2023 Prayer Diary

This Prayer Diary, created by Mothers' Union, contains daily and monthly prayers. You are encouraged to use it to facilitate your devotions. Each month in the colourful book begins with a reflection, an opening prayer and a creative prayer activity.

"As we use this resource, we remember that we are united with each other, wherever we are, in our prayers. May we continue to seek transformation in our world and in our lives, with the profound knowledge that God is with us and shines through us," says Sheran Harper, worldwide President of Mothers' Union.

Download the 2023 Prayer Diary

More resources are available on the Mothers' Union website.

Mothers’ Union is a Christian organisation that has been supporting families worldwide for over 140 years. Started by  founder Mary Sumner in 1876 in her local parish, it has grown into an international charity with over 4 million members in 84 countries.

As a Christian membership charity, Mothers' Union demonstrates faith in action. This happens as they work towards stopping poverty, stopping inequality and stopping injustice. Members work at grassroots level around the world. They bring hope and practical support to millions of people every year through parenting, literacy and community development programmes.

Prayer is at the heart of their work. Members come together every day at midday to focus prayers for their communities, fellow members and for those in need, in the belief that the power of prayer is transformational and supports their work around the world.

Despite the name, Mothers' Union is an inclusive organisation with a growing number of men.

[excerpts from the Mothers' Union website]

Annual Report deadline approaching

Officers, committees, groups and organizations are reminded that annual reports are needed by 31 January 2023. Ideally, emailed in open text or by file attachment to the Cathedral Office. If submitted on paper, please allow a few days before the deadline.

The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held Sunday, 26 February after worship. The 2023 Annual Report (for 2022) will be circulated one week in advance.

ACW Christmas Tea

The Anglican Church Women (ACW) welcomed 35 guests to a Christmas Tea on a balmy December 7 afternoon.

Guests entering Memorial Hall were greeted by brightly lit Christmas trees and surrounding tables displaying beautiful and unique angels - no two of the 50+ were alike.  Conversation, sharing and ‘catching up’ was the buzz around the tea tables.

The guests were very generous with their gifts for Grace House, and we receive grateful recognition from the women's shelter for the yearly delivery.

Of course, as a Christmas gathering, there were seasonal sweet favourites to enjoy with a beverage of choice.

We had pleasure in preparing and hosting; our guests had pleasure in sharing and fellowship.

Photos taken by Helen Liang

Angels wanted for display at Christmas Tea

Do you have Christmas angel decorations? Share your ‘host’ of angels, a single ‘lovely’ or a bevy of the ’littlest’ for an angel display that will be enjoyed by guests attending a Christmas Tea hosted by the Anglican Church Women.

Join the festivities! Celebrate the coming of the Christmas season with Cathedral members and friends. Tea and sweets will be provided at this event hosted by the Anglican Church Women on Wednesday, 07 December, 2:00-4:00 p.m. in Cathedral Memorial Hall. All ages are welcome to attend to enjoy conversation, sweets and the angel display. At the event, masks are encouraged when not eating.

As in past years, the ACW will collect items for the Grace House women's shelter. Personal care items are requested, as well as donations which can be used to purchase items.

Please drop off your angel(s) at the Cathedral Office between 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon weekdays, or contact Jennifer Griffiths <jmmgriffiths at gmail.com>. If possible, deliver angels by Tuesday, 06 December so the decorating team can display them in advance of the Tea. Please label your angels so they can be returned.

22-Guild of St. Joseph BBQ

In September, the Guild of St. Joseph (affectionately referred to as the Holy Joes) gathered for a shared meal.

The last time this Cathedral men's group held a barbecue was in June 2019, over 3 years ago, and members were pleased to enjoy this time of fellowship, along with their spouses and Cathedral staff members.

Approximately 25 people attended and enjoyed socializing over hamburgers, hot dogs, fresh local corn on the cob, salads and desserts.

The Guild's motto is “Serving God and Church with heart and hands.” The focus is the maintenance and repair of the fabric of the Cathedral, the Green, and Memorial Hall.

Typically, the Guild hosts an annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper (which they hope to resume this spring) and provides a Halloween watch, spring flood watch and the 'Greening of the Cathedral' during Advent.

The group meets in the Hall Lounge on the first Tuesday of each month (September through June), and warmly welcomes new members. For more information, speak with the Guild President, Gary Barfitt, or contact the Cathedral Office.

Honouring the Queen with a Jubilee Tea

On Saturday, 04 June, 2022, the Cathedral Branch of the Mothers’ Union (with the support of the ACW and other Fredericton MU branches) hosted “The Queen’s Jubilee Tea” to commemorate the 70th year since Her Majesty’s accession to the throne.

The Cathedral looked beautiful with the red, white and blue bunting combined with the Pentecost decorations!

Approximately 60 people attended and greatly enjoyed the abundant sandwiches and sweets. We listened to British music and sang “God Save the Queen” while sipping tea, sampling the Jubilee cake, and enjoying the fellowship of those who were in attendance.

It was a wonderful celebration that was held in conjunction with similar events hosted by MU Branches around the globe.

Many thanks for the financial donations, to those who provided the fancy sandwiches and sweets, and to those who volunteered their time to make tea, decorate and serve at this event.

-- Susan Watson, Co-Branch Leader, Mothers' Union - Cathedral Branch

The Queen’s Jubilee Tea

Queen’s Jubilee Tea

Mothers’ Union is pleased to invite the congregation to The Queen’s Jubilee Tea, to be held inside the Cathedral on Saturday, 04 June from 2:00-4:00 p.m.

Tea, cold drinks, sweets and sandwiches will be served in honour of the Platinum Jubilee of her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth. Everyone is welcome to dress in their “Royal Best“ including hats and fascinators!

Free admission. Donations given through Cathedral envelopes or online giving will receive a tax receipt (please note 'Mothers' Union Tea' in the message field).

Art and friendship, one stitch at a time

The Cathedral Quilters meet in the lounge of Cathedral Hall on Tuesday and Thursday mornings to quilt by hand beautiful quilts ranging in size from baby to queen.

Recently, the group of four women have been working on a large mermaid quilt, to be given to two young sisters. They also gifted a lap quilt to Cathedral Sexton Ashley Swim. Ashley, his wife Lana, and their daughter Piper will soon welcome a new baby girl into their home.

In 2021, the Quilters finished a sampler quilt made of spring-hued fabrics of purples and yellows, a lap quilt made in a cat's cradle pattern in turquoise batik and navy background, and a compass rose quilt that had been started by former quilter and Cathedral member Judy Colson and finished by the Quilters after her passing.

Funds raised through quilting services is primarily used to support girls who attend Bishop McAllister College in Uganda.

The Quilters are very skilled and willing to share their knowledge. If you would like to know more about the group or request their handiwork on a project, please contact the Cathedral Office or speak with quilter Jennifer Griffiths.

Tea and Flowers

Parishioners and friends were recently invited to Cathedral Memorial Hall to welcome spring with tea and sweets.

The event, hosted by the Anglican Church Women (ACW) and held on May 21, also celebrated the birthday of Mary Allwood, a long-time, very active ACW member.

Many hands pitched in to create beautiful decorations and table settings which featured the art of the Cathedral Matters rug hooking group. A large banner highlighted important events from 1925, the year of Mary's birth.

The celebration was well attended by several dozen people over two hours, and was enjoyed by all.

Help Needed With Flowers

Arranging flowers is a rewarding and creative activity, and working in the peace of the Cathedral creating something to the Glory of God and to enhance a beautiful building is a gratifying experience.

Mary Pugh is hoping to build a team of volunteers to look after the flowers in the Cathedral throughout the year. She proposes a workshop on 14 May (or another date suitable for the volunteers) to show a few techniques in handling flowers and what specifically is suitable for the Cathedral. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Mary as soon as possible so flowers can be ordered. Please indicate your preferred date. Email <Pugh at nbnet.nb.ca> or contact the Cathedral Office (506) 450-8500.