Growing a new generation of pray-ers?

Thy Kingdom Come

One thing I really look forward to during Thy Kingdom Come is praying with my grandchildren. Why not join in with me?

Here are five ways in which your family or your children’s group might join together in praying during Thy Kingdom Come, 18th-28th May 2023.

Plant seed stick prayers – Pray for your 5 non-Christian neighbours and friends and plant a seed! Write their name on the top of the seed stick and watch the sunflowers grow as you pray each day. Thy Kingdom Come Pray for 5 Seeds

Tune into the Cheeky Pandas! Why not tune in to an episode with the Cheeky Pandas, try an accompanying activity pack and order some of the Cheeky Pandas stickers and share with your friends?

Why not make some prayer beads – using these instructions? Prayer Beads Instructions. Here is an example of how the prayer beads can be used: Thy Kingdom Come - A wave of prayer across the nations

Why not try rocket prayers! If you have an outdoor space why not try lifting 5 friends in prayer? Buchan family fun - rocket prayers

There are a few ideas here such as Prayer Craft TKC 23 Ideas.

And a sneaky 6 th idea Take a glass of water and drop a fizzy vitamin tablet in it and as you watch it change the water ask God to pour his love into the hearts of those you are praying for.

by the Reverend Canon Jean Kerr for Thy Kingdom Come 2023

What are the Ember Days?

The seasonal Ember Days are not included in the calendar of the Anglican Church of Canada but MacCausland’s Divine Order of Service notes that there seems to be "renewed interest" in their observance in recent years. The Prayer Book of 1962 provides propers for Ember Days which it says may be used on the Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays on specified days of the four seasons.

According to the Farmers' Almanac, the English word “ember” is probably a corruption of the Latin “quatuor tempora” which means four times or four seasons.

Interestingly, the Farmers' Almanac and the Old Farmer’s Almanac contain other historical information about Ember Days.

“There are a total of 12 Ember Days each year, observed on the Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays following the first Sunday in Lent, Whitsunday (Pentecost), the Feast of the Holy Cross, and the Feast of St. Lucy (Lucia?). While the first Sunday in Lent and Whitsunday-Pentecost change each year based on Easter, the Feast of the Holy Cross and the Feast of St. Lucy are fixed dates, on September 14 and December 13, respectively.

Ember Day observances date back to the 5th century, when observers would thank God for the gifts of nature, embrace those gifts in moderation, and assist the needy.

Ember Days began in Rome with fasts in June, September, and December, but the days were not fixed. The fourth set of days were added near the end of the 5th century. At that time, the conferring of ordinations was permitted on ember Saturdays, while previously, the practice was ordinations only at Easter.

It is said that Ember Days may have been created in response to the excessive celebrations that surrounded the pagan festivals in Rome."

Superstitions abound including, that the weather on ember days somehow predicts future weather, sounding a lot like how we still fun about with Ground Hog Day superstition.

An old English rhyme helped people to remember the occurrence of Ember Days four times throughout the year:

Fasting days and Emberings be
Lent, Whitsun, Holyrood, and Lucie.

See a full post 'What Are Ember Days'

Lent, Whitsunday, Holy Cross (11 September), St. Lucie (13 December)

St. Lucie, Lucy or Lucia (the Saint of light, light being the origin of the name) has been mostly a Scandinavian celebration and the festival day has not been included in North American Anglican calenders. It is still December 13th as it has been for centuries in the calender of the Church of England. See Saint Lucy’s Day on the Anglican Compass.

More on Ember Days:

Ember Days Wikipedia
Ember Days (MacCausland's Divine Order of Service) via the Online Lectionary
Ember Days - The Episcopal Church
Embertide: Common Worship C of E


World Day of Prayer 2024

The World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement led by Christian women who welcome you to join in prayer and action for peace and justice. The women who wrote the World Day of Prayer Service this year are from Palestine. The Theme is “I Beg You... Bear with one another in Love” based on Ephesians 4:1-3.

March 1, 2024 is the official date chosen as the World Day of Prayer.

