Bishop and Chapter News – April 2020

Bishop and Chapter met 20 April 2020 by video conference with 13 of 14 members present. The Dean lead a brief discussion on part of the Gospel for the Third Sunday of Easter. Discussion included thoughts about the unique characteristics of the risen Jesus in the Gospels, some considerations about how the presence of Jesus is experienced by those in the post-Easter accounts and how Jesus is present to us today. Minutes of meetings: 10 February, 23 February, 02 April 2020 were adopted.

Business Arising

·  10 am refreshments (Worship and Hospitality) - planned conversation not yet undertaken
·  Restoration Fund by-law and narrative budget for 2021 - will be agenda items for Finance and Administration
·  Project 2045 - no further movement on current discussions
·  Housing First land transfer - Property and Housing First Project committees following up
·  Committee detailed budgets - no further developments

From the Dean

Pastoral visitations by phone continue. Daily offices continue. During Holy Week daily worship was facilitated online with relatively good attendance. Stations of the Cross and Music for Holy Week and Easter recorded, edited and made available. Sunday worship, pre-recorded in advance continues. Some Cathedral groups have met virtually thus far (Taizé Thursdays, Youth Group, Stewardship Team). In attendance with Diocesan usual groups including Deaneries Clericus, Diocesan Finance Committee and others as scheduled. Installation of VOIP phone system in process. Tools for alternative meeting methods still being assessed and made available. Regular podcasts continue as usual.


Cathedral staff payroll - Upon recommendation of the Executive Committee, the Chapter endorsed maintaining payroll for members of staff during the pandemic shut down. While wage subsidies are promised by government, it will be some time before we see those resources. Our ability to continue to pay salaries will depend on income by way of offerings. There has been response to the request to “catch up and keep up.” We’ll continue to monitor our financial status.


Property - Cathedral and Hall are being checked regularly. We’re thankful that a flood is unlikely this year.

Communication - Issue #2 of Cathedral Connections published mid April with plans to maintain every other week. Social media, website and other means of communicating continue to get attention.

Welcome and Hospitality - considering ways to celebrate community once pandemic restrictions are lifted.

Health and Pastoral Care - a recent website post by the parish Nurse was reviewed. Contacts by telephone and meeting needs where possible continue.

Worship - Committee has not met but efforts continue to provide worship opportunities by virtual means.

Christian Formation - additional virtual programming that might be undertaken. Faith Alive! (Preparation for confirmation, reaffirmation and reception) may reconnect by video conference.

Mission and Outreach - Monday drop-in not held regularly but vouchers given at a distance on the last Monday of the month. Some communications with Belize over the last several weeks. Continuing to monitor Housing First project.

Finance and Administration - No meeting as of yet but possible in the near future. Installation of VOIP telephone system will be completed soon. Stewardship Team has been active.

Next Meetings

• 18 May 2020
• 15 June 2020


Bishop and Chapter News (April 2020)

Bishop and Chapter met 02 April 2020 by video conference. While communication among members has been frequent this was its first formal meeting since February. 12 of 14 members were present including newest member Victoria Hachey.

Business Arising

Approval of February minutes deferred. Recommendations pending re coffee time for 10:00 a.m. Sunday worship, Restoration Fund by-law and narrative budget for 2021.

From the Dean

During Coronavirus crisis over 20 pastoral visits by phone. Working closely with the Bishop on Sunday worship via YouTube. As is normal, composing and circulating regular Sunday bulletins, podcasting worship and sermons. Daily Offices continue, most remotely. Planning for Holy Week and Easter Day. Communication with staff members, some of whom are able to do most or more of their normal work from home. Guiding implementation of a new VOIP phone system for Hall and Cathedral which will cost less with more features. Facilitating online tools that can be used by various Cathedral groups to conduct normal business during this crisis and into the future. Many phone calls and on-line Cathedral and diocesan meetings. Challenging times learning new ways.


Housing First - Executive Committee is authorized to continue discussions with City of Fredericton leading to the signing of a legal 'purchase and sale agreement' that will transfer to us for $1.00 a lot at the corner of Regent and Albert Streets. The Chapter recognizes that the current financial situation may impact governments' ability to deliver the necessary financial and human resources as originally planned.


