16 October meeting were adopted. J. Yeamans was elected meeting chair. The Dean lead discussion on an Alban Institute article “This Thing Called Church,” from A. B. Robinson’s “What’s Theology Got to Do With It?”



• 3 care facility Communions; Deanery Clericus; 1 funeral; 1 funeral attended; 8 committee/group meetings; congregational meeting 21 November; choir rehearsal 30 November;10 home/hospital visits

• noted: no work review, housing allowance or stipend review in 2023

• Chapter vacancies: Lay Chair | Vice Chair | Property


• 2 meetings of the Synod Finance; over-night Diocesan Council 1/2 Dec


• Spencer funeral 10am 16 Dec; Farraline 12 Dec; Windsor 28 Dec; Christmas Lessons and Carols (b) - 17 Dec; 24 Dec 8am, 4pm, 8pm (b), 11pm (b); 25 Dec 10am (b); 31 Dec 8am, 10:30 am; 01 Jan 11am (b)


• 2024 Budget - draft was discussed. Adjustments over the next month with the goal to adopt a proposed budget version in January


• That we reimburse K. Schmidt $1500 for an October course on Celtic spirituality

• That the Dean request Bishop’s permission for Michele LeBlanc to administer the chalice in worship and administer Home Communions

• That staff salaries receive a 3% cost of living increase in 2024

• That the stipend of the Dean be $65,976 (3% cost of living increase, $16,906 above the diocesan minimum stipend scale (Regulation 7-2)

• With security cameras and locking system installed at the hall, that we end our contract with Garda Security (one visit per night) at the end of 2023


Treasurer - November reports need revisions for accuracy. Deficit to end of November $46,549. Bookkeeper Ben Bourque resigned in November; engaged Justin McCoy as bookkeeper. Working with Scotiabank on Anglican Church Women BMO shares conversion

Nominating - 4 meetings thus far. 2024 nominations remain to be required

Buildings and Property - R. Crowe graciously offered to be interim chair. 1) Cathedral sprinklers need maintenance ($60,000) in 2024. 2) Hall platform lift is inoperable needing replacement. Exploring grant and other fund possibilities. 3) East window has been repaired ($8257) insurance coverage less deductable ($5219). 4) Leaks inside Cathedral are an ongoing concern. Next meeting 09 January

Christian Formation - Advent programming proceeding. Consideration of Medical Assistance in Dying (Faith Seeking Understanding)

Health / Pastoral Care - assisted Anglican Church Women luncheon. Christmas gifts to be delivered by Cathedral Visitors. Chair of Health Ministries, Sally Dibblee has resigned.

Mission / Outreach - Angel Christmas gifts for children complete. Giving Tuesday exceeded $2000 commitment to school food and winter clothing programme

Worship - committee met in November including discussion/planning for Christmas worship including a possible youth choir. Meeting of Sunday intercessors on 07 November


• 17 December, 4 p.m. Christmas Lesson and Carols

• 01 January, 11 a.m. New Year’s Day with our Bishop


A letter from Muslim and Jewish leaders in Fredericton

Given the recent rise in antisemitism and incidents of islamophobia across Canada and abroad, Darul Arqam - Fredericton, a local Muslim group and the Rabbi of the Fredericton Jewish community, have joined together during this troubling and chaotic time, to make a statement appealing for peace amongst the general public and our communities at-large.

The current war in the Middle East has caused divisions and rifts within normally peaceful communities, locally and abroad. We acknowledge, there are many sides to this conflict. We believe the loss of innocent lives is what has enraged parties on all sides of the conflict.

That rage, unfortunately in many instances is being misdirected, which is resulting in additional innocent victims. We believe this behaviour, while passionate, runs counter to the intentions of people of conscience.

There can be no justification to exact revenge upon the innocent, anywhere.

Attacks and incidents of vandalism at synagogues and yeshivas, mosques and madrassas, against Jews and Muslims in Canada - communities, institutions and individuals that have no association with that conflict - have made them innocent victims of this conflict, also. The reaction to the reality of innocent lives being lost in the Middle East should NOT result in creating more innocent victims elsewhere. Violent reactions abroad only add to pain being felt globally.

There can be no justification to exact revenge upon the innocent, anywhere.

We realize we make a huge appeal from a small town in Eastern Canada. Yet, our appeal to communities at-large, to the better angels of our nature, for calm, urges us to not create more innocent victims during these tumultuous times.

Rather, we encourage one another to work towards and pray for peace, for the dissolution of inequities, for justice in its time and for protection from violence in all its forms.

We remain, in peace and in faith ...

Naveed Abdul Majid, President
Darul Arqam - Fredericton, New Brunswick

Rabbi Yosef Goldman
Fredericton, New Brunswick