Two World Day of Prayer services will held in-person in Fredericton:

  • Friday, March 1, 2:00 p.m. at St. Theresa’s Catholic Church, 1 William Street (off the Royal Road). Wheelchair Accessible. Refreshments to follow.
    Storm date: Saturday, March 2, 2:00 p.m.
  • Friday, March 1, 7:00 p.m. at Brunswick Street Baptist Church, 161 York Street. Wheelchair Accessible. Refreshments to follow.
    Storm date: Sunday, March 3, 2:00 p.m.

An online Canadian National World Day of Prayer Service will be held beginning at 2:00 p.m. AST on 09 March 2024. Reserve a ticket for free here.

The World Day of Prayer service video for 2024 is available to watch online now. The 58 minute video, produced by the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada, can be watched at any time. A 6 minute devotional video is also available.

If you have questions about the work of the Council or the 2024 prayer services, please contact Deborah Heustis with Fredericton Women’s Inter-Church. Email <djheustis at>.

2023 ADVENT-ures

The new Church year is once again upon us!

 Why not add something to your devotional life to mark a fresh start?

Choose from the following list of diverse opportunities on the Advent weekdays to deepen your prayer and/or study and/or worship.

MONDAYS - beginning 27 November

  • Spirituality of Advent – Prayer Series: Contemplative ideas and practices for Advent and beyond. Celtic Advent, Centering Prayer and Labyrinth Walks among the topics to be covered. Led by Kurt Schmidt. In person, 2:00-3:00 p.m., Cathedral Memorial Hall Lounge.
    * Please reserve your seat with Kurt for any/all sessions.

TUESDAYS - beginning 28 November

WEDNESDAYS - beginning 29 November

THURSDAYS - beginning 30 November

  • Taizé worship: A simple and contemplative half hour of scripture, prayer, silence and song. 5:30 p.m. start.
    30 November and 14 December in-person and livestreamed from the Cathedral.
    7 and 21 December on Zoom.
    * Link through the Cathedral Calendar or from Kurt.



  • Divine Office: Regular, short daily prayer opportunity in the Cathedral. Morning Prayer at 8:45 a.m., Evening Prayer at 4:45 p.m. Weekdays.
    * Just drop in!
  • Dante Group: But reading Milton now! Reflective study of Paradise Lost. Led by Alan Hall. Thursday evenings, 7:00-8:00 p.m., Cathedral Memorial Hall Lounge.
    * Just drop in!
  • Holy Eucharist: Wednesday mornings, 10:00 a.m. in the Cathedral.


You are encouraged to add at least one new Advent-ure to your schedule this year!

or expressions of interest can be communicated to Cathedral Director of Christian Formation, Kurt Schmidt by email <formation at> or by phone/text to (506) 259-3711. Thank you, and Advent Blessings!


Cathedral Sunday intercessors meet

PrayerThose who lead Sunday intercessions gathered on Tuesday, November 7th with Deacon Isabel Cutler to discuss and share resources used in this ministry of prayer.

An invitation had been made to others with interest in joining the team which is comprised of about 12 individuals. Assignments are currently determined by way of the Cathedral Signup for worship and all were encouraged to sign up well in advance to facilitate planning and to make opportunities open to all who participate.

Prayer leaders facilitate the prayers of the congregation and encourage all who worship to be actively involved in the process by offering their intentions and petitions in silence or aloud reflecting their own need and those known to them. While there are several categories often routinely addressed like: prayers for the church, the world, the ill, those who have died and those who mourn, it's not necessary, possible or preferred to pray for "every thing or every body every time." The main goal is to assist the assembly in its corporate prayer.

Among topics of discussion were Anglican "models" of prayer, preparation time, pros and cons of extemporaneous vs formula prayers, the context of the day's scripture or season, the value of diversity, style and content, the need to be cautious with politically-loaded opinions, instructing God about how to behave, and resisting preaching through prayer. The usual or most common categories included in the Sunday intercessions or prayers of the people were identified.

Attendees were also encouraged to offer resources they have found helpful in preparation. Among were many that can be found online including:

Several books in print were briefly discussed noting that many are available at a reasonable cost by way of a web search of the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) number which often discovers items on sale or used book sources as well as affordable e-book options.