Property - Cathedral and Hall closed, heat turned down but being monitored regularly. New circulating pump ordered for Cathedral hot water heating system. Flood watch is on.

Communication - Various tools being used to inform and support congregation members - Caremongering Cathedral Group on Facebook, phone calls to those not online, a newsletter (Cathedral Connections) coming soon with Cathedral stories and information during the crisis. Overall, the congregation is appreciative of being kept informed.

Health and Pastoral Care - Our most vulnerable congregants are being personally monitored by phone and with selected visits by our parish nurses and others to ensure they are looked after, safe and healthy during the crisis. Normal pastoral visits not possible at hospitals, care facilities and homes.

Worship - The Committee has not met. It is positive that the Cathedral is being used for on-line services intended for a diocesan audience, and several of our people are involved.

Christian Formation - Thursday Taizé worship has been well-received with on-line participants. Some Lenten studies and Charis groups have continued to meet on-line. Possibility of on-line Godly Play activities is being considered.

Mission and Outreach - A modified Monday drop-in (4th Monday) continues. Participants grateful for grocery vouchers. Health and safety rules are being followed. Housing First committee is awaiting news. Cathedral is participating in discussions by L'Arche Fredericton that is planning for a new group home in the city. Just announced that volunteer teams at Community Kitchen will not be needed during the crisis.

Finance and Administration - Treasurer reported that there has been a significant drop in weekly offerings, but that for now our bank balance is sufficient to cover monthly expenses at least until May. Our monthly fixed costs total approximately. $35,000 even with the deferment by synod 'shared ministry' contribution. Eligibility criteria for government support programs. Stewardship Team will communicate about giving.

Next Meeting
• 20 April 2020 by video conference


Update from St. Hilda’s School in Belize March 2020

The Cathedral’s Belize mission team has been in touch with Ms. Jane Martinez, principal of St. Hilda’s Anglican School. Please keep the teachers and students of St. Hilda’s, and the people of Belize in your prayers!

Ms. Martinez writes:

Good evening Kelley:

You all have been on my mind as well. Things have been hectic here because they will close the schools on Friday. We have been preparing supplementary information for children to take home to ensure that the educational process is not badly disrupted. From reports that we have been getting, there has not been any confirmed case here as yet but we are taking precautions. Since Monday, we have only had half of our population. Each day the attendances is lower. We have been educating our students and parents this entire week about safety precautions.

It is a sad time for us here also because our crime rate has escalated especially in Belize City. This week alone two young children were shot to death. Altogether in 48 hours we have had about 14 deadly shootings. Most of the victims were innocent bystanders. The children were shot at home in their sleep. Someone just decided to take revenge and shot at the house. Unfortunately, children were also casualties.

We need to pray for each other and keep our focus on God in these troubled times.

Thank you so much for your concern. I will pass on the information to the staff. Please stay safe.


COVID-19 Response (17 March Update)

Christ Church Cathedral continues to remain as current as possible with responses to the global situation with the COVID-19 virus. The responses of all of society are easily identifiable. Above all, we as Church need to continue to be, most especially, leaders and partners with government, corporate and private sectors, doing what is agreed upon to be necessary under the circumstances. Protocols for non-essential meetings as announced on 14 March continue and mean postponement, cancellation or relocation.

At about 2:00 p.m. on Monday, 16 March, David our Bishop issued further direction suspending public gatherings for worship throughout the Diocese until at least Palm Sunday, with on-going assessment as we progress. Our Bishop has also recommended that churches remain open where possible for personal prayer with added care and social distance.

God continues as close to us now as always

The Cathedral will remain open Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.. The daily offices will continue with the necessity of paying close attention to current protocols including social distancing, already in place for those who choose to participate. Once again, if you are ill, stay home. Those who have travelled, please self-isolate. Taking advantage of the many audio and written forms of daily devotional material, including the sometimes overlooked daily offices, can enable participation wherever you are. Praying the office from any one of these sources or one of our service books at 8:45 or 4:45 Monday to Friday joins you in prayer with the whole church. On the Cathedral website: Groups and Community tab –> Pray with us –> Daily Offices Online

The response is disruptive and for some distressing. While there is significant uncertainty all about, please be reminded that we are joining with others in a response that puts us ahead of the threats. While COVID-19 is serious, it is not a certain killer. Not taking it for granted, especially when we or those we love could be vulnerable and at risk is the best possible way to care for one another.

