Bishop and Chapter

Bishop and Chapter News – June 2024

Bishop and Chapter News – June 2024

Bishop and Chapter met on 18 June 2024 with 11 of 12 members present, Richard Crowe was meeting chair. Minutes of 21 May 2024 were adopted. An article entitled “The Risk of Trying to Please Everyone” by Mike Bonem was briefly discussed. “The hard work of change doesn’t call for pleasing everyone, but it does […]

Congregational Meeting with the Bishop

Congregational Meeting with the Bishop

A congregational meeting will be held at the request of the Bishop from 6:30-7:30 p.m. on Thursday, 25 April. The meeting will be held in Cathedral Memorial Hall. All members of the congregation are invited to attend this follow-up to the November 2023 meeting about the cathedral building. Minutes from that meeting can be found […]

Congregational meeting with the Bishop

Congregational meeting with the Bishop

In 2022, the contracted firm of Heritage Standing delivered a comprehensive report on the significant costs of the maintenance issues facing the Cathedral. Earlier this year the Cathedral and Synod contracted with Source Alliance to undertake a study on the feasibility of funding required renovations. Approximately 45 individuals/couples were interviewed and a report was produced. […]