If you're interested in this ministry your welcome and encouraged to content Isabel Cutler or the Dean to explore. Mentoring or tutoring can be arranged to assist in becoming an intercessor.


Need prayer?

There are several ways you can request prayer through the Cathedral.

If you would like your name, or the name of a loved one, added to the public Prayer List in the Sunday bulletin, please contact the Cathedral Office. Names will be listed for one month, but may be extended by contacting the office. You may include a full name or first name. Please ensure that you have the consent of the person to have their name listed publicly.

The Cathedral Prayer Network is a committee of caring individuals who provide immediate, confidential prayer. It is different from the public prayer list printed in the Sunday bulletin. Confidentiality is at the core of the group's work. Contact Coordinator Linda Waugh for details or with a prayer request. Phone (506) 450-3057 or email <lmwaugh at>. The group welcomes new prayer volunteers. Learn more.

A team of Hospital Visitors can see patients admitted at local hospitals. Visits can be arranged by contacting the Cathedral Office or the Dean. Please make sure to let us know the unit and room number, as hospital visitors do not have access to patient listings. Learn more.

Communion at home or in the hospital is available. Please contact the Dean to make a request.

Other clergy, staff, and members of the congregation also support these ministries and engage in prayer.



*NOTE* For time sensitive requests, please use the telephone.

Dean Geoffrey Hall: (506) 450-7761 <dean at>
Cathedral Office: (506) 450-8500 <office at>
Other Clergy and staff


Praying together: Strength amidst fire SUNDAY AUGUST 27th

Thursday, 24 August 2023


On Sunday August 27th at 7 p.m. EDT I invite Anglicans and friends to join me in a prayer vigil for all those affected by the forest fires in BC and NWT.    The extent of the devastation, the evacuation of thousands of people, the courage and exhaustion of firefighters and caregivers all need to be held in prayer and we know we will find strength together.

Please share this link in your diocese to join me – with I hope some of the affected bishops – on Sunday -

With gratitude for our sharing in the gospel,


The Most Rev. Linda Nicholls
Archbishop and Primate
Anglican Church of Canada

Prayer Network seeks volunteers

Did you know that you can request immediate, confidential prayer for any matter?

The Cathedral Prayer Network is a committee of caring individuals who pray for others. It is different from the public prayer list printed in the Sunday bulletin. Confidentiality of prayer requests is at the core of the group's work.

The Prayer Network is in need of new volunteers. Contact Coordinator Linda Waugh for details or with a prayer request. Phone (506) 450-3057 or email <lmwaugh at>.

The article below, written by Ann Deveau in 2021 when leadership of the Prayer Network moved from Carolyn Howlett to Linda Waugh, describes the function and the heart of the Prayer Network.

Do you feel called to serve in this ministry?

Award-winning author Philip Yancey writes that prayer stands as the place where God and human beings meet and relate.

“We're supposed to be a praying people,” agrees Carolyn Howlett in recalling why she got involved in the prayer network at the cathedral. “We're on a daily walk with the Lord, and it's important to listen, to care and to bring the needs of other people to Him.”

In 1996 a co-ordinator was needed to take over from Reid and Ethel Saunders who had capably led the prayer network for some time. Carolyn offered to step in, never thinking she would be at the helm for a quarter of a century.

“There was a small, willing group of volunteers in the cathedral community to pray for congregational needs and other issues, and it grew over time,” she says.

Sometimes people ask God for all manner of things: to sell their house, to find a job, to survive a divorce, to make it rain.

“We weren't dealing with those types of problems; we focused on requests for healing,” Carolyn says. She stresses that confidentiality was always of the highest importance, and it remains so.

She would inform the other members by telephone -- in more recent years by e-mail -- that a person was struggling with cancer treatments or a serious accident, that a major surgery was under way, that someone was hospitalized and near death.

Isabelle Hockin, one of several longtime members, puts it this way: “I think it’s a huge comfort to people with an urgent concern to know that they can turn to the prayer chain and trust that there will be a group of believers praying for them and/or their loved ones in their hour of need.”