Please be reminded that God continues as close to us now as always, if not more so. We need to continue to pray for all in leadership, health care, researchers, government and those who are directly impacted, including by uncertainty of their livelihood, over work in essential services, those who are sick and those who in these times of separation are in mourning. May Christ grant wisdom and peace in all of the challenges.

“It is an ill wind that blows no good.” You may find a post by Kara Root at Faith and Leadership (formerly the Alban Institute), pointing out that the 20 second hand wash is about the length of time it takes to say the Lord’s Prayer. Being forced to slow down creates rich opportunities to focus, seek calm and affords the time we are too often convinced we don’t have to do that which is both nurturing for us and of help to others.

While we may be prevented from being together physically, we are the Body of Christ, very much “in communion” and together spiritually. While we are routinely the “Church gathered,” we are now being forced to be the “Church scattered.” Whatever your situation, you are never alone. Over the next little while, we’ll be exploring simple and practical ways to maintain community and contact, ways to encourage non-physical communication with one another and assure that Cathedral staff and leaders are available for pastoral care and/or advice. Watch for continuing email, check the website for podcasts and word about other ways to connect. Let’s get creative. The distance we are being asked to create between us may make possible more time with those closest to us, more time for prayer and reflection, and create somewhat unique opportunities to become more centred, more focused and more aware – all of which could be very good for all of us. Choosing to view the extraordinary circumstances in a positive light will be important for our own spiritual well-being. Concentrating on what we can control will help offset fear and anxiety over what we cannot.

How do we giveAn excellent example of that, still perhaps somewhere in the fog of the future, is the financial one. Over that we do have some control. Many could face personal economic hardship. Christ Church Cathedral and its ministry will be affected. While we sometimes jokingly speak of the sadder reality “those who don't attend don't contribute,” it doesn't have to be that way. We’ll be vigilant to identify ways to reduce our expenses, but bills will continue and you’re urged to give that your consideration. Read “But how do we give ... when we’re not in church?” to learn how you can help us address that potential earlier rather than later.

These times hold promise for making us stronger in many ways, caring more deeply for one another, a stern reminder about what we too easily take for granted and, make the appeal of the Apostle Paul all the more helpful – “give thanks to God in all circumstances.” Please reach out to one another in care, alert us if you have a need, and we’ll see this through together.

Geoffrey Hall
Dean of Fredericton

Bishop of Fredericton - 16 March 2020 Directive
But how do we give ... when we're not in Church?
15 March 2020 Cathedral response to health concerns

The Cathedral COVID-19 Response Team was assembled with representation from Bishop and Chapter, Cathedral Staff, and the Health Ministry Team on an as needed basis. The Dean thanks them for their contributions.

Hands up for common sense (15 March 2020 update)

Hands up for common sense

Much has changed since my last article of a week ago. We now at this time (March 15th) have over 300 (confirmed and presumptive) cases of the coronavirus in Canada, five of them being in New Brunswick. Last week we had ~30 cases nationally and none in New Brunswick – a much different picture today.

We have been informed that 30-70% of our population will get the coronavirus. Of the 30-70%, many will have mild symptoms of fever, chills and cough and they will recover. It is the more vulnerable in our community whom we must take care of – those over 70 years of age and those who have other diseases such as diabetes, heart or lung disease, other immune system diseases or those receiving cancer therapy. For many of us, we need to practice the hygienic measures in order to protect those we love. It is in the spirit of generosity and love that we should practice these safety measures.

There has been much talk about ‘flattening the curve’ of the instances of the virus. As more and more people get the virus, the curve goes up. Flattening the curve means that by practicing the precautionary measures below, we will be slowing the rate that people will be getting ill. We will be able to reduce the number of those getting ill and spread it out over a longer period of time. This will put less stress on our hospitals, health care providers and the health care system in general. We will be slowing down the rate of infection so that we can better manage to take care of those who are ill.

