2016 Easter Pastoral Letter

2016 Easter Pastoral Letter

Lent 2016 Dear Friends In Christ, With the dawn of Easter the Christian Church once again realizes anew the greatest joy of faith. The preparation of Lent and the horror of Holy Week breaks with the celebration of new life — the Saviour is risen! We celebrate the newness of life at Easter. Jesus’ Resurrection […]

Youth Mission Conference 2016

Youth Mission Conference 2016

“Stones Across the Water” is the name of the Youth and Intergenerational Ministries team of Diocesan Council’s upcoming youth mission conference at Camp Medley HAS BEEN POSTPONED.  New date TBA. The conference name, “Stones Across the Water,” comes from the Mother Teresa quote, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone […]

Help the hungry

Help the hungry

The big wicker basket near the baptismal font is seldom empty. People arriving for worship each Sunday drop off a box of cereal, canned soup, toothpaste, pasta sauce, tea and more. “It’s a small but quiet ministry at the cathedral,” says Doug Milander from the Outreach Committee. “We provide the basket to make it easy […]

Evensong with Bishop Medley

Evensong with Bishop Medley

Choral Evensong 06 March 2016 Featuring the music of John Medley, first Bishop of Fredericton The first Bishop of Fredericton is perhaps best known for the establishment of the Anglican Diocese of Fredericton, the building of its Cathedral of Christ Church and many other churches throughout New Brunswick. Medley supported free pews, free-will offerings and […]

Confirmation – A “New” Approach?

Confirmation –  A “New” Approach?

This year at the Cathedral, we’re offering preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation, the Laying on of Hands by the Bishop. The programme outline is here. The goal is age-old, to bring those who seek strengthening in the Faith by the Holy Spirit into closer relationship with God and with the rest of the Church. […]

Cathedral Faces – Isabel Cutler

Cathedral Faces – Isabel Cutler

By Gisele McKnight, NB Anglican Editor During the Lenten season, we are encouraged to reflect. With that in mind, the ACW of Christ Church Cathedral invited their recently retired parish nurse, Isabel Cutler, to present a reflection on her life. This is a report from that Feb. 17 meeting — Isabel’s life reflection, not only […]

Syrian Refugee Initiative

Syrian Refugee Initiative

Archdeaconry of Fredericton Approximately 4.6 million Syrians have fled the country as refugees to escape the violence of civil war. More than half of these refugees are children. While the majority of refugees are fleeing to surrounding countries, these resources are limited and cannot accommodate the need. Our Canadian government has stepped up to help […]