5 Key Principles for Fostering Generosity in Children

Generosity for children

Ann Michel of the Lewis Center staff says the church needs to renew efforts to foster generosity in our children. She shares five principles that can help instill the joy of giving in the next generation of givers.

How can we help our children become responsible, generous, unselfish people? This question is critical to the church as it looks to shape the next generation of faithful givers. It is even more critical to families confronted with the “gimme-gimme-gimme” mindset our consumeristic culture pushes onto their children from the most tender age.

While the need to instill generosity in younger generations is more critical than ever, it is also more challenging than ever before. Some of us are old enough to remember ... Read more

Anglican-Lutheran statement on war in the holy land

Anglican-LutheranOn Saturday the world watched in horror as Hamas launched a rapid, devastating barrage of violence against Israel. Rockets, drone attacks, the killing of civilians and the taking of hostages have ignited long simmering tensions between Israel and Palestine. Israel has responded with ongoing rocket attacks and the death toll on all sides rises daily.

Our hearts grieve at the resurgence of violence that bereaves both Palestinian and Israeli families. We long for peace and security for the people of Israel who seek a safe place to live free from discrimination, anti-semitism and repeated pogroms. We long for peace and security ... continue reading

Stone Soup Worship Planning

Lewis Center for Church LeadershipMaybe you’ve heard it said that for lavish worship, congregations must have a “Worship Design Team” — experts gathered to design, script, rehearse, and coordinate the event. In detail. Every. Single. Week. But what if small congregations have a more powerful option — one that expands participation, emphasizes lay leadership, ends the burnout of meetings, invites local gifts, and heightens anticipation? They do. It’s called Stone Soup worship planning.

Teresa Stewart says that small congregations have a powerful worship planning option that expands participation, emphasizes lay leadership, ends the burnout of meetings, invites local gifts, and heightens anticipation. It’s called Stone Soup worship planning.

Stone Soup is a popular European folktale. It’s told in different ways around the world, but the essence is this: A stranger shows up in a small village. The stranger is hungry. So are the villagers ... Read more

2023 Thanksgiving Pastoral


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Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton Thanksgiving 2023

Dear Friends,

At Thanksgiving this year we’ll be reading one of the more familiar gospel texts about gratitude from Luke 17. It might be called, “The Nine Guys Who Forgot;” instead, some biblical translations title it “Jesus Cleanses Ten Lepers.” While some suggest the latter simply reflects a “glass half full” optimistic description, the text itself may reveal Jesus’ real concern. When only one leper returned, Jesus asks,

‘Were not ten made clean? But the other nine, where are they?’

“But the other nine, where are they?” Jesus’ question conveys with some degree of certainty something of his minimal expectations.

In an age with widespread attitudes of entitlement, pure gift is taken very much for granted. Comparing our good fortune with that of others helps us be assured we have far less than many. Twenty-first century western culture suffers from a memory too short to enliven the kind of gratitude Jesus expected from the lepers or of us. That’s probably why Luke told the story. One would expect a miracle such as this to cause over-the-top thanksgiving. Did the nine just forget? Can we accept the real meaning of the story may be the less optimistic “glass-ninety-percent-empty?” Are we more like the nine or the one? What are the signs?

When I was growing up my parents were constantly prompting me: “What do you say?” The “thank you” that would follow I uttered maybe just to avoid the question being asked but eventually, it came naturally. If I still say it often out of habit there’s little harm in that. Gratitude is what we feel. Thanksgiving is what we do. Peace and happiness are wishful thinking without thanksgiving shaped by an attitude of gratitude.

“If there was ever a secret for unleashing God’s powerful peace in a situation, it’s developing a heart of true thanksgiving,” says author Lysa Terkeurst.

One effects the other this Thanksgiving and every day. Making gratitude concrete by returning to give thanks pleases God. Giving thanks has the power to encourage inward gratitude important to the healthy Christian spirit.

If there was ever a secret for unleashing God’s powerful peace in a situation, it’s developing a heart of true thanksgiving.

I pray you are enriched by whatever customs are yours at this time of year. We’ll be expressing gratitude and giving thanks at Christ Church Cathedral on Sunday, October 8th at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. and I pray we’ll also see you there.