We have been given much information in the media and by our governments, and day by day the severity of this global pandemic is indeed frightening to read and hear about. But I want to encourage us all that there is much that we can do. We must continue to practice good hygiene including:

  • handwashing with soap and water frequently
  • using hand sanitizer when out in public
  • coughing into our sleeves
  • staying home if ill
  • keeping our hands away from our faces, and
  • social distancing (maintaining two arm’s length in distance from each other).

This latest guidance of social distancing was advised by our New Brunswick Chief Medical Officer this week. We can do this; we can continue to be social with one another but exercise restraint.

Bishop David Edwards has directed that the administration of the common cup at Communion will no longer occur for the next while. We will not be shaking hands during the passing of the Peace. We can do all these things with ease and even with humour. We are a people of love and hope, and we will get through this with each other.

we MUST practice the hygiene measures

By now you should have read the message from the Dean informing you of the cancellation of all gatherings for our Cathedral members, except for worship. A group of us aka Virus Committee met on Saturday to prayerfully consider what we as a faith community should do with the guidance offered to us by our provincial and national experts and our government leaders; the direction and information given by Dean Hall is a result of that meeting.

For now we have decided to keep our Worship services open. It is important to us that those who feel comfortable and well should be able to pray and worship together. But if we are to do this, we MUST practice the hygiene measures – good handwashing, use of sanitizers in the Cathedral and maintaining social distance, not only side to side but front and back i.e. sitting several pews apart.

Our meetings, gatherings, Lenten studies have been cancelled. But we can still keep a Holy Lent on our own, through teleconference, phone conversations, by email and on our Cathedral website listening to the podcasts of our worship services. What is the cost of inconvenience now? We should practice good hygiene, social distancing and not attend meetings to prevent the spread of the virus for ourselves but especially for others.

Indeed, our weather is getting warmer. Spring is a week away. Get out and walk in the fresh air, enjoy listening to the birds. We don’t need to stay inside; in fact it is better that we are outside in the fresh air. This gives us an opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the country in which we live.

We can do this as a faith community. A friend of mine in England has said to me in the past “God has got you!” and indeed He has us. He is right there beside us, walking along, and carrying us when needed. He gives us the “peace that passes all understanding.” He also tells us to “Be not afraid.” We are blessed to live in this country of Canada, with excellent health care. We may grumble about it on occasion, but we are blessed.

A parish nurse colleague, Cleo Cyr, sent me a card this past year with the following verses:

There is a Warrior protecting you...
a Shepherd directing you...
a Saviour keeping you...
a Priest blessing you...
a Father loving you!
Roy Lessin

Walk in His victory, trust in His care, lean on His strength, and live in His love.

Kathleen Snow

Response to health concerns

Members of the Congregation of Christ Church Cathedral,

A group of key leaders at the Cathedral, including representatives of staff, Bishop and Chapter and our Health Ministry Team met this afternoon (Saturday) to consider an appropriate response to current concerns about the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We’re thankful for leadership being exercised by government and its officials, the Bishop of Fredericton and others in our faith community and the media for keeping us all so well informed.

It is our intention, without delay, to act responsibly and appropriately and will continue to consider deeply the best information available to us in a situation that has proven to develop hour by hour over the last week.

Worship at Christ Church Cathedral will continue.

Conscious of the recent direction from our Bishop and the New Brunswick Chief Medical Officer of Health and the Department of Health, we are confident that for the time being the following will allow us to safely continue to uphold the care of one another as our top priority while implementing a reasoned set of precautions that will help contribute to provincial, national and global efforts aimed at controlling the spread of the virus.


Worship at Christ Church Cathedral will continue. However, it is especially necessary that we take extra care to continue and further strengthen health and safety protocols now in place. We’ll be implementing additional precautions consistent with what our Bishop and health officials are recommending and what other government and public organizations are doing. Ultimately, being physically present for worship is your choice to make.

