Thanks from Archbishop Edwards

A letter from Archbishop David Edwards regarding celebrations on the Day of Pentecost and the conclusion of his Pilgrimage through the Archdeaconry of the Fredericton.

10 June 2022

The Most Reverend David Edwards
Archbishop of Fredericton
168 Church Street, Fredericton NB E3B 4C9
Phone (506) 459-1801 • [email protected]

Christ Church Cathedral
168 Church Street, Fredericton NB  E38 4C9

Dear Friends,
I am writing to you to convey my thanks and appreciation for your generous welcome and hospitality while I visited you during my final walking pilgrimage, this year through the Archdeaconry of Fredericton.

Thank you that so many came to join us on the bridge for the final walk to the Cathedral. I'm particularly glad that we were able to have a service in our Mother Church to celebrate the end of the series of archdeaconry pilgrimages.

Thank you for the heartfelt welcome and your company; but also for praying for and with me. It was a privilege to be with you and to hear of the joys and challenges you face.

In Christ,


Archbishop of Fredericton

Honouring the Queen with a Jubilee Tea

On Saturday, 04 June, 2022, the Cathedral Branch of the Mothers’ Union (with the support of the ACW and other Fredericton MU branches) hosted “The Queen’s Jubilee Tea” to commemorate the 70th year since Her Majesty’s accession to the throne.

The Cathedral looked beautiful with the red, white and blue bunting combined with the Pentecost decorations!

Approximately 60 people attended and greatly enjoyed the abundant sandwiches and sweets. We listened to British music and sang “God Save the Queen” while sipping tea, sampling the Jubilee cake, and enjoying the fellowship of those who were in attendance.

It was a wonderful celebration that was held in conjunction with similar events hosted by MU Branches around the globe.

Many thanks for the financial donations, to those who provided the fancy sandwiches and sweets, and to those who volunteered their time to make tea, decorate and serve at this event.

-- Susan Watson, Co-Branch Leader, Mothers' Union - Cathedral Branch

The Queen’s Jubilee Tea

Celebrating the Bishop’s Pilgrimage

On the Day of Pentecost, Sunday, 05 June we celebrated with Archbishop David Edwards the conclusion of his pilgrimage through the Archdeaconry of Fredericton, arriving at the Cathedral just before 2:00 p.m..

A picnic lunch with hot dogs, sandwiches, popcorn and sweets began at about 12:00 noon. About 25 headed across the river to meet the Bishop at the north end of the Bill Thorpe Walking Bridge at about 1:30 p.m. The final celebration commenced just after 2:00 p.m.

Queen’s Jubilee Tea

Mothers’ Union is pleased to invite the congregation to The Queen’s Jubilee Tea, to be held inside the Cathedral on Saturday, 04 June from 2:00-4:00 p.m.

Tea, cold drinks, sweets and sandwiches will be served in honour of the Platinum Jubilee of her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth. Everyone is welcome to dress in their “Royal Best“ including hats and fascinators!

Free admission. Donations given through Cathedral envelopes or online giving will receive a tax receipt (please note 'Mothers' Union Tea' in the message field).

Tea and Flowers

Parishioners and friends were recently invited to Cathedral Memorial Hall to welcome spring with tea and sweets.

The event, hosted by the Anglican Church Women (ACW) and held on May 21, also celebrated the birthday of Mary Allwood, a long-time, very active ACW member.

Many hands pitched in to create beautiful decorations and table settings which featured the art of the Cathedral Matters rug hooking group. A large banner highlighted important events from 1925, the year of Mary's birth.

The celebration was well attended by several dozen people over two hours, and was enjoyed by all.

Spring Tea

All are welcome to enjoy tea and sweets at an event hosted by the Anglican Church Women on Thursday, 21 April, 2:30-4:30 p.m. in Cathedral Memorial Hall.

The tea will also fête Mary Allwood, a long-time, very active ACW member on her birthday (best wishes only, at Mary’s request).

Masks are required at the tea, except when seated and eating.

Clergy Day Stresses Need for Discernment

Photo credits: Shawn Branch (top), Gisele McKnight (bottom)

The need for discernment in these uncertain times was the theme of an all-day gathering March 30 at Christ Church Cathedral.

The event began with the annual Blessing of Oils and Renewal of Vows of Ministry. About 40 listened as Archbishop David Edwards preached about the pandemic, its aftermath and the role of the church in that.

“I am reminded of the letter I sent out two years ago, when it all began, about the government closure for two weeks, and saying ‘I think we’ll be back by Palm Sunday,” he said with a wry laugh.

[Continue reading below]

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Read the full article, written by Gisele McKnight and published April 5, 2022 on the Anglican Diocese of Fredericton website.


Spring Concerts in the Cathedral

Spring is returning to Fredericton, and concerts are returning to the Cathedral!

Known for its wonderful acoustics, Christ Church Cathedral is considered an excellent venue for musical performances. This spring, we are pleased to be the host venue for a number of concerts featuring local musicians.