Give an offeringYours sincerely,


Geoffrey Hall (The Very Rev’d)
Dean of Fredericton



Bishop and Chapter News – September 2023

Bishop and Chapter met on 11 September 2023 with 10 of 13 members present. Minutes of the last meeting were unavailable and will be considered at the next meeting. Members read and briefly discussed “The Ultimate Guide to Delegation” (Nick Blevins) – categories: What to Delegate, To Whom to Delegate, How to Delegate. Resources to Delegate Better and 7 steps to follow included.



•   Preaching through the Season of Creation 01 September - 4 October; vacation 24 July - 13 August; staff meetings 27 June and 05 September, outside Communions (1), committee/group meetings (2), staff and deacon reviews completed, home visits (3), 3 home/hospital communions, 2 funerals / 1 committal / 2 attended, Evening Prayer Jackson Falls 23 August, July/August Sunday worship attendance (75 avg) - 10 September (106).

•   Vacancies: Chapter Property | Vice-Chair | Nominating


Synod Finance Committee (2)


•   17 September 8:00, 10:30, 4:00 every other week resumes
•   18-20 September - Diocesan Clergy Conference, Renforth


Bishop’s letters: appointment of Isabel Cutler, Deacon and permission to administer Communion (D. Beek)


•   Benevolence Policy - adopted as of 11 September 2023
•   Recognition - Canon Rod Black as Honorary Assistant


June Report of Planning Study - Source Alliance returned the final report of the feasibility study (January - May) regarding Cathedral restoration, Our Bishop has one other contact he wishes to make. Cathedral officers and the Bishop considering the next step in light of the current circumstances. Letters of thanks will be sent to planning study participants this week.


Treasurer - Offerings stable but below budget with a 31 August deficit of $55,657. Payroll and Shared Ministry is $36,000 monthly. $9,887 in flow through donations (PWRDF, community ministries etc.) to be transferred. Sunday financial update presentation before the end of September

Administration and Finance - tour guide season has ended with thanks

Worship - no report

Property - noted recent gifts-in-kind with thanks

Health and Pastoral Care - no meeting. Only a few COVID test kits left

Mission Outreach - completed draft Benevolence Policy; Belize Missions Yard Sale for scholarships a success; Mijia’s from Honduras visited 25 June

Communications - no recent meeting. Additional souvenirs were acquired for sale during the summer tour season

Christian Formation - planning for 30 Sept Day of Truth and Reconciliation; Life in the Eucharist postponed to Fall 2024; Godly Play has resumed; discussed possible quiet space on the Green

Welcome and Hospitality - no meeting. 3 committee members + Dean


•   Nominating Committee - 4-1st term / 1-2nd term vacancies upcoming in 2024. T. Maston (Lay-Chair) plans not to let his name stand for a second term
•   30 September - Day of Truth and Reconciliation
•   21 October - Farraline Gala Fundraiser


Monday, 16 October 2023                                                                GMH

5 Things That Undermine an Apology – Prepare/Enrich

Have you ever been on the receiving end of a bad apology? How did it make you feel? Even if you couldn’t articulate exactly what what was off about it, you might have walked away feeling a sense of dissatisfaction, or even more hurt or angry than you were initially. Have you been on the other side of this situation? You tried to apologize to your spouse, but it was not received well. Maybe you felt like you were doing all the right things, but it’s not coming across the way you’d like. What went wrong?

The fact of the matter is, a meaningful apology is more than just uttering the words, “I’m sorry.” Here are five things that can undermine an apology.

1. The “I’m sorry, but…”

If you’re adding “but” to the end of your apology, you’re essentially contradicting anything you said before it. Sometimes it’s an excuse: “I’m sorry I said that, but I was really frustrated.” Other times it’s a way to shift blame: “I’m sorry I did that, but you did it first.” And sometimes, you’re simply trying to offer an explanation: “I’m sorry I was so late and didn’t call, but I took a wrong turn.” It’s natural to want to explain yourself and even to deflect blame away from yourself. However, attaching these conditions to your apology is essentially leaning into an excuse for what you did. Instead, work on taking ownership and ...  Read more

Praying together: Strength amidst fire SUNDAY AUGUST 27th

Thursday, 24 August 2023


On Sunday August 27th at 7 p.m. EDT I invite Anglicans and friends to join me in a prayer vigil for all those affected by the forest fires in BC and NWT.    The extent of the devastation, the evacuation of thousands of people, the courage and exhaustion of firefighters and caregivers all need to be held in prayer and we know we will find strength together.