Here are some decision considerations:

1. If you have traveled recently, please do not attend.

2. If there is any reason you believe yourself to be vulnerable, fragile or your immunity is compromised in any way, please make the wise decision to stay at home.

3. We know it is possible to protect ourselves and others from being infected. However, the approaches are so ordinary that we underestimate how effective they can be: Wash your hands frequently, avoid touching your face, be friendly but don’t shake hands, keep away from sick people, and stay home when you are sick. from “Should Your Church Stop Meeting?” (Christianity Today)

4. Our Bishop’s most recent direction is (13 March - COVID-19 update #2) the withdrawal of the common cup with Communion administered in one kind (bread only) and that there be no sharing of the Peace which involves physical contact. We add that recommendations for social distancing (two arm’s length away) should be followed whenever possible.

5. With the exception of worship events, we will curtail (cancel/postpone) all non-essential meetings and other gatherings for at least the next two weeks (16 - 28 March). This includes: studies (Lenten and otherwise), Godly Play, refreshment times associated with worship, Saturday breakfast and meetings of all Cathedral groups, committees and organizations. Conscious of our outreach commitments, the exception is Monday Morning Drop-in on 16 March, after which we will reassess that activity. We encourage leaders of all groups to explore ways making it possible to continue activity without physically meeting perhaps by using communication tools and technology.
Events affected will be marked in our Online Calendar with “MEETING PROTOCOL” in the title indicating cancellation/postponement. Participants should check with leaders about potential alternative arrangements.

6. Cathedral Office will remain open and staff will continue at their stations taking all precautions as recommended.

7. An additional commitment includes the intention to provide audio podcasts for ALL worship events in the immediate future. We’ll also be considering other possibilities for broadcasting worship as circumstances change. You’re encouraged to be part of our worship even if you choose to be physically absent. For some thoughts on financial implications and recommended options, see "But how do we give ... when we are not in church?"

8. We will continue pastoral care in hospitals and other facilities, following their guidelines.

Our group of key leaders will meet again next Saturday (21 March 2020) to reassess our situation, discuss changes and make further decisions as necessary. Your comments and suggestions are, of course, welcome.

Recognizing the significant disruption this will cause to our community life, thanks in advance for efforts to cooperate with the wider community for the spiritual and physical health and well-being of us all. Under the circumstances, while panic is inappropriate and unhelpful, being vigilant and aware, and continuing prayerful presence as best we can is important. Please pray for all who lead us that we will accomplish faithful service to God and those to whom we minister.

From our parish nurse - hands upNew Brunswick Department of Health (regular updates)
Bishop of Fredericton’s Message about COVID-19 (10 March 2020)
COVID-19 Update #2 Bishop of Fredericton (13 March 2020)
From our parish nurse - hands up (09 March 2020)
Should Your Church Stop Meeting to Slow COVID-19? How 3 Seattle Churches Decided (12 March 2020) D. Chin - Christianity Today

Geoffrey Hall
Dean of Fredericton
14 March 2020

But how do we give … when we’re not in church?

Health concerns in light of the current global viral pandemic (March 2020) and, the Cathedral's response, will influence to some degree who we see in worship over the next little while. At Christ Church Cathedral, we’ll be doing all we can to cooperate with the wider community and attempt to strike the right balance between safety and assuring health for all both spiritual and physical as our top priority. That will include encouraging all to make wise decisions, for the sake of their own health and that of others. We do not wish to unnecessarily impose obligation on those who are not comfortable being in public right now.

During this time of a self imposed regulating of physical contact, Cathedral Staff will continue on duty and, unfortunately, bills will continue to be paid. So, how do we give when we’re not at worship?

take advantage of the convenience and regularity of e-offering

For about half of the 200 or so of our regular contributors, the answer is an easy one. Those who take advantage of the convenience and regularity of e-offering will need not do anyhing different. For the rest of us, there are options.