She sees Matthew 7:7 as the guiding principle: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened.

Feedback was usually positive, regardless of the outcome of the particular situation. Typical comments include “the prayer chain made all the difference” or “it uplifted us at a difficult  time” or “it helped me with my grief.”

After 25 years, the time has come for Carolyn to pass the torch to another member of the congregation who also believes that being a Christian means leading a life of prayer.

Linda Waugh has been a member of a Charis group for more than 20 years and has always been willing to pray for others.

“I have been thankful for their prayers when I needed them,” Linda explains. “Prayer is powerful, and it is very comforting to know there are others praying for you. In turn, I was glad to be able to pray for other members when they needed prayer.”

Linda thinks it's possible that some people in the cathedral family don't realize that they can ask for confidential prayers for themselves, their friends and family members who need God's love and healing.

“I hope people will feel free to get in touch with me, so that the good work done in the past can be continued for a long time to come,” she says. “My e-mail address is <lmwaugh at> which will likely be published often in the church bulletin for people's convenience.”

Linda is also thankful that Carolyn has agreed to continue as a member of the prayer network.

“It's such a part of me,” Carolyn says, absolutely confident that prayer is effective in bringing God's compassion and comfort to people in their times of trouble.

--by Ann Deveau

2023 World Day of Prayer

The World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement led by Christian women who welcome you to join in prayer and action for peace and justice.

The World Day of Prayer service video for 2023 is available to watch online now. The 55 minute video, produced by the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada, can be watched at any time. A 24 minute children's video is also available.

The women who wrote the World Day of Prayer Service this year are from Taiwan. The Theme is “I Have Heard About Your Faith”. Based on the letter to the Ephesians, it is an invitation to active listening, which is the ground of our prayers. Following the example of the letter (1:15-19), where the author praises the church for their faith in Jesus and love toward all the saints, the worship service contextualizes the witness of the saints with the stories from Taiwan.

March 3, 2023 is the official date chosen as the World Day of Prayer.

World Day of Prayer services will also be held in-person in Fredericton:

  • Friday, March 3, 2:00 p.m. at Nashwaaksis United Church, 46 Main Street. Reception to follow.
    Storm date: March 5, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.
  • Sunday, March 12, 10:30 a.m. at St. Paul’s United Church, 224 York Street. Reception to follow.

Monetary donations go toward expenses incurred in preparing the World Day of Prayer service, and providing grants to support women and children around the world who are fighting injustice and abuse.  Donate online to the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada, or mail a cheque to 47 Queen’s Park Crescent East, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2C3. Receipts are provided for all donation of $20 or more.

If you have questions about the work of the Council or the 2023 prayer services, please contact Debbie Heustis with Fredericton Women’s Inter-Church. (506) 472-2916.

2023 Prayer Diary

This Prayer Diary, created by Mothers' Union, contains daily and monthly prayers. You are encouraged to use it to facilitate your devotions. Each month in the colourful book begins with a reflection, an opening prayer and a creative prayer activity.

"As we use this resource, we remember that we are united with each other, wherever we are, in our prayers. May we continue to seek transformation in our world and in our lives, with the profound knowledge that God is with us and shines through us," says Sheran Harper, worldwide President of Mothers' Union.

Download the 2023 Prayer Diary

More resources are available on the Mothers' Union website.

Mothers’ Union is a Christian organisation that has been supporting families worldwide for over 140 years. Started by  founder Mary Sumner in 1876 in her local parish, it has grown into an international charity with over 4 million members in 84 countries.

As a Christian membership charity, Mothers' Union demonstrates faith in action. This happens as they work towards stopping poverty, stopping inequality and stopping injustice. Members work at grassroots level around the world. They bring hope and practical support to millions of people every year through parenting, literacy and community development programmes.

Prayer is at the heart of their work. Members come together every day at midday to focus prayers for their communities, fellow members and for those in need, in the belief that the power of prayer is transformational and supports their work around the world.

Despite the name, Mothers' Union is an inclusive organisation with a growing number of men.

[excerpts from the Mothers' Union website]