Please share this link in your diocese to join me – with I hope some of the affected bishops – on Sunday -    https://fb.me/e/1qOaFVkyx

With gratitude for our sharing in the gospel,


The Most Rev. Linda Nicholls
Archbishop and Primate
Anglican Church of Canada

Help Children Grow in Faith and Generosity

Spirit of generosity

10 Ways to Help Children Grow in Faith and Generosity



How can parents shape a generous spirit in their children? Ken Sloane outlines ten practical ways families can focus more intentionally on giving and gratitude, compassion, and service so that their children grow in faith and generosity.

Who doesn’t want to see our children grow up knowing how to manage money wisely and generously — acknowledging that all blessings come from a generous God who wants our lives to be abundant and full of love and compassion? Unless we are intentional about teaching them, they have only what they will hear from the media and marketers   read more ...

Bishop and Chapter News – June 2023

Bishop and Chapter met on 19 June 2023 with 12 of 13 members present. Minutes of the meeting on 15 May 2023 were adopted.



  • outside corporate Communions (2); committee/group meetings (4); Thy Kingdom Come (18-28 May) Novena weekdays; Ordination (30 May); weekly staff meetings (4); work planning with Director of Music; marriage preparation (1) Wedding (17 Jun); home visits (4); 3 home / hospital communions; 2 Cathedral funerals / 2 attended; Evensong - Installation/Collation (04 Jun); Staff and Deacon reviews underway (3); collaboration with I. Cutler re deacon appointment; generally running behind on pastoral visitation; proposing vacation 24 July - 13 August
  • Recommend publicizing “Help Wanted.” Various needs including: communion administrators; home communions; hospital visitors; lectors; intercessors; servers, website content and maintenance, social media maintenance; others identified by committees
  • Vacancies: Chapter Vice-Chair | Chapter Property | Nominating


  • Synod Finance Committee (1); Diocesan Council (1)


  • Appointment recommendation to the Bishop. That we recommend our Bishop consider the appointment of the Rev’d Isabel Cutler, as Deacon at Christ Church Cathedral
  • Administration of Communion. Request our Bishop grant permission for Donna Beek to administer communion.
  • Approve transfer of 400 shares of BMO securities to Diocesan Consolidated Investments (Cathedral Anglican Church Women)
  • move an additional $20,000 unrestricted investments to operating fund for summer cash flow bringing the total to $70,000


June Report of Planning Study - Source Alliance having returned the final report of the feasibility study (January - May) regarding Cathedral restoration, Our Bishop chaired this portion of the meeting. The Report suggests an urgency as well as several options for consideration. The Report was shared with members of the Chapter with a request that it not yet be made public. Our Bishop requested some time to make several key contacts and that the Chapter continue in discernment.


Treasurer - May offerings $36,860. Year-to-date deficit to 31 May -$39,739. Summer cash flow deficiency anticipated

Administration and Finance - interview of tour guides this week; June staff reviews underway

Worship - no report

Property - Unforeseen Cathedral furnace repair to be completed in the next few weeks - $34,000 to 38,000 estimated total cost

Health and Pastoral Care - no meeting of purview groups as of yet

Mission Outreach - in process: considering policy for request for benevolent funds; Belize Missions Yard Sale for St. Hilda scholarships; Mijia’s from Honduras visit 25 June

Communications - weddings at the Cathedral website post series; video for St. Saviour Latvia - Night of the Churches event;; Thy Kingdom Come “daily short readings” videos; publicity for current events

Christian Formation - planning for 30 Sept Day of Truth and Reconciliation; fall 2023 Life in the Eucharist

Welcome and Hospitality - assisted with refreshments for a June funeral; Mejia visit refreshments/luncheon 25 June



  • Monday, 11 September 2023                                                            GMH