1. Begin (or modify) e-offering. What better time to start? You don’t need a computer or internet. Choose weekly or monthly giving. The amount or frequency can change with a quick message or phone call to our Envelope Secretary. Complete the form and include a cheque marked “VOID” (many banks provide a downloadable void cheque from their online banking page) Read it's as easy as 1, 2, 3

2. Give through our online giving provider CanadaHelps. From the secure Cathedral profile page (the Give Now! link on Facebook or linked from our website), making a donation is no more difficult than other online transactions, possibly more secure than many. Receipts are returned immediately by email.

3. Hand deliver or surface mail your offering to the Cathedral Office, 168 Church Street, Fredericton NB E3B 4C9. We’re open 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. If it happens that someone isn’t in the office, slip your mail under the office door or through the outside mail slot.

We want to do everything we can to make consistant giving as easy as possible. Contact the Office (506) 450-8500 if you have a question. Your Church Family will thank you for your efforts to stay current in your commitment of financial support. Quite literally, we all benefit!

Reflections on decline – Cheryl Jacobs

I will admit that I often just skim through the Anglican Journal when it arrives - reading the article titles and picture captions, and perhaps the letters to the editor to get a sense of the national temperature.  It is also often the case, that as a member of the bishop and synod staff, that I have read through a number of articles for the NB Anglican prior to them going to print - so I perhaps look at the paper as old news. But, having some downtime while on my trip to the Diocese of Ho, I read through the copy of the Journal I took with me.

The theme for the January edition of the Anglican Journal was around the challenge, the “wake-up call”, presented by the recent statistics report highlighting the declining numbers in the Anglican Church.  Despite this bad news that one could focus on, I found many a good word to our church at this time.

My eye was first caught by the letter from the Bishop of the Episcopal Church of Cuba to Canadian Anglicans with lessons from the change in the Cuban church - a church that could have been wiped out by the change to Communism in that country.  Bishop Maria noted the two-dimensional nature of the church, in Cuba and Canada, both an “institution that signaled guidelines and norms, and, the missional, sacramental and living church.” She warns of this shadow of secularisms that exists in both countries which can distance us from a lively, passionate faith; but because Canadians are also loving and accepting of differences, we have “great possibilities of deepening faith in the lives of many.”

In his Editorial Letter, Matthew Townsend cautions on how we speak about the state of decline in attendance in Anglican (and other) churches.  One way we do so is to lament the loss of Christendom; and here, I must agree with the editor that this is really a good thing for the spiritual health of the church.  Certainly, one can question how much long-term disciple-making was going on when Christianity was part of the culture. The other is speaking of decline as if it is still a future thing and we just need to come up with a solution, not taking God's will into account.  Matthew’s article ends well: “Every time two or three are gathered in the name of Jesus Christ, the true King, the church lives. Everything else is just statistics.”

Our new Primate, in her column, continues on this theme, further encouraging us to keep our eyes on Jesus: “Like the Israelites in the Exodus, we are being sent out not knowing our destination. We are being sent out of the comfort and plenty we once knew into discovering a new resiliency.”

I found many a good word to our church at this time

Archbishop Mark MacDonald's column also helps us to accurately identifying our challenge: “survival, as a goal, tends to generate a morality and procedure ensuring death.” “The task is presented as the management of decline. The real task is the rediscovery of hope.”  He identifies the challenge in terms of four crises: of identity, of commitment, of people, and of resources which, to my thinking, he correctly rewords to a crisis of imagination and faith.

Though longer and perhaps more of a disjointed read, the interview with awarded philosopher Charles Taylor is worth the effort as he discusses the spiritual restlessness of our time and what we have to offer.

And one should not miss the articles in the 20-40 section, including an inciteful one by our own Dr. Cole Hartin. He also supposes that God’s will in involved here and that we must realize we are in exile, grieve and then pray.

So let us not look back to Egypt.  Let us set out on this new exodus, praising a God who is always faithful and grace-giving - who has entered our reality through the person of Jesus Christ to show us how to live, but who is God yesterday, today and tomorrow. Let us look for the pillar of fire and the pillar of cloud, and go where the Holy Spirit leads, knowing God's people are destined for the promised land and we want to share that with all God's creation.