09 April, 2022 -- The Fredericton Symphony Orchestra invites you to welcome the change of the season on Saturday, 09 April at 7:30 p.m., at Christ Church Cathedral. Our concert “FSO Big & Bold” features an overture by Canadian composer, Sir Ernest MacMillan, “Nimrod” from Edward Elgar’s Enigma Variations, “Norsk Kunstnerkarneval” by Johan Svendsen, and Antonín Dvořák’s Symphony No. 6 in D Major. Tickets available online.

24 April, 2022 -- After a two-year break, Choeur Louisbourg (The Louisbourg Choir) will be back on stage with a spring tour of New Brunswick, with 4 concerts including Sunday, 24 April, 3:00 p.m. at Christ Church Cathedral in Fredericton. Cathedral Organist and Director of Music Thomas Gonder will accompany the choir at all locations. For this first concert since the beginning of the pandemic, artistic director Monique Richard has chosen a repertoire that is meant to be balm for the soul. The program will be devoted to two major works for choir and organ: Requiem by Maurice Duruflé (1902-1986) and Lux aeterna by Morten Lauridsen (b. 1943). Tickets, at a cost of $30.00, will be on sale at the door. Admission is free for students. Learn more.

14 May, 2022 -- The Capital Camerata Singers, a Fredericton chamber choir under the direction of Anne Sessa, will present a concert on Saturday, 14 May, at 7:30 p.m. in Christ Church Cathedral. Known for their blend and artistic expression, the Camarata Singers perform the very best in choral a cappella music, from Renaissance to contemporary choral arrangements and Spirituals. Tickets are available at Westminster Books and at the door. $20 (adults), $15 (students/underemployed) and $30 (families).

03-05 June -- Unfortunately, the New Brunswick Choral Federation’s Choral Fest has been cancelled for 2022. Details.

11 June, 2022 -- Bel Canto Singers (program and ticket information to come)

We look forward to welcoming you to the Cathedral to enjoy these spring musical events. In July, we will resume our own Summer Music Series with concerts an noon each Friday throughout July and August. Stay tuned for an announcement about the lineup.

When We Gather

This post reflects direction for staying safe to the end of June 2022 and continues to be a model of our regard for each other.

The Government of New Brunswick has lifted its COVID-19 mandates, but we are still requesting care for others. Procedures and recommendations for the Cathedral and Memorial Hall are listed below.

Cathedral West Door

Photo: Dalton London

1. Face masks
Masks are encouraged at worship and Cathedral gatherings (read about well-fitting masks).

2. Self-monitor
If you have any symptoms of illness – even mild – please stay at home. Livestreams and recorded video are available from our YouTube Channel. Worship and sermon podcasts are available: listen or subscribe.

3. Entering and exiting
Please be understanding of those who may wish to maintain some personal space. Keeping personal traffic flowing at entrances will be helpful.

4. Seating
Greeters may be able to help you find suitable seating if you prefer to remain distanced.

5. Hand sanitation
Please continue to be attentive to hand washing and the use of hand sanitizer, especially before and after contact with high touch surfaces.

6. Communion
Before the administration, the presider will wash thoroughly by going briefly to the sacristy. At Communion, approach in one line up the center aisle, with your mask in place. The host only will be safely delivered to your hands. Return by way of a side aisle. If you need to remove a mask, please consume the host after leaving the Communion station, removing it briefly.

7. Offering
The offering will be received by way of a plate near the back of the Cathedral and collected by greeters following worship.

Thank you for your continued care and concern for others.

Cathedral Memorial Hall is open to the public, for rentals and congregational use. Pandemic precautions are encouraged.

We're pleased to rent space to community groups participating in the arts, youth programs, addiction recovery, and inclusive programming. Cathedral groups include crafting, child/youth activities, emotional support, Bible studies, service groups and exercise. Individual rentals for private events are also available. Those wishing to rent the Hall should contact the Office to book space and specify set-up needs. Phone (506) 450-8500 or email <office at>.

Watch ‘The Chosen’ With Us

On Sunday 6 March, the first Sunday of Lent, as part of our Ad-LENT-ures 2022 offerings, the Cathedral and the Cathedral Youth Group (CYG) were pleased to host a screening of the first episode of The Chosen. More than twenty people gathered in the Cathedral Main Hall and were introduced in a new way to four important scriptural figures -- Mary of Magdala, Nicodemus the Pharisee, Matthew the tax collector, and Simon the fisherman.

The Chosen claims to be the largest crowd-funded media project in history, and aims to film and produce seven full seasons of eight episodes each, portraying the life of Christ and the disciples. All of the episodes can be streamed -- for free -- from The Chosen standalone app.

If you missed episode 1, watch it at home and join us on Sundays to enjoy fellowship and watch more episodes!

The Cathedral/CYG will be screening the first season of The Chosen on Sunday evenings during Lent, from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. in Cathedral Memorial Hall.  Here is the tentative schedule:

  • 6 March ~ Episode 1
  • 13 March ~ Episodes 2 & 3
  • 20 March ~ Episode 4
  • 27 March ~ Episode 5
  • 3 April ~ Episodes 6 & 7
  • 10 April (Palm Sunday) ~ Episode 8
Please come along to any or all of the evenings for the viewings and a brief time of discussion afterwards. And bring friend(s)! Refreshments provided.RSVPs requested, to Kurt Schmidt -- by email to < at> or by text to 506-259-3711.