Fall Formation Opportunities

Many Cathedral programs are kicking off or resuming over the next few days and weeks -- that is, during and for this Season of Creation.

Godly Play resumes (biweekly) on Sunday, 08 September.

Taizé Worship resumes (biweekly) Tuesday, 10 September -- and we are moving Taizé gatherings (back) to Tuesdays. The first session will be online via Zoom and afterward alternate biweekly with in-person/livestreamed in the Cathedral.

The Wednesday Spirituality Series resumes (biweekly) Wednesday, 11 September, at 3:00 p.m. in the Hall Lounge. September's theme will be the wisdom of creation-mystic Hildegard of Bingen.

Life in the Eucharist first communion preparation program launches on Saturday, 14 September (biweekly, 2-3:30 p.m. in the Cathedral) with its 2024 cohort -- which currently stands at 8 candidates.

An Art & Faith session (online, 5:30-6:15pm) is scheduled for Thursday, 19 September.  One session of Art & Faith will be offered each month for September, October and November -- then weekly during Advent.

Hoping to launch this (school-)year's edition of CYG (Cathedral Youth Group) on Sunday, 22 September.

Any inquiries or expressions of interest can be sent along to Kurt Schmidt, Cathedral Director of Christian Formation. Email <k.schmidt at cccath.ca>.

Saying YES! to kids camping

Say Yes to Kids Camping


This year the Diocese of Fredericton is joining the Anglican Foundation of Canada's Say Yes! to Kids movement with our very own Diocese of Fredericton Says Yes! to Camping Ministry fundraising team.

The Diocese of Fredericton is blessed with Camp Medley, Camp Brookwood, and the St. Michael’s Youth Conference, all of which offer our children and youth unforgettable summer experiences in God's creation.

In our Diocese we believe that no child should be turned away from summer camp because of their financial circumstances. It is hoped that with participation from people and parishes across the Diocese of Fredericton, this year’s Say Yes! to Kids campaign will encourage camperism by increasing the amount of sponsorship funds available to all three camps.

Join our Diocesan family as we seek to make the summer 2024 camping season as accessible and enjoyable to as many children as possible.

You can support the Diocese of Fredericton Says Yes! to Camping Ministry team in three ways:

  • Celebrate a Say Yes! to Kids Sunday in your church on June 2, or any other Sunday in June, with the help of the liturgical resource developed by AFC.
  • Make a donation to our Diocese of Fredericton Says Yes! to Camping Ministry team. DONATE ONLINE HERE.
  • Pray for the success of this year's Say Yes! to Kids campaign and for youth ministries in your community, in our diocese, and across the Anglican Church of Canada.

Please give generously to the Diocese of Fredericton Says Yes! to Camping Ministry today and help to grow a brighter future for young people in the Diocese of Fredericton and beyond.

Thank you!

Archbishop David Edwards
Bishop of Fredericton

P.S. You can also mail a cheque, payable to the Anglican Foundation of Canada, with "Fredericton Says Yes!" in the memo line to the address below. Or watch for your Spring AFC newsletter and make your donation using the donation form and business reply envelope.

Youth group skating

On Sunday 14 January, middle school members of Cathedral Youth Group -- along with a smattering of friends, parents and younger siblings -- took advantage of lovely winter conditions and went for an evening skate around Fredericton's newest ice track at Officers' Square. Warm apple cider and cookies were also enjoyed.

Such a blessing and a pleasure to revive our CYG Skate Nite tradition!

Mess Makes Meaning Godly Play Podcast

Caring for young children's spirituality is a delicate balance and can often be made more difficult when we grown-ups don't care for ourselves.  Struggling through religious or church-related trauma or even feelings of inadequacy when it comes to answering our children's big questions.  Mess Makes Meaning aims to equip parents/caregivers to remind them and their children they are deeply loved by interviewing some guests who are professionals in this vital work. With relatable humor from hosts and guests alike, this podcast is for you and created by Godly Play®

Everyday Godly Play has a Podcast! Mess Makes Meaning: lifting up children's spirituality for all the grown ups @everydaygodlyplay. This is a new resource for parents and caregivers! Mess Makes Meaning is available on any podcast platform - check out episodes, give it a listen and share it with your friends and family!  See the preview and list of episodes on Apple Postcasts.

