Cathedral Faces – Betty Cluthé

Cathedral Faces – Betty Cluthé

Betty Cluthé joined Christ Church Cathedral in 2011. She attends the 10am Holy Eucharist and currently volunteers with the Cathedral Visitors. She was born in Germany and raised in the Lutheran Church. Surviving World War II and the collapse of Berlin, Betty emigrated from Germany and arrived in Canada in 1954, following in her sister’s […]

Music Monthly – March 2017

Music Monthly – March 2017

01 March – Ash Wednesday 7.30pm: Holy Eucharist with Ashes (BAS) Missa l’hora passa – Viadana Psalm 103:8-18 Psalm 51 Hide not thou thy face – Farrant 170, 180, 558 Prelude on O Mensch, bewein’ BWV 622 – Bach 05 March 2017 – First Sunday in Lent 10.00: Choral Eucharist with Great Litany Mass of […]

Positive Piety

Positive Piety

“Beware of practicing your piety before others in order to be seen by them.” Matthew 6:1 The word “piety” rings with a negative tone in most ears. One who we describe to be pious is not one we hope to be. We know the pious one to be overly centred on the self, showing a […]

Grateful family making the rounds

Grateful family making the rounds

When Liberian refugee Esther Gmah was in hospital for months last fall, she had time on her hands to hatch a plan. “I want to visit all the churches helping my family,” she announced to a refugee sponsorship committee volunteer one day. “To say thank you,” she added. Several parishes raised money and did paperwork […]

Bishop and Chapter News – Feb 2017

Bishop and Chapter met on Wednesday evening, 15 February with nine of thirteen members present. The meeting was postponed from 13 February due to weather. Minutes of the 16 January 2017 meeting were adopted. The Dean offered some reflection on the Gospel for the coming Sunday and the nature of truth as it is considered […]

2017 Lenten Study

2017 Lenten Study

Our Bishop recommends “Noticing God” by Richard Peace for study during Lent 2017. In his opening words, Peace sets the goal of his book: Where is God? How do we notice the presence of God? How do we encounter this God that we sense? How do we know it is God and not some figment […]

Installation of Canons and Archdeacon 05 February

Installation of Canons and Archdeacon 05 February

Bishop David Edwards installed the Rev’d Deacon Francene (Fran) Bedell, the Rev’d Greg McMullin, the Rev’d Wandlyn Snelgrove and the Rev’d Allen Tapley as canons of Christ Church Cathedral during a transferred celebration of Candlemas on 05 February 2017. Wandlyn Snelgrove was collated as Archdeacon of Fredericton. The Ven. Patricia Drummond retired from that position […]

Report of the Dean to the 2017 Annual Meeting

Report of the Dean to the 2017 Annual Meeting

Looking forward, looking back At least once each year it is a healthy and good exercise to stop and look backward. That’s not a useless reminiscence, but rather an opportunity to allow what God has been saying over the past year inform what happens in the next. In my day to day ministry, the days […]

Cathedral Faces – Lois Baker

Cathedral Faces – Lois Baker

Lois Baker, a familiar face to the Cathedral family, has been an integral force in the Cathedral since she arrived here from Newcastle in 1956 as a student at Teachers’ College, living in the old Rosary Hall among the nuns. She met her husband, Gerald Baker, in Fredericton, and he wanted to marry her but […]