Borrowing from Archbishop Mark's letter, it will be as we turn to Jesus, rediscover discipleship and reach out to the other, we will 'imagine a form of Eucharistic community that is replicable, sustainable and transformational.'

Footnote:  Please do not miss the Green Shoots section on thriving congregations where two New Brunswick parishes are highlighted.

Psalm 126

Those who sow with tears
    will reap with songs of joy.
Those who go out weeping,
    carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
    carrying sheaves with them.

Cheryl Jacobs
Cheryl  chairs the Diocesan Council Spiritual Development Team.

Read past issues of the Anglican Journal
See comments of the Dean of Fredericton in his Annual Report to the Cathedral Congregation in February 2020.

Report of the Lay Chair of Bishop and Chapter for 2019

The year 2019 was a busy and productive one for the 14 members of Bishop and Chapter who were acting on behalf of our large and active congregation. Like many mainline churches, we have our challenges, but we also have opportunities. Both keep us busy and engaged. The Chapter does not function in a 'business as usual' mode. Rather we adjust and try to move ahead, doing God's work, amidst constantly changing and challenging circumstances. The Chapter is strong, capable and hard-working. We try to find the right balance between overseeing our day-to-day 'normal' operations, paying attention to what our people expect today, and positioning our congregation for a potentially different tomorrow. In doing so we work closely with and support Dean Geoffrey in his role as our pastor and our CEO, and we enjoy a strong and special relationship with Bishop David, who is the chair of the Chapter. And through it all we continually try to discern God's will for us as his church.

Read the entire Annual Report for 2019


The Chapter does not function in a 'business as usual' mode

In the past year there have been several new and significant developments:

  • We made a commitment to become a full partner in a ground-breaking local program called 'Housing First'. We will soon become the owner and operator of three small homes at the corner of Albert and Regent Sts. By next fall three individuals will reside in our homes. These folks will be carefully chosen by other partners as they enter the Housing First program, and then will be supported by professionals (and by us) as, together, we help them become more independent and more productive citizens.
  • We established the Project 2045 Task Force to develop recommendations regarding our future facility needs, so that our congregation and our Christian ministries will be strong and vibrant 25 years from now - approximately 200 years after Bishop Medley began the construction of our beloved Cathedral. (Final report is here.)
  • After several years and many discussions we sold Odell House, primarily because the trend today is for Anglican clergy to own their own homes. The proceeds of the sale are now in a restricted trust fund that will help ensure a fair and adequate housing allowance for Cathedral Deans for years to come.
  • We undertook a purposeful stewardship campaign in the fall to encourage members of our whole congregation to re-evaluate their individual Christian stewardship habits in offering 'time, talent and treasure' to our church for God's purposes. Our committee chairs shared important information about their programs and how congregation members could help. In response, on Stewardship Sunday the large increase in congregational offerings was very encouraging.
  • We approved a new 'Gift Policy' to clearly state how offerings and financial gifts/bequests will be wisely and properly stewarded by our church. A new 'Records Management' policy was also approved to ensure the multitude of documents and records we continue to produce are safely and permanently stored and accessible.
  • As part of our outreach emphasis we welcomed The Calithumpians as new tenants in lower floor of Memorial Hall - a mutually beneficial sharing of our under-utilized facility.
  • Beyond those highlights the Chapter was kept busy with a multitude of 'normal' programs, events and issues. The Chapter's eight committees oversee this important work and we are grateful for the leadership shown by the 14 members of Chapter. Their reports follow. We thank God for them, for the many willing volunteers who populate their committees and teams, and for our dedicated staff … all of whom offer 'time and talent' to support the work of the church and to help those who need support.

As the Lay Chair of the Chapter, as I look forward to 2020 and beyond, I see three main challenges as our church family seeks God's will:

  1. Reaching out into our community to invite people (especially young families) to know and follow Jesus, and in so doing grow our congregation,
  2. Making important decisions regarding the long-term future of Memorial Hall and the Cathedral, and
  3. Given the reality that we are an aging congregation, taking steps now that will help ensure the long-term sustainability of our congregation, our ministries and our Cathedral building.

Respectfully submitted,
Jim Morell, Lay Chair of Bishop and Chapter