Visit Goldy Play Canada

Understanding the cultural realities of children and youth today


Janet Craswell and Angela Pupino say ministries with children and youth were severely impacted by the pandemic and are still rebuilding in most churches. They say a truly intergenerational church must embrace the voices and concerns of younger people and acknowledge the unique cultural realities that shape the lives.

Lewis Center for Church LeadershipThere are very few intergenerational spaces left in our society. School, work, even some housing is segregated by age. One of the blessings of the church is that it is intergenerational. It always has been. But as an intergenerational body the church must also be “intercultural,” understanding and embracing the cultural realities of each generation.

Sometimes we make the mistake of thinking of children and youth as the church of tomorrow. They are not. They are ... Read more

5 Key Principles for Fostering Generosity in Children

Generosity for children

Ann Michel of the Lewis Center staff says the church needs to renew efforts to foster generosity in our children. She shares five principles that can help instill the joy of giving in the next generation of givers.

How can we help our children become responsible, generous, unselfish people? This question is critical to the church as it looks to shape the next generation of faithful givers. It is even more critical to families confronted with the “gimme-gimme-gimme” mindset our consumeristic culture pushes onto their children from the most tender age.

While the need to instill generosity in younger generations is more critical than ever, it is also more challenging than ever before. Some of us are old enough to remember ... Read more

Diocese focuses lens on young adult formation

The Diocese of Fredericton is expanding the Special Ministries supported by the Synod.

The position of Director of Young Adult Formation has recently been created, recognizing a need for support for teens and young adults in their faith journeys. Kurt Schmidt has been selected to fill this part-time role, providing leadership and pastoral care, with a particular focus on the university campuses. The position will include fostering the spiritual life of a diverse student community in fresh and innovative ways, and work closely with our Camping Ministries to coordinate areas of practical support and formation.

Kurt will also continue with his part-time position as the Cathedral Director of Christian Formation.

"I'm keen and eager to dive into my work right away to support the young adults in our diocese," he said. "I'll be aiming to provide innovative leadership and pastoral care, especially to the young people involved with our camping ministries and on our province's university/post-secondary campuses."

Kurt considers himself an educator at heart and has spent the last 20 years working as a teacher in diverse contexts and at various levels. Kurt’s own spiritual journey includes formative periods among his Jesuit teachers and mentors in high school, with monastic friends during university, alongside members of L’Arche communities in both Canada and the United States, and with various teachers of Celtic Christianity.

Learn more about Kurt on the Cathedral website and the Diocesan website.

Preparation for First Communion

The eucharist is the family meal. It is the act of thanksgiving in which we receive the gift of God, the body and blood of Christ. It is the food of God which strengthens us to do the work of God. It is the heavenly banquet. It is communion with Jesus Christ.

Preparation for First Communion for children ages 7+ will begin soon, using the program Life in the Eucharist. An information meeting will be held in the Cathedral at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, 18 September.

Can you volunteer some time to assist? There will be a need for leadership companions for participants and prayer as we accompany our young people on this journey to the Table.

Learn more about First Communion at the Cathedral and contact Kurt Schmidt, Cathedral Director of Christian Formation, if you or someone you know wishes to be involved <formation at christchurchcathedral.com>.


Helping to ‘TP the Town’!

Thank you to everyone at the Cathedral who donated toilet paper and hygiene supplies to the 7th annual TP The Town campaign!

This spring, Fredericton High School students partnered partnered with community groups, churches, and other schools to collect toilet paper and as many feminine care and personal hygiene products as possible. Monetary donations were also gratefully accepted.

Cathedral youth Alex and Claire, along with their fellow student council members, have been counting rolls as they arrive. Their goal is 25,000 rolls!

Products will soon be delivered to shelters and transitional housing locations in the Fredericton area, such as Chrysalis House, St. John House (the men’s shelter), Grace House for women, Gignoo House, Transition House, and the 12 Neighbor’s Village.

The Student Representative Council of Fredericton High School provides leadership opportunities and serves the student body, the school, and the community. An integral part of their program is to provide service to our community.

A letter from the student council expressed appreciation for the support of TP the Town, "Thank you for helping give back to those that struggle to take care of what